Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 186 Surrounding Wei and Rescue Zhao

On weekdays, the most they eat is to ensure that they don't starve to death.

What I eat the most are grains and wild vegetables, which is one dry meal and one thin meal a day.

Every night I feel hungry.

That is to say, during the holidays, you can eat some white rice and noodles to improve your life.

They may not be able to eat meat once a year.

Although I can occasionally catch a few fish when running a boat on weekdays.

But how could they be willing to eat it?

Most of the fish caught were sold for money in exchange for salt, cloth and other daily necessities.

Smelling the aroma of meat in the air, they wanted to swallow their tongues.

Sun He received his dinner with the wooden sign.

A bowl of white rice with broth poured over it. Stir it well and take a bite with chopsticks.

The aroma of rice and the oil in the broth explode on the tip of the tongue, making people confused by the aroma.

A large piece of stewed meat is rolled up in a flatbread. When you take a bite, the flavors of fat, spices and wheat are mixed together. Chew hard. Carbohydrates and proteins are the most satisfying.

"Fragrant, really fragrant!"

"I can't even remember the last time I ate meat! This big fat piece of meat tastes so good."

"His Royal Highness is very kind to soldiers. If soldiers can eat like this every day, I would also like to become a soldier."


A group of people were chattering and eating food.

Soon, everyone's stomach was full.

Although the Ming army limited the supply of meat, there was no limit to staple food.

Many people only put down their bowls and chopsticks until they can no longer eat.

Everyone goes to rest!


On the second day, as soon as it got dark, the Ming army began to pour firepower towards Jingzhou City.

The heavy cannons kept spitting out tongues of fire.

The rumble of shelling was deafening.

Sun He and others were awakened from their sleep by the sound of shelling. When they opened their eyes, they were informed that they should go to eat quickly. After eating, they continued to assist the army in crossing the river.


In Jingzhou City, it was also just dawn, and Ersu and others were awakened from their sleep by the sound of shelling.

After simply washing his face with cold water to refresh himself, Ersu ordered someone to call Xiang Huai for questioning.

"General Xiang, how are you preparing for the attack on the Ming thief artillery array out of the city?"

"Have the men been gathered yet?"

Xiang Huai stayed up all night, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was full of exhaustion.

But after hearing Ersu's inquiry, he still nodded and said.

"If you tell me back to the general, everything is ready. The general has summoned a thousand men who dare to die."

"As long as you give an order, General, these thousand men who dare to die can leave the city at any time to attack the Ming thief artillery array."

"Give the Ming army a look!"

Ersu said excitedly after hearing this.

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good!"

"Send the order, the army is ready to leave the city!"

"Blow the invading Ming thieves severely to enhance the prestige of our Qing Dynasty."

Hearing this, Xiang Huai clasped his fists and sent the order.


Outside the city, the Ming army's shelling continues!

One after another, artillery shells poured firepower towards the Jingzhou City Wall. The tall Jingzhou City Wall was pockmarked by the cannonballs.

The air is filled with a strong smell of gunpowder smoke!

The gunners of the Ming Army loaded and fired the artillery in strict accordance with the requirements of the drill.

However, at this moment, the city gate of Jingzhou suddenly opened.

Under the astonished gazes of the Ming army, a group of more than a thousand men, waving swords and guns and naked to the waist of their bodies, rushed out of Jingzhou City and charged directly at the Ming army's artillery array.

The sound of shouting and killing is deafening!

"Brothers, come on, kill the Ming thieves and protect the Qing Dynasty!"

"Capture the Ming thief's artillery formation and raise the flag to wrap it up!"


However, before they could rush to the Ming army's formation, they heard the rumble of horse hooves in the distance.

The Ming cavalry galloped towards these naked Qing troops.

The sharp spear pointed straight ahead, and the sound of horse hooves rumbled.

The tall and strong war horse and the heavily armored knight on the horse seem to be integrated into one body. Looking from a distance, they give people a huge sense of oppression.

The rumble of horse hooves was heard in unison, and the sound of heavy cavalry charging seemed to be trampling through the earth.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


The Ming army cavalry roared in, like a sharp arrow, heading straight towards the Qing army.

In just an instant, the heavy cavalry of the Ming army tore through the formation of the Qing army leaving the city as easily as tearing paper.

Under Ersu's heavy reward, those Qing army death squads who were ready to risk their lives to fight for a wealthy man were instantly overwhelmed by the Ming army's heavy cavalry.

The spear penetrated the human body easily under the momentum of the war horse.

In the blink of an eye, several people can be strung together to form a candied haws.The war horse galloped forward, and the terrifying kinetic energy could directly knock people away, causing broken bones and tendons, vomiting blood, and displacement of internal organs.

The heavy cavalry of the Ming army roared past, and the death squads sent by the Qing army to the city were rushed to pieces, killing most of them.

The remaining people could not bear the fear in their hearts and chose to surrender to the Ming army...

Ersu stood at the top of Jingzhou City, watching the scene happening outside the city. He was so angry that he couldn't help but beat his chest and feet.

"Damn it! It really deserves to be damned!"

"How could our soldiers be defeated so quickly? How could the Ming thief's cavalry be so sharp?"

Xiang Huai on the side said with a grimace.

"The cavalry of the Ming thieves defeated Sauron's soldiers before Changsha City."

"Although our officers and soldiers are brave, they are no match for Sauron's soldiers. Against the bright thieves who can defeat Sauron's soldiers, alas..."

Yang Mao on the side also felt cold all over.

My Qing army was defeated too quickly!

Just as a group of people at the top of Jingzhou City were shocked by the disastrous defeat of their own death squads, they saw the Ming Army cavalry roaring in from outside Jingzhou City.

He threw the bloody heads under Jingzhou City and shouted loudly.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has an order: Surrender without killing."

"Those who still disobey the destiny and resist stubbornly will be killed by the entire city's defenders!"


The shouts of the Ming army cavalry fell, and the city of Jingzhou fell into an eerie silence.

Many people are looking at each other, and their expressions are inevitably different.

Because although the Ming army had strict military discipline and never massacred cities, they often killed prisoners of war.

Especially those cities that persisted in resisting and refused to surrender in front of the Ming army. Once the city was defeated, many of the defenders were trapped and killed.

The most typical example is the battle in Changsha City!

The Changsha garrison refused the Ming Dynasty's surrender and resisted for a day in front of the Ming army. As a result, after the Changsha city was broken, [-]% of them were actually killed.

Although not many people were killed, the deterrent effect it could have on the Qing army was not bad!

Because the defenders in Changsha only resisted for one day and were killed by [-]%. What if they resisted longer?

It’s not impossible for all the defenders to be trapped and killed!
The defenders at the top of Jingzhou City couldn't help but look at each other for a while, looking at the bloody heads thrown by the Ming cavalry at the foot of Jingzhou City.

Everyone was speechless for a while, with fear inevitably growing in their hearts.


As time passed, more and more Ming troops successfully crossed the Yangtze River, came to the north bank of the Yangtze River, and joined the siege of Jingzhou City.

At the same time, the messenger sent by Jingzhou City for help was also heading east along the Yangtze River and arrived at Yuezhou.

"General, general, something bad is going to happen!"

Chatai, commander of the Xishan Jianrui Battalion, trotted all the way into Agui's Chinese army tent in Yuezhou City.

Agui raised his head and frowned somewhat dissatisfied.

"What happened? Why are you so panicked?"

"Are the thieves coming to kill you?"

In Agui's opinion, the most likely reason why Chatai was so panicked was that the Ming army was going to attack Yuezhou City.

However, they should have been mentally prepared for this!

Why be so alarmed?

Doesn’t this lose the face of my great Qing Dynasty?

Then, when Chatai heard this, he shook his head and said.

"No, no, the Ming thief didn't come to Yuezhou!"

"The Ming thieves did not plan to attack Yuezhou at all, but instead invaded Jingzhou!"

"There is an emergency in Jingzhou now. The messenger sent by Ersu for help is outside asking for help."

When Agui heard this, the expression on his face froze, and then there was a visible twitch.

He knew that he was completely finished now!

The importance of Jingzhou is self-evident. Once Jingzhou falls and the Eight Banners of Jingzhou fall into the hands of Ming thieves, there will be no way for him to explain to the emperor.

When Agui thought of this, his body softened and he collapsed on the chair.

Seeing this scene, Chatai continued to speak.

"General, please give the order. I will send troops to reinforce Jingzhou soon. There must be no loss in Jingzhou."

"Once Jingzhou is lost, the situation in Huguang will be completely ruined!"

Hearing this, Agui rubbed his stiff face vigorously, and then spoke.

"Reinforce Jingzhou? I would like to, too!"

"But in the Battle of Changsha, the Shaanxi Green Camp was destroyed. The remaining troops of our army almost did not have the ability to conduct large-scale field battles with the Ming thieves."

"If we go to reinforce Jingzhou, wouldn't that be playing into the hands of Ming thieves?"

The moment Agui heard about Jingzhou's emergency, he realized that the Ming army was preparing to encircle him for reinforcements.

Therefore, Agui has no idea of ​​​​reinforcing Jingzhou now.

What he is struggling with now is how he should explain to the court and the emperor after the fall of Jingzhou.

But Chatai didn't think so. After hearing that Agui didn't want to reinforce Jingzhou, he asked directly.

"General, you must not do it. There are still more than ten thousand nationalities in Jingzhou City."

"Once Jingzhou falls, won't the tens of thousands of nationalities fall into the hands of Ming thieves?"

"We must not sit idly by and ignore this!"

At this time, Hailancha also walked in from the outside and spoke.

"General, since the Ming Dynasty has mobilized troops to attack Jingzhou, the rear must be empty."

"How about our army attack Changsha now, force the Ming army to withdraw, and relieve the siege of Jingzhou?"

Hailancha's idea is very simple, that is to surround Wei and save Zhao!
By advancing into Changsha, they forced the Ming army to retreat from Jingzhou! (End of chapter)

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