Chapter 135 The most powerful trump card

Soon, the Ming Army's forward battalion was fighting with the Qing Army's Hunan Green Battalion.

Knives came and went, spears stabbed.


"Destroy the enemy, defeat the thieves, and the Qing Dynasty will be victorious! Long live the emperor!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


But it is very obvious that the Qing army is being suppressed by the Ming army.

The Qing army's shotguns can only be fired once in battle, and then they will turn into fire sticks.

As long as the Ming army can resist for one round, the rest will be a unilateral massacre.

After a close encounter, the Qing army's shotgun soldiers began to retreat in front of the Ming army's spear phalanx.

Although the soldiers in the front row of the Ming army suffered a round of shotgun fire and inevitably suffered casualties, the soldiers in the front row of the Ming army did not retreat due to the pressure from the supervisory team behind them.

Instead, he charged forward with his spear and stabbed the Qing shotgun soldiers.

Although in theory, no matter how bad a shotgun is, it is still better than a spear.

But theory belongs to theory, and practice belongs to practice.

If the bird gunner cannot fire a volley, the actual killing effect is not obvious.

Especially a shotgun without a bayonet, it becomes a fire stick after shooting.

As for the spear, as long as it rushes forward, it will create a big hole.

Weng Zhaolin saw that the battle situation on the front line was urgent and the Qing army was constantly being pressed back, so he spoke calmly.

"Send the order, supervise the troops to press forward and stabilize our army's front."

"Then order Tibiao to launch an attack on the flank of the Ming army to contain the Ming army's offensive."

The frontal battlefield was unfavorable, so Weng Zhaolin could only try to mobilize the Ming army's forces by attacking the flanks of the Ming army.

Trying to find a weakness in the Ming army!
After receiving the order, Weng Zhaolin's Tibiao attacked and headed towards the flank of the Ming army.

However, before Weng Zhaolin's bid could form a breakthrough on the flank of the Ming army, a burst of smoke and dust was seen in the distance.

The ground was shaking slightly, and the sound of horse hooves rumbled.

Weng Zhaolin subconsciously cast his gaze in the direction of the sound of horse hooves, and what appeared in his sight was a red tide that could not be seen to the edge.

With the sound of horse hooves, thousands of armored horses galloped towards the battlefield, roaring into the battlefield and inserting themselves into the flank of the Qing army.

In the cavalry array, there were large flags with clear characters that were quite flamboyant.

Obviously, this is a team of Ming Army cavalry!
The red tide of the Ming army's cavalry galloped all the way to the flank of the Qing army, then dismounted, holding spears, swords and shields, transformed into heavy infantry, and rushed towards the Qing army.

The cavalry of the Ming Army had just been formed not long ago, and the horses came from the Eight Banners in Guangzhou they captured.

However, although war horses can be captured, riding skills can only rely on hard training.

Since the cavalry was formed only a short time ago, the riding skills of the Ming army's cavalry were a bit stretched.

Not to mention such difficult tactics as mounted archery, they couldn't even charge into battle on horseback.

Therefore, in the end Zhu Jing'an could only use the Ming army cavalry as dragoons.

Well, the kind of riding on horseback and then dismounting to fight on foot.

After relying on their horses to maneuver to the Qing army's flank, the Ming soldiers dismounted, formed a simple formation, and attacked the Qing army's flank.

Different from the Western dragoons, the Ming army's dragoons were not musketeers, but all heavily armored melee combatants.

It's a bit similar to the Eight Banners Heavy Steps of the Qing Dynasty!

Wearing a layer of chain mail, a layer of breastplate underneath, and the outermost layer of cotton armor captured from the Eight Banners.

Because the enemy the Ming army faced now was the Qing army, which was inferior to hand-to-hand combat.

The Ming army's hand-to-hand combat soldiers wearing three layers of heavy armor could infinitely expand the Qing army's shortcomings in hand-to-hand combat.

Using one's own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses is the essence of war!
Therefore, Zhu Jing'an formed the Ming army's cavalry according to the idea of ​​heavy armored hand-to-hand combat soldiers.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the Ming army's heavily armored hand-to-hand combatants showed strong battlefield dominance.

The flanks of the Qing army were almost collapsed at the first touch!
"Boys, kill!"

"Drive out the Tartars, restore China, fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and divide the fields!"

"Long live the governor!"


The Ming army joined the battlefield with shouts of death. Relying on their heavy armor, they rushed into the Qing army's array like tigers entering a flock of sheep.

Pan Dazhu personally served as the vanguard and led his own guards to work hard to penetrate the enemy's formation.

The spear in his hand was quite tricky, and every time he stabbed it, it would bring out a ball of blood on the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.

But the Qing soldiers' counterattack was no different to him than scratching an itch.

Knives, swords, stabs, and bows and arrows shot from a distance cannot break the armor.

Although Qing Gong's lethality is astonishing and its armor-breaking ability is quite outstanding, it should be understood that this is talking about Qing Gong in the early Qing Dynasty.

There are not many people in the Qing army who can pull such a strong bow!

Most of the green battalion soldiers of the Qing army still used soft bows, and their lethality was actually average.

There was a loud bang, and Pan Dazhu watched helplessly as a Qing soldier in front of him aimed a shotgun at his chest, and then pulled the trigger.

As the smoke filled the air, he felt a heavy blow on his chest.

With the huge force coming from his chest, his body suddenly leaned back and almost fell to the ground.

But that’s all!
The Qing army's shotguns fired iron sand instead of single-head bullets with strong armor-piercing capabilities.

The flying iron sand only penetrated the cotton armor on his body, and then hung on the single-sided steel breastplate.

Apart from making his chest feel tight, this shot had no other achievements.

In order to pursue accuracy, almost all the shotguns currently equipped by the Qing army are made of iron sand.

If such a shotgun is used to deal with unarmored units, the killing effect is pretty good.

But if you're facing a heavily armored enemy, that's another story.

As long as there is a certain distance between the two sides, it is extremely difficult for the shotgun to penetrate the armor.

Pan Dazhu rubbed his chest and shouted loudly.

"Fucking dog Tatars, brothers, let me kill them all!"

When the Ming army saw that thousands of households in their houses were hit by shotguns, they were all fine. Each and every one of them could not help but feel boosted in morale. They shouted to kill and rushed forward to kill.

Killing Qing soldiers wantonly.

The green battalion soldiers of the Qing army were almost vulnerable to the heavily armored hand-to-hand combat soldiers of the Ming army.

Soon, a large hole was torn open in the flank of the Qing army.

Seeing that they could not withstand the Ming army's offensive, a large number of Qing army green soldiers collapsed and began to turn around and flee.

Weng Zhaolin looked at the battle situation on his own flank, watching the Ming army elites wearing heavy armor and fearless of death charging into the Qing army array. There was a faint feeling of powerlessness in his eyes.

Originally facing the forward battalion of the Ming army pressing forward on the frontal battlefield, the Qing army could no longer hold on.

Now coupled with the heavy armored attack by the Ming army on the flanks, the Hunan Green Camp instantly showed its defeat.

"Steady, steady, hold everything, don't panic!"

"Ti Tiao gave up the offensive on the Ming army's flanks and immediately went to reinforce our army's flanks to block the Ming army's heavy armor..."

Weng Zhaolin opened his mouth and ordered.

Both the Ming and Qing armies chose to concentrate their elite forces on the battlefield to attack the enemy's flanks.

But the final outcome was exactly the opposite!

Weng Zhaolin's bid was not able to defeat the Ming Army's forward battalion, which was stimulated by military achievements.

But the flank of the Qing army was torn open by the heavy armored troops of the Ming army.

The balance of victory began to tilt towards Ming Dynasty!


Zhu Jing'an observed the situation on the battlefield with a calm expression on his face.

He just turned around and asked.

"Has our army's artillery group on Lianhua Mountain been set up? When can we start delivering firepower to the Qing army's camp?"

When the soldiers around Zhu Jing'an heard this, they galloped all the way to urge him.The answer was quickly brought back to Zhu Jing'an.

"When we return to the Metropolitan Governor, our army's artillery troops are still building artillery fortifications. It will take about half an hour to launch the artillery bombardment in an orderly manner."

Zhu Jing'an narrowed his eyes and said.

"very good!"

"Send the order to the forward battalion to destroy the Hunan Green Battalion in front of them within half an hour, and then prepare to attack the Qing army camp."

"When the time comes, the governor will continue to send prisoners of the Eight Banners to lead his army."

On the current battlefield, the Hunan Green Battalion led by Weng Zhaolin has shown signs of defeat. Zhu Jing'an believes that it will not take long for the Ming army to completely destroy his unit.

In this case, he should prepare for the Ming army to attack the Qing army's camp.

Well, as of now, those Eight Banners prisoners of war are still the most powerful ace in his hand that can be used to attack difficulties.


At the same time, seeing the Ming army withdrawing the Eight Banners prisoners of war from Lotus Mountain, Fulongan gave the order again.

"Send an order to transfer Zhang Yong's troops from Guizhou Green Camp, with civilians in the army as the forerunners, to launch an attack on Lianhua Mountain, and recapture the position on Lianhua Mountain at all costs."

Seeing that the Ming army on the frontal battlefield was restrained by Weng Zhaolin, Fulongan decided to send troops to recapture the key commanding heights of Lianhua Mountain.

Otherwise, once the Ming army sets up its heavy artillery, the three camps of the Qing army will all be within the coverage of the Ming army's artillery fire.

At that time, the Qing army will have no choice but to withdraw to Shaoguan City!

The Ming army will definitely press forward step by step and continue to attack Shaoguan.

Once this happens, the fall of Shaoguan will be a matter of time.

Guizhou Admiral Zhang Yong heard this and stood up and said.

"The last general takes orders!"

Fulongan nodded.


"Serve the Qing Dynasty. I believe the court will never forget your contribution."

Zhang Yong nodded vigorously and walked out of the tent in excitement.

Not long after, they gathered their forces and headed towards Lianhua Mountain.

The cry of killing rang out, and a large, dark mass of Qing troops wearing green camp uniforms pressed against the civilians in the army and headed towards Lianhua Mountain.

Boom!dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums echoed across the battlefield.

The Qing army shouted to kill, boosting their morale.

Zhu Jing'an also noticed the movements of the Qing army, thought for a while, and then continued to give instructions.

"General Bing Fang, you immediately lead your troops to support the battle at Lianhua Mountain."

"To protect Lotus Mountain from being lost!"

When Fang Yuan heard this, he cupped his fists in excitement.

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I will ensure that the mission is completed!"

"If the Qing captives want to retake Lianhua Mountain, they have to step over the corpse of the general. As long as the general is still alive, the Lianhua Mountain position will be safe."

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and then spoke.

"Very good, let's do it!"

"The governor will deploy ten Type 120 field guns, ten Type 90 field guns, and ten Type 65 field guns to assist you in the battle."

Zhu Jing'an is actually a little worried now.

How should I put it? Most of the Qing troops who fought against the Ming army before were the Green Camp of the Qing army in Guangdong and Guangxi.

They are all old friends of Ming Dynasty!

The Hunan Green Camp Ming Army also tested the quality just now, and well, it was just average.

However, Guizhou Green Camp was a new opponent, and the Ming army knew almost nothing about it.

Facing this kind of opponent, Zhu Jing'an will inevitably feel uneasy.

However, Fang Yuan had no such idea at all.

Because in his opinion, the Qing soldiers were completely vulnerable to useless waste in front of the Great Tomorrow Soldiers.

Today, the main players of both sides have just come into contact, and they have played against each other three times in a row.

The Ming army first repelled the Qing army's attack, and then easily captured the dangerous pass of Lianhua Mountain. Then, the Qing army's Hunan Green Camp was defeated steadily on the front battlefield, and it already had the upper hand.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are three battles and three victories.

Under such circumstances, Fang Yuan would naturally be underestimated when facing the Qing army.

In fact, this kind of problem is not limited to Fang Yuan.

From the generals to the soldiers, from the soldiers to the civilians, the Ming army naturally had a great psychological advantage when facing the Qing army under the background of their own army's continuous battles and victories.

Victory is really the most uniting thing!


Zhang Yong led his troops to attack Lianhua Mountain.

Fang Yuan also led his troops to rush forward quickly, preparing to block the attack.

The distance between the two sides continued to shrink, and the Ming army quickly adjusted their array, forming a three-row array that was the most typical in the era of queuing to kill.

There are 100 people in one row, and there are 300 people in three rows.

The Ming army led by Fang Yuan formed a small array with 300 people, and listed a total of ten long arrays spread out on the ground.

The Ming army's artillery arrays were arranged on both sides of the array so that they could better launch oblique bombardments against the enemies in front of them.

Zhang Yong ordered the army to stop and looked at the Ming army array in the distance. The expression on Zhang Yong's face could not help but be a little surprised.

"How come the Ming Thief's array is so long? Is it too thin?"

Zhang Yongyong didn't understand why the Ming army listed such a long and slender array.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ming army on the opposite side looked extremely capable, they would look elite at first glance.

Moreover, other departments of the Ming army performed very well on the battlefield, always suppressing the Qing army.

Zhang Yongdu suspected that the Ming army general opposite was ignorant of military skills!
Just when Zhang Yong was confused by the Ming army's array, the Ming army's artillery began to tilt its fire.

"The target is 350 meters, use solid bullets, and deliver firepower immediately!"

"Three rounds of rapid fire, let go!"

boom!Boom!Boom boom boom!

The sound of artillery sounded one after another, and the black artillery shells roared towards the Qing army array.

Under the recoil, the Ming army's artillery carriage suddenly fell back, leaving an obvious mark on the ground.

The wet soil was turned out!

The Ming army's gunners quickly stepped forward to push the artillery into its reset position, and then loaded it to prepare for the second round of bombardment.

Under the Ming army's bombardment, the Qing army's formations were plowed into bloody paths, and their limbs and broken arms were flying around. Their morale and morale inevitably began to waver.

The lethality of artillery firing solid shells is so obvious when facing a dense infantry array.


On the other side, the Hunan Green Camp under Weng Zhaolin has begun to retreat completely.

Weng Zhaolin's bidding troops fought a bloody battle with the Ming army's heavy armored troops, and suffered heavy casualties in a short period of time.

When fighting with cold weapons, when armored units face unarmored units, the gap is so obvious.

You can't break my armor with a knife, but I can kill you if I stab you with a knife.

That's the difference!
When armored soldiers face off against unarmored soldiers, one armored soldier may not be able to defeat ten unarmored soldiers, but a hundred armored soldiers can definitely defeat a thousand unarmored soldiers.

To a certain extent, it is massacre!

Weng Zhaolin's troops began to retreat, and the Ming army's forward battalion pressed forward, seeking to defeat the enemy as soon as possible.

The heavy armored units of the Ming army still served as sharp knives, advancing deep into the Qing army's array and constantly tearing apart the Qing army's array.


PS: Two chapters are complete!
(End of this chapter)

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