He looked around and said to Ma Kui, the commander-in-chief of Changde beside him.

"Ma Kui, order your troops to immediately launch an offensive against Beishan Town occupied by Ming thieves."

"We do not seek to capture Beishan Town, but we must put enough pressure on the Ming army in Beishan Town."

In the first battle, Agui handed over the combat mission to the Hunan soldiers.

And the reason is very simple. Now among the Qing troops, whether they are Hubei soldiers, Henan soldiers, or Shaanxi soldiers, they are all covered by governors and governors.

After the Hunan soldiers fell in Changsha, there was no one to protect them.

Who should Agui use if they don't need to bear the brunt of this tough task?

Ma Kui, the commander-in-chief of Changde, clasped his fists and said after hearing this.

"Don't worry, the general, the general will understand!"

After saying this, he took his subordinates and headed towards Beishan Town.

At the same time, Agui continued.

"Chen Yaozu, take your men to contain the bandits in Huanghua Town. You must make sure that the bandits in Huanghua Town are unable to reinforce Beishan Town."

"An Ruide, lead your troops to contain the thieves in the Ming army's camp outside the city."

"Admiral Lin, lead your troops to keep an eye on the rebels in Yuelu Mountain and Changsha City."

"Hailancha, Chatai, be prepared to maneuver at any time!"

Agui opened his mouth and assigned all the combat tasks.

Here, Ma Kui is the Changde General Soldier, also known as the Hunan Soldier.

Chen Yaozu is the commander-in-chief of Jingzhou, also known as Hubei soldiers.

An Ruide is the chief soldier of Luoyang, also known as the Henan soldier.

As the admiral of Shaanxi, Lin Sixiang naturally has Shaanxi soldiers under his command.

Chatai was the capital of Xishan Jianrui Camp, a member of the Zhenghuang Banner of Manchuria, and a member of the Huangdai clan whose surname was Aixinjueluo.

This time Agui leads his army south, Chatai's task is not only to command the Xishan Jianrui Camp, but also to supervise Agui...

When the generals heard this, they all clasped their fists in response, and then went down to arrange the battle.

Boom, boom, boom!

The war drums sounded again, and Ma Kui first led the people to kill Beishan Town.

The remaining Qing troops also headed towards the Ming army's camps.

Soon, the fighting began.

The roar of heavy artillery echoed across the battlefield.

The artillery carried by the Qing army was brought outside Beishan Town and began to target Beishan Town and pour out firepower.

As the smoke filled the air, the red cannons accompanying the Qing army and the mighty and invincible general cannons were firing continuously.

This is already the most advanced firearm currently on hand in the Qing Dynasty, but compared to the artillery of the Ming army, there is a clear gap between the two sides.

"Aim the artillery, the first round of calibration fire, fire!"

Following a burst of shouting, the artillery deployed by the Ming army in Beishan Town also began to fire back.

Ten Type 90 field guns and five Type 120 field guns roared one after another.

As the smoke filled the air, artillery shells were fired at the Qing army.

The cannonball drew a beautiful arc in the air, then rolled and rotated, leaving a blur of smoke and dust wherever it passed.

The shells fired by the Qing army's artillery accurately hit the buildings in Beishan Town.

Wherever the solid shell passed, it was devastated and houses collapsed.

But this did not cause many casualties to the Ming army.

Because the Ming army did not hide in the building to avoid the artillery fire.

Instead, they dug trenches in open spaces in the town, built sandbags, and hid behind the sandbags.

Solid artillery shells have a very good impact on buildings, but for sandbag bunkers, the effect is just a sound.

The shells hit the sandbag bunker, and only a thud was heard, but the actual casualties of the Ming army were almost none.

But the shells fired by the Ming army's artillery were not the same thing for the Qing army.

The Qing army is now forming up outside Beishan Town, preparing to attack Beishan Town.

The dense offensive array was a perfect target for the Ming army's artillery fire.

Artillery shells plowed through the infantry array, leaving very conspicuous ravines of flesh and blood.

After two rounds of shelling, the Qing army's array became visibly looser.

After the fall of Changsha, some people in the Hunan Green Battalion, which was already demoralized, even started to become deserters, dropping their weapons and turning around and fleeing.

Seeing this scene, the Qing army's war supervisory team began to wield their swords to supervise the battle, hoping to prevent the retreat of their defeated troops.

However, this is not that easy.

With the successive shellings from the Ming army, the Qing army retreated faster and faster.

After the Qing army's infantry offensive was withdrawn.

The Ming army's artillery began to target the Qing army's artillery array and began to project firepower.

The rumbling sound of artillery fire continued, and artillery shells pierced the sky and shot towards the Qing army's artillery array.

The cannonball landed, rolled and spun forward!

A Qing army gunner was hit by a cannonball, and his thigh was torn open. The white bone stubble was immediately exposed, and blood spurted everywhere like a fountain.

The scene is shocking! "Fuck, the Ming thief's cannons are so damn accurate!"

A Qing gunner looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but curse.

Compared with the quality of the Ming army's gunners, the Qing army's gunners were indeed somewhat unqualified.

The reason for this is actually very simple.

Because the gunners of the Ming Army were taught step by step by foreign instructors and developed their artillery skills in actual combat.

It's a bit exaggerated to say that the bullet hit where it pointed, but the impact point of the shell can always be guessed.

And what about the gunners of the Qing army?
Having lived in the capital for a long time, they may not have a chance to fire once in a year or so. It is completely normal for the artillery to be inaccurate.

But just as the Qing artilleryman finished cursing, he heard another roar.

A cannonball passed by him and hit a mighty and invincible general cannon next to him.

The shell hit the barrel of the artillery. The barrel was overturned, hit the ground with a loud noise, and then rolled to the side.

The area where the cannon was hit by the shell was obviously deformed.

This cannon must be useless!

The rumbling sound of shelling continued. As the Ming army's artillery fired, the Qing army's artillery array was hit several times in succession.

The damage to the gunner and the destruction of the artillery itself directly caused several Qing army artillery to lose their combat effectiveness.

But when the Qing army's artillery fired back, most of the shells fired were blocked by sandbag bunkers.

Although the artillery fire of the Qing army was lively, the casualties of the Ming army were not many.

Even if there were casualties, they were accidentally injured by collapsing buildings.

Instead of being killed by artillery shells!

The artillery battle between the two sides is still going on!
But at the same time, various Qing army units were also moving into position, hoping to contain the Ming army units and buy time for Agui to lead his troops to capture Beishan Town.

Zhu Jing'an stood on Yuelu Mountain, overlooking the battlefield situation, and pointed at the Henan Green Camp Road used by the Qing army to contain the Ming army's camp outside the city.

"Going deep alone, are they looking for death?"

The current layout of the Qing army's forces is as follows. Agui, with Ma Kui, the Changde general, and the remnants of the Sauron army, and the Xishan Jianrui battalion are attacking Beishan Town.

The command of Jingzhou Commander-in-Chief Chen Yaozu was arranged to contain the Ming army garrison in Huanghua Town!
Lin Sixiang, the governor of Shaanxi, led his army to contain the Ming Army's Central Army in Yuelu Mountain and the Ming Army in Changsha City.

There is no problem with these!
But the Henan Green Camp, which was arranged to contain the Ming Army's camp outside the city, had a big problem.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that the Henan Green Camp is entering the encirclement of the Ming Army!
Because the location of the Ming Army's camp outside the city is right between Beishan Town, Huanghua Town, and Yuelu Mountain, which is almost the center point.

If the Henan Green Camp wants to contain the Ming army's camp outside the city, isn't it about to enter an encirclement?

Zhu Jing'an looked at the soldiers and horses of Henan Green Camp and fell into deep thought.

Because, when he looked at the Henan Green Camp where the lone army was deep, the more he looked at it, the more it looked like a fisherman's nest.

A Gui is a veteran general anyway. If there was no conspiracy, would he really be so stupid and send the Henan Green Camp into the encirclement of the Ming army?
Zhu Jing'an thinks it's unlikely!
After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"After the order is passed, all ministries will continue to strictly guard their positions. The garrison from the camp outside the city will go out and defeat the Henan Green Camp, and then send troops to reinforce the battle in Beishan Town."

Zhu Jing'an wants to eat the bait A Gui sets, but whether A Gui can catch the fish depends on the game between the two parties.

What you need to know is that the current battle situation between the Ming and Qing Dynasties outside Changsha City does not mean that the Qing army is simply restraining the Ming army, but that they are restraining each other.

The Ming army's forces were restrained and unable to move lightly, and the Qing army was also unable to move lightly.

If Zhu Jing'an wants to take the bait of Henan Lvying, Agui, the fisherman, must pull the fishing rod.

If you pull a fishing rod, you will inevitably mobilize your troops.

At that time, once there is a loophole in the Qing army's troop deployment, Agui, a fisherman, will have to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

As the Chinese military order was issued, the garrison in the camp outside the city began to mobilize.

A battalion of 3000 soldiers from the Ming Army Headquarters left the main camp and headed straight for the [-] Henan Green Camp outside the main camp.

Three thousand Ming troops formed an array outside the camp, and then advanced toward Henan Green Camp in a mighty manner.

War drums roar, war flags hunt!
The Ming army wore straight red military uniforms. They also wore a red breastplate outside the military uniform. They wore flying saucer helmets on their heads, muskets on their shoulders, and bayonets on their waists. They were fully armed. They looked like elites at first glance. teacher.

When Anruide saw the Ming army leaving camp, he also ordered his troops to prepare for war.

A Qing army gunner began to prepare for loading.

But before they could load the shotguns, they saw the Ming army withdrawing artillery pieces one after another from the camp.

Type 65 field gun, Type 90 field gun, Type 120 field gun.

The field artillery of the Ming army consisted of these three different calibers.

Although the caliber of these field guns is not large, they are light in weight, fast to load, and have fierce firepower, which is enough to meet the Ming army's needs for field guns.


The Ming army's field artillery began to roar.

The battlefield was suddenly filled with smoke, blocking Agui's view of observing the battle situation.

"Those in red are the soldiers of the Ming thief's headquarters, right? They look really elite."

Agui put down the telescope in his hand and said with admiration.

Although he had not yet fought against the main soldiers of the Ming Army, Agui knew that this was an elite force just by looking at the strict formations of the Ming Army and the orders and prohibitions between the formations.

The real elite!

PS: Well, I have an appointment to take the first exam on the [-]th of this month. In the next few days, I have to memorize the questions and prepare for the exam, so the update is only [-] words per day.

Normal updates will be resumed after the first exam is completed! (End of chapter)

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