Chapter 134 Eight Banners Charge
Fulong'an's military order was issued, and the green battalion soldiers responsible for supervising the battle began to draw their swords and supervise the battle, forcing the civilians to continue moving forward.

"Keep moving forward, don't stop!"

"The Imperial Envoy has an order to kill those who are not bound by their feet!"

"Kill, kill the Ming thieves and protect the Qing Dynasty!"


As the green battalion soldiers in the front row responsible for supervising the battle drew their swords and killed dozens of civilians, the civilians could only continue to move forward under the gunfire.

This means that the arrays of the two sides are still far apart, and the Ming army can only project firepower with a small number of heavy artillery.

Although the power is terrifying, the number is limited after all.

The field artillery with a faster rate of fire and a larger number have not yet entered the firing range.

Otherwise, those civilians would have been destroyed by the Ming army's artillery fire!

The rumbling sound of artillery fire was heard in succession, as if the sky was roaring, and the shells roared and flew through the sky, and the sound of breaking through the air was quite obvious.

Wherever the projectile passed, it was invincible.

In front of the cannonballs carrying terrifying kinetic energy, the human body is not much different from paper.

If you touch it, you will die, if you touch it, you will be disabled!

While Zhu Jing'an ordered the Ming army to continue to maintain firepower delivery, he also ordered his own forward battalion to charge forward.

Prepare to face the Qing army!

However, this time in the forward camp of the Ming army, the ones rushing to the front were not the newly surrendered prisoners of war.

It was a group of old and weak people whose hair and beards had turned white. These old and weak people were driven forward by the Ming army with swords and guns, and they stumbled forward.

While rushing, he also cried and mourned, which was described as miserable.

From time to time, some people fell to the ground, but the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who were responsible for supervising the battle did not have the slightest sympathy for them.

Once someone fell to the ground and tried to stop moving forward, they were greeted with a knife in the head.

What is even more conspicuous is that among this group of old and weak people, a large flag is hung high with four big characters "Guangzhou Eight Banners" written on it!
Obviously, these people were the bannermen captured by the Ming army after they captured Guangzhou.

Among those bannermen, the young and strong were used as hard labor, and now most of them are thrown into the mines for labor reform.

Women of childbearing age were given to Ming soldiers as wives.

As for the remaining old and weak people, Zhu Jing'an also found a way to use waste.

That is to drive them in front of the battle, use them to dig trenches and fill the soil, and serve as cannon fodder for the army to attack the enemy.

Just like what the Manchus did to the Han people when they entered the country.

It's more like what Fulong'an is doing to Han people now.

And this battle was the first time these Eight Banners cannon fodder went on the battlefield.

Zhu Jing'an was very curious about how the Qing generals on the opposite side would respond to the Ming army's Eight Banners charge.

Should we choose to fight and then form an organized system to kill our Qing nation?

Or not to fight, just let the Ming army drive the Eight Banners forward, and kill through the Qing army's front line in one go?
Zhu Jing'an was really curious.


Fulongan's eyes widened in shock, and he put down the clairvoyance in his hand. His palms were trembling slightly with a rhythm visible to the naked eye.

Shocked, confused, at a loss, at a loss...this series of expressions flashed across his face one by one like a revolving lantern.

"Ming thief... How dare Ming thief!"

"That's the Eight Banners, but it's the Qing nation. How dare he drive the Qing nation into the battlefield like those Han pariahs?"

He can drive thousands of Han people to the battlefield to be cannon fodder without any psychological pressure.

But when faced with Zhu Jing'an's behavior of driving the bannermen to the battlefield, he felt extremely angry.

However, no matter how angry he was, he could not do anything to Zhu Jing'an.

Even if he wanted to take revenge on Zhu Jing'an, he had to wait until he could pass the hurdle before him.

"Sir, the thieves are coming, what should we do?"

Weng Zhaolin, the admiral of Hunan on the side, asked.

The expression on his face was solemn.

"To fight or not to fight, the imperial envoy has to make a decision!"

When Fulongan heard this, his face was solemn and he just shook his head and said.

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it!"

"That's my Qing nation. If the Qing nation suffers too many casualties because of us, then I'm afraid we won't be able to escape the imperial court's censure..."

Fulong'an didn't dare to think about what would happen to him if he ordered to kill thousands of bannermen, old and weak, in one battle.

You must know that those bannermen are members of the Qing Dynasty. Even though they are the Eight Banners stationed in Guangzhou, they all have relatives and friends in the capital and in their hometowns outside the customs.

The network of relationships is absolutely intricate!

There might even be relatives of his Fulongan on the opposite side.

If he killed thousands of bannermen in one battle, he would offend too many people, and the spittle in the court might drown him.

Zhang Yong, the commander-in-chief of Guizhou Province, heard this and spoke.

"Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy, since we can't fight, please order the withdrawal of our troops as soon as possible."

"The Ming thieves are about to rush forward with my Qing clan!"

"If our army formation is broken up by the national bannermen, the consequences will be disastrous."

In this era, the Qing army still adopted the combat thinking and tactics of the cold weapon era.

In the era of cold weapons, once the array was broken, it meant that the battle was lost.

Guangxi Admiral Gao Sheng also spoke in agreement after hearing this.

"Yes, your Majesty the Imperial Envoy, our army should retreat!"

As an experienced defeated general who had been defeated several times against the Ming army, Gao Sheng now smelled defeat again.

Knowing that this battle was going to happen, I just wanted to retreat as soon as possible and preserve as much strength as possible.

Fulongan looked at the Qing people on the battlefield who were getting closer and closer to his own formation, and then looked at the troubled expressions on the faces of the surrounding generals.

He knew that no one wanted to take the blame for killing the Qing nation.

If Fulong'an could not make a decisive decision immediately and order not to worry about the captured nationalities and directly attack the Ming army, then the Qing army would have only one option: retreat.

However, Fulongan could not make up his mind no matter what.

Because he could not bear the crime of killing a large number of Qing people.

In the end, Fulongan could only grit his teeth and order.

"The army was ordered to retreat immediately and to the company camp in front of Shaoguan Pass City to prepare for defense."

Fulongan gave the order, and everyone in the Qing army breathed a sigh of relief.

He began to order the army to retreat, preparing to hold on to the camp.

Fulong'an was stationed in the horse formation, looking back at the strict Ming army array in the distance. He saw the "Qing nationalities" who were still pressed by the Ming thieves and were still moving forward towards the Qing army array.

The eyes are filled with a deep sense of powerlessness!
The strategy used by the Ming thief this time is clearly a conspiracy.

It is necessary to take advantage of the Qing Dynasty's fear of taking action against the bannermen and use the thousands of old and weak bannermen to break through the Qing army's array.

However, even though Fulongan knew this, he had no choice but to order the army to retreat.

Because he couldn't afford to kill thousands of bannermen, old and weak!
And this is the unsolvable part of the conspiracy.

You know what I'm going to do, and you know how to stop it.

Only you know whether you can stop me or not.

Fulongan's current mood is really that he is about to die of frustration.

Seeing the Qing army retreating, Zhu Jing'an sneered disdainfully. "Haha, this Fulong'an is also irresponsible."

"Our army won this battle!"

This time of testing allowed Zhu Jing'an to see through Fulong'an.

He may be smart, but he has no sense of responsibility or courage.

This time the Ming army was able to force the Qing army to retreat without a fight by driving the old and weak bannermen forward.

Then he can use those bannermen as the guide to capture Lotus Mountain, Furong Mountain, Beijiang, and even Shaoguan...

Fulong'an did not dare to attack the old and weak bannermen this time, and chose to retreat without fighting.

Even if it sets a psychological expectation for him!
Then the next time he faces such a situation, he will give the order to retreat more decisively.

Zhu Jing'an naturally knew this very well.

With a sneer, Zhu Jing'an ordered.

"Command the army to prepare to launch an offensive on Lianhua Mountain and seize the artillery group installed by the Qing captives on Lianhua Mountain..."

Since the Qing army retreated without a fight, don't blame the Ming army for choosing to go one step further.

Zhu Jing'an's first target was the Qing artillery position on Lianhua Mountain.


Fulong'an quickly withdrew his troops to the camp outside Shaoguan City.

But they had just returned to the camp to settle down, and even before they had time to arrange defense, they received an emergency report.

"Report! Report to the Imperial Envoy, the thieves have invaded Lianhua Mountain, and the situation in Lianhua Mountain is urgent!"

Hearing this, Fulongan's expression obviously froze, but he still asked.

"How is the battle going now?"

The Qing soldier who came to report said with a slightly trembling voice.

"Ming...Ming thieves drove our Qing people in front of the battle. The cannons on Lianhua Mountain did not dare to fire. Lianhua Mountain is in a hurry..."

When Fulongan heard this, his vision went dark, and the flesh on his face was twitching.

His expression was as ugly as if his own mother had died!
You know, once Lianhua Mountain is lost, the Ming army can set up artillery on Lianhua Mountain and bombard the Qing army's company camp from high altitude and below zero.

Once this comes true, there will be no need to fight the Battle of Shaoguan.

Fulongan paced around the tent anxiously.

"What to do, how to do this?"

At this moment, the veteran Weng Zhaolin on the side suddenly spoke.

"Sir, now that the Ming thieves are using our Qing clan on Lotus Mountain, our army will not be threatened on the frontal battlefield. Our army may be able to take this opportunity to attack the main force of the Ming thieves and try to reverse the situation of the war."

After Fulong'an faced off against the Ming Dynasty, the reason why he couldn't let go was entirely because the Ming army used the old and weak bannermen as cannon fodder.

But now, the Ming army used the old and weak bannermen in Lianhua Mountain.

In this case, the Qing army would not be completely unable to use its hands and feet on the frontal battlefield.

Well, this battle is still to be fought!
The expression on Fulongan's face suddenly changed and became quite solemn, and he turned to Weng Zhaolin and said.

"Old Admiral, I entrust you with this important task. I hope you can lead the troops to defeat the enemy and open up the situation for this battle."

Hearing this, Weng Zhaolin nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, Imperial Envoy!"

"Serve the imperial court and destroy the rebels. I will do my best in the end!"

Seeing this, Fulongan nodded with satisfaction.


At the foot of Lotus Mountain, the sound of cannons rumbled.

But it was not the Qing artillery array on the mountain that was pouring out firepower, but the Ming artillery at the foot of the mountain.

The Qing army would not dare to launch an artillery attack because they were afraid of accidentally injuring the bannermen who were rushed to the front by the Ming army, but the Ming army had no such concerns at all.

The heavy artillery roared continuously, and the impact point of the artillery shells continued to move forward as the banner men who were driven in front of the formation moved forward.

It was obvious that the Ming army was practicing with those bannermen, testing the Xu Jin barrage gameplay in infantry and artillery coordination.

If the people who rushed to the front were the Ming Army's own people, they would still be worried about accidentally injuring friendly forces, but now the people who rushed to the front were those bannermen cannon fodder, so it didn't matter.

Those bannermen were a treasure to the Manchus, but to the Ming, they were not as valuable as the Green Camp prisoners of war.

At the very least, Green Camp prisoners of war can be adapted into forward battalions.

And the cannon fodder of the bannermen can only be cannon fodder forever!
Until everyone is dead!
Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand and looked at the Ming army quickly occupying the Qing artillery position on Lianhua Mountain, with a relaxed expression on his face.

He said with a smile.

"Old Pete, let our artillery prepare."

"Once the main force of our infantry captured Lianhua Mountain, we set up artillery on Lianhua Mountain and launched an artillery bombardment against the Qing army's companies."

Old Pete put one hand on his chest to express his understanding.

Then he continued to direct the Ming army's bombardment.

On Lianhua Mountain, the Qing army lost most of their positions, and the remaining troops retreated into the remains of Shaoyang Tower, hoping to block the Ming army's offensive.

The Ming army also moved its artillery forward and aimed at Shaoyang Tower to start shelling.

At this time, the Shaoyang Tower had been abandoned for many years, and only a masonry structure of the tower foundation remained. It was relatively strong and could survive wind and rain and has been preserved.

The Shaoyang Tower in later generations was rebuilt on the basis of the original site and was not a historical monument.

Therefore, the Ming army's shelling of Shaoyang Tower was not actually considered damage to the monuments. At most, it could only be regarded as demolition work before the restoration of the monuments.

Solid artillery shells were fired towards the low base of Shaoyang Tower!

The shell hit the Shaoyang Tower hard, causing masonry and wood chips to fly everywhere.

The Qing troops in the building scurried away with their heads covered, avoiding the bricks and wood falling from their heads.

Someone was hit by bricks and wood, and his head was instantly bruised and bloody, and he let out a miserable scream.

Under the heavy artillery fire of the Ming army, the remaining tower foundation of Shaoyang Tower soon collapsed.

As the base of the Shaoyang Tower collapsed, the remnants of the Qing army hiding in the base of the tower also swarmed out.

The soldiers of the forward battalion of the Ming Army shouted loudly and pressed forward to bring the battle to an end.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


Accompanied by waves of shouts of victory, the sun and moon flag belonging to the Ming Dynasty fluttered on Lotus Mountain.

The Ming army quickly seized control of Lianhua Mountain and began to move artillery up the mountain.

And Zhu Jing'an was also preparing to climb Lianhua Mountain himself and command the Ming army's battle from a high altitude.

At the same time, Hunan Admiral Weng Zhaolin also led his troops to attack the main Ming army formation, hoping to defeat the Ming army while there were no bannermen cannon fodder available to threaten the Qing army.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an calmly commanded the Ming army to fight.

The first ones he sent out were still the soldiers of the forward battalion of the Ming army.

The retreat of the Qing army just now can be regarded as showing cowardice.

What's the use of rushing forward now?

If the morale of the army is gone, why fight?

(End of this chapter)

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