What you need to know is that one of the advantages of the Ming Dynasty compared with the Manchu Qing Dynasty is the people's will.

Now that he knew this, how could Zhu Jing'an personally abolish this advantage?

Controlling military discipline is a must.

Otherwise, if you can't control the company's military discipline and slaughter cities and plunder everywhere you go, then what kind of king are you?
Just when the Ming army began to control the order in Changsha City, the gentry in Changsha City also sent people out of the city, carrying a large amount of chicken, duck, fish, wine, gold and silver, to the Ming army's camp, ready to reward the army.

Although Zhu Jing'an was controlling military discipline, tens of thousands of wolf-like troops were stationed inside and outside the city. Without a sum of money, food, wine and meat to reward the troops, the Changsha gentry would inevitably feel uneasy.

In any case, Changsha blocked the Ming army for several months. They didn't believe it if the army had no complaints about Changsha.

A group of gentry, led by Xiong Weilin, the head of Yuelu Academy, came to ask for an audience with Zhu Jing'an. Zhu Jing'an did not refuse and chose to receive them in his big tent.

Because if the Ming Dynasty wanted to control Hunan in a short period of time, maintain the stability of the situation in Hunan, and obtain money, food and soldiers from Hunan to support the army's operations, it would inevitably need the cooperation of the gentry.

Without the cooperation of these gentry and relying solely on Ming Dynasty to train officials, it would take who knows how long it would take to control Hunan.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty would not give the Ming Dynasty so much time!
To put it bluntly, the Ming Dynasty and the Hunan gentry now need each other.

The Hunan gentry needed to gain official status and a sense of security from the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty also needed the help of the gentry to manage the place.

In this case, it is only natural for the two parties to hook up.

Soon, Xiong Weilin led a group of gentry in loose costumes and melon-pipe hats to Zhu Jing'an.

The costumes of these gentlemen look a bit funny, but isn't this a kind of sadness?
The reason why they wore costumes was because they couldn't find suitable Hanfu.

The reason why he wore a hat was to cover his shaved forehead.

These gentry looked at Xiong Weilin's red robe and black gauze, and all of them had unavoidable envy in their eyes.

Now looking at Xiong Weilin's official robes, they now know what the beauty of the uniform is and what the Han family's clothes are.

Not to mention the meaning of Xiong Weilin's official robe...

Under the leadership of Xiong Weilin, these Changsha gentry entered the Ming army's central tent and bowed down one after another immediately.

"Common people see His Royal Highness, His Highness is a thousand years old, and the Ming Dynasty will last ten thousand years!"

Zhu Jing'an laughed when he saw this.

"Haha, you don't need to be polite, please get up. Zhang Jin, go and order some chairs to be brought in so that all of you can sit down."

Zhang Jin clasped his fists and left after hearing this.

Not long after, a few chairs were delivered.

Seeing this, the gentry in Changsha City sat down on their chairs in fear.

The expressions on their faces were full of restraint, and when they sat down, they only dared to sit halfway down their buttocks.

"I wonder why you came here to see Yu Gu?"

Zhu Jing'an ordered someone to serve tea again. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, and then asked.

Hearing this, the gentry in Changsha all looked at each other, and one of the old men stood up and said.

"If I tell you, Your Highness, the Crown Prince, you can lead the king's army to the north to attack the Hulu, relieve the people from hanging, and return Changsha to the rule of the Han family. We, the gentry and the people, will be very grateful."

"Today the king's army has regained Changsha. Both inside and outside Changsha City are willing to provide wine, meat, money and food to the king's army to reward the army."

The main purpose of the Changsha gentry coming here was to reward the army and buy peace.

Of course, after rewarding the army, it was appropriate for them to ask Zhu Jing'an for an official position so that they could work hard together for the great cause of resisting the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he said with a smile on his face.

"I am very relieved that you elders can come to reward the army."

"Right now, the Ming Dynasty has just regained Changsha. Changsha is in a mess both inside and outside. It's really difficult to start governing it."

"Jing'an hopes that all the gentry and elders can help the court to stabilize the situation in Changsha and restore order and stability in Changsha as soon as possible. What do you think?"

The meaning of Zhu Jing'an's words is very clear.

Ming Dynasty needed the help of gentry to stabilize the situation in Changsha.

As for how to help?

Of course, let the gentry be officials and manage the place.

After hearing this, several gentlemen looked at each other and saw the movement in each other's eyes.

It was the gentleman who took the lead who spoke.

"If the imperial court needs it, I will not dare to refuse. I am willing to work for the Ming Dynasty and be loyal to the imperial court."

Zhu Jing'an said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good!"

"Just say it alone, people all over the world also have their hearts open to me."

"If Ming Dynasty can get help from all the wise people in the country, I think the situation in Hunan will be stabilized soon."

"Everyone, please remember one thing: this world belongs to me, the Han people, and this Hunan belongs to the Hunan people."

"As long as the Ming Dynasty lasts, I will never let the Tatars abuse my Hunanese elders again."

Zhu Jing'an's meaning is very clear. If you support me to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, I will give all the official hats of Hunan to you Hunanese to wear.

Zhu Jing'an's actions may cause local separatism or local protectionism to prevail in the future.

But remember one sentence: when a gentleman picked up a book, he had already put down his sword and gun.

The literati's attempt to disrupt the country will, at best, cause party strife, but it is impossible to cause rebellion.

As long as he holds the handle of the knife in his hand, Zhu Jing'an will have plenty of means to rectify these gentry when he completely defeats the Manchus in the future.

Through the imperial examination, outsiders were placed as local officials.

Or simply clean up local officialdom in the name of anti-corruption.

This is all possible.

Especially anti-corruption, this thing is basically a precise attack, and you can target whoever you want.

No one can escape!
After all, who among the officials is not greedy?

As long as you are greedy, I can justifiably take you down, and no one can even say no.

Zhu Jing'an now seriously suspects that after Zhu Yuanzhang came to the throne, he strictly investigated corruption. Maybe he also had the intention to clean up the remnants of the previous dynasty in the officialdom, eliminate hidden dangers, and make room for the disciples of the new imperial examination son.

Zhu Jing'an knew that now was a critical moment in the struggle between Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The Ming Dynasty needed more support, and it didn't hurt to hand over the power of local governance to the local gentry when the situation was urgent.

When doing things, you have to distinguish the priorities. The biggest enemy of the Ming Dynasty is the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

As for the gentry, just wait until the Manchus are taken care of and then take it easy.

But these gentry didn't know what Zhu Jing'an was thinking. When they heard this, they couldn't help showing excitement and started talking one after another.

"We are willing to do our best for the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and then spoke.

"Next, I will report to the court and appoint Mr. Xueqiao as governor of Hunan."

"As for the candidates for the subordinate officials of Changsha Prefecture and the states and counties under its jurisdiction, Mr. Xueqiao can make a list, and I will let the court approve it together."

"Strive to stabilize the situation in Changsha as soon as possible!"

Xiong Weilin was the director of Yuelu Academy and the leader of the Hunan gentry. Letting him serve as the governor of Hunan was the Ming Dynasty's show of goodwill to the Hunan gentry.And asking Xiong Weilin to list the officials of Changsha Mansion shows that Ming Dynasty is prepared to reuse the gentry from Hunan.

Because Xiong Weilin is the headmaster of Yuelu Academy, when he wants to make a list, his first choice must be the disciples from Yuelu Academy.

Most of the disciples in Yuelu Academy were descendants of Hunan gentry families.

Once things on Xiong Weilin's side are finalized, Zhu Jing'an believes that the situation in Hunan will soon be stabilized.

As long as every Hunan gentry has someone serving as an official for the Ming Dynasty, the situation in Hunan will naturally be stable.

Hunan is Hunan for Hunanese people. This sentence is really too lethal to the Hunan gentry!

After all, here in the Ming Dynasty, there are no Manchus coming to compete with the Hunanese for their few official hats.

With such conditions, who in Hunan could not be tempted!
Upon hearing this, Xiong Weilin knelt down on one knee in front of Zhu Jing'an and spoke.

"I would like to thank His Highness the Crown Prince for your trust."

"I'm here to serve on behalf of Hunan. I would like to thank His Highness the Crown Prince for your great kindness!"

Xiong Weilin is really excited now.

There is quite an urge to die for one's bosom friend.

Because he really felt the trust and attention from Zhu Jing'an.

He Xiong Weilin had wasted half his life. Although he was very famous among the scholars, he was extremely unhappy in the officialdom.

Now, from a white body, he has suddenly become the governor of a province and the official of a frontier.

How could Xiong Weilin not be excited about this?

Seeing this, the gentry in Changsha also bowed down to express their gratitude and expressed their willingness to go through fire and water for the Ming Dynasty without hesitation.

Because now their children are also studying in Yuelu Academy.

Zhu Jing'an asked Xiong Weilin, the mountain chief, to make a list of subordinate officials. Doesn't this mean that all their children can also become officials?
For the gentry, an emperor who is willing to give them official titles is a good emperor.

Although Zhu Jing'an is still a prince, not an emperor, in the eyes of the Changsha gentry, he will definitely be the best emperor in the world in the future.

Well, these gentry have forgotten that before Lao Zhu came to the throne, he also treated the gentry officials quite favorably.

It can be said that he is a model of an enlightened monarch who is courteous and virtuous.

But wait until after taking the throne...

Lao Zhu immediately showed the officials and gentry what it means to have a double-skinned face, and what it means to fall out of favor faster than turning the page in a book.

Faced with the gentry's statements, Zhu Jing'an just smiled and nodded, his expression a little unpredictable.


After Hailancha led his troops to break through the encirclement, he immediately withdrew towards the north.

It wasn't until they arrived at Jinlong Town in the north of Changsha's back city that they stopped for repairs.

Because at the same time, the main force of the Qing army led by Agui also arrived at Jinlong Town.

The two parties have completed their rendezvous in Jinlong Town!

Agui looked at Hailancha, who was covered in blood in front of him, and then at the half-broken Sauron soldier behind Hailancha, and spoke with a somewhat disbelieving expression.

"Hailancha, what is going on? How did you lose so miserably?"

"What's going on over there in Changsha? Are our soldiers still holding on?"

Agui couldn't believe that Hai Lancha was leading the most elite Sauron soldiers in the Qing Dynasty.

The result was such a miserable defeat.

How can this be?

Are Ming thieves really that capable of fighting?

Hearing this, Hai Lancha said with a gloomy expression.

"If you reply to the general, I will be ashamed, but you are indeed defeated!"

"The soldiers of the Ming thief are indeed worthy of the name of bravery and are quite good at fighting. Especially the cavalry of the thief army are very resilient and are not inferior to my Sauron soldiers."

"And Changsha City has also fallen!"

Today's battle outside Changsha City really shocked Hailancha, especially the Ming army's cavalry charge, which impressed Hailancha even more.

I'm afraid I won't be able to forget this!
Hearing this, Agui opened his mouth and asked.

"Tell me in detail what happened and how you were defeated, Hailancha."

When Hailancha heard this, his face showed pain, but he still spoke.

"Replying to the general, what happened is this. In order to reinforce the war in Changsha, I led my army to rush to help Changsha."

"But as soon as our army entered the vicinity of Changsha City, still dozens of miles away from the battlefield, they encountered the Ming army's sentry cavalry and exposed their traces."

"In order to achieve the purpose of the surprise attack, the general could only order the army to rush the horses, without caring about maintaining the physical strength of the horses."

"But even so, when I led my army to arrive outside Changsha City, the Ming thieves were still ready for battle and had laid a dragnet waiting for our army to get in."

Having said this, Hailancha couldn't help but take a breath of air before continuing.

"It's just that before I could find a fighter plane, the Ming army's cavalry took the initiative to invade."

"At that time, our army had no choice but to fight on foot because the horses were exhausted."

"Forcibly resisted several rounds of Ming army charges with infantry formations, resulting in heavy casualties and fierce fighting."

"It wasn't until Changsha fell and the Ming army commander mobilized his troops to encircle us that our army had no choice but to leave its men behind and retreat..."

After hearing Hailancha's explanation of the battle, Agui twitched the corner of his mouth and spoke.

"The defeat in this battle is not a crime of war!"

Because Agui could keenly discover from Hailancha's narration that this battle was completely a head-to-head battle, without any fancy or skill at all.

If Hailancha is defeated, it is defeated. Its hard power is not as good as the enemy's, and it is defeated head-on. There is really nothing to say.

He could only sum it up with one sentence: "crime other than war!"

Lin Sixiang, the admiral of Shaanxi on the side, said.

"General, General Mo will lead the troops as the vanguard and recapture Changsha!"

"Their troops outside the pass have been defeated, but we men from Gansu and Shaanxi are not afraid of Ming thieves."

In Lin Sixiang's view, although Sauron's soldiers can fight, their strength is limited after all.

But this time he was dispatched by the court to go south to quell the rebels, but he dispatched [-] infantry and [-] cavalry from Gansu and Shaanxi to fight.

These [-] infantry cavalry gave Lin Sixiang the confidence to dare to ask for a fight.

But when Agui heard this, he shook his head.

"No need. The Green Camp of Gansu and Shaanxi is our ace in the Qing Dynasty. How can it be used as a forward? The forward should be fought by the Green Camp of Hubei, Hunan and Henan!"

Agui had quite a lot of troops in this battle.

There are three thousand Jianrui battalions in Xishan, five thousand Sauron soldiers, and [-] green battalions in Gansu and Shaanxi.

In addition, there are [-] Henan Green Camp, [-] Hubei Green Camp, and [-] Hunan Green Camp.

They are all carefully selected elites from each department! (End of chapter)

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