Even after the battle in Changsha, more than half of Sauron's soldiers were lost.

Now Agui still has more than 6 troops at his disposal.

In addition, he now has many prisoners of war from the White Lotus cult bandits who can be used as cannon fodder.

There are not many cards to play.

If this is the case, Agui will naturally not let the elite of the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camp risk playing forward.

He had already suffered a loss once when he asked Sauron soldiers to play forward before, so he would not forget any lessons.

After thinking for a while, Agui spoke.

"Send the order, and the army will recuperate all night, and wait until dawn tomorrow to set off southward and drive directly to Changsha."

"The Ming thieves must have spent a lot of effort to break through Changsha. Our army must not give them time to repair and restore their combat effectiveness."

"We must send troops south as soon as possible to regain Changsha!"

Agui's thinking is very clear now.

Changsha is a battleground for military strategists, and it is the barrier between the hinterland of Huguang and the south of the Yangtze River.

The Ming army must not be allowed to gain a foothold in Changsha, otherwise Huguang and Jiangnan of the Qing Dynasty will be exposed to the Ming army's front and will be lost sooner or later.

Once the Qing Dynasty lost Huguang and Jiangnan, even if its rule did not collapse, it could still barely maintain its rule.

But the Qing Dynasty's war situation in the south was really going to be completely ruined.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty will lose all the territory in the south if it has no choice but to become a Northern Dynasty.

It was still a Northern Dynasty that was strong in the south and weak in the north!

If Agui wants to change all this, he must regain Changsha.

Because once Changsha is recaptured, the strategic initiative will return to the Qing Dynasty.

Whether it is advancing towards Guangdong and Guangxi, or retreating to Huguang and Jiangnan, with Changsha in hand, the Qing Dynasty can deal with it with ease.

Changsha is the key point of the current struggle between Ming and Qing Dynasties!
No mistakes allowed!


It's dawn and the sun is rising above the horizon.

A glimmer of light illuminated the surrounding fields.

There was still a solemn atmosphere outside Changsha.

Although the Ming army controlled Changsha City, they did not relax their vigilance.

Because everyone knew that the Qing army's retreat was only temporary, and what Ming Dynasty defeated was only the vanguard of the Qing army's southward march.

The main force of the Qing army will come back at any time!

By then, the scale of the war will become even larger.

On the top of the city in Changsha, three figures hang.

At a glance, it was dark and not very obvious.

But as the sun rises higher and higher, the light between the sky and the earth becomes more and more abundant, and the three figures hanging above Changsha City become more and more clear.

If any people in Changsha City saw it, they would recognize them at a glance. These three people are Yan Xishen, the governor of Hunan who is in charge of Changsha's defense this time, as well as Hengzhou Commander-in-Chief Zhao Deshun and Chenzhou Commander-in-Chief Xu Tai.

However, they are all dead!
This was not Zhu Jing'an's order to kill them. They committed suicide together after the city of Changsha was broken.

This made Zhu Jing'an quite angry!

Originally, he wanted to show his courtesy and corporal attitude to these three people and try to persuade them to surrender.

If they don't surrender, he will "endure the pain" and kill them.

But unexpectedly, these three people would rather commit suicide than surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, the Changsha city defense run by these three people caused a lot of trouble to Ming Dynasty, and they also refused Ming Dynasty's persuasion to surrender at the beginning of the war.

In a rage, Zhu Jing'an had the bodies of the three hung up on the city wall in Changsha for three days to be displayed to the public.

Then the corpses were lowered, the bones were crushed, and the ashes were mixed. Their ashes were mixed with melted Qing army weapons to cast three kneeling statues, which were left outside Changsha for public display.

Using Tartar soldiers to cast kneeling statues of traitors is a perfect complement to each other!

The reason why the body was not shown to the public for a longer period of time was mainly because the climate in Changsha was hot and humid, and Zhu Jing'an was afraid that the corpse would stink if it was left in public for a long time.

At that time, he will no longer be warning those traitors who serve the Manchus wholeheartedly.

But it disgusts the people of Changsha!

While walking on the patrol road, Ma Yuan couldn't help but yawn, but he still forced himself to cheer up.

It is almost dawn when people are most likely to fall asleep, and it is also when the inspection team in the Ming army is most strict.

Ma Yuan didn't want to be caught by those black-faced monsters from the inspection team!

He had finally managed to get a small flag official position in the army, but he didn't want to be kicked out because he was lazy on patrol.

After completing the last lap, Ma Yuan began to lead people towards the camp.

When they returned to the camp, the leading soldiers in the camp had already prepared hot food.

Each person gets a bowl of pork ribs and kelp soup, plus an egg and a palm-sized meat pie, while other staple foods such as flatbreads and rice are eaten casually, as long as they are enough.

There are oily flowers floating in the pork ribs and kelp soup, and plenty of salt is added. Although the meat on the pork ribs has been shaved clean, it still has a unique taste when chewed.

The green kelp is even more attractive.

The skin of the palm-sized meatloaf is fried golden brown, and the skin is thin and the filling is large. When you bite into it, the feeling of the fat exploding in your mouth is quite enjoyable.

And those staple food flatbreads and rice are also white rice and flour, not miscellaneous grains.

The food and treatment provided by the Ming army is really nothing to say!
Of course, this is also related to the fact that it is wartime.

After all, we are going to war, so we should feed the army well.

As for the source of grain, grass and meat, part of it was carried by the Ming army with the army, and most of it came from the military supplies donated by the gentry in Changsha City.

After Zhu Jing'an promised to give them official hats, the Changsha gentry sent another batch of military supplies.

There are a lot of chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep, enough for the Ming army to eat.

Ma Yuan peeled the egg, threw it into the pork rib soup, took a sip of the soup, then bit off half of the egg and swallowed it whole.The expression is quite enjoyable.

Seeing this scene, a soldier beside him spoke.

"Boss, I heard that the main force of the Qing army arrived at Jinlong Town yesterday and will be able to reach Changsha City today. Is it true?"

When being questioned, the Ming soldier's face showed not fear, but eagerness to try.

They are happy when they hear the battle. Most of the Ming army is in this state now.

Ma Yuan glanced sideways at the soldiers under his hands, nodded and said.

"should be!"

"Just look at our food today, can't you tell?"

Although the Ming army's daily meals were good, it was impossible for them to eat meat every meal.

At most, you can eat cereals as staple food to keep your tube full, and eat meat once every three to five days to improve your life.

Where can I eat white rice and noodles, and serve eggs and meat cakes?
Hearing this, the soldier nodded excitedly and said.

"Hey, that's good, that's good!"

"I have been looking forward to the war for a long time. After this war is over, my family will be able to add a few more acres of land, and my family's life will be easier."

Ma Yuan patted the soldier's head and spoke to persuade him.

"You little slippery boy, remember to obey military orders when you go to the battlefield. Don't become a deserter or cheat. Don't embarrass us Hunan people."

But instead of persuading the soldier to be careful to save his life on the battlefield, he was told to obey military orders.

When the Ming army soldier heard this, he just nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely not embarrass us Hunan people."

"When we get to the battlefield, we will prove to His Highness the Prince that our Hunan soldiers are not cowards and are no worse than the Guangxi and Guangdong soldiers."

Most of the Hunan soldiers were somewhat dissatisfied with the superiority of the Guangxi soldiers and Guangdong soldiers in the Ming army in front of them.

But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and they really have nothing to say about this.

The Guangxi soldiers and the Guangdong soldiers are highly qualified and have many military exploits, so they can naturally be arrogant.

If the Hunan soldiers don't want to be looked down upon, they have to show actual military exploits.

Hearing this, Ma Yuan spoke.

"Of course!"

"Let me tell you a little tidbit. I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince intends to increase the firearms equipment rate of our forward battalion and increase the amount of our artillery."

"It is estimated that after the battle in Changsha is over, we will almost be reorganized into our own combat troops."

"The treatment will be even better then!"

When he said this, Ma Yuan's eyes were full of expectation.

He had long been envious of the brand-new uniforms and equipment of the Ming army's soldiers.

Now, there is hope that it can be adapted into a soldier of this unit!
Everyone around him looked excited when he heard this.


The sky was getting brighter and Zhu Jing'an got up early.

Then he went to have breakfast. In the army, Zhu Jing'an's food was no different from that of ordinary soldiers.

Pork ribs soup, meatloaf, eggs, as well as staple foods such as steamed buns and rice.

Of course, at Zhu Jing'an's side there was no limit to meat cakes, eggs, and so on, unlike ordinary soldiers, who only had one piece of meat cake and one egg per person, and the supply was limited.

In addition, the only difference is that Zhu Jing'an's breakfast is cooked in a small stove specially for senior generals, instead of a big pot.

However, just when Zhu Jing'an was eating breakfast, he received an urgent report from the Ming army's sentries.

"Report to His Highness the Crown Prince that the Qing Dynasty army has begun to move south from Jinlong Town!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, his expression became solemn.

"Haha, pass on the order, prepare the army for war, and be ready to meet the enemy!"

"Since the Qing captives dare to invade, I, the Ming Dynasty, will give them a head-on blow!"

Zhu Jing'an quickly issued the order, and the Ming army began to prepare for the war in full swing.

Each unit returned to their camp and began to make final preparations for the battle.

Zhu Jing'an also ordered the Ming army's artillery layout to be adjusted, increasing the artillery ratio for each department.

Outside Changsha, the clouds of war were once again shrouded.


While the Ming army was preparing for war with all its strength, the Qing army was also moving south in a mighty manner.

Agui was riding on horseback, looking at the huge army in front of him, but his heart was not full of pride, but a solemn look on his face.

Because he has now figured out the Ming army's troop deployment outside Changsha City.

Beishan Town, Huanghua Town, and Yuelu Mountain form a three-legged structure.

Changsha City and the Ming Army's camp outside the city echoed each other.

In the next battle, the Qing army was really difficult to fight.

Once the war situation reaches a stalemate, the Ming army on the defensive will definitely have an advantage over the Qing army.

Agui knew that this decisive battle was related to the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty.

The pressure on his shoulders now is too great.

Boom!dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums was clearly audible.

Agui knew that the time for the decisive battle had come. (End of chapter)

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