Chapter 165 The Bloody Battle of Xiangyang

Liu Zhixie stood under a flag embroidered with a huge white lotus pattern, looking at Xiangyang City in the distance with a faint look in his eyes.

It has been almost ten days since the White Lotus Teaching Army arrived at Xiangyang City!

During this period, the rebels launched several fierce attacks on Xiangyang City, but all failed.

Coupled with the huge casualties that will inevitably occur during the siege!

As a result, the rebel army began to complain about Liu Zhixie, the king of heaven.

If it weren't for Liu Zhixie's deep prestige and the belief of the White Lotus cult members were extremely fanatical, the rebels might have broken out into internal strife.

Seeing that the rebel offensive retreated once again, Liu Zhixie let out a heavy breath and spoke.

"Failed again!"

"This iron-forged Xiangyang City is really difficult to defeat!"

Seeing that his side had suffered heavy losses but still could not take Xiangyang City, Liu Zhixie couldn't help but feel a little depressed in his words.

On the other hand, Song Zhiqing on the side spoke with relief.

"The King of Heaven does not need to be too worried. This Xiangyang City had withstood several years of siege by the Mongolian cavalry in the late Song Dynasty. It is normal for it to be difficult to defeat."

"If Xiangyang City is easy to fight, why would Mother Wusheng let us build a vacuum hometown here?"

Liu Zhixie sighed after hearing this.

"The Mongols were able to lay siege to Xiangyang City back then, and Shi Shiran held the siege for several years before attacking the city again, but I'm afraid we don't have that much time."

"Qingyao won't give us that long!"

After saying this, Liu Zhixie looked towards the north, full of solemnity.

It is no secret that the imperial ministers sent by the Qing court are gathering troops in Luoyang and are ready to go south to Hubei at any time.

In other words, the current White Lotus Religious Army is actually facing a huge external threat. The main force of the Qing army moving south from Henan is likely to deal a fatal blow to the White Lotus Religion at any time.

This is also the reason why Liu Zhixie repeatedly urged the White Lotus Teaching Army to attack Xiangyang City.

He wanted to capture Xiangyang City before the main force of the Qing army went south.

Then Xiangyang was used as a barrier to resist the Qing army moving south, and effective rule was established in Xiangyang.

It's a pity that despite the continuous fierce attacks by the White Lotus Teaching Army, Xiangyang City is still as solid as a rock and unbreakable.

Faintly, Liu Zhixie began to feel anxious.

At this moment, Song Zhiqing, who was beside Liu Zhixie, suggested.

"King of Heaven, why don't we bypass Xiangyang and go directly south to the hinterland of Huguang to attack Jingmen and Anlu, or we can turn to Sichuan!"

As a branch of the White Lotus Sect, the Hunyuan Sect is aware of the positions of each branch of the White Lotus Sect.

The places mentioned by Song Zhiqing are all places where the White Lotus Sect has relatively strong influence.

If they can fight through it, they will surely be able to mobilize more rebels to take action.

Especially the land of Sichuan and Sichuan!

Just because the Great Uprising of the White Lotus Sect in the original historical line can be called the Great Uprising of the Sichuan-Chu White Lotus Sect, one can only imagine how huge the power of Sichuan White Lotus is now!

If they can enter Sichuan, the situation they are facing now will definitely be much better.

When Liu Zhixie heard this, he just shook his head.

"Let's attack Xiangyang first. If we really can't defeat Xiangyang, then we can talk about other things."

"Sichuan and Sichuan are really not the foundation of kings and hegemons!"

Seeing Liu Zhixie's firm attitude, Song Zhiqing could only nod in agreement.

Then he went down and arranged for the rebels to continue their fierce attack on Xiangyang City.

Amidst the shouts of "The White Lotus blooms and Maitreya comes to the world" like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, the White Lotus Teaching Army surged towards Xiangyang City again.

In the absence of siege equipment and weapons and equipment.

All the rebel soldiers can do is to use their own flesh and blood to try to shake the impregnable Xiangyang City...

"Kill! Break the city!"

"White lotus blooms, and Maitreya is born!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"


Countless people were shouting in unison, and the White Lotus Cult Army crossed the moat filled with corpses and rushed to the foot of Xiangyang City.

Ladders, rams, trebuchets, and other simple siege equipment were also pushed up.

The ladders and rams quickly moved up, while the trebuchets stayed dozens of meters away from the city wall, firing stone projectiles towards the city head.

Although the ultimate range of a trebuchet can theoretically reach 500 meters, it would require a well-made large counterweighted trebuchet.

This simple trebuchet made by the White Lotus Teaching Army can throw stone bullets dozens of meters away, which is already quite good.

But the White Lotus Teaching Army had just rushed to the foot of Xiangyang City, and suddenly there were rolling logs and rocks falling like rain from the top of Xiangyang City.

Countless rolling logs and stones hit a White Lotus religious soldier with a bloody head and split brain.

The hot golden juice was poured down from the top of the city. The stench was accompanied by burning pain. The rebel soldiers who were poured on it screamed at the top of their lungs.

At the same time, accompanied by a crashing sound of cotton being played, a wave of arrows rained down from the top of Xiangyang City.

Immediately, the sound of sharp arrows piercing through flesh and blood continued to sound.

Wails and screams were heard one after another!

The wrought iron cannon deployed by the Qing army at the head of Xiangyang City also began to fire.

Amidst the rumbling sound of shelling, projectiles flew and hit the crowd, sweeping them away.

Immediately, the Qing army's shotguns also crackled.

Although the gunfire was chaotic, it was not a salvo.

However, the crowd of the White Lotus Teaching Army was too dense. Even if the Qing army did not aim and fired randomly at the crowded ground, there was a high probability that they would be able to fool people.

Of course, the White Lotus Sect is not being beaten unilaterally.

The rebel soldiers who were born as hunters mingled in the crowd, holding hunting bows, and aimed at the Qing defenders who stuck their heads out to shoot.

From time to time it can produce results.

Qing soldiers who were hit by arrows often fell from the top of the city.

The stones thrown by the trebuchet also had a certain effect. Each stone bomb fell on the city head, and the earth and rocks from the Xiangyang city wall were ejected.

There are also stone bullets that can hit the defenders by chance. Amid the screams, the Qing defenders who were hit by the stone bullets were smashed into a pulp.

Before firearms were invented, trebuchets were the most terrifying weapons in the history of human warfare.

But even after the invention of firearms, trebuchets still played a great role in war.

Boom!dong dong!

This was the sound of a car hitting the gate of Xiangyang City.

Xu Le struggled to pull the bumper, and along with the chants, the group of them worked together to pull the bumper to the limit.

As they let go, the iron-clad tip of the wooden stick hit the city gate heavily under the influence of inertia.

With a bang, the wood hit the city gate, making a loud noise!
But this collision failed to bear fruit.

Xu Le suppressed the hunger in his belly and continued to drag Chuangmu according to Shangguan's order.

Following waves of shouts, Chuangmu was continued to be dragged.

However, before they could let go, they saw a hail of arrows and rolling logs and rocks falling from above their heads.

Xu Le watched helplessly as one of his companions was hit on the head by a stone, and another was stabbed into a hedgehog by an arrow.

Looking at the mountains of corpses and seas of blood around him, Xu Le couldn't help but be afraid, but his fanatical belief in the Inanimate Mother made him not step back even if he was afraid.

Because he knew that if he died on the battlefield, his soul would be summoned by the Inanimate Mother and return to the arms of the Inanimate Mother.But if he escapes from battle, he will have no choice but to go to hell after death.

But even so, Xu Le couldn't help but be amazed.

They want to conquer Xiangyang, but it is really difficult to establish a vacuum hometown!

However, at this moment, there was a sudden noise in the distance.

"The attack is in, the attack is in, our soldiers are waiting on the city wall..."

In the distance, the rebels of the White Lotus Sect climbed onto the city wall of Xiangyang by relying on simple ladders.

Those White Lotus religious troops who first ascended, wearing white lotus Buddha light banners and white turbans on their heads, rushed to the Qing army guarding the city without fear of death after ascending to the city.

Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, the White Lotus religious army that first landed on the city suffered heavy casualties.

But when the remaining people saw this scene, they showed no fear at all. Instead, they rushed forward more and more fanatically.

The companions have already gone to heaven and returned to the arms of their inanimate mother. Naturally, they cannot fall behind.

Facing the fierce White Lotus teaching army who were not afraid of death, the Qing army defending the city obviously began to fight timidly.

The two sides had just exchanged hand-to-hand combat, and the Qing army was defeated, and its weakness of not daring to fight was once again exposed.

As some warriors succeeded in ascending first, the situation opened up at the head of Xiangyang City, and the White Lotus Teaching Army couldn't help but get excited again.

"Maitreya comes to the world, the white lotus blooms!"

"Maitreya comes to the world, the white lotus blooms!"


The morale of the White Lotus Sect was immediately boosted.

Shouting slogans, they launched a final fierce attack on Xiangyang.

However, after a gap was opened in the city wall, the Qing army began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No one dares to launch a counterattack against the White Lotus Teaching Army and regain the occupied city wall section!
The battle for Xiangyang seems to have been decided!


But, at this critical moment.

Suddenly there was a thunderous sound of horse hooves at the end of the distant horizon.

It was the rumbling sound of countless horse hooves trampling the ground.

A puff of smoke and dust rose up, covering the sky and the sun.

A large banner of the Qing army appeared at the end of the horizon.

Hai Lancha, wearing heavy cotton armor, took the lead and led five thousand Sauron soldiers like divine soldiers descending from the sky, riding into the battlefield.

"The Great Qing Dynasty wins!"

"Kill the thieves and defeat the bandits, and serve the Qing Dynasty!"


The Sauron soldiers roared like a black tide, rushing towards the weak rear of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

Visible to the naked eye, almost all Sauron soldiers are wearing heavy armor.

Although in later generations, Sauron gave the impression that he liked to go into battle shirtless and then engage in hand-to-hand combat with cold weapons.

However, this does not mean that Sauron soldiers do not know the benefits of wearing armor.

There's a reason why they don't wear armor.

One is because the Qing court was suspicious of Sauron soldiers and did not allow them to wear armor.

The second reason is that the environment does not allow it. For example, in the Battle of Burma, the Sauron soldiers, a group of men who grew up among the white mountains and black waters, were not used to the hot and humid climate in Burma, and they fell ill a lot.

If they were given thick cotton armor to cover their sweat, I'm afraid Sauron's troops would lose more than half of their numbers without fighting.

But now it's different.

On the one hand, because the enemies that Sauron's soldiers had to face when they went south were too strong, and out of fear of Ming thieves, Qianlong lifted the ban on armor for Sauron's soldiers and allowed them to fight wearing armor.

On the other hand, it is because it is still early spring in February and the climate in Hubei is still a bit cold.

In such weather, even if the Sauron soldiers wear thick cotton armor, they will not suffer too many non-combat casualties.

Hailancha was riding on horseback, holding a big gun in his hand, the tip of the gun pointing straight ahead.

He wore a visor on his face, and the expression hidden behind the visor was cold and hard.

In this battle, Hailancha will once again use the traitor's head to prove his loyalty to the emperor!

The body heaved up and down with the bumps of the war horse. Hailancha's hand holding the big gun became harder and harder, and his knuckles began to turn obviously white.

As the horses galloped, the Qing cavalry got closer and closer to the formation of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the Sauron soldiers, led by Hai Lancha, mercilessly poured into the array of the White Lotus Teaching Army like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Sauron's soldiers shuttled back and forth among the White Lotus Teaching Army's array, gathering and dispersing as they pleased, showing extremely strong combat skills.

Although generally speaking, cavalry will not attack infantry arrays.

However, now the White Lotus Teaching Army has taken a turn for the better in the offensive and defensive battle of Xiangyang, and the entire army has pressed forward to launch a final attack on Xiangyang City.

The rear formation was so loose that Hailan could see the fighter plane!

Hailancha has always been a person who is good at seizing opportunities.

Moreover, after he seizes the fighter plane, he will hardly hesitate at all, and will make a prompt decision and personally lead the attack.

It can be said to be quite brave and decisive!
Liu Zhixie was also shocked by the sudden changes on the battlefield, but when he came to his senses, the Qing army had already disrupted the rear formation of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

Sauron's soldiers were like crazy tigers, charging at the old and weak women and children in the White Lotus Rear Army to kill them.

Everywhere he went, he was almost invincible.


"Quick! Quick!"

"Send people to reinforce our rear formation and stabilize our formation."

"Xiangyang City is about to be defeated, and there must be no surprises in the war situation at this time!"

Liu Zhixie roared angrily, his face full of shock and anger as he watched his rear formation being torn to pieces by the Qing cavalry.

Seeing this, Song Zhiqing on the side took the initiative to ask for help.

"King of Heaven, let the general go. The general will lead people to block Qingyao's cavalry!"

Seeing this, Liu Zhixie nodded and agreed to his junior brother's request to fight.

Moreover, in order to ensure that there are no accidents in the battle situation.

He also sent some of his personal guards to Song Zhiqing.

But just when Song Zhiqing led his men to attack, Hailancha decisively ordered Sauron's soldiers to retreat to avoid their sharp edge and distance themselves from the White Lotus teaching army.

Seeing that Hai Lancha was about to run away, Song Zhiqing's eyes were about to burst and he ordered a pursuit.

"Boys, kill! Don't let Qing Yao escape."

"White Lotus comes to the world, and my hometown is empty!"


Hailancha had just led his troops to sneak attack on their rear army and massacred their families, women and children. Everyone in the White Lotus Teaching Army was furious about this.

He was unwilling to let the Qing troops retreat easily.

However, Song Zhiqing and his men had just launched a pursuit when they saw Hailancha making a circle on the battlefield with the mobility of his own cavalry.

After getting rid of Song Zhiqing's troops, he went straight towards the middle army of the White Lotus Teaching Army!
On the battlefield, his figure who took the lead and rushed to the front was quite conspicuous!

(End of this chapter)

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