Aren't the Ming troops going to surround the place for reinforcements?

Then the Ming army should go around that point, the Qing Dynasty will not be fooled!
If you want to fight, go to Changsha where the Ming army is empty of troops!

After hearing this, Agui objected with a somewhat negative attitude.

"It's too late!"

"It will take at least half a month for our army to get from Yuezhou to Changsha. Including the time it takes for us to attack Changsha and the time it takes for the Ming thieves to receive news of Changsha's emergency in Jingzhou, it will take at least 20 days inside and outside."

"But can Jingzhou survive for 20 days?"

Agui is now very pessimistic about the war situation, and his whole person seems a little depressed.

He really didn't expect that after the Ming rebels finished the battle of Changsha, they didn't take advantage of the situation to march into Yuezhou, but instead went to Jingzhou in a detour.

In this case, the arrangement that Agui made in Yuezhou was just a show of flattery to a blind man.

Seeing Hailancha lowering his head in deep thought, Agui continued.

"Also, what if the Ming thieves go east along the Yangtze River and take Yuezhou directly when our army sends troops to attack Changsha?"

"Once Yuezhou is captured by the Ming army, our army will be trapped in Hunan by the Ming thieves!"

Marching from Yuezhou to Changsha must take the land route!

From Jingzhou to Yuezhou, you just need to go eastward along the Yangtze River.

Which of the two is faster and which is slower is obvious!
If Agui goes to attack Changsha, the Ming army can definitely go east along the river and capture Yuezhou before the Qing army captures Changsha.

Zhu Jing'an chose to attack Jingzhou instead of coming to Yuezhou to gnaw at the fortified city. He really pushed Agui into a corner at the minimum cost.

"What about Jingzhou?"

Chatai asked.

Agui didn't want to take the risk with the one he had in his hand in order to save Jingzhou. It was the only one in the entire Southern Qing Dynasty that still had the ability to check and balance the army of Ming thieves.

Because he loves the Qing Dynasty more than his own official hat!
Jingzhou was lost, and although Agui would lose his official position, the Qing troops and horses in Yuezhou could still be preserved.

As long as Yuezhou's troops and horses are not defeated by the Ming army, the Qing Dynasty's war situation in the south can still be maintained.

It would not be possible for the Ming army to kill them all to the south of the Yangtze River in one fell swoop without even a single soldier or horse capable of restraining the Ming army.

However, if Agui chooses to save Jingzhou.

Then the army under his command is at risk of being annihilated by the Ming army!

Once the army under Agui was wiped out by the Ming army in the field, the Qing's war situation in the south would really collapse completely.

By then, the Qing Dynasty will become the Northern Qing Dynasty!
Agui can't accept this happening!
However, Chatai had different ideas.

He cares more about his official title than the Qing Dynasty!

After the fall of Jingzhou, the emperor held himself and others accountable, and then dismissed himself from office.

He even wanted to lead his troops to fight under Jingzhou City!
What if they could defeat the Ming army and then relieve the siege of Jingzhou?
In any case, it is better than doing nothing in Yuezhou and waiting helplessly for the emperor to take away his official position!
Hai Lancha on the side also spoke in agreement.

"General, we can't ignore Jingzhou. There are now more than ten thousand nationalities in Jingzhou."

"Once those more than [-] nationalities fall into the hands of Ming thieves, and the Emperor pursues them, you and I will not be able to bear it."

The reason why I say this is because Hailancha also loves his official hat more!
He, Hai Lancha, could be so cruel that he would dye his crown red with the blood and bones of his entire clan.

This shows his desire for official position, glory and wealth!

In this case, how could he sit back and watch Jingzhou fall, and then have his official title removed by the emperor?

He doesn't even care about his own people, so how can he care about the life and death of the Qing Dynasty?

In order to keep his official position, Hailancha did not mind risking the future of the Qing Dynasty.

Again, if the officials don't do it for him, why do we still need the Qing Dynasty?

Seeing that Hailancha and Chatai had such attitudes, Agui showed a complicated look on his face and looked at the two of them deeply.

Then he spoke.

"This general knows what you are thinking!"

"However, this general will not allow you to take risks with the Qing Dynasty's last mobile force in the south."

"Now, I, the general, cannot afford to gamble! The Qing Dynasty cannot afford to gamble either!"

"As for what to do if the Emperor blames Jingzhou after it was lost? Let's put it this way, all the blame will be borne by this general."

"Don't worry, I can't blame you!"

Hailancha and Chatai looked at each other with complicated expressions.

The more selfless and great Agui is, the more despicable and shameless their personality becomes.

Both of them felt a little guilty.

In the end, Hailancha and Chatai said nothing and nodded in agreement.

"Everything is at the command of the general!"

Since Agui took the initiative to take the blame, they didn't have to take risks with Yuezhou's Qing army.


Soon, Sanbao, the governor of Huguang in Wuchang, also received a request for help from Jingzhou.

After Sanbao learned that the Ming army bypassed Dongting Lake and attacked Jingzhou, he was completely confused.

If Jingzhou is lost, the consequences will be disastrous!

Sanbao did not think as much as Agui. As soon as he received the emergency in Jingzhou, he ordered to mobilize his supervisors and the Hubei Green Camp units to set off to reinforce the war in Jingzhou.

Sanbao personally took command of the expedition and led the troops upstream along the Yangtze River towards Jingzhou.

When he led his troops to Yuezhou, Agui personally went out of the city to greet him.

Seeing that Agui was still in Yuezhou instead of leading troops to reinforce the war in Jingzhou, Sanbao looked unhappy and asked.

"What is General Agui doing? Didn't you receive a letter from Jingzhou asking for help?"

Hearing this, Agui nodded and admitted.

"I got it."

When Sanbao heard this, he couldn't help but scolded him.

"Did you receive it? Since you received it, why doesn't the general send troops to reinforce Jingzhou?"

"Once Jingzhou falls and more than ten thousand people fall into the hands of Ming thieves, will the general be able to bear the consequences?"

Hearing this, Agui just said with a solemn expression.

"It's not that I don't want to send troops to reinforce Jingzhou, but the war in Jingzhou has made it clear that the Ming thieves are encircling the area to seek reinforcements. If our army sends reinforcements to Jingzhou, wouldn't it be playing into the Ming thieves' ambitions?"

When Sanbao heard this, he said unceremoniously.

"so what!"

"Nothing will happen to the Eight Banners in Jingzhou. This is the bottom line of the Qing Dynasty."

Sanbao's attitude was very resolute. As the governor of Huguang, he could not bear the consequences of the fall of Jingzhou.

He must send troops to reinforce Jingzhou!

He can be defeated in the process of reinforcing Jingzhou, but he must not watch Jingzhou fall.

"Please also ask the general to send troops and go with this governor to reinforce Jingzhou!"

"Otherwise, I will report to the imperial court and impeach you!"

Upon hearing this, Agui's face completely fell.

Originally, the emperor was going to punish Agui, but once Sanbao, the governor of Huguang, also impeached him, it was definitely not good news for Agui.

However, Agui still twitched the corner of his mouth and spoke.

"The Qing Dynasty is in the south. Only Yuezhou's army can contain the Ming thieves' offensive. I cannot risk them going to Jingzhou City."

"Once the Yuezhou garrison suffers too many losses under Jingzhou City, the Ming thieves will really have unimpeded access throughout the south." "By then, the war situation in the entire south will be completely ruined!"

"What is more important between a Jingzhou city and the entire south, I believe the governor also knows."

When Sanbao heard this, he took a deep look at Agui.

Said instead.

"No matter what General Agui thinks, I will lead my troops to reinforce Jingzhou now."

"However, let's forget about the impeachment of the general. I'll pretend that I didn't say anything about it."

Sanbao can understand Agui's painstaking efforts.

He knew that Agui should be ready to be taken down and punished by the emperor.

He was prepared to use his own head to protect the Qing Dynasty's last mobile force in the south!
Facing such a pure person, Sanbao really couldn't do anything to add insult to injury.

As for the impeachment of Agui mentioned before, naturally it was dropped!
Hearing this, Agui said with a wry smile and cupped his fists.

"Thank you, Lord Governor, for your understanding."

Sanbao shook his head, said nothing more, and continued to lead the troops westward.


Outside Jingzhou City!

As the main force of the Ming army completed crossing the river and launched an all-out attack on Jingzhou City, the war had entered a fierce stage.

The sound of heavy artillery rumbles in succession!
A black artillery shell poured out firepower unbridled towards Jingzhou City.

Heavy cannonballs hit the city wall one after another, making a muffled sound.

The tall Jingzhou city wall was soon smashed into pits, wall stacks and gate towers were almost flattened.

The air is filled with choking smoke!
Visible to the naked eye, the city wall of Jingzhou was about to be destroyed by heavy artillery.

Since the advent of firearms, the role of city walls in war has been continuously reduced.

Facing the firepower delivered by heavy artillery groups, the tall city walls are no different from living targets.

Unless it is a low bastion, it can still have good defense capabilities in front of artillery.

Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand and squinted at Jingzhou City.

"Let our forward battalion prepare to wear armor!"

"Once the city wall is collapsed by our army's heavy artillery, the forward battalion will go up alone to capture Jingzhou City."

When the ordering soldier heard this, he cupped his fists and went to convey the order.

Zhu Jing'an looked at Zhang Jin beside him and asked.

"Is there anything unusual happening in Yuezhou now? Have troops been sent to reinforce the war in Jingzhou?"

Zhu Jing'an was a little careless when he asked this question.

After all, Agui is a veteran of the Qing army. No matter how stupid he is, he will not realize that the Ming army is encircling the point for reinforcements in the battle of Jingzhou.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an did not have much hope that he could successfully encircle Qing reinforcements in Jingzhou.

However, this does not prevent him from paying a little attention to the movements of the Qing army in Yuezhou!

What if Agui is really stupid?

If there are dates or not, let’s hit three poles!

Zhang Jin shook his head and said.

"Reporting to His Highness the Crown Prince, according to the news our army has received so far, there is no unusual movement by the Qing army in Yuezhou."

"However, Sanbao, the governor of Huguang in Wuchang, has sent reinforcements and is preparing to come to reinforce Jingzhou."

Zhu Jing'an looked surprised when he heard this, but then he reacted and just shook his head and said.

"This can be regarded as an unintentional intervention!"

“I didn’t catch the big fish I wanted to catch, but another big fish took the initiative to bite the hook.”

"Haha, it's interesting!"

Originally, when he attacked Jingzhou, it was Agui who planned it.

Unexpectedly, Agui did not take the bait, but Sanbaolai, the governor of Huguang, took the initiative to die.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"Send the order and step up the offensive against Jingzhou City!"

"After conquering Jingzhou, our army will immediately prepare to move eastward to meet the Qing army's reinforcements."

The main purpose of encircling a point and calling for reinforcements is to mobilize the enemy through the encircling point.

Let the enemy not be able to garrison the fortified city!
As long as the enemy is mobilized, there will be no need for the surrounding point to exist.

When Zhang Jin heard this, he cupped his fists and passed the order.

Soon, as the Ming army's central army's command flag waved, the roar of heavy artillery became more rapid.

At the same time, mortars and rockets were ready to fire.

After the heavy artillery destroyed the city wall, the Qing army would definitely send troops to plug the gap in the city wall as soon as possible.

At that time, it will be the best time for the Ming army's explosive shells and rockets to show their power and clear the ground.

The forward battalion of the Ming army also began to wear armor.

The one who was assigned the task of siege this time was the Shaanxi Green Battalion, which was newly surrendered in the Battle of Changsha among the vanguard battalions of the Ming Army.

These soldiers from the former Shaanxi Green Camp were dressed in armor, armed with swords, guns and spears, and were making final preparations before the war.

"Listen to me, do you see that Jingzhou city in front of you?"

"After defeating him, we will all be regular soldiers of the forward battalion from now on. We can also follow the Crown Prince to go to the south of the Yangtze River to divide the land and the wives, and enjoy the glory and wealth."

"If we can't defeat them, we will have no choice but to continue to be cannon fodder. If we go to Jiangnan, we can only watch helplessly as others divide the land, without our share."

“If we don’t work hard now, we will suffer from poverty for generations to come!”

"Work hard now, and future generations will enjoy the blessings!"

"You fucking straightened your back for me, tightened the sword and gun in your hand, and conquered Jingzhou City for me in one go. Let His Highness the Crown Prince see that we men from Gansu and Shaanxi are also good."

The junior officers shouted loudly and encouraged the surrendered soldiers of the forward battalion.

Hearing Zhu Jing'an's promise to allocate fields to them after conquering Jiangnan, the eyes of these surrendering soldiers were full of burning fierceness.

They were used to poverty in Gansu and Shaanxi, and they had longed for the wealth in Jiangnan!

Zhu Jing'an is willing to give them land in Jiangnan, and they are their reborn parents.

With the fertile fields of Jiangnan hanging in front of them, anything that dares to stand in front of them will be completely crushed by them!
"Go to Jingzhou and divide the fields!"

"Go to Jingzhou and divide the fields!"

"Go to Jingzhou and divide the fields!"


The surrendered soldiers raised their arms and shouted, and their morale was high.

Zhu Jing'an stood under the banner of his Chinese army, listening to the faint shouts coming from the direction of the forward battalion, he raised the corners of his mouth and spoke.

"Forward Battalion, the military morale is available!"

"Strong soldiers have been sent out from Guanzhong since ancient times. I just want to see how good these Guanzhong soldiers are!"

Zhu Jing'an said calmly.

Zhu Jing'an was very curious about this Shaanxi soldier who was defeated by the Ming army under the city of Changsha.

Now, this is the first time that Shaanxi soldiers have been on the battlefield, and Zhu Jing'an is looking forward to their performance. (End of chapter)

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