Chapter 164

Even if the Thirteenth Bank has now chosen to side with the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Jing'an will not allow the Thirteenth Bank to continue to monopolize sea trade.

Because only if there is competition, will there be development!
Although monopoly can bring temporary benefits, in the long run, monopoly will also bring about lack of progress and complacency.

This is unavoidable!
Because, for a monopoly group, doing nothing and maintaining the current status quo is the best thing in their interests.

But this is something Zhu Jing'an cannot accept!

Now that the West is running wildly on the road to the Industrial Revolution, how can China continue to be complacent?
Zhu Jing'an traveled to this era, and he knew that China had missed the development dividends of the Age of Discovery.

But Zhu Jing'an will never allow China to miss out on the dividends that the industrial revolution can bring!
On the other side, two scholars dressed as scholars were also having morning tea. While they were having morning tea, they discussed and exchanged matters about participating in the imperial examination.

Of course, many of these scholars dressed as scholars still have money rat tails.

Because they came to Guangzhou from Jiangxi, Fujian and other Qing-occupied areas to participate in the imperial examination.

After taking the imperial examination, if you fail, you will have to go home.

Naturally, this braid cannot be cut!
"This is the first imperial examination in the new dynasty. The difficulty will definitely be much simpler. Our chances of being named on the Scholars' Golden List will also be greatly increased."

"Yun Shen, you have to work hard. Try to win the imperial examination once and bring glory to my Xu family. You can't waste half your life like your uncle and only have the reputation of being a scholar."

A middle-aged scholar wearing coarse clothes, with a face full of vicissitudes of life, said with expectation.

He speaks with a distinct Jiangxi accent.

As we all know, the imperial examinations in Jiangxi are famous for their high scores.

Therefore, the middle-aged Xu Qingshan wasted half his life, but he only gained the reputation of a scholar.

With his reputation as a scholar, although his life could not be called rich and powerful, he still had no problem taking care of food and clothing.

Poor scholars only appear poor compared to those from wealthy families.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a scholar is also a scholar.

At the very least, you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking.

The reason why Xu Qingshan lived in such poverty, even when he came to Ming Dynasty to take the imperial examination, he didn't even have any decent clothes and could only wear a coarse cloth.

It was in sharp contrast to the rich and luxurious clothes of the merchants sitting next to them.

That's because something happened to his family.

My mother got sick, and my brother got into a lawsuit in the government office. In order to treat my mother's illness and bring peace to his brother, Xu Qingshan gave up almost all his family wealth.

The impoverished life was also an important reason that forced him to make up his mind to go to the Ming Dynasty to participate in the imperial examination.

Opposite Xu Qingshan, Xu Yunshen, who was in his early 20s and also wearing coarse clothes, nodded vigorously.

"Uncle, don't worry, Yun Shen will definitely work hard to study and pass the imperial examination this time!"

When Xu Qingshan heard this, he just nodded and said.

"This imperial examination is actually a bit disadvantageous for those of us who come from out of town. If we don't study hard before the examination, the possibility of passing the imperial examination will be even lower!"

The reason why Xu Qingshan said this was not because Ming Dynasty discriminated against people from other places.

But because of the braids on the back of their heads!
how to say?

In the imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty, there were points deductions for those who continued to wear braids.

A test paper with the same score, the same score, two reference examples, one with braids and one without braids, the one without braids that Ming Dynasty will admit must be the one without braids.

Among the candidates who participated in the Ming Dynasty imperial examination this time, Jingwei was clearly divided into two factions.

That’s local moves and foreign moves!

Among them, most of the local candidates were from Guangdong and Guangxi, and most of them had cut off their braids in order to participate in the imperial examination.

The purpose of taking exams from other places is to leave a way out for yourself, so that you can go home if you fail the imperial examination.

Most of them still have braids!

With such a comparison, wouldn't it be a disadvantage for those who were recruited from other places?
But there is nothing they can do about it. Who told them not to cut off their braids?

Ming Dynasty did not force them to have braids!

At this moment, Xu Yunshen suddenly spoke.

"Uncle, I want to cut off this braid. What do you think?"

"If you can cut your braids in the imperial examinations in the Ming Dynasty, you will have a greater chance of passing the exam."

Xu Qingshan shook his head when he heard this.

"No, no, you can't cut this braid."

"If we fail the imperial examination this time, we will have to return to Jiangxi!"

"If you cut off your braids, you can't go back!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Yunshen opened his mouth and said.

"If I can't go back, I won't go back!"

"At worst, if I fail the imperial examination, I will join the army. Uncle, I must live a good life."

"I don't want to have to wait to encounter what happened before. We can only knock out our teeth and swallow it in our stomachs."

Xu Yunshen's father had been involved in a lawsuit before, but thanks to Xu Qingshan's intervention, it was resolved.

The reason is that his family used to have a restaurant in the county town, and they sold some groceries, pastries and snacks, and the business was pretty good.

However, precisely because of the good business, their restaurant was favored by Yang Juren from the county.

Yang Juren found a few green-skinned gangsters who went to the Xu family's restaurant to cause trouble every day, making the Xu family's business impossible.

Xu Yunshen's father couldn't bear it anymore and injured the troublemaker Qingpi, which led to a lawsuit.

Xu Yunshen's father was sentenced to exile due to Yang Juren's operation because he injured someone.

In the end, even if Xu Qingshan, a scholar, came forward, their family could only avoid disaster by losing money and passing the restaurant to Yang Juren in exchange for his father being released from prison safely.

Xu Yunshen was really fed up with this grievance!
When he set off south with his uncle this time, he had already made up his mind.

You must look like your own person!

If he can't look like a person, then he won't go back.

Hearing someone here say that he wanted to join the army, Chen Asi, the owner of the tea stall, came over and suggested.

"My guest, if you want to join the army, now is a good opportunity."

"I heard that the Ming Dynasty is planning to open a military academy in Huangpu. It's called the Ming Royal Lecture Hall. It's recruiting people recently."

"It's easy for a scholar like you to get admitted."

"I heard that after graduating from the military academy, you can be directly assigned to the army as an officer. You have a bright future."

The establishment of a military academy was of course Zhu Jing'an's idea.

The main purpose of establishing military schools is to cultivate a sufficient number of qualified grassroots officers.

Used to improve the combat effectiveness of the army!

Because Zhu Jing'an knows that the soul of an army is the grassroots officers.

Officers at the grassroots level must play a role in communicating with superiors and subordinates in the military.

He is the officer who has the most contact with ordinary soldiers in daily life. He is the bridge between the commander and the soldiers. He is the most important tentacle used by the commander to direct the military operations.

To a certain extent, the ability level of grassroots officers represents the combat effectiveness level of an army.

The stronger the capabilities of the grassroots officers, the stronger the military's combat effectiveness.

This is an unquestionable fact!

In order to further enhance the combat effectiveness of the Ming army, Zhu Jing'an began preparations for the establishment of a military academy at the end of last year.The Ming Dynasty court also quickly passed relevant resolutions, and the military academy was opened.

As for the location of the military academy, Zhu Jing'an chose Huangpu!
And the reason is very simple, to pay tribute to our ancestors.

Of course, this ancestor does not refer to the captain of the transportation brigade, but Sun Yat-sen.

Sun Yat-sen was the first principal of Whampoa Military Academy.

When Xu Yunshen heard this, the expression on his face was obviously moved.

But Xu Qingshan, who was opposite him, still spoke.

"Let's take the imperial examination first. If you really can't pass the imperial examination, it's not too late to think about enrolling in the military academy!"

Since the two Song Dynasties, the emphasis on culture and neglect of military affairs has still had a great impact on the world.

On the premise of being able to take the imperial examination, few people would choose to join the army to strive for wealth.

Even in the current war era, after joining the army, promotion speed will definitely be much faster than becoming an official through the imperial examination. Most people will only give priority to the more noble imperial examination to become an official.

The social environment is like this, and Zhu Jing'an has no good way to deal with it.

All he can do is to improve the treatment of soldiers as much as possible and attract more people to join the army.

As for other things, we can only leave it to time!
At this time, with a burst of noise, the people on the street gathered on both sides of the road.

Everyone at the tea stall also subconsciously cast their gaze over.

I saw a rumble of horse hooves at the end of the road.

Immediately, a knight from the Ming Army galloped over, cordoned off both sides of the street, and cleared the road.

After the Ming Army knights cleared the road, groups of Ming Army soldiers appeared immediately.

Wearing red military uniforms and red armor, the soldiers of the Ming army marched in formation with muskets on their backs and bayonets on their waists.

The neat array can be seen as far as the eye can see.

Accompanied by the loud bugle, the Ming army's footsteps were quite orderly.

The leather boots stepped on the ground, and the ground rumbled. The red war flag with clear characters fluttered in the wind, and the mighty military might rushed towards them.

Behind the red battle flag with clear characters are the crown prince Zhu Jing'an, as well as the ceremonial guard and order flags of the military governor of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, both inside and outside.

Zhu Jing'an rode on horseback, surrounded by many Ming soldiers, and drove slowly towards the outside of the city.

Seeing this scene, the people on both sides of the road kept whispering to each other.

After learning that this was an army marching out, they all cheered.

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious, and His Royal Highness will live a thousand years!"

"The Ming army is mighty, and the king's army will surely win!"


Many people are secretly praying that Ming Dynasty will win this battle.

For scholars, only if the Ming Dynasty wins on the battlefield will the merit they obtain in the exam be valuable.

Not a reminder!

For businessmen, only if Ming Dynasty wins on the battlefield can Guangzhou continue to switch.

Instead of being the same as in the pre-Qing Dynasty, the huge Guangzhou Customs only allowed thirteen lines of business to do business.

This is even more true for ordinary people!
Only when Ming Dynasty wins on the battlefield can their peaceful life continue.

Although when the Ming Dynasty captured Guangzhou, they inevitably suffered military disasters.

But at least the military discipline of the Ming army is guaranteed.

After the Ming army took over Guangzhou, the first thing they did was to maintain order in Guangzhou and post notices to calm the people.

And began to deal with those bandits who wanted to take advantage of the war in Guangzhou to fish in troubled waters, murder and loot, as well as some rebel soldiers who violated military discipline.

Although Guangzhou suffered from military rebellion, fortunately the losses were not serious due to Zhu Jing'an's strong control.

But if the Qing army comes back, it will be another matter.

Everyone knows the military discipline of the Qing army.

Do you still remember clearly the massacre of Guangzhou by the Qing Dynasty more than 100 years ago?
It is said that the pile of corpses outside Guangzhou even blocked the Pearl River.

Although all the old people who experienced the massacre in Guangzhou are now dead, the Xie En Archway in Guangzhou City is still there.

The Qing army massacred the entire city of Guangzhou and even built an archway to commemorate the loss of parents and relatives. The people of Guangzhou were grateful for the survivors. It was really shameless.

How could the people of Guangzhou not hate the Qing court deeply?

Therefore, most people in Guangzhou now pray from the bottom of their hearts.

I pray that the Ming army can win the war, so that the Qing army will not fight back and Guangzhou will suffer another military disaster!
Amid the cheers of countless people, Zhu Jing'an led the Ming army out of Guangzhou City.

Then turn north!
The army marched toward Hunan in a mighty manner.

Artillery pieces were pulled by horses to follow the army. The black muzzles and the shining metallic luster of the artillery bodies all showed the huge deterrent power of the artillery.

In this era, artillery is the well-deserved god of war!

In the first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, 1778 AD, on the tenth day of the second lunar month, the main force of the [-] Ming army set out from Guangzhou and headed north.

On February [-], the main force of the Ming army marched to Qingyuan.

On the 21st, the main force of the Ming army arrived in Yingde.

At the end of the month, the main force of the Ming army arrived at Shaozhou Prefecture and set up camp in Shaozhou Prefecture for repairs.

In early March, after several days of repairs, the Ming army continued northward, passed Yizhang, and entered Chenzhou.

As soon as the Ming army entered Chenzhou, Hunan, Zhu Jing'an received an urgent report from Changsha.


The first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, the 43rd year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, February 28th.


The Hunyuan religious army hijacked hundreds of thousands of refugees. The leader Liu Zhixie was named Heavenly King and claimed to be the reincarnation of Maitreya.

He led his army out from Yunyang to the east, and then headed towards Xiangyang.

Liu Zhixie said that Xiangyang was the vacuum hometown designated by Wusheng Old Mother and the location of the heaven on earth.

As long as they can capture Xiangyang and establish their country here, they can avoid the disaster of Jie Lian coming to the world.

After death, everyone can go to serve the Inanimate Mother!

From this, hundreds of thousands of refugees bravely headed towards Xiangyang Prefecture.

They vowed to capture Xiangyang and establish their vacuum hometown.

Boom!dong dong!dong dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums echoed across the wilderness.

At a glance outside Xiangyang City, there are large, dark Hunyuan Religion military camps everywhere.

A large group of Hunyuan religious troops shouted the slogan "Vacuum hometown, birthless old mother, Maitreya comes to the world, white lotus blooms".

Completely ignoring the layers of corpses on the ground, they launched another attack on Xiangyang City without fear of death.

Although religion has many drawbacks, there is no doubt that fanatic believers brainwashed by religious methods are definitely the best soldiers.

After all, if a person is not afraid of death, who else can defeat them?

 I’ll update one chapter first, and there will be another chapter later.
(End of this chapter)

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