Chapter 166 White Lotus Falls
On the chaotic battlefield, Hailancha once again keenly found a fighter!
And at the moment when he seized the fighter opportunity, he did not hesitate at all, invested his troops, took the lead, and set out to expand the results of the battle.

Horse hooves rumble!
The galloping Sauron soldiers were like sharp arrows, heading towards the White Lotus Sect's central army with irresistible force.

The current White Lotus Sect's central army is at its most empty.

The main force is storming Xiangyang City and has not had time to withdraw.

The reserve team was sent by Liu Zhixie to Song Zhiqing to stop Hailancha. However, due to Song Zhiqing's rash advance, it was inevitable that his troops would now be out of touch with the central army of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

In other words, there are huge defensive loopholes in the current White Lotus Teaching Army's central army.

Hai Lancha led his men around the battlefield and found the defensive loopholes of the White Lotus Religion Army's central army, and immediately penetrated the White Lotus Religion's central army.

The intention is to kill the general and capture the flag!
Hai Lancha knew that if he could kill the White Lotus Sect's rebel leader, then the Qing Dynasty would have won most of the battle.

And he will be able to go one step further!
With the sound of horse hooves, the Sauron soldiers quickly approached the White Lotus Sect's central army.

The Sauron soldiers at the front raised their carbines and prepared to break the formation.

With heavy armor, strong horses, and sharp spears, Sauron's soldiers came roaring in like the gods of death rushing out of hell.

Before he even got close, a murderous aura rushed towards him!
Seeing this scene, Liu Zhixie couldn't help but start sweating on his forehead.

He was a little excited and shouted loudly.

Ordered the main force to withdraw from Xiangyang City, and ordered the Chinese army to quickly deploy defenses.

The Sauron soldiers roared towards them, their straightened carbine heads flashing with cold light.

The horseshoes flew, and the ground where the horseshoes stepped on was filled with mud.

However, facing the roaring Qing cavalry, the soldiers of the White Lotus Religion were not timid at all.

They all raised their spears and formed formations to meet the enemy.

"Maitreya comes to the world, the white lotus blooms!"

"Maitreya comes to the world, the white lotus blooms!"


The fanatical belief gave the White Lotus teaching army the courage to face the cavalry charge with their flesh and blood.

The next moment, Sauron's soldiers came on horseback to kill.

The two sides collided head-on!

The sound of sharp spears piercing the human body continued to sound.

Sauron's soldiers came on horseback, and with the momentum of their horses, the spears in their hands were able to pierce through several White Lotus soldiers who had no armor to wear.

However, the force action is mutual.

While the carbine of the Sauron soldier penetrated the body of the White Lotus soldier, the spear in the hand of the White Lotus soldier also used the inertia of the horse's sprint to pierce the Sauron soldier and his horse.

For a time, the front line of fighting between the two sides turned into a shocking flesh and blood mill.

The two sides are constantly exchanging lives!

After failing to charge the formation once, Hailancha ordered Sauron's soldiers to retreat, distance themselves, and accumulate power to prepare for another charge.

While the rumble of horse hoofs sounded, there was also the White Lotus Sect's cry of "Maitreya comes to the world, the white lotus blooms".

The Sauron soldiers rushed forward again, and the two sides exchanged another wave of lives.

After repeating this process for three times, the Sauron soldiers finally used their strong horses and heavy armor to tear a gap in the White Lotus Sect's array.

Countless Sauron soldiers roared in from the gap!
In order to boost morale, Hailancha once again took the lead and rushed to the front.

The carbine in his hand was broken, and he didn't care much. He just pulled out the saber given by the emperor, held the blade outwards at his side, and continued to charge.

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and the saber in Hailancha's hand, relying on the momentum of the war horse, cut through the bodies of several White Lotus priests one after another like cutting tofu.

Hot blood sprayed all over Hailancha's head and face, turning Hailancha into an evil ghost that seemed to crawl out of hell.

"Kill! Kill!"

And the Sauron soldiers under him were all like this, following their commander without fear of death and infiltrating the White Lotus Sect's central army.

They slashed with sabers and stabbed with spears, harvesting people unscrupulously.

And the war horses they rode on became the most powerful killing weapon.

When the horse's hooves stepped on it, flesh and blood immediately turned into mud.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zhixie ignored the fact that the frontline soldiers were still resisting. In fear, he was surrounded by his own guards and retreated back.

Then, seeing the banner of the Chinese army retreating, the White Lotus Teaching Army, which was still insisting on fighting the Qing army even though its formation was broken, suddenly collapsed.

The king of heaven has run away, so why are they still fighting for their lives?
Also, didn’t the King of Heaven, Maitreya, come to this world?Facing the clear demon, it's okay to defeat the enemy without using magic. How can you run away?
With faith shattered.

Immediately, the rebel army of the White Lotus Sect began to disintegrate.

Especially the Chinese army was on the verge of collapse.

Such is the case with an army armed with faith.

The more fanatical and tenacious you are before your faith is shattered, the faster you will collapse after your faith is shattered.

Liu Zhixie ran away in embarrassment, but Hailancha still clung to him.

The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer.

Liu Zhixie ran towards Song Zhiqing's possible direction, wanting to seek shelter.

But he couldn't get rid of the pursuers of Hailancha at all!

Both sides chased and fled, causing the battlefield to become increasingly chaotic.

Suddenly, Liu Zhixie's big flag embroidered with Buddha's Light and White Lotus fell down.

Immediately afterwards, Hailancha picked up a bloody human head with a soldier's spear and shouted loudly.

"The thief leader is dead, surrender and not kill!"

At the same time, the rumble of horse hooves sounded again in the distance.

Along with it, there was a banner of the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camp.

After the Hailan Cha Division rushed to the battlefield, the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camp followed closely behind.

Looking at the scale, the cavalry of the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Battalions is even larger than the Sauron soldiers.

There are nearly ten thousand people!

Ten thousand horses came galloping and spread out at the end of the earth, as if a dark carpet was moving on its own.

However, the rumble of horse hooves was too obvious.

Seeing the King of Heaven being killed and more and more Qing reinforcements arriving, the White Lotus Teaching Army began to collapse.

However, if the infantry can form a formation when facing the cavalry, they may still be able to fight.

But if they collapse and run away, once they lose their formation, the consequences will be disastrous!

Once the infantry is out of formation, it is nothing but meat on the chopping board for the cavalry, and there is almost no resistance.


Agui, wearing the yellow mandarin jacket given by the emperor, was stationed on a hilltop, looking towards the direction of Xiangyang City.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, watching the Sauron soldiers and the cavalry from the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Battalions crossing the battlefield and constantly expanding the results, his eyes were quite satisfied.

"This was a good fight!"

"After this battle, the White Lotus Sect bandits will no longer be a threat. If Xiangyang is saved, Hubei will no longer be in chaos."

Agui said.

On the side, Governor Sanbao of Huguang nodded.

"What the general said makes sense. Xiangyang is the gateway to Wuchang and Jingzhou. As long as Xiangyang is not lost, Hubei will be preserved." "As long as Hubei is not lost, the Central Plains will be preserved, and the Qing Dynasty will be safe."

"The victory of our army in this battle is all due to the strong command of the army. I really admire you."

Agui nodded slightly, but the expression on his face was still solemn.

Because he knew that the biggest enemy of his trip south this time was not the bandits of the White Lotus Sect, but the Ming thieves.

Even though they were outside Xiangyang City and had defeated the White Lotus Sect's rebel army, he still had no confidence in facing the Ming army.

"How is the war in Hunan now?"

Agui asked.

He wanted to understand the current war situation in Hunan so that he could arrange troop deployment according to the specific war situation.

Upon hearing this, Sanbao's face turned solemn and he spoke.

"The situation in Hunan is relatively tense. The Ming thieves are attacking Changsha, and the false prince of the Ming thieves is personally leading troops northward to prepare to reinforce the Changsha war."

This is the latest news that Sanbao has received.

Agui's face didn't look good when he heard this.

"It seems we have to speed up the progress here. Changsha must not make any mistakes."

Agui understands that Changsha is the key to this battle.

The Qing Dynasty must not lose Changsha City!

Lin Sixiang, the admiral of Shaanxi on the side, heard this and spoke confidently.

"Don't worry, General. As long as our army can reach the battlefield in Hunan, the Ming thieves will definitely be vulnerable."

"A group of rogues defeated a group of weak soldiers from the south. Do they really think they are the strongest army in the world?"

"If you want to see the best in the world, you still have to look at the heroes outside the pass and me from Gansu and Shaanxi!"

In this era, the Sauron soldiers outside the Pass and the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camps in the northwest were the two pillars of the Qing court.

They are also the two most capable troops in the hands of the Qing Dynasty!
Because of this, Lin Sixiang, as the admiral of Shaanxi, was quite confident in the elite northwest green battalion under his command, and had no regard for the weak soldiers in the south.

Naturally, he would not take the Ming army that defeated the Green Camp in the south seriously!
Hearing this, Agui didn't make a statement, but just spoke with a calm expression.

"The military is a major event for the country. It is the place of life and death. It is the way of survival. It is better to be cautious."

Agui has been fighting for most of his life and is very sensitive to war.

He can realize the thorniness and difficulty of the Ming army!
To be on the safe side, he would not be careless and underestimate the enemy.


Song Zhiqing was lying on the horse, his face extremely pale.

The armor on his body has long been completely lost.

There were only more than a thousand guards left around him.

Hundreds of thousands of White Lotus religious troops besieged Xiangyang, but most of them were lost in an instant. The remaining people either fled or became prisoners of war of the Qing army.

Of the soldiers and horses that had returned to their official form, only about a thousand people around Song Zhiqing were left.

Even Liu Zhixie, the king of heaven, was included in the battle!
It’s really touching!
There was a feather scissor stuck in Song Zhiqing's back. The arrow penetrated almost an inch of his flesh and the barb was still stuck in his flesh.

Even though the arrow shaft was broken, blood was still seeping out.

This is because Song Zhiqing is wearing a suit of cotton armor, which can provide some protection.

Otherwise, this Qing army's armor-piercing arrow could even shoot him right through.

The more than a thousand remnant soldiers of the White Lotus stopped at a creek and began to set up camp and repair.

Almost everyone sat down on the ground as soon as they stopped, unable to get up no matter who pulled them up.

Not long after, I heard a lot of snoring sounds beside the stream.

Since the defeat at Xiangyang City, Song Zhiqing and his party fled all the way without rest for almost a day and two nights before they got rid of the Qing army's pursuit.

From top to bottom, everyone has squeezed out the last bit of his strength!
After the military doctor cut out the meat and drew the sword for Song Zhiqing, Song Zhiqing drank a bowl of nourishing ginseng soup, then forcibly cheered up and summoned the remaining generals in the army for discussion.

He was wrapped in a blanket, sitting on a big rock, and said with a depressed expression.

"The defeat of Xiangyang is really shocking."

"Even His Highness the King of Heaven was killed on the battlefield. It is really bad news."

"However, you should be open-minded and look forward to everything. Since the past has happened, no matter how much we grieve for it, nothing can be changed."

"The most important thing for us now is to discuss what our army should do next?"

As Song Zhiqing spoke, he coughed violently.

The heart-rending cough sounded like he was about to cough up his lungs.

Everyone was silent for a while.

After the defeat of Xiangyang, everyone was in a very confused state of mind and couldn't relax for a while, let alone make any ideas.

Seeing this, Song Zhiqing could only cheer up and speak.

"Since you don't say anything, let me tell you!"

"If you ask me, I actually have three ways to go next."

"Either enter Sichuan from the west, go south to Hunan, or go north to Henan..."

"If we enter Sichuan, we can use our White Lotus Sect's foundation in Sichuan and Shu to regain strength as soon as possible in order to start another rebellion."

"If you go south to Hunan, you can join the Ming Dynasty."

"If we can rely on the Ming army, although we no longer dare to dream of building a vacuum hometown, our prosperity and wealth will probably be guaranteed."

"If you go north to Henan, you can take advantage of the empty Qing forces in Henan and start an uprising."

A leader of the White Lotus Teaching Army heard this and spoke.

"Headmaster, if you ask me to tell you, I'll go to Sichuan soon!"

"At that time, as long as we unite with the White Lotus Sect brothers in Sichuan, we can start another uprising and save the lives of the King of Heaven and the brothers who died in Xiangyang City..."

After Liu Zhixie died in battle, the White Lotus Sect wanted to have a backbone.

So he urgently recommended Song Zhiqing as the new leader, and some people used to call him head teacher.

Another person next to him heard the words and spoke.

"We can't defeat the Qing army. Even if we start another uprising after entering Sichuan, we can't guarantee victory."

"If you ask me, you might as well go south to Hunan and join the Ming Dynasty!"

Now the White Lotus Sect has no resistance to the Ming Dynasty, because the White Lotus Sect's slogan at the beginning of the uprising was "The Lotus Tribulation is coming, the Ming Dynasty will be revived."

Coincidentally, while they were shouting slogans here, Ming Dynasty was really revived in Guangdong and Guangxi.

Therefore, in the eyes of many White Lotus religious troops, this is God's will!
God bless you!

Since God is on the side of Ming Dynasty, what reason do they have to refuse to surrender to Ming Dynasty?

And more importantly, before the defeat of Xiangyang, the Ming Dynasty had sent people to contact the White Lotus Sect.

And made a promise that as long as the White Lotus Teaching Army can surrender to the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty can confer official titles to them.

When the White Lotus Sect was powerful, they did not take Daming's promise seriously!

But now isn’t the White Lotus Sect overturned under Xiangyang City?
Therefore, the remaining defeated generals of the White Lotus Sect thought of joining the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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