Chapter 155
Zhu Jing'an looked at everything on the battlefield expressionlessly, but the smile in his eyes could not be concealed.

Because, he knew that Ming Dynasty won this battle!

As the saying goes, hit with one punch to avoid a hundred punches!

After this battle, the foreigners will be able to remain stable for at least a few decades.

Within a few decades, those aggressive foreigners would definitely not dare to show their teeth to the Ming Dynasty and invade the coastal areas of the Ming Dynasty.

In this battle, although the Ming Dynasty fought against the British and Portuguese forces, it shocked all Western countries.

In this world, the truth is always within the range of the cannon!

Only if your fist is strong enough can so-called free trade be real trade.

Otherwise, others will come to you and buy for free for zero dollars!
Of course, it was not easy for Daming to win this battle.

Almost one-fifth of the fleet that went into battle was sunk, and the remaining warships were all injured.

The number of sailor casualties was at least almost two thousand.

On the surface, it seems that the decisive factor in this battle is rockets, a new type of firearm.

But in fact, what really determines the outcome of a war is never the weapon.

but people!
It is precisely because those Ming soldiers who died bravely fought bloody battles, sailed warships, withstood the bombardment of foreigners, stayed close to each other, and used their bodies to attract foreign firepower.

Only then did our own rocket force obtain a fighter plane that could get close to the foreign warships and launch a salvo of rockets at the foreign warships.

Otherwise, it would not be an easy task for the Ming army's small boats carrying rockets to stick up and fire a salvo, and then send the British-Portuguese coalition forces into the sea to feed the fish in one fell swoop.

Zhu Jing'an recovered his thoughts and gave instructions in a very serious tone.

"Send an order to our fleet and ask them to do their best to rescue people. They must salvage all our people who fell into the water."

"The officers and men of our army want to see people alive, and they want to see corpses when they die!"

"After the war, I will personally pay homage to these brave Ming soldiers."

"Also, those Xiyi who fell into the water must also be salvaged."

"Try to capture as many Xiyi prisoners of war as possible. If our army wants to learn naval warfare tactics from the Xiyi people and learn how to build and operate ships, these prisoners of war will be a good breakthrough."

When the ordering soldier heard this, he cupped his fists and went to convey the order.

Zhu Jing'an, on the other hand, started arranging an offensive against the Macau Peninsula without stopping.

The key to the Ming army's desire to capture the Macau Peninsula lay in the St. Paul's Fort.


In the 140th year of the Chongzhen reign of the Ming Dynasty, November 21, the day after the Battle of Qianshanhai.

The Ming army began to make tentative moves towards the St. Paul Fort!
The first to speak on the battlefield was the artillery group of the Ming army.

The Ming army set up an artillery group outside the fort and arranged artillery positions.

Nearly two hundred artillery pieces, large and small, were aimed in the direction of the fort and began delivering firepower.

There was a deafening sound of shelling.

The first to fire were several 150-meter siege guns, which were foreign 24-pound guns.

Along with bursts of roaring, cannonballs were fired towards the fort.

The heavy cannonballs carried terrifying kinetic energy and landed on the fort, causing earth and rocks to fly from the fort.

But the damage effect on the big fort is not obvious.

Because St. Paul's Fort is actually a bastion.

As for the bastion, to put it bluntly, it is a large concave polygonal mound.

The amount of earthwork is there, and the damage effect of solid shells on the bastion is quite limited.

Even if the artillery shell can hit the bastion, it will not cause fatal damage to the main structure of the bastion.

Facing the Ming army's shelling, the Portuguese on the fort also began to fight back.

The sound of bombardment sounded, and clouds of gunpowder smoke rose from the fort, and shells were fired towards the Ming army's artillery array.

A cannonball drew an arc in the air, landed on the ground with a bang, and then bounced forward while tumbling and spinning.

Bounce towards the Ming army's artillery array!

With a bang, the artillery shell hit the sandbag bunker in front of the Ming army's artillery array, and the kinetic energy carried by it was absorbed by the soft sand.

Then it fell directly to the ground.

The artillery fire from both sides was like this, and the rumbling sound of artillery fire echoed all around, but the actual effect of the artillery fire was not obvious.

The Ming army's artillery was unable to destroy the fort, and the Portuguese artillery was helpless against the sandbag bunkers in front of the Ming army's artillery array.

The artillery fire from both sides was like this. Although it sounded like a lively fight, there were not many actual casualties.

In order to achieve a practical breakthrough, the Ming army was digging trenches while launching artillery bombardments.

To the uninitiated, it seemed that the Ming army was preparing to pass through the trenches and surround the bastion.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that what the Ming army is using now is the most typical Woban siege method.

This was also the only effective siege method for bastions before high explosives were deployed on a large scale.

The trenches were in a Z shape, constantly advancing towards the fort.

Every few dozen meters, a hole for hiding soldiers was dug.

The soil excavated from the trenches was packed with sandbags by the Ming army and prepared to be used to build anti-artillery fortifications.

Zhu Jing'an commanded the Ming army to attack the city in an orderly manner. He was not very concerned about the current stalemate.

This is what the offensive and defensive battles for the bastion are like these days!
No rush!

If you don't want to take too many lives, then just dig trenches honestly.

Although it takes a bit long, there is nothing we can do about it.


Looking at the actions of the Ming army outside the city, George and Shadanye had unpleasant expressions on their faces.

Both of their eyes were bloodshot, and their expressions were obviously depressed.

"It's Vauban's siege method!"

"This is trouble!"

"Once the Ming army digs trenches to the foot of the fort, the fort will be finished!"

Beside them, a Portuguese officer with extremely war experience said with a solemn expression.

This Portuguese officer was called Perry, and he had served in the British Royal Navy. Although he was a navy, he also knew something about Vauban's siege method.

Originally, he had great confidence in the St. Paul's Fort and felt that the barbaric Easterners would definitely have no way of conquering their fortress.

But when he saw that the Ming army used the Woban siege method, his heart suddenly dropped.

The corners of Shadanye's mouth twitched and he asked.

"We can't continue. If we continue like this, Macau will really be destroyed by the flames of war."

"Send people to negotiate with the Ming army. As long as they can allow the Portuguese to continue to live in Macau and let Macau maintain its status quo, then we can surrender to them."

There are not many garrison troops in Macau. Most of the people currently guarding the fort are native Portuguese who grew up in Macau.

In order to protect their homeland, these people have a barely determined fighting will.

But the combat effectiveness is a bit hard to describe!
It is absolutely impossible to expect such a small number of native Portuguese to stop the tens of thousands of elite Ming troops who are like wolves and tigers outside.

Shadanye did not want the Portuguese to continue to sacrifice themselves needlessly, so he was ready to negotiate with the Ming Dynasty.

Hmm... High emotional intelligence: I don’t want to make unnecessary sacrifices!
Low EQ: Afraid of death!

The real reason is that Shadanye is a little afraid that after Macau is captured by the Ming army, he will be liquidated by the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, he was prepared to take the initiative to surrender to the Ming army while the fort was still in his hands, and strive for a more lenient treatment condition.

George on the side also nodded.

"The war has reached this point, and there is no need to continue it!"

"There is no shame in surrendering to the military of a civilized country like China."

Similarly, George didn't want to fight anymore.

The Angsa people's criteria for evaluating whether a country is civilized or not is very simple. If you can defeat them, then you are civilized.

If you can't, then I'm sorry, barbaric low-class people don't deserve to live on this earth!
When it comes to genocide, even the Germans are just talking about the wisdom of the Angsa people.

The first people in the world to experience the life of a concentration camp were not the Jews, but the Indians.


With the continuous rotation of soil workers, the Ming army's trench excavation progressed very quickly.

Large-caliber mortars and rockets are also ready, ready to be transported to the front line at any time to suppress the fire of the large fort.

Even the death squads are ready.

The farewell drinks were served one by one.

Once the trenches are dug and the wine is drunk and the bowl is thrown, the death squads will have to take over.

The defensive capabilities of the bastion are there, even with the Vauban siege method, and even the Macau fort has not been repaired for many years.

But if the Ming army wanted to capture the fort, it would still inevitably suffer some damage.

The Suicide Squad is necessary for its existence!

He Gui tightened his breastplate, breathed on the helmet, rolled up his sleeves and wiped the dust from the helmet, and then put it back on his head.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the big fort in the distance, his eyes were a little complicated.

This mission may be dangerous, but for a demoted general like him, it is indeed a good opportunity to stand out.

"Brothers, drink this bowl of wine and live and die together!"

"If we survive, we will enjoy the glory and wealth together. If we die, we will have a companion on the road to hell."

Seeing that the trench was about to be dug, He Gui raised the wine bowl in his hand and said firmly with an expression on his face.

"If a man is dead and a bird is in the sky, he will not die for tens of thousands of years. We can capture this foreign city in front of us and prove to the Governor that our surrendered soldiers are not cowards."

With a bang, He Gui threw the empty wine bowl in his hand to the ground.

What sounded immediately was a series of snapping sounds.

Every soldier of the death squad was ready to attack.

"Damn it, if I can survive this time, I can be promoted to a soldier in our own unit. Let's fight!"

"Isn't it just a life? Just risk it! It's no big deal."

"Made, if you die on the battlefield, the court will give you [-] acres of farmland as a pension, and if you lose it, you will be given [-] acres of farmland. If you use your humble life to exchange for [-] acres of farmland outside Guangzhou, your life will be worth it!"

Everything is ready, just waiting for the order from Zhu Jing'an.


On the other side, the envoy sent from the fort also saw Zhu Jing'an and said hello to Zhu Jing'an.

"Dear General, on behalf of the Governor of Macau, Mr. Sardanye, and the Director of the British East India Company, Mr. George, I would like to say hello to Your Excellency, General."

Zhu Jing'an didn't even put down the telescope in his hand, he just squinted his eyes and said coldly.

"This governor is not good!"

"In a naval battle at Qianmen, our Ming Dynasty soldiers killed 320 people, 850 people were injured, and 260 people were missing. The total number of casualties was more than 2000."

"You still say hello to me? I am in a bad mood right now!"

Among the casualties of the Ming army, those who died in battle can be confirmed dead, but as the injuries of the wounded worsen, this number may continue to increase.

The missing people could not be found on the battlefield.

There is a high probability that he is dead, with no bones left.

The probability of survival is slim.

After losing more than [-] troops in the first battle, how could Zhu Jing'an's face look good anymore.

When the messenger heard this, he was speechless for a while.

How should I put it, in this Qianmen naval battle, the British-Portuguese coalition suffered very heavy casualties.

Almost all of the more than ten Galen ships were sunk by Ming army rockets!
And for each Galen ship, the total number of crew members required is almost 200 to operate.

And that’s not counting the gunners and sailors on the ship!

If we add them all up, the number would be at least three to four hundred people.

More than ten Galen ships were all sunk in the battle, and the casualties of the British-Portuguese allied forces were at least [-].

This was when the Ming army was cleaning up the battlefield after the war and rescued the Xiyi floating on the sea.

Otherwise, the casualties of the British-Portuguese coalition forces would probably be even higher!
Seeing this, the envoy was speechless for a while. Although he knew that the British-Portuguese coalition suffered more casualties than the Ming army, he did not dare to refute Zhu Jing'an's words.

The reason is also very simple. Who makes Zhu Jing'an the winner?

The words of the victor cannot be refuted.

Zhu Jing'an glanced at the messenger with his peripheral vision and continued to speak coldly.

"Tell me, why are you here? You can't really come to say hello to the governor, can you?"

After hearing this, the messenger spoke.

"Dear General, I am here to discuss surrender with you on behalf of the Governor."

"As long as you allow the Portuguese to continue to live in Macau, and the Ming Dynasty does not interfere in the administration and management of Macau, and does not garrison troops in Macau, the defenders in the fort will surrender to you."

"And we will also pay a rent to the Ming Dynasty every year in accordance with the agreement we made with the Ming Dynasty in the future."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he turned around and glanced at the envoy blankly.

"threaten me?"

"Haha, you foreigners are really interesting. You are surrounded by this governor in an isolated city, and you still dare to threaten me?"

"What, is it easy to bully someone who is the governor?"

After hearing the words, the messenger opened his mouth and said.

"Your Excellency General, there are still thousands of defenders in the fort at this time. If you push too hard, we will have no choice but to make up our mind to fight to the death."

"When the time comes, even if your army can capture the fort, I'm afraid it will have to pay a heavy price."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he sneered disdainfully.

"If you want to surrender, don't ask for conditions. I will only accept unconditional surrender."

"If you want to make terms with me, please send the envoy back!"

"Rather than gossiping at the negotiation table, I prefer to let the artillery do the talking!"

"As for making my army pay the price? Haha, if nothing else, is there enough food in the fort now? If my army besieges the city, how long will it take for you to start eating people?"

(End of this chapter)

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