Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 157 All seven provinces are in chaos

Chapter 157 Seven provinces are in chaos
Although the Ming army only occupied a section of the city wall now, with this section of the city wall as a breakthrough, it was only a matter of time before the St. Paul's Fort was breached by the Ming army.

The battle situation continues to evolve!

After the Ming army entered the city, the resistance of the Portuguese dissipated as quickly as ice and snow melted.

Wherever the Ming army's troops ascended the city passed, the resistance was already quite weak.

Almost most of the Portuguese chose to surrender.

And the Ming army also began to shout loudly to surrender without killing, to recruit surrender and accept rebels, while expanding the results of the war.

There are no foreigners living in the Far East in this era who don’t understand Chinese.

Listening to the Ming army's surrender, the Portuguese soldiers, whose morale had collapsed, threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground to surrender to the Ming army.

As soon as the Ming army soldiers passed by, there was almost a wave of surrender.


Under the protection of several guards, Shadanye walked all the way towards the city gate of the fort, preparing to escape from the city.

By his side, there was George, the director of the British East India Company.

The two men fled in panic, and behind them, the Ming army entering the city was pursuing them.

"Thieves, don't leave, where can you run!"

"Stop, don't run, surrender without killing!"

"Run and shoot!"


He Gui was covered in blood and had several wounds on his body, but he felt no pain at all now.

With his adrenaline high, he could only see the backs of the group of people escaping in front of him.

He wanted to capture the thief leader alive and take it to prove his loyalty to Zhu Jing'an!


"The thief should escape!"

"Take the leader of the thief and ask for credit from the Governor!"

The soldiers of the Ming Army's death squads, who were on the front line of the pursuit, shouted and shouted desperately.

Shadanye looked back from time to time, looking at the approaching pursuers, his face full of despair and fear.

George on the side was even sweating profusely from running.

After being pampered for a long time, he was fat and physically exhausted.

After running a few steps, I was sweating profusely. I felt as if I had been fished out of the water and almost collapsed.

George never thought that as a representative of the British Empire, he would one day be chased around like a dog.

As we all know, the British East India Company was the representative of Britain in the Far East.

As one of the top executives of the East India Company, George could naturally represent Britain.

Wherever he went before, no one from the indigenous tribes dared to treat him like this...

Suddenly, George, who was escaping, stepped on the air and his body suddenly lost his balance and fell forward.

George subconsciously reached out and grabbed Shadanye on the side, asking him to help him.

However, Shadanye might as well have been pulled, but he couldn't pull the fat man George.

The two of them suddenly fell into a ball like a gourd rolling on the ground.

Shadanye was even more suppressed by George, and almost couldn't breathe.

The two of them fell to pieces, and the attendants and guards on the side were busy trying to lift them up from the ground.

But it was impossible to do it at all. With George's weight, it was not something that ordinary people could move with support.

Shadanye lay on the ground, feeling George pressing on him, and felt his eyes darken for a while.

When he came to his senses, a knife was already placed on his neck.

The sharp blade pressed against Shadanye's neck. Shadanye felt the rich smell of blood on the blade, and his crotch immediately felt hot...

He Gui looked at the two big fish he caught, his face full of joy.

He knew that the first certificate of surrender he handed in after surrendering to the Ming Dynasty must be appropriate.


Beijing, the Forbidden City!

Military Department.

Today, Xiu Mu, the person responsible for staying on duty at the military aircraft office is Shu Hede, the bachelor of Wuyingdian.

Shu Hede was flipping through the memorial brought up from below and sipping the tea with a relaxed expression.

After drinking a few sips of the fragrant tea, feeling the lingering fragrance in his mouth, Shu Hed smacked his lips and spoke.

"The tea is a little cold. Make another pot."

Upon hearing this, the young eunuch serving in the Military Aircraft Department knelt down and chirped, then walked out with the teapot.

However, just as the little eunuch turned around and opened the door to go out, he saw a black shadow flash before his eyes, and he was knocked to the ground.

With a bang, Shu Hede's favorite purple clay pot suddenly fell to pieces.

The little eunuch sat down on the ground, looking a little confused.

But when he saw the smashed purple clay pot, he was frightened.

He hurriedly got up from the ground and kowtowed to Shu Hed.

"I accidentally dropped your Lord's purple clay pot. Please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

But the man who knocked down the little eunuch climbed up from the ground and gasped.

"If you want to reply to your lord, please report urgently to Guangdong, urgently to [-] miles away..."

As he spoke, he took out an urgent letter marked in red from his arms and presented it to Shu Hed.

Seeing this, Shu Hed suddenly stood up from his seat.

He didn't care about feeling sorry for the purple clay pot that was smashed to pieces, and he didn't care about the little eunuch who begged for mercy. He just spoke.

"Eight hundred miles urgent? But what happened? Could it be that the Fulong Anping thief succeeded?"

The messenger said with an ugly expression.

"Replying to my lord, Lord Fulong Anfu defeated Shaoguan, and the war situation in Guangdong and Guangxi was completely ruined..."

When Shu Hede heard this, his vision went dark and he almost couldn't stand and fell to the ground.

"What... what's going on?"

"What's going on? Where has Fulong'an led his troops to retreat to?"

Shu Hed did not think about the matter in terms of the annihilation of the Fulong Security Army.

In his opinion, Fulong'an has the troops of three provinces, and no matter how bad the battle situation is, it is impossible for the entire army to be wiped out at once.

With an anxious mood, Shu Hede's hands were trembling a little, so he took the letter and newspaper and opened it to read.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Shu Hede couldn't help but his eyes darkened.


It's over!

The situation in Guangdong and Guangxi is beyond control!
The three-province coalition led by Fulong'an was completely wiped out. One of the admirals of the three provinces died in battle and two surrendered to thieves.

The two admirals who surrendered the thieves even began to lead the thieves to the territory they once controlled.

The bandits began to spread towards Hunan and Guizhou...

Really lawless!

Even when the San Francisco Rebellion broke out, the situation faced by the Qing Dynasty was nothing more than this!
Shu Hede took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then strode outside the military aircraft office, preparing to ask for an audience with Qianlong.


Bang bang!This is the angry Qianlong smashing the furnishings in his imperial study.

"Trash, Fulong'an is a trash. The armies of three provinces were wiped out in one battle. How did he win this battle?!"

"Da Qing's face, my face, will be completely disgraced by him! They will be completely disgraced!"

Qianlong held an inkstone he had always loved in his hand and smashed it directly towards the gold bricks on the ground.

With a clang, the inkstone hit the gold brick, making a loud sound like a metal knock.

Shu Hede, He Shen, A Gui and other military and aircraft ministers on the side were all silent, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing desperately to apologize.

No one dares to face the emperor's wrath!

With a bang, another white jade Guanyin was thrown to the ground by Qianlong, and the white jade Guanyin statue was directly smashed into pieces.

"And Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong, the two thieves rebelled against our Qing Dynasty and surrendered to the Ming thieves. They are really worthy of death, they deserve death!"

"I can't wait to execute them all in Lingchi and destroy their nine clans. I will destroy their nine clans..."

Qianlong was really angry now.

His great Qing Dynasty, his glorious and prosperous age!

destroyed!All ruined!

You know, it is not just the four provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan and Guizhou that are in chaos now.

There is also civil unrest among the officials, and the imperial army has not yet been able to calm it down.

The Tiandihui forces in Fujian are also ready to move.

An urgent report was also sent from Hubei. The Hunyuan Sect used the banner of "Lotus of Tribulation to come to the world and revive the Ming Dynasty" to incite the refugees in Yunyang to rebel.

Now they have occupied several state capitals, and the thieves are trying to invade Xiangyang.

On the Sichuan side, with the defeat of the Qing Dynasty in Guangdong and Guangxi, the chieftains in western Sichuan, who had rarely settled down due to the suppression of Jinchuan and Jinchuan, began to try to challenge the authority of the Qing Dynasty again.

That adds up to seven provinces, and almost the entire South is going to be in chaos!
Is this his own prosperous Qianlong era now?

But since ancient times, how could there be such a big mess in the prosperous times?
Qianlong felt like his face was being slapped!

At this time, although Qianlong was still convinced that the Qing court had the ability to quell the rebellion in the south, he was afraid that this massive rebellion would turn into the "Anshi Rebellion" of the Qing Dynasty.

By then, wouldn't Qianlong, like Li Longji, have the reputation of being a debauched and promiscuous country that would lead to the collapse of its prosperous age?
After Qianlong finally finished venting, he finally calmed down.

Yu Minzhong, the foreman on the side, said.

"Please, Your Majesty, please calm down and don't be angry because of the two thieves. There are many more loyal and good people in our Qing Dynasty than traitors."

"Didn't the Admiral Weng Zhaolin of Hunan, Jin Rong, the Admiral of Guangdong, Yang Jingsu, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Yong Wei, the general of Guangzhou, and Fulong'an, the imperial envoy, all die for the Qing Dynasty?"

Although there has been no Yongwei in Guangdong and Guangxi, detailed news came out about whether Fulongan and others died for the country.

However, the Qing Dynasty already regarded them as martyrs.

Otherwise, if these two people turn out to be greedy for life, it will be a huge blow to the prestige of the Qing Dynasty.

After all, even your Qing clan and even your clan have surrendered, so what else can others fight?

After Yu Minzhong said this, He Shen quickly answered.

"Yes, Master, although there are some rebels in the world, the slaves are still loyal."

"I will definitely be able to bring down the rebel bandits for my master."

"Master, you must not get so angry!"

Agui also spoke.

"I also ask the emperor to issue an order to bury the posthumously named Guangzhou General Yong Wei, the imperial envoy Fulong'an, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Yang Jingsu, the Guangdong Admiral Jin Rong, the Hunan Admiral Weng Zhaolin and others who died for the country."

"To show the Qing Dynasty's kindness to loyal ministers!"

Chinese people believe that one person's death is the most important thing.

Although the Manchus and Qing Dynasties were foreigners who occupied the Central Plains, they also recognized this point.

No matter how big a mistake a person made during his lifetime, since they all died for the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty can no longer hold them responsible for the defeat.

Not only that, the Qing Dynasty should also give him enough posthumous honors, let him be buried with splendor, and be a blessing to his descendants.

Qianlong took a deep breath and said after hearing this.

"But, at this time, let's leave it to the Military Aircraft Department to handle the details. Decide to commend and honor those loyal ministers and good generals who sacrificed their lives to suppress the traitors, and favor their descendants as officials, so as to stabilize people's hearts."

Although Qianlong had many shortcomings.

But after being the emperor for such a long time, he still has quite a lot of experience in how to win over the hearts and minds of the military.

Several military ministers knelt down to accept the order.

Qianlong exhaled a deep breath, calmed down his mood, then rubbed his brows and asked.

"Tell me, how should the court put down this Ming thief rebellion?"

Agui spoke first.

"Returning to the emperor, the Ming thief has become bigger now, and Hailan Cha alone may not be enough to defeat the thief."

"This slave invites himself as an imperial envoy and dispatches the Eight Banners of the capital, the Green Camp in the northwest, and the Sauron soldiers outside the pass to go south together to fight against the thieves!"

"Also, the Qing Dynasty had better mobilize all the troops in the southern provinces to jointly suppress Guangdong and Guangxi."

"Otherwise, it will only allow the thieves to expand further..."

As Qianlong's trump card, Agui once again stepped forward to challenge.

Commanding so many different systems of military operations is definitely not something that a foreign general from Hailancha can do.

Even if Hailancha could do it, he was not qualified to do it.

As a Sauron, he could just be a swordsman for the Qing Dynasty, but he was not qualified to be the swordsman.

Agui must stand up!

Qianlong heard this and lowered his head to think.

He is weighing the pros and cons.

After a moment, Qianlong raised his head and asked.

"Where is Helena now?"

Yu Minzhong, the foreman on the side, said.

"Reporting to the emperor, after the emperor's last decree, Hailancha rode a horse overnight to the outside of the pass to go to the Sauron tribe to select brave men."

"He spent several months selecting a force of 5000 elite soldiers from Sauron's various tribes, all of whom were brave and brave enough to die."

"According to the news that came a few days ago, Hailancha should have led his troops to Shanhaiguan by now!"

When Qianlong heard this, he nodded slightly.

"Very good. It is said that Hai Lancha will enter the capital as soon as possible and then prepare to go south to defeat the thieves."

"Also, give an order to Sauron's tribes outside the Pass, asking them to select ten thousand people to come out and be ready to enter the Pass at any time to quell the rebellion..."

The current situation in the south is really bad, so Qianlong is planning to let the Sauron Department contribute more.

Of course, Sauron's tribe couldn't escape when the people died in the battle, but when the battle was over and it was time to enjoy the glory and wealth, it would definitely not be their turn.

The euphemistic name is to let Sauron's tribe continue to live among the white mountains and black waters outside the pass, and to maintain the combat effectiveness of Sauron's soldiers.

But to put it bluntly, aren't you just reluctant to give Sauron's tribe a share of the Eight Banners' hardcore crops?
There are already enough people in the Qing Dynasty who eat the hard-core crops, and Qianlong is reluctant to give another portion to the Sauron tribe.

After saying this, Qianlong turned to Agui and said.

"The Qing family will be responsible for countering the rebellion."

"Later, I will order one unit of Xishan Jianrui Battalion, one unit of Gansu and Shaanxi Green Battalion, and one unit of Sauron Army to go south with Ai Qing to defeat the bandits."

Jian Ruiying is one of the few elites among the Eight Banners soldiers of this era who dare to fight.

It was a powerful Eight Banners force that Qianlong deliberately selected from the Manchu, Mongolian and Han banners.

(End of this chapter)

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