As the fighting on the front lines between the two sides became more and more intense, the momentum of the war horses began to gradually run out.

Seeing this, the Sauron soldiers prepared to fight hand-to-hand with the Ming army, dragging the Ming army into the close combat they were good at.

However, the Ming cavalry was not willing to fight and decisively broke away from contact!

and circle the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, how could the Sauron soldiers not know what the Ming army was planning to do?
A month ago at the foot of Xiangyang City, they also dealt with the White Lotus Teaching Army in this way.

But now the situation has changed, and they are the ones who have to face the cavalry charge with flesh and blood!
When Hailan saw this scene, his teeth itched with hatred.

But he still spoke.

"Instruct the entire army to adjust their formations and prepare for the charge of the Ming thief cavalry!"

The Sauron soldiers had just been charged so hard, and the array was already in a bit of chaos.

If they want to block the Ming army's second charge, they must adjust their array.

Soon, the second round of the Ming army's charge began.

The rumble of horse hoofs sounded, and the Ming army cavalry continued to charge towards the Sauron soldiers.

Soldiers on both sides struggled to stab each other with their weapons...


Just outside the battlefield, the Ming army's cavalry exchanged lives with the Qing army's Sauron soldiers.

On the frontal battlefield, the Ming army had made a huge breakthrough.

The Ming army's siege troops completely captured a city wall in Changsha and began to advance into Changsha City, preparing to eliminate the remaining enemies.

The Ming army's artillery, which ceased fire due to its relocation, also launched firepower projection again!
Cannonballs hit the Changsha city wall one after another!

There were also shells that crossed the city wall and hit people inside Changsha City.

The resistance of the Qing army in Changsha City is getting weaker and weaker.

Even though Yan Xishen and others announced that reinforcements had arrived, the Qing soldiers did not see it with their own eyes due to the isolation inside and outside Changsha City.

Therefore, not many people believe it!
More and more Qing soldiers chose to surrender out of despair.

"Fuck, no more fight, no more fight, I surrender!"

"I surrender, don't kill me!"

"If the Han people don't kill the Han people, I will fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty!"


Many Qing soldiers threw away their weapons, knelt on the ground, held their heads and stopped resisting.

But some Qing soldiers chose to cut off their braids and turn against their companions who insisted on resisting.

Because they all know the contents of the Ming army's persuasion to surrender.

If they refused to surrender and continued to resist for a day, they would be killed and [-]% of the troops surrendered as a warning.

And now, although they can't resist for a day, most of the [-]% of the surrendered troops will be trapped and killed.

They didn't want to appear among the [-]% of surrendered soldiers who were trapped and killed, so they decisively chose to defect before the formation.

"Damn it, brothers, if you don't work for the Tatars anymore, and your braids are cut off, let's go back to the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty!"

"Damn it, they rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty, and divided the fields!"


The situation in Changsha City began to turn one-sided.

The Ming army's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, and Changsha City is about to be captured!

At the same time, the fighting between the Ming army cavalry and the Sauron soldiers also entered a fierce stage.

The Ming army's cavalry pulled away several times, the cavalry rushed into the formation, opened the distance, the cavalry rushed into the formation...

I went back and forth four or five times, but still couldn't tear apart the enemy's array.

The battle became more intense, but Sauron's soldiers still persisted tenaciously.

The battlefield was filled with corpses of people and horses, and the smell of blood filled the sky.

The battle between the two sides was completely devoid of any bells and whistles, it was just a matter of exchanging lives for lives.

In today's era when hot weapons have begun to become the mainstream of warfare, this showdown between the Ming army's cavalry and the Qing army's Sauron soldiers can definitely be called the pinnacle of cold weapon warfare.

Now, both sides are fighting for one breath!

Whoever relaxes first will lose!

As the battle progressed, the expression on Hailancha's face began to become a little anxious.

Because he can realize that his side is really in danger in this battle.

In order to reinforce Changsha City, he led a light force and advanced rapidly, which was somewhat out of touch with the main force of the army.

Now the battle has ended like this, and the battle situation has reached a stalemate.

Once the Ming army mobilized more troops to encircle...

Hailancha couldn't bear to think about the consequences.

However, he has not yet made any new decisions.

The Ming army's cavalry rushed forward again.

"Brothers, kill! Kill the Tatars!"

"Mom and Dad, today I will use my life to buy thirty acres of good land for your two elders. I will no longer be able to fulfill my filial piety under your two elders' knees."


The morale of the Ming army was still good. Even though they knew they would die if they rushed forward, there were still many people rushing forward.

From the current point of view, the Ming army's tone has not been released.

But it’s hard to say about Sauron’s soldiers!
You know, Sauron's soldiers rushed all the way to the battlefield in Changsha.

It’s not just the horses that are tired!

Even if a human has better endurance than a horse, fatigue is inevitable.

However, the cavalry of the Ming Army had been recuperating in the camp and had not been put into the battlefield.

Now the two sides are engaged in a bloody battle. As time goes by, Sauron's soldiers will inevitably be at a disadvantage due to physical problems.

The soldiers and horses of both sides collided again.

The Ming army rushed forward with their horses, stabbing with their spears and piercing the enemy.

After this collision, Hailancha could clearly feel that his troops were beginning to show fatigue...

But what frightened him even more was that the Ming army was already mobilizing more troops and preparing to encircle and annihilate them.

A large number of Ming troops marched out from Huanghua Town and Beishan Town, heading towards the battlefield where Sauron soldiers and Ming cavalry fought fiercely.

Before that, the reason why he did not mobilize heavy troops to encircle and annihilate the Sauron soldiers, but only used cavalry to fight against the Sauron soldiers, was because Zhu Jing'an could not determine the location of the main force of the Qing army at that time.

How could he easily deploy his troops without knowing the location of the enemy's main force?
Now, the reason why Zhu Jing'an set out to mobilize troops to encircle and annihilate Sauron's soldiers was because the Ming army's sentries had sent back exact information.

The main force of the Qing army is at least fifty miles away from the battlefield!

Not to mention the reinforcements of Sauron soldiers in a short time, they will not even arrive on the battlefield.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an had no worries and immediately ordered the garrison troops in Beishan Town and Huanghua Town to prepare a roundabout outflank and surround and annihilate the invading Sauron soldiers.

Hailancha realized how dangerous the situation on the battlefield was at this time, and in order to avoid being surrounded and annihilated, he already had the idea of ​​​​withdrawing his troops.

However, on this huge battlefield, the two sides are fighting fiercely. How can it be so easy to withdraw troops?

The cavalry of the Ming army are not just decorations, they are sticking to them now. Seeing that our encirclement is about to take shape, how can we let the Sauron soldiers escape easily?

At this time, if Hailancha ordered the withdrawal of troops, the army would inevitably be shaken.

If the Ming cavalry takes advantage of the situation and kills them, Sauron's soldiers will inevitably be defeated!
But the problem is that if Hailancha does not withdraw now, he will not be able to leave until the Ming troops in Beishan Town and Huanghua Town are in place and the encirclement is formed.

Now Hai Lancha already faintly regretted his rash advance.

If he had not advanced rashly and waited for the main force of the army to arrive before fighting the Ming army, how would the situation of the battle be like this?

The Ming army was an elite force. Unlike the White Lotus cult bandits, it was indeed a bit fanciful for me to deal with the Ming army in the same way as the White Lotus cult bandits.

At this moment, a burst of cheers suddenly came from the direction of Changsha City.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!" "Wan Sheng Ming!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


The Qing army flags on Changsha City have been lowered, replaced by large red flags fluttering in the wind.

The bright characters of Douda and the symbol of Sun and Moon are quite eye-catching!

Obviously, the Ming army has eliminated all remaining enemies in Changsha City and completely controlled the entire Changsha City.

And this also strengthened Hailancha's determination to withdraw his troops.

He turned to the lieutenant beside him and said.

"Mang Gui, you lead the army to cut off the rear! Responsible for holding back the Ming thieves' pursuit."

"The rest immediately prepared to withdraw from the battlefield."

"Changsha has fallen, and the Ming thieves' encirclement has taken shape. There is no point in holding on any longer."

After hearing the words, Mang Gu, who was as tall as an iron tower, nodded and said angrily.

"Don't worry, general, there are some rogues out there. If the Ming thieves want to pursue the army, they will have to step over my body first."

Mang Gui was Hailancha's lieutenant and his childhood playmate.

My loyalty to Hailancha is beyond words!

Even if Hailancha asked him to die, he agreed immediately.

Seeing this scene, Hailancha felt a little guilty.

However, in the end, Hailancha finally steeled himself and spoke.

"Pass down the order and withdraw the troops!"


Zhu Jing'an held the telescope in his hand and looked at the battlefield.

Suddenly he spoke.

"Hailancha is running away!"

Zhu Jing'an could see that the Sauron soldiers on the battlefield had already thought about withdrawing their troops.

Because, the surviving Sauron soldiers on the battlefield have now been divided into two parts.

Some of them are still maintaining the front line and engaging in battle with the Ming army.

The other part is disengaging and preparing to retreat.

Zhu Jing'an's face straightened up and he spoke.

"Send an order to our cavalry troops to bite this Sauron soldier. Don't let them escape!"

Although Zhu Jing'an said this, he actually had no confidence in whether he could keep all Sauron's soldiers.

Because the Ming army's war horses had experienced such a long period of fierce fighting, their physical energy had already been exhausted.

After such a long period of repair, Sauron's horse has almost recovered its physical strength.

Under such circumstances, it was actually very difficult for the Ming cavalry to prevent the Sauron soldiers from withdrawing from the battlefield.

The rumble of horse hoofs sounded, and the Ming army cavalry once again carried an overwhelming momentum, thinking of the array of Sauron soldiers and launched a charge.


"Fall! Fell!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


In just the blink of an eye, the two sides were fighting each other.

But at the same time, Hailancha also began to retreat with the main force of Sauron's troops.

The Ming army wanted to break away from the contact with Sauron's troops and pursue Hailancha.

However, at this time, Manggui chose to use the infantry to launch an active charge against the cavalry.

The two sides were strangled together again, and Mang Gui's group used their own lives to hold back the Ming army's cavalry, giving Hailancha a chance to withdraw from the battlefield.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hailancha and his party got on their horses and galloped away into the distance.

He rushed out from the gap between the two Ming armies in Beishan Town and Huanghua Town.

Escape all the way north without looking back!

Seeing this, the various departments of the Ming army were angry and ordered the enemy to withdraw from the battlefield.

However, Zhu Jing'an did not have the upper hand, and continued to command the various units of the Ming army to encircle and annihilate Sauron's troops who fell into the encirclement of the Ming army.

As the Ming army's encirclement finally took shape and was surrounded from all sides, Sauron's troops were unable to do anything and chose to surrender to save their lives...

After they were left behind, they were already regarded as abandoned children.

In this case, if they surrender, they will naturally not feel much psychological pressure.


As the sun sets in the west, the battle in Changsha City finally comes to an end.

The Ming army successfully captured Changsha City, repelled the Sauron soldiers who went south, and inflicted a heavy blow on them.

It can be described as a complete victory!
In this battle, the number of Sauron soldiers who died in battle and those who surrendered and were captured was estimated to be no less than two thousand.

You must know that the Sauron soldiers led by Hailancha to go south this time only numbered five thousand in total.

Two thousand soldiers were killed outside Changsha City in the first battle, and coupled with the damage outside Xiangyang City, it is not an exaggeration to say that more than half were killed.

After this battle, the Sauron soldiers under Hailancha were completely disabled!
In the next battle, there is a high probability that Sauron's soldiers will no longer be able to fight.

Of course, the Ming army is not happy here either!

Several times the cavalry charged into battle, and both sides exchanged lives for lives. While the Sauron soldiers suffered heavy losses, the Ming army's casualties were also quite terrible.

After this battle, nearly one thousand of the three thousand cavalry were lost!
A casualty rate of more than one-third was an absolute heavy blow to any army.

The Ming army began to clean up the battlefield!
Those Sauron soldiers who surrendered were also resettled.

Those who were injured and whose weapons were stained with blood were taken to the Xiang River and executed.

Those whose weapons were stained with blood were to be executed because their resistance caused casualties to the Ming army.

The injured were to be executed simply because the Ming army did not want to waste medicinal materials on prisoners of war.

What's more, this battle was fierce, and more than one-third of the Ming army's cavalry was lost.

The cavalrymen were all holding their breath, so they naturally needed to vent their anger.

Therefore, I had no choice but to say sorry to those prisoners of war!
After all, prisoners of war have no human rights!

Changsha City is still being cleaned up.

Zhu Jing'an transferred out the siege troops and asked the Ming army stationed in the camp to take over the cleanup work of Changsha City.

And began to post notices to calm the people and restore order in Changsha City.

The reason why Zhu Jing'an made such arrangements was that the siege troops also suffered a certain amount of casualties during the siege and needed to be repaired.

Second, it was also because the siege troops suffered certain casualties during the siege.

Pao Ze died in battle, and Zhu Jing'an was afraid that the Ming soldiers would be angry and take it out on the people in Changsha City.

Therefore, the troops who did not participate in the siege were responsible for maintaining law and order in Changsha.

Bring out the siege troops for repairs!

In this case, the occurrence of military disasters can be minimized.

Of course, this is not Our Lady of Zhu Jing’an.

But Changsha City is the provincial capital of Hunan and its essence.

If the Ming army slaughtered Changsha, it would certainly have a certain deterrent effect, but it would do great damage to people's hearts.

After all, the Ming Dynasty was the king of the Han family, so how could it go around massacring cities like the Manchu Qing Dynasty? (End of chapter)

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