Zhu Jing'an stood on the south bank of the Yangtze River, looking across the Yangtze River at the city of Jingzhou on the other side.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

"How long will it take for our army to cross the river?"

In front of him, there was a spectacular scene of thousands of sails vying for the crossing and hundreds of boats vying for the river.

Ships of various sizes were constantly traveling between the north and south banks of the Yangtze River, transporting a famous soldier and a large amount of food, grass and weapons to the north bank.

Zhang Jin on the side heard the words and spoke.

"If we return to His Majesty the Crown Prince, judging from the current progress, it will take about two or three days for all our troops to cross the river."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just nodded slightly and then spoke.

"Send people to search the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, recruit more civilian ships for crossing the river, and strive to get all the troops across the Yangtze River within two days."

Zhang Jin nodded to express his understanding.

Zhu Jing'an thought for a while, and then continued.

"Also, send an order to our army's crossing troops to launch a tentative attack on Jingzhou City."

A small city in Jingzhou, with only [-] green battalions and [-] Eight Banners soldiers stationed in the city.

Such a force, in the years of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, would have definitely not been light.

Because back then, whether it was the Eight Banners or the Green Camp, their combat effectiveness was not weak.

But it's different now. The words "Eight Banners Soldiers" have almost become a joke.

And Green Camp was already dead!
Five thousand green battalions and three thousand eight flags are really not a difficult opponent.

If Jingzhou wasn't a fortified city, it would be a little tricky.

It is not even necessary for the main force of the Ming army to cross the river. It is not difficult to deal with these 8000 people with the Ming army forwards who have now completed the crossing.


With the flag waving, the Ming army's forwards who had completed crossing the river began to launch a tentative attack on Jingzhou.

As per the old rules, the Ming army's heavy artillery group was still the first to perform on the battlefield.

Large-caliber artillery pieces were placed on the artillery position. The black muzzles were aimed at the tall city walls of Jingzhou and began to pour out firepower.

Amidst the deafening sound of shelling, a black shell hit Jingzhou City.

The cannonball hit the city wall of Jingzhou hard, and a large crater suddenly appeared. Spider-web-like cracks spread randomly around the crater.

Continuous shells hit the Jingzhou city wall, making the Jingzhou city wall tremble.

The scene is shocking!

Ersu stayed under the city wall, listening to the rumble of shelling from outside the city with Yang Mao and Xiang Huai, his face so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

"Damn it, the Ming thief's firearms are really sharp!"

"The sound of heavy artillery firing sounded like the sky was falling. It was really scary."

Ersu kept pacing in place, his face full of solemnity.

Listening to the rumbling sound of shelling, Ersu felt as if the king of hell was calling his name.

Every time a cannonball hit the city wall, the loud noise made Ersu's heart almost stop.

"This can't go on like this. If the Ming thieves are allowed to bombard us with heavy artillery like this, it will only be a matter of time before the Jingzhou city wall collapses."

"Once the city wall collapses, Jingzhou will definitely be lost!"

Xiang Huai also said with a worried look.

He did not believe that after the fall of the Jingzhou city wall, the defenders had the courage and ability to engage in street fighting with the Ming army.

Yang Mao heard this and suggested.

"How about sending brave men out of the city to raid the Ming thief artillery array?"

"If we can destroy the Ming thief's artillery formation, Jingzhou can still be defended. Otherwise, Jingzhou will definitely not be protected."

When Ersu heard this, he said with a troubled expression.

"What Magistrate Yang said is reasonable, but who should be sent?"

"There are few such brave men in the army!"

Now the entire Qing army was so frightened by the Ming army that they did not even dare to attack the Ming army halfway across the river or block the Ming army's landing.

Let alone go out of the city at this time and take the initiative to attack the Ming army.

This is not realistic!
The current Qing army has long been in ruins. It is no longer the invincible Qing army when they first entered the pass.

It has long lost its psychological advantage against the Ming army!

However, when Xiang Huai heard the words, he opened his mouth and said.

"Replying to the general, I feel that there must be a brave man under the heavy reward!"

"As long as the general and the prefect can give enough rewards, there will definitely be no shortage of loyal and brave men in the general's deployment."

Now the Eight Banners has been soaked in glory and wealth, and its bones have been softened, and it is considered completely useless!

But if Shangguan can offer enough reward, the green camp soldiers will still be able to fight.

If there is a chance, the green camp soldiers who are afraid of poverty will not mind risking their lives to fight for wealth!

Ersu nodded when he heard this.

"That's fine. As long as the soldiers can seize the Ming army's artillery array outside Jingzhou City, I will definitely reward them generously."

"Even if we report to the Emperor, raising the flag for meritorious soldiers is not beyond discussion!"

Ersu opened his mouth and came, making a promise to Xiang Huai.

Of course, Ersu's promise was not a blank check. As a general in Jingzhou, he also had status within the Eight Banners.

With his status, it is still possible to operate some coated banners!
Although Baoyi claims to be a slave, he is also a slave in the Eight Banners system. To a certain extent, he is also a member of the Eight Banners.

Fan Wencheng, Hong Chengchou and other famous traitors back then were just slaves in disguise.

In the Qing Dynasty, the status of Baoyi is much higher than that of ordinary Han people!
Of course, it's just a few operations.

No more!
It was the emperor's power to raise the flag on a large scale for his subordinates, and Ersu would definitely not dare to touch it.

Hearing this, Xiang Huai's face showed obvious surprise and joy.

It was obvious that even he, a general, could not help but be moved by Ersu's proposal.

You know, that's raising the flag!

Once you raise the flag, you will become one of our own people in the Qing Dynasty.

The future is naturally limitless...

Xiang Huai said excitedly.

"Don't worry, General, I will make arrangements right now..."


On the Yangtze River, countless ships plied between the north and south banks, transporting soldiers of the Ming Dynasty across the river.

Sun He rocked the oar desperately. A large amount of sweat rolled down his face and body like raindrops, but he didn't pay attention.

Beside him, his eldest son and his youngest son were also shouting chants and rowing hard together. They were both out of breath from exhaustion.

But his face was full of excitement!

Because when the Ming Dynasty recruited these boatmen to help the Ming army cross the river, they were not prostituted in vain.

But he gave me money!

If you transport a person to the north bank of the Yangtze River, you can get a reward of one hundred large coins.

Two hundred coins for two people!
Ten people are worth one tael of silver.

For these boatmen who often travel the Yangtze River, the price offered by Daming is really not low.Although the Sun family's boat is not big, it can transport ten people across the river at a time.

One trip is an income of one tael of silver. You must know that in normal times, they may not be able to earn one tael of silver a month.

How could these boatmen not work hard under the temptation of the white money?
"Quick! Stroke harder, paddle harder! Use all your energy to suck milk."

"One trip is one tael of silver, and ten trips is ten taels, which is enough to marry you a wife. It's easy to earn money. We don't usually get such good things."

"Everyone, try harder! It's getting dark soon. Let's try to run again before it gets dark."

Sun He shouted loudly.

The strength of these poor people is the most worthless thing.

How could they not be willing to exchange their strength for money?

You know, even if the Ming army did not pay them and forced them to do corvee labor and let them, boatmen, sail boats to serve the army, they had no room to refuse in the face of power.

The Sun family's ship returned to the south bank. Before they could take a breath, they saw a small group of Ming troops boarding the ship.

Sun He shouted, and the boat set sail again, heading towards the north bank.

By the time they arrived at the north shore, it was completely dark.

Sun He was told that since it was dark, they were out of luck for the time being and they could take a rest.

Sun He did not refuse and nodded in agreement.

It happened to be a tiring day, and he really needed to rest now, so he might as well rest.

Sun He received his wages and returned to his boat. He was about to ask his two sons to prepare dinner.

Then he saw a Ming army officer coming over, handing three wooden signs to Sun He, and said with a kind expression.

"You don't have to cook for yourself. Come and eat with us. Just take this wooden sign to get the meal. When the soldiers are cooking, they have also prepared it for you civilians."

Seeing this, Sun He hurriedly thanked him.

"Thank you, Master Jun, I understand!"

Zhu Haitao just shook his head and said.

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank the Crown Prince. This matter was specially ordered by His Royal Highness."

Hearing this, Sun He blinked his eyes and said with great emotion.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is such a good man. Not only does he give us civilian workers wages to prevent us from working in vain, but he also takes care of our food and prevents us from going hungry."

"His Royal Highness the Prince is truly a living Bodhisattva with great compassion..."

Sun He had never met such a compassionate ruler as Zhu Jing'an.

That's right, in Sun He's eyes, the current Zhu Jing'an can definitely be called compassionate!

The corvee not only took care of the food, but also paid the wages.

Where has such a good thing been heard of since ancient times?

Zhu Jing'an is so kind to ordinary people like them!
How should I put it? Although Zhu Jing'an's current thinking is that of a ruler, he can risk everything for his own rule and regard human life as nothing.

But after all, he came from a later life, and his way of thinking was somewhat influenced by the education he received since childhood.

When conditions permit, it is a matter of course for Zhu Jing'an to take appropriate care of the people at the bottom.

But Qianlong would never take this for granted.

But just such a small amount of care made the people at the bottom feel grateful and grateful to Zhu Jing'an and remember him in their hearts.

All I can say is that the people these days are so simple and lovely!

It's not that Zhu Jing'an did well, but that other rulers of this era did worse.

Only then did Zhu Jing'an stand out!

To put it bluntly, it is worse than worse!

In this situation of comparison, Zhu Jing'an, who had a rotten conscience but was not completely rotten relatively speaking, naturally stood out from a group of feudal rulers whose consciences had already been completely rotten.

Being regarded as the "Mingjun Holy Lord"!
On the side, Sun He's two sons also nodded vigorously, obviously agreeing with their father's statement.

Zhu Haitao said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness is kind-hearted and doesn't want the people to suffer, so he ordered me to take care of you deliberately."

"If you are serious, then do your job well and don't let His Highness down!"

"When the army captures Jingzhou, good times will come for the people of Jingzhou!"

Zhu Haitao's words were really not deceiving Sun He and his son, but the truth.

The reason is very simple. After the Ming Dynasty regains Jingzhou, it will definitely cleanse the Eight Banners of Jingzhou and reshuffle their interests.

As long as the Ming Dynasty cleanses out the Eight Banners of Jingzhou, a parasite that has been sucking the blood of the people of Jingzhou for a long time.

Jingzhou can definitely develop very well with its geographical location at the key of the Yangtze River.

By then, even the Ming Dynasty court and the gentry would have taken most of the profits.

But people at the bottom like Sun He can also enjoy the dividends of development.

Life will definitely be much better than now!

Although Sun He didn't know what would happen in the future, after all, he was receiving Daming's salary and eating Daming's food now, so he would definitely not refute Zhu Haitao's words.

He nodded eagerly in approval.

"The Ming Dynasty is back, and there is hope for the future..."

Zhu Haitao nodded and then spoke.

"Come with me, call the others, and take you to a place to eat."

After saying this, Zhu Haitao continued to call for people.

Not long after, he took a group of boatmen and headed for the Ming army's military camp.

In the military camp, the Ming army's leader had already prepared dinner.

Pancakes bigger than a human face, buckets of rice, and hills of steamed buns were piled aside. In addition, there was a strong smell of meat in the camp.

That’s the smell of stew!
Most of these grains, grass and meat came from donations from the gentry in Lizhou, Changde and other places.

They all scrambled to leave a good impression in front of Zhu Jing'an.

Ming soldiers are queuing up to receive food in an orderly manner.

The queue was very long, but no one dared to jump in and grab it because the gendarmerie was still watching.

Anyone who dares to jump in line and disrupt order will be taken out and beaten.

Zhu Haitao pointed to a stall with no queue, turned around and gave instructions to Sun He and others.

"There's dinner for you!"

"Go and line up. When it's your turn, take the wooden sign issued to you to receive the food."

“Remember not to jump in line, fight, or disrupt order!”

"This is the Ming Dynasty's military camp. I don't care what your status is outside or how capable you are, but when you get to the Ming Dynasty's military camp, you have to coil up if it's a dragon, and you have to lie down if it's a tiger."

"Everything must be done according to the rules!"

"Otherwise, once you are caught in the wrong by the gendarmerie responsible for law enforcement, no one can save you."

When Sun He and others heard this, they nodded hurriedly to show that they understood.

Immediately, they began to line up to receive the food.

Looking at buckets of white rice, sheets of large pancakes, and colorful steamed buns.

There was also the fragrant stew, which made Sun He and others swallow their saliva in dismay. (End of chapter)

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