Chapter 156 Capturing the Fortress

The Macau Peninsula is different from Coloane Island and Taipa Island. There is water here.

There are also several wells dug in the fort!

However, just because there is water, it doesn’t mean you have enough food!
As long as the Ming Dynasty made up its mind to besiege the city, even if it was concerned about casualties, it would not attack the St. Paul's Fort for a while.

Just besieging the city can also trap the Portuguese in the fort to death!

Due to the long period of peace and stability, the Portuguese no longer had the habit of stocking grain in the forts.

The food stored in the fort is only enough to feed the defenders for a week or two.

At most half a month, the fort will be out of food.

People need to eat!

Once there is no food and grass, no matter how strong a fortress is, it will collapse without attack.

When the envoy heard this, his expression was a little stiff, because Zhu Jing'an's words were on point.

But he still said stubbornly.

"Your Excellency General, there is enough food in the fort to last the garrison until next Christmas. You cannot besiege us."

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an sneered disdainfully again.

"Oh, maybe!"

After saying this, he turned around and gave instructions to the messenger beside him.

"Send the order and prepare to attack the fort."

The war has reached this point.

After the Ming Dynasty won the naval battle at the cost of more than 2000 casualties, it finally besieged Macau.

As a result, the Portuguese sent someone to negotiate terms.

Isn't this just a disgusting person?

If the Portuguese sent people to surrender, Zhu Jing'an would accept it.

If we can capture Macau without killing anyone, that would be great.

He doesn't want to die in vain either!

But the problem is that the Portuguese want to surrender in exchange for Macau remaining as it is.

Even the Ming Dynasty couldn't garrison troops in Macau!

Laughing to death, if Zhu Jing'an really agreed to such conditions, wouldn't the more than 2000 casualties that Ming Dynasty had paid in the naval battle become a joke?
Zhu Jing'an would never agree to such a condition.

In this case, if we can't reach an agreement, then the only option is to fight!

Finally, the trench was dug.

Mortars and rockets were also carried by the Ming army soldiers to designated gun positions in the trenches.

He Gui and other death squads also received orders to attack the fort.

dong dong!dong dong dong!

The sound of war drums resounded across the battlefield, and the intensity of the Ming army's artillery fire suddenly increased significantly.

Amidst the rumbling sound of artillery shelling, artillery shells flew in the air and smashed towards the fort, trying to provide fire cover for our own attacking troops.

Seeing this, the defenders on the fort also realized that the Ming army was going to attack the fort.

The artillery's firepower delivery also became more and more fierce.

The artillery pieces were switched from aiming at the Ming army's artillery array to aiming at the trenches.

It's a pity that sandbags were placed outside the trenches of the Ming army to withstand shelling.

Facing the soft sandbags, the killing effect of the artillery on the fort was really not very good.

Even if a cannonball could land right in the trench, because the trench was dug into a Z-shape, the cannonball would not roll for a few times before stopping.

The effect of the shelling is still not good!
"The Ming army is very close to the fort, prepare to use shotguns!"

Perry opened his mouth and gave instructions to the adjutant beside him.

These days, when it comes to killing people, you still have to look at shotguns.

The killing effect of solid artillery shells is point and line damage, which poses little threat to enemies hiding in trenches.

But shotgun is different!
Under the coverage of firepower, it is damage to the opponent, and all living beings are truly equal.

As long as the enemies within a certain range are fooled, there is no chance of survival.


He Gui took the lead in walking through the trenches, holding the shield and waist knife in his hands.

He bent down and ran towards the fort with long strides.


The sound of shelling continued, and the whizzing of projectiles overhead was quite obvious.

Every time the heavy artillery fired, it was like thunder roaring.

The two sides were bombarding each other back and forth, and the shells were thrown at each other as if they were free.

It seemed that only the roar of artillery was left on the entire battlefield.

Suddenly, the expression on He Gui's face changed.

Because he noticed that the sound of the foreign artillery had changed, and the sound of the artillery had obviously become much deeper.

He Gui realized that the foreigners were using shotgun.

Shocked, He Gui hurriedly spoke.

"Cat waist, cat waist, raise the shield above your head, walk as close to the edge of the trench as possible, and speed up your pace."

Lifting the shield above your head actually has more psychological effect than practical effect.

The shield can block the musket projectiles from a long distance, but it cannot block the shot fired by the artillery.

However, walking close to the edge of the trench and using anti-curved surfaces to protect against artillery is absolutely effective.


The sound of shelling continued.


For a moment, the sound of small shotgun pellets breaking through the air was heard in succession.

Suddenly, He Gui felt a sudden force on the shield he held in his hand, and then there was a clicking sound of the shield being broken.

A shotgun shot pierced the shield he held above his head, and then flew past his face.

The sound of bullets breaking through the air sounded close to his ears.

The next moment, there was a burning pain on his cheek. He Gui subconsciously reached out and touched his hand, which was covered with blood.

His face was grazed by shotgun pellets, leaving a bloody mark.

Looking at the blood on his palm, He Gui took a deep breath and said.

"Damn it, brothers, hurry up!"

"The slower you go, the more you'll get shot at!"

However, He Gui was lucky this time and was only scratched by the projectiles.

But the others behind him were not as lucky as him!

As the bombardment continued, people behind him continued to fall to the ground.

For a while, there was endless wailing and screaming.

However, this could not stop the Ming army's offensive. Accompanied by deafening shouts of killing, the Ming army's death squads continued to advance along the trenches and toward the fort.

Rockets were fired one after another, and a mortar was moved into the trench and attached to the emplacement of the big fort.

Ready to launch!

"Rocket salvo, prepare, fire!"

"The mortar is calibrated and ready to fire..."

The next moment, accompanied by the sound of whizzing through the air, rockets once again lifted into the sky, dragging long tail flames.Cutting through the air, it fell towards the head of the fort.

The rocket landed and exploded, filled with fire and smoke, and swept by air waves.

Amidst the violent explosions, the city walls of the fort were cleared of open space.

A rocket happened to land next to a fortress cannon. With a roar, the fire caused by the explosion of the rocket instantly engulfed the entire battery of the fortress cannon.

The sparks also ignited the powder barrel next to the gun crew, and the powder barrel exploded instantly.

In the blink of an eye, an even more violent explosion occurred.

The shock wave was mixed with air waves and fire, and spread rapidly. While tearing apart the bodies of several gunners, it also threw the remaining limbs and broken arms into the sky.

There were also rockets falling inside the fort, and the roar of the explosion made the Portuguese inside the fort unavoidably panicked.

"It's...this kind of terrifying weapon again!"

"God, what on earth is this? What on earth is this new type of firearm used by the Chinese?"

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying!"

"God bless, has Satan taken the side of the Chinese?!"



The entire Portuguese population in the fort was in panic.

At the same time, the Ming army's mortars also began to fire.

Amidst the roaring shelling, dense clouds of shotshells were thrown towards the head of the fort.

Shotgun pellets were thrown into the sky, and then fell like rain, taking away lives wherever they passed.

This is the roar produced by the explosive bomb explosion.

Although the Ming Army's explosive ammunition is still in the experimental stage, it has not been mass-produced.

However, Zhu Jing'an still ordered a batch of experimental products to be sent over for actual combat testing in the offensive and defensive battles of the fort.

Facts have proved that the actual combat effect of this batch of explosive ammunition using wooden ammunition holders and wooden delay fuses is not bad.

Although it is still inevitable that the shell will explode with a delay after landing, or the shell will explode in mid-air after flying halfway.

But at least the shell explosion didn't happen.

The safety of the gunner is greatly ensured.

Charles and Filosa were also watching the Ming army's attack on the fort. Looking at the tactics and weapons used by the Ming army, both of them couldn't help but have a look of surprise on their faces.

"I'm not surprised that the Ming army used the Vauban siege method. The Vauban siege method has been invented for so long, so it's no secret."

"But what I can't figure out is that the explosive bombs used by the Ming army did not explode."

how to say……

Weapons like blooming bullets are actually no secret.

As early as the late Ming Dynasty, Zhao Shizhen's "Military Illustrations" contained detailed records of explosive ammunition.

At that time, the Ming army was already using blooming ammunition. Unfortunately, due to unqualified processing technology and crude structure of the projectile, the explosion rate was very high.

It is easier to use to kill your own people than the enemy.

Therefore, there has never been a large amount of equipment.

During the wave of cultural exchanges between the East and the West in the late Ming Dynasty, it was not just the East that was learning from the West, but foreigners also learned many good things from the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, foreigners also know something about explosive bombs!
In Charles's impression, the use of explosive bullets is very dangerous, and explosions often occur.

So he couldn't understand why the Ming Dynasty's explosive bombs didn't explode?
Felosa on the side also frowned.

"Perhaps this is another new type of weapon."

"The creativity of the Chinese people is really terrifying..."

Just as the two of them were sighing, the Ming army's death squads had already launched an attack on the fort.

He Gui jumped out of the trench first and led his men to the front, shouting loudly.

"Brothers, kill!"

"Kill the foreigners and protect the Ming Dynasty!"


In front of them, there was only a few dozen meters of flat land left, and they could reach the foot of the fort.

However, it is not that easy to rush across these tens of meters of flat ground.

At the same time, the rifle shooters of the Ming Army also appeared on the battlefield. They lay in the trenches, aimed at the head of the fort, and pulled the triggers.

Provide fire cover for your own attacking troops!

Every time gunfire rang out, someone would be shot on the top of the fort and fall to the ground, or fall off the top of the city with broken bones and tendons.

The Ming army's rifled guns had a terrifyingly high rate of fire!
The accuracy is not bad at all.

"How come the Ming army's muskets shoot so accurately? No, it's the Ming army's rifled guns. Why do they fire so fast?"

Looking at the battle situation from a distance, Ciel couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face again.

Although the mini bomb is not technically difficult, even if it is processed with the technical level of this era, there will be no problem.

However, many things are like this. Without that flash of inspiration, that thin layer of window paper, it can't be pierced.

Gunshots kept ringing out, and people would fall to the ground on the top of the fort.

Soon, the Ming army's siege troops were in place, rushed under the fort under the hail of bullets, and prepared to board the city.

The Portuguese on the fort also raised their guns to fight back. The black muzzles of their guns were aimed at the Ming army's siege troops, and then they pulled the trigger.

Snapped!clap clap!

The crackling gunshots kept ringing out.

The Ming army's siege troops who were climbing up the slope continued to fall to the ground.

There are many casualties!
He Gui could feel the whizzing bullets passing by him.

The rifle shooters of the Ming army were also constantly shooting, loading, aiming, and pulling the trigger, all in one go.

The defenders at the top of the city also kept having balls of blood bursting out from their bodies!
After suppressing the Portuguese musketeers, He Gui and others created a fighter plane.


"Come on, charge on, don't stop!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious! Kill the foreigners!"


Finally, after suffering a large number of casualties along the way, the Ming army rushed down the slope to the fort.

Amid the shouts of killing, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty swung their swords and chopped.

He Gui took the lead, holding his bayonet with a shield, and then slashed with his waist knife, killing several people in a row.

The death squad members behind him also quickly followed up, wielding their swords and fighting with the Portuguese defenders.

Facing the Ming soldiers using swords and shields, the Portuguese who had just emptied their muskets and had no time to reload were being chased and killed almost the whole time.

Although the muskets in their hands were equipped with bayonets, having bayonets attached did not mean that these Portuguese had the courage to fight the Ming army with bayonets.

You know, these Portuguese are just a group of small citizens, not well-trained professional soldiers.

They have the same problem as the Manchu Green Soldiers. You can let them stay away and shoot, but you really don't dare to fight with a bayonet.

A bloody fight is impossible for non-elite troops!
He Gui killed several people in a row and was covered in blood. He looked like an evil ghost killed from hell.

The Portuguese who were killed fled.

The group of them quickly occupied a fort, set up defenses on the fort, and set out to support the Ming army's invasion of the city.

As the death squads gained a foothold on the fort, the Ming army's large troops also rushed up the slope with bayonets drawn.

A large number of Ming soldiers began to pour into the fort...

The St. Paul's Fort in Macau was defeated by the Ming army in this way!
(End of this chapter)

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