Chapter 154 Changying’s debut
A loud bang!
Then there was the buzzing sound of cannonballs breaking through the air, and a black cannon popped out of the chamber and shot toward a Western warship in the distance.

The shell accurately hit the side of the Xiyi warship, but it was only embedded in the hull.

The kinetic energy carried by the projectiles was limited and was not enough to tear a hole in the side of the Xiyi warship.

Qian Lang couldn't help but feel frustrated when he saw this.

"It is said that the navy of Xiyi has strong ships and sharp guns. I didn't believe it before, but now that I see it, it is true."

"Even our army's 120mm naval gun couldn't penetrate its side hull!"

But soon he regained his spirits and roared.

"Hurry up!"

"Continue reloading and prepare for the second round of bombardment."

The reason why he was able to quickly regain his spirits was because Qian Lang knew that the Ming army's biggest reliance in this battle was not naval guns, but rockets.

What they are doing now is to create favorable opportunities for their own rockets to show off.

The naval gun was reloaded, followed by a roar and another salvo. Several projectiles were fired at the Western ships in the distance.

The narrow water channel was filled with gunpowder smoke, and jets of water shot up.

Following a series of shellings from both sides, a large amount of debris began to float on the sea.

Many sailors fell into the water after the ship sank, struggling and flopping in the water desperately.

But it is very obvious that almost all of the warships sunk in the battle were Ming warships.

On the battlefield, whether it was the French and Dutch ships on the side of the Ming Dynasty, or the British and Portuguese Galen ships, they were only damaged but not sunk.

The strong ships and cannons of the Xiyi people can be seen!
The sound of artillery shelling on the battlefield was continuous.

Cannonballs shuttled back and forth in the Qianshan waterway, and wherever they passed, there was an endless sound of whining through the air.

As the distance increased, several more Ming army warships sank.

Qian Lang's ship was hit by several large iron balls one after another. The keel of the ship's hull was broken, the load-bearing structure was damaged, and it became shaky.

Every time a wave comes in, a crunching sound of wood twisting and breaking can be heard.

Qian Lang endured the pain from the gash on his left leg that was opened by the shooting wood splinters, and large beads of cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead.

But he didn't scream in pain, but just pulled a piece of cloth from his clothes and strangled the blood vessels above the wound to prevent heavy bleeding.

He didn't even clean up the scraps of wood left in the wound. He bandaged the wound and continued to direct the battle.

"Move the muzzle fifteen degrees to the left, raise the elevation five degrees, and fire!"

Qian Lang gave an order, and the artillery continued to fire, and a shell roared towards the Princess Maria.

With a bang, the red-hot arson bomb suddenly hit the deck of the Princess Maria.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the shell happened to hit the mast of the Princess Maria.

There was a continuous clicking sound, and the mast was hit hard and broke directly, tilting and falling towards the deck.

The mast tilted rapidly and collapsed onto the deck.

Suddenly, several British sailors on the deck were smashed below.

It's okay to say that the one covered by the canvas can't die. At most, he will be confused for a while.

But there was an unlucky guy who had his head suffocated directly by the mast. With a bang, his head was smashed into his chest by the mast.

Dead can't die anymore!
Arson bombs ignited the canvas and the flames spread across the decks of the ship.

The air is filled with the burning smell!

Several British sailors were directly wrapped in flames and let out a scream.

The only option was to jump off the deck and jump into the sea to put out the fire.

However, Qian Lang didn't have time to be happy for a long time when he saw another cannonball flying towards him.

With a click, the shell smashed through the hull and poured into the cabin.

In just an instant, a Ming army sailor was hit by a cannonball. In the blink of an eye, his entire body was cut off from the waist and abdomen.

The upper body and lower body were separated directly, and blood was sprayed everywhere as if it was free.

This Ming army sailor didn't even have time to scream, and he died on the spot...

But the shell continued unabated and penetrated several bulkheads one after another.

With a roar, the hull of the ship broke into two sections.

A large amount of seawater poured in, and the warship Qian Lang was on slowly sank, leaving only pieces of wood on the sea.

And the screaming and struggling Ming soldiers!
As the distance between the two sides continued to shrink, the battle became increasingly fierce.

Ming warships sank one after another!
The number of casualties of the Ming army continued to rise.

Even the ship of Zhang He, the commander-in-chief of the Navy, was hit several times by the artillery of the Anglo-Portuguese coalition.

There was a raging fire burning on the ship, and the sailors were busy putting out the fire.

Of course, things were not easy for the Anglo-Portuguese allied forces. Big holes were made in the hull of the ship by cannonballs, the mast was broken, and the canvas was burned.

The scene is shocking!

As the distance increased, both sides began to use shotgun shells in an effort to cause effective damage to the personnel on the enemy's deck.

The sound of the gunfire became muffled, and dense shells passed over the deck at low altitude, causing death and injury everywhere they passed.

Because the side of the warship was lower, the Ming army suffered a big loss and the number of casualties was quite huge.

The entire deck of the ship seemed to be covered in blood.

There were wailing and screaming wounded soldiers everywhere.

Fortunately, the distance at which shotgun shells can cause effective damage is actually similar to the effective range of rockets.

While both sides were using shotguns to bombard each other, the small boats of the Ming army hiding behind the big ships, waiting for the right opportunity to fight, also moved.

The oarsmen on the boat rowed their oars desperately, and the speed of the boat increased sharply, leaving an obvious ripple on the sea.

He fought out from behind the big ship and rushed straight towards the British-Portuguese allied warship.

"Hurry up!"

"Close the distance and prepare rockets!"

"Adjust the shooting elements. For the last time, adjust the shooting elements! Prepare to launch!"

"Fuck you foreign devils, avenge your brothers who died in battle!"


On the St. Paul's Fortress, George looked at the changes in the battle situation in Qianshanshui Channel and sneered disdainfully.

"Haha, these Easterners really haven't made any progress."

"How long has it been since this happened? You are actually planning to use the outdated tactics of setting ships on fire hundreds of years ago to deal with our fleet."

"It's just whimsical!"

Looking at the small boats that suddenly flashed out from behind the Ming army's ships, George thought they were arson boats.The expression on his face was a bit disdainful.

Even Shadanye on the side changed his worried look, looking at the situation on the battlefield, and said with confidence.

"I think it won't be long before brave soldiers can bring us the good news of victory."

Because the current situation on the battlefield is indeed beneficial to the British-Portuguese coalition.

French and Dutch galenic ships suffered heavy losses, and one Dutch galenic ship had withdrawn from the battle because its mast was destroyed.

The Ming army sank thirty or forty ships, large and small, in succession, and suffered countless casualties. The losses were close to one-fifth.

But among the ships of the Anglo-Portuguese coalition, only the Galen ship with two broken masts lost its combat effectiveness. The remaining ships could still continue to fight.

If the war situation continues to evolve like this, there is a high probability that the British-Portuguese coalition will achieve final victory.

However, as soon as George finished speaking, something unexpected happened on the battlefield.

call out!Whoosh!Whoosh!

There was a harsh sound of breaking through the air, and rockets with long tail flames trailing behind them took off into the sky, drawing beautiful arcs in the sky and shooting towards the warships of the Anglo-Portuguese coalition.

After the distance was reduced to more than 100 meters, the rocket launcher was leveled and aimed, and then fired a salvo.

The Ming army's rockets have very good accuracy!
The sound of rocket launches was continuous. At this moment, the Ming army's boat released at least several hundred rockets.

In an instant, rockets were shot out one after another, and the direct rockets were connected back and forth, like a dragon roaring.

The roaring sound shocked everyone!

Inside and outside the battlefield, everyone looked at the scene in front of them with shock.

The sound of the rockets breaking through the air was really like a miracle.

With a bang, a rocket hit the side of the Princess Maria with its mast broken.

The warhead of the rocket was nailed hard to the side. Soon, the fuse burned out and the charge inside the rocket was ignited.

There was a booming explosion, and the rocket's warhead penetrated the explosion, opening a large hole in the side of the Princess Maria.

However, the large hole was not opened on the waterline, so it could not cause fatal damage to the Princess Maria.

But the problem is that the Ming army's rocket salvo fired not one or two rockets, but hundreds of covering shots.

Several rockets hit the Princess Maria in succession.

Amidst the rumbling explosions, several balls of fire exploded, and the side of the Princess Maria became riddled with holes, with several large holes running through it and connecting into one.

With a clicking sound, the water began to pour in, and the Princess Maria began to sink...

Moreover, the Princess Maria was not the only Galen ship that was sunk!
The Ming army's first salvo of rockets destroyed the hull structure of three Galen ships. Seawater began to pour in and the ships sank quickly.

The remaining Galen ships also suffered heavy losses, and the holes in the hulls were quite conspicuous.

This scene shocked everyone on the battlefield.

Charles and Felosa, who were on their own ship, looked at the scene in front of them and couldn't help but be stunned, and their whole bodies fell into shock.

But after the shock, there was a deep fear.

If they had not chosen to side with the Ming Dynasty, wouldn't they now have to face such a terrifying weapon together with the British and the Portuguese?

Before they could finish being shocked, the Ming army's second round of rocket salvo started again.

A whistling sound like a demon's whisper sounded again.

Rockets shot through the air and fired straight at the British-Portuguese allied ships.

The next moment, a rumble of explosions resounded throughout the sea.

The shock wave generated by the explosion not only destroyed the ships of the Anglo-Portuguese coalition, but also left ripples on the sea.

A rocket landed on the deck of the ship. The sailors on the deck quickly evaded it, but only for a moment, the rocket body exploded suddenly.

Fire and shock waves swept all around. The bodies of several foreign sailors who were closer were directly torn apart by the shock waves. Their stumps and broken arms were thrown into the sky by the rapidly spreading air waves, and finally fell into the sea!

The scene is shocking!

After the second round of rocket salvos, almost none of the remaining Galen ships of the Anglo-Portuguese coalition survived, and they all began to sink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fire caused by the explosion ignited the hull of the ship, and the flames burned fiercely and spread rapidly. A sailor from the British-Portuguese Allied Forces jumped from the ship into the sea to escape.

The overall situation on the battlefield has been decided!

The Anglo-Portuguese fleet, which had been arrogant just now and had the upper hand, was vulnerable to the Ming army's rocket salvo.

However, the Ming army's ships had no intention of stopping!
As if to vent their anger, they fired the third and fourth rounds of rocket salvos at the Anglo-Portuguese allied ships that were still floating on the water and had not yet completely sunk.

At this moment, on the naval battle battlefield in Qianshan Waterway, it seemed that only the whizzing sound of rockets piercing the air and the roar of explosions were left...

Seeing the scene in front of him, Charles was shocked and speechless, and asked with a dull look.

"This... what kind of weapon is this? How can it fire so fast? Why is its power so amazing?"

Anthony on the side also felt his hands and feet feeling cold.

He said with a solemn tone.

"Mr. Charles, you really made the best decision."

"Otherwise, now we should be sent to the sea to feed the fish together with those British and Portuguese people with strange weapons like the Chinese..."

"If the Chinese can have tens of thousands of these strange firearms in their hands, I believe that even if the British can move their armada to the east, they will suffer a big loss."

Ciel made the sign of the cross on his chest with one hand and said with a solemn expression.

"God bless, God bless!"



And on the other side, on the watchtower of St. Paul's Fort.

Seeing the sudden change in the battle situation before their eyes, George and Shadanye were both shocked and speechless.

Especially George, looking at the strange firearms used by the Ming army, he felt full of crisis.

At this moment, he seemed to feel that the British Empire's maritime hegemony was threatened.

If all countries in the world possess such firearms, can the maritime hegemony established by the British Empire with its strong ships and cannons still be maintained? !
If George was still worried, Shadanye on the side was already panicked.

"It's over, it's over, the fleet has been wiped out. Macau is really undefeated now."

The destruction of the fleet seemed to sound a death knell for the Portuguese in Macau.

Don't look at it, they seem to have a St. Paul's Fortress.

However, a fort that has been abandoned for more than 100 years and has hardly been repaired during this period is really impregnable no matter how impregnable it was before.

Under the ravages of time, how much defensive ability can be left?
Not to mention that Macau is a place where even water sources have to be transported from the mainland.

As long as the Ming army made up its mind to take Macau, there was almost no possibility of holding Macau.

(End of this chapter)

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