Chapter 169 Battle in Changsha ([-])
The offensive and defensive battle in Changsha City continues.

The Ming army began to mobilize troops to strengthen the defense of Beishan Town and Huanghua Town.

As for Yuelu Mountain, there is no need to worry.

Because Zhu Jing'an is on Yuelu Mountain.

No matter how fierce the battle in Changsha City was, Zhu Jing'an's personal guard camp never moved.

Coupled with the Ming army's central army and reserves remaining on Yuelu Mountain, there are still nearly 2 mobile troops on Yuelu Mountain.

They are all elite soldiers of the headquarters!

There is no need to draw reinforcements from other places.

The total strength of the Ming army on the battlefield in Changsha is now almost 7.

This consisted of [-] headquarters soldiers led by Zhu Jing'an, and [-] veterans of the forward battalion led by Liu Mingyou and Tian Wenchang.

The current military deployment of the Ming army on the battlefield is roughly as follows: 2 people were used to siege and attack Changsha.

Almost all of the 2 people responsible for the siege this time were the fresh troops brought by Zhu Jing'an from Guangzhou.

In addition, there are [-] soldiers on Yuelu Mountain, belonging to Zhu Jing'an's central army and reserve force.

The remaining [-] headquarters soldiers were assigned the task of guarding the artillery group.

The [-] forward battalions led by Liu Mingyou and Tian Wenchang were exhausted due to the prolonged siege of Changsha.

He was assigned the task of perimeter security and guarding the fort.

Let them take a break by the way!
In the entire Changsha battlefield, they are the ones with the easiest combat missions.

Although the original intention of establishing the forward battalion of the Ming army was to use the surrendered soldiers as cannon fodder.

However, as the war progresses, after the surrendered troops of the forward battalion have proven their loyalty to the Ming Dynasty, they will not always be used as cannon fodder.

Just like now, the forward battalion has long been exhausted due to long-term battles and sieges.

In this case, Zhu Jing'an would not force them to continue attacking the city.

Instead, they will be arranged to undergo repairs so that fresh troops can take over the combat tasks.

However, now that Zhu Jing'an wanted to mobilize troops to strengthen and consolidate the defenses of Beishan Town and Huanghua Town, he could only mobilize the forward battalion.

After all, he couldn't pull down his own soldiers who were attacking the city, or send the troops guarding the artillery group to set up defenses, right?

When Liu Mingyou and Tian Wenchang heard this, they clasped their fists and accepted the order.

Prepare to lead their own troops to consolidate the defenses of Beishan Town and Huanghua Town.

In addition, Zhu Jing'an also started to rearrange the Ming army's artillery array.

The main purpose of the Ming army's artillery formation now is to attack the city.

Since the enemy troops in the city were besieged, the Ming army's artillery groups were not focused on defense when they were deployed.

The protection ability in the field is weak.

Seems relatively thin!

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an ordered the artillery group to be dismantled.

Part of it was used to strengthen the defense of Yuelu Mountain and at the same time launch bombardment of Changsha City from above.

The other part was placed in the Ming army's camp outside Changsha City, preparing to strengthen the camp's defense.

If the attack on Changsha fails due to some accident, the Ming army's company camp outside Changsha will be the retreat for the [-] siege troops.

It was an emergency and Qing army reinforcements were about to arrive.

Otherwise, Zhu Jing'an would definitely have dealt with it much more calmly.

In order to delay time and allow the Ming army to move in place, Zhu Jing'an sent out three thousand cavalry from his central army.

It was used to block the invading Qing cavalry and buy more time for the Ming army to adjust its layout.


Hailancha halted his war horses on the outside of the battlefield and ordered his Sauron soldiers to dismount and prepare for foot combat.

Of course, the reason for this arrangement was not because he did not want to use cavalry to fight the enemy.

In fact, his Qing army came all the way to reinforce the Changsha war.

Even the war horses under their crotches are rare horses.

But after running for dozens of miles in one breath, his physical energy was still exhausted.

If you continue to ride, the war horse may die suddenly at any time.

This was really not a good thing for the Sauron soldiers, so after rushing to the battlefield, Hailancha simply chose to let the Sauron soldiers dismount and fight on foot.

Looking at Changsha City in the distance and hearing the faint shouts of killing coming from the direction of Changsha City, Hai Lancha's face didn't look good.

Because he knew that even if he led his troops at full speed and rushed towards Changsha, he would still be late in the end.

Changsha City is now on the verge of collapse!
I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for too long!

The more serious problem is that even if he wants to raid the Ming army's siege troops, he can't reinforce Changsha City.

Because the Ming army deployed defenses at three points outside Changsha: Yuelu Mountain, Huanghua Town, and Beishan Town.

And in the center of these three points, there is a large camp that stabilizes the overall situation.

If he could not remove the three peripheral points, he would rush to attack the Ming army attacking Changsha.

Then it is possible that he will be surrounded by the Ming army on all sides and then defeated!
No qualified general would do such a stupid thing by taking the initiative to lead his troops into the enemy's encirclement.

"The Ming thieves are indeed incomparable to the White Lotus Sect bandits!"

"The arrangement of his troops and horses is quite orderly."

Hailancha said with great sigh.

The tactics he used to deal with the White Lotus Sect's bandits were the same as the tactics he used to attack Changsha this time.

However, the same tactics yield completely different results.

It can only show that the gap between the army and the White Lotus cult bandits is really not that big.

The first is the placement of sentry cavalry outside the battlefield. The Ming army actually placed the sentinel cavalry forty or fifty miles outside the battlefield.

As soon as Hailancha led his troops to the battlefield, he was noticed by the Ming army.

And this also made Hailancha have no choice but to constantly urge the army to speed up in order to achieve the purpose of raiding the Ming army, so that the horses ran out of horsepower.

After his troops rushed to the battlefield, the cavalry simply turned into infantry!
In the battle when they raided the White Lotus Sect, the White Lotus Sect did not place any sentries outside the battlefield at all.

Therefore, it was not until Sauron's soldiers entered the battlefield that the White Lotus Sect discovered the enemy.

It is precisely because of this that the Sauron soldiers were given time to accumulate power before launching a surprise attack.

This is how the White Lotus Sect was defeated in Xiangyang!

But now the situation is quite different.

The sentries of the Ming army discovered the Qing army early, giving Hailancha no chance to accumulate power.

But what made Hai Lancha feel even more chilled behind his back was that even though he was galloping all the way over, the Ming army was still ready to fight.

And the pockets were arranged, waiting for him to slip into them.

From top to bottom, there is no panic!

With such an enemy, even if they have not fought against each other, Hailancha can feel that the other party is well-trained.

Can feel the thorniness!
He knew that the enemy he was facing now might be the greatest threat to the Qing Dynasty since its founding.

You have to be careful!
The deputy general next to Hai Lancha heard this and said angrily. "General, where should we attack first?"

This lieutenant was tall and wearing a thick cotton armor standing next to Hailancha, like an iron tower.

The body exudes extremely strong coercion!
His eyes glanced around, murderous.

Hailancha squinted his eyes, observing the battlefield, looking for fighters.

However, he did not wait until he found the fighter plane.

Then a rumble was heard on the ground.

A puff of smoke appeared in the direction of Changsha City, followed by bursts of horse hooves.

After seeing the Sauron soldiers of the Qing army entering the battlefield, the Ming army cavalry rushed towards the Sauron soldiers without hesitation.

Although the Sauron soldiers have a reputation, the Ming army is no longer vegetarian.

Since the Ming Dynasty launched its army, the Ming army's invincible record has filled the entire Ming army with absolute confidence.

Especially when the enemy they faced was the Qing army, their confidence was even greater!
On the battlefield, confidence is morale!

And what we fight for in war is morale!


"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"The ambition to be trapped in the battle will lead to death and no life. Soldiers, follow me!"

"Expel the Tartars, restore China, and the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


The cavalry of the Ming Army raised their spears and roared towards the Sauron soldiers who were dismounting and preparing to fight on foot.

After several months of riding training, although the current Ming army is still unable to perform difficult tactics such as riding and shooting, it is no longer a problem to charge into battle on horseback.

The rumble of horse hooves is like a war drum urging death.

The heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army galloped over.

The knight on horseback, wearing red heavy armor and a metallic faceplate, was like a burst of surging flames, constantly charging forward.

The sharp spears, the shimmering horseshoes, and the indomitable momentum of the Ming army cavalry gave these Sauron soldiers a huge shock.

In a daze, they felt as if they were not facing the always weak Han people, but their own Sauron companions!

Pan Dazhu took the lead, feeling the wind whistling past his ears, and shouted loudly.


"While the Tatar formation is in chaos, my brothers followed me, poured in directly, and dispersed them!"

The Sauron soldiers had just dismounted and had not had time to sort out the array, so the array seemed quite messy.

Seeing this scene, how could the Ming cavalry resist the temptation?
The enemy's infantry formation is in chaos. If we don't charge at this moment, how long will it take for us to respond?
As soon as the Ming army's cavalry came on stage, they rushed directly towards the Sauron soldiers with overwhelming momentum.

Hailan couldn't help being a little stunned when he saw this.

How many years has it been?
How many years has it been since no one dared to take the initiative to attack the array of their Sauron soldiers?
Looking at the Ming army cavalry charging forward, Hai Lancha couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"It all shows that thieves are the most brave and brave among thieves in the world. Now it seems that there is some truth in it!"

Hailancha said with a rather sighing tone.

After Hailancha said this, he said with a solemn expression.

"Go down with the order and line up to meet the enemy!"

The distance between the two sides became closer and closer, and with the sound of rumbling horse hooves, the Ming army rushed over on horseback.

At the last moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, black spots appeared in the rear of the Ming army.

Those black spots drew arcs in mid-air and fell towards the array of Sauron soldiers.

And these black dots that were thrown out were grenades that lit the fuses one after another.

At the same time, the Sauron soldiers on the opposite side also launched a counterattack.

The Sauron soldiers in the front row took out short axes from their waists and threw them at the charging Ming cavalry.

The Sauron soldiers in the back row were bending their bows and setting up arrows. The strong bow strings in their hands were fully drawn, making a heart-breaking crunching sound.

With a loud crashing sound, armor-piercing arrows were thrown out.

The ignited grenade fell in the Sauron soldiers' formation, and after the fuse burned out, the explosion sounded instantly.

Balls of fire and smoke rose up from the array of Sauron soldiers, followed by the spread of air waves, and broken limbs and arms were blown into the sky.

At the same time, the short ax thrown by Sauron's soldiers also caused huge damage to the galloping Ming army cavalry.

The Ming cavalry in the front row was hit by a hatchet and fell off the horse screaming.

Someone was hit in the cheek with a hatchet and died on the spot without even making a scream.

Someone was hit in the chest by a hatchet. Although the Ming army cavalry were all wearing heavy armor, the protective effect against the thrown hatchet was not as good as expected.

The short ax was directly inserted into half of the chest, the broken ribs pierced the internal organs, and the Ming army's cavalry fell from the back of the horse.

Then he was trampled into a pulp by countless horse hooves!

No bones left!

Another short ax hit the war horse. The war horse was in pain and struggled desperately, trying to throw the knight off the horse.

Immediately afterwards, those thrown armor-piercing arrows also fell into the Ming army's array.

The heavy armor on the Ming army could not block the armor-piercing heavy arrows of the Sauron soldiers at close range, causing heavy casualties for a while.

Many people were hit by several arrows and died tragically after falling off their horses.

The Sauron soldiers' long-range strikes did affect the Ming army's cavalry impact array to a certain extent!
However, such few casualties could not stop the Ming army's momentum.

Or it can also be said that once the heavy cavalry charges, it is almost impossible to stop.

And when the Ming army's grenades exploded, the Sauron soldiers didn't feel good, and gaps were blown out in the array.

The next moment, the Ming cavalry followed the gaps and drove neatly into the array of Sauron soldiers.

At the moment of contact, the soldiers in the front row of both sides began to exchange lives!
Under the momentum of the war horse, the heavy armor was completely unable to withstand the thrust of the spear.

Almost all the Sauron soldiers in the front row were turned into hedgehogs!
The Ming cavalry in the front row was also pierced by spears.

However, although both sides are heavily armored units, the Ming army has war horses, so they naturally have more advantages.

The war horse, the knight on the horse, and the heavy armor weighed nearly a thousand kilograms in total.

It can only be imagined how terrifying the potential energy of such a beast weighing half a ton was.

Even if the Sauron soldiers in the front row were not stabbed to death by spears, their horses were hit so hard that they vomited blood and suffered broken bones and tendons.

There were also quite a few people who were knocked directly out and were trampled to death by the hoofs of war horses.

Under the horses' hooves, flesh and blood turned to mud.

It’s not just talk!

Hailan looked at the scene in front of him, and his palms couldn't help but tremble.

Right now, those who are fighting to the death on the front lines and exchanging lives with the rebels are all his own race!
Although Hailancha has always been a very cold person, seeing his own people being killed and injured in this way, it is inevitable that he will feel a little guilty.

He knew that his red crown was actually dyed red with the blood of his tribe!

PS: Today’s update is complete.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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