Chapter 133 Battle of Shaoguan
Anyway, Liu Mingyou's troops are limited, and even if they are placed on the frontal battlefield, they will not affect the overall situation.

In this case, Zhu Jing'an naturally wouldn't mind sending Liu Mingyou to take a gamble.

What if the bet wins?

Then the Ming army can achieve the final victory of the war at the smallest cost.

When the ordering soldiers heard this, they clasped their fists and accepted the order and left.

He galloped all the way to deliver orders to Liu Mingyou's troops.

The main force of the Ming army continued towards Shaozhou Prefecture.

The huge team marched along the waterway, winding like a long red river.

Now the battle report received by the Ming army is that the Qing army has arrived at Shaozhou Prefecture and seized Shaoguan.

If the Ming army did not want the entire hinterland of Guangdong and Guangxi to be exposed to the Qing army, they had to recapture Shaoguan.

Shaoguan will most likely be the main battlefield for this battle between the Ming and Qing Dynasties!

In the 140th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the 42nd year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, September [-]th.

After a long march, the Ming army's vanguard finally arrived in Qujiang County, Shaozhou Prefecture.

Zhu Jing'an quickly issued an order to the Ming army to camp in Qujiang, and sent sentries to investigate the Qing army's troop deployment.

At the same time, Fulong'an in Shaoguan also received news that the main force of Ming thieves had arrived outside Shaoguan City.

He also immediately ordered the army to go out to meet the enemy, preparing to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

Although if he chooses to lead his troops and hide in Shaoguan City, he will rely on the troops at hand and the strategic location of Shaoguan.

The Ming army will never take advantage!
However, Fulongan cannot and will not do this.

And the reason is simple.

Because if Fulongan huddles in Shaoguan City and is afraid of fighting, instead of leading his army south to regain Guangdong and Guangxi as soon as possible.

Then there was no way he could explain it to the emperor!

As time passed, the armies of the Ming and Qing Dynasties began to come into contact outside Shaoguan.


In the central tent of the Ming army, there was a sand table in the center.

On the sand table, the terrain near Shaoguan is roughly marked, as well as the approximate troop deployment of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Small red and green flags were placed everywhere on the sand table.

Among them, red represents the Ming army, while green represents the Qing army.

One flag represents approximately 3000 troops.

Zhu Jing'an pointed to the location of Shaoguan on the sand table and said.

"This time, the Qing captives did not stick to the pass, but took the initiative to leave the pass and fight decisively with me, the Ming Dynasty, in the wild."

"Haha, this is something I didn't expect!"

He Jin on the side heard the words and spoke.

"The Governor doesn't know something, and Fulongan actually doesn't have a choice."

"On the orders of the bandit chief Hongli, he went south to oversee the military affairs of the four provinces and was responsible for matters related to the encirclement and suppression of the Ming Dynasty."

"But they watched helplessly as our soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, under the wise leadership of the Governor, traveled across the two provinces, captured the state capital, annihilated the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong, and took Guangzhou lightly."

"If he can't make some achievements as soon as possible and inflict heavy damage on the Ming Dynasty, the thieves chief Hongli will send him to take the imperial edict to return to Beijing to question his crimes. I'm afraid they will soon reach Guangdong and Guangxi."

Zhang Jin on the side also spoke in agreement after hearing this.

"Haha, the traitor chief Hongli urged Fulongan to send troops to Guangdong, which is quite similar to the Tang Xuanzong urging his brother Shuhan to send troops to Tongguan."

"Our army will win this battle!"

What Zhang Jin wants to say is actually an example of Chongzhen urging Sun Chuanting to go out to Tongguan to fight Li Zicheng, which led to the annihilation of the last field army in the pre-Ming Dynasty.

But as soon as the words reached his throat, he turned into complaining about Tang Xuanzong.

He almost forgot that the person in front of him was a direct descendant of the late Emperor Chongzhen and a descendant of the Third Prince Zhu.

If he complained in front of Zhu Jing'an about Chongzhen's willfulness and blind command, what was the difference between that and seeking death?
No one with a wink would do this!

Zhu Jing'an laughed and said.

"After all, the Qing court mobilized troops from several provinces for this battle, with more than 10 troops. Even if we, the Ming Dynasty, are sure of victory, we should be cautious first to avoid making any mistakes."

After hearing Zhu Jing'an's reminder, the generals all clasped their fists in agreement to show that they understood.

And Zhu Jing'an also began to assign combat tasks to the generals.

"The Qing army was stationed outside Shaoguan, between the angle between Furong Mountain and Beijiang, and set up three camps in front and behind. After the three camps was the Guancheng of Shaoguan, which can be said to be tightly defended."

"Moreover, the Qing army also set up cannons on Furong Mountain and Lianhua Mountain on both sides of the Beijiang River, blocking the Beijiang from both sides."

"If our army wants to win this battle, the first step is to seize the commanding heights of Furong Mountain and Lotus Mountain..."

The terrain near Shaoguan is probably the Beijiang River sandwiched between Furong Mountain and Lianhua Mountain, and then the Beijiang River leads directly to the city of Shaoguan.

If you want to attack Shaoguan, Furong Mountain and Lianhua Mountain are the key.

Otherwise, when your siege troops want to pass through the narrow passage between Furong Mountain, Lianhua Mountain, and Beijiang, they will be hit by fire from the mountains on both sides.

And this narrow passage is only a few hundred meters wide.

For the siege party, this passage several hundred meters wide is absolutely a nightmare.

And if we fight from north to south, it's actually not much better. There is a mountain ridge called Sisters Ridge to the north, which is also a commanding height that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It can form an angle with Guancheng in Shaoguan!
To put it bluntly, Shaoguan is actually located at the location of three mountains (Furong Mountain, Lianhua Mountain, and Sisters Ridge) and two rivers (Beijiang and Zhenjiang).

No matter from south to north or from north to south, it is absolutely easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It can be called the key to Lingnan!
If it were not for the fact that after the Ming army captured Guangzhou, they focused on clearing the resistance near Guangzhou Prefecture, instead of dividing their troops and marching north to capture Shaoguan.

Maybe it is the Ming army that occupies the advantageous location now!Fortunately, the Qing army took the initiative to attack. Otherwise, Zhu Jing'an would not know how to deploy his troops.

After introducing the current defense of Shaoguan, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"From the current point of view, Fulong'an should be preparing for a decisive battle with the Ming Dynasty in the Dingfeng Mountain area south of Shaoguan."

"In this battle, the central army will still be led by the governor himself, the troops led by He Jin will be the left wing, and Zhong Haishan will lead the right wing."

"Tian Wenchang will lead the forward battalion as the forward. Old Pete will do the artillery command. Fang Yuan, you will lead the reserve team and be ready to go into battle at any time..."

After all, Fang Yuan is a new investor, someone who brings money into the group and takes the initiative to invest. Naturally, Zhu Jing'an will not let him be the forward.


The next day, both the Ming and Qing Dynasties made a tacit agreement not to take action, but spent the day repairing and making preparations for the war.

It was not until September [-]th that the Battle of Shaoguan officially started!

Boom!dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums resounded throughout the battlefield, and big flags were hunting in the wind.

The Ming army began to swarm out of the camp, and countless red flags formed a surging red sea.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

The shouts resounded throughout the battlefield, and the morale of the Ming army was very high.

On the Qing army's side, morale was equally high.

Waves of gray-green emerged from the military camps and formed formations on the plain.

The morale of the Ming army was high because of the carrot of military merit.

The morale of the Qing army was maintained entirely by the silver reward given by Fulong'an before the battle.

For a while it looked like the morale was very high, but in reality it was very low.

It's just a false fire!

When the excitement and courage brought by the silver reward subsides, the Qing army will collapse very quickly.

Fulongan was riding on horseback, looking at the array of Ming troops ahead, his eyes full of solemnity.

Just from looking at the array, he knew that the Ming army in front of him was definitely an elite among the elite.

I'm afraid this battle won't be easy!

"The army was sent the order, with the Hunan soldiers as the forerunners, pressing the civilians forward to test the Ming rebels' formation, and then the Guizhou soldiers and Guangxi soldiers pressed forward, hoping to start a battle so that they could thwart the Ming rebels' offensive."

"The Zhengan soldiers and the Tibiao and Fubiao troops are all ready. Once they find the Ming thief's flaw, the entire army will attack and strive to defeat the enemy in one battle."

Judging from the composition of the troops Fulongan currently has on hand, the Zhengan soldiers are undoubtedly the most elite among them.

Then there are elite soldiers like Ti Biao and Fu Biao.

Among the ordinary green camp soldiers, there are Guangxi soldiers and Guizhou soldiers. These two provinces are multi-ethnic provinces where Han and Miao people live together, and clan fighting is more frequent.

The combat effectiveness of the army must be stronger than that of Hunan soldiers who have been in prosperous places for a long time.

The worst thing is undoubtedly the civilian husband, who is pure cannon fodder.

Fulong'an's arrangement was just like Tian Ji's horse racing.

First use the fish belly troops on hand to test the Ming army, and then let the Guangxi and Guizhou green battalions with slightly stronger combat effectiveness come forward to try to mobilize the Ming army and expose the Ming army's flaws.

In the end, it was his troops who were in charge of controlling the pole, as well as the elites like Tiibiao and Fubiao who made the final decision.

Boom!dong dong!

The war drums were beating in the Qing army's formation, and the civilians were suppressed by the green battalion soldiers and charged towards the Ming army's formation.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an sneered disdainfully and said.

"How many times has this Qing Tatar suffered losses at the hands of Ming Dynasty? They really haven't made any progress at all!"

Zhu Jing'an was filled with disdain when he saw the dense infantry array unique to the cold weapon era that the Qing army in front of him had discharged.

In front of artillery, the denser the array, the more casualties will only join the battle.

The Ming army used artillery to destroy the dense infantry array of the Qing army many times. The Qing army really did not have a long memory at all.

"Instruct the artillery troops to aim at the attacking Qing troops, shoot at an oblique angle, and give me a hard beating."

The military order flag of the Ming army was waved, and immediately after receiving the order, the artillery began to display its power.

The rumbling roar of heavy artillery resounded across the battlefield, and the shells drew arcs in the air, making waves of roars.

Shoot at the Qing army's infantry array!
Since the arrays of both sides are now far apart, it is the large-caliber artillery in the Ming army that is delivering firepower.

Twelve-pound, 24-pound long guns, and the Ming army's self-produced 120 siege guns.

The sound of these long cannons firing was quite terrifying, and smoke filled the battlefield.

The projectiles rolled and spun in mid-air, whistling in waves.

The black artillery shells poured into the Qing army's array with powerful kinetic energy, plowing out bloody paths composed of stumps and broken arms.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a single shell tore open the bodies of seven or eight civilians one after another, and finally smashed the head of a Qing soldier who was supervising the battle. Only then did the kinetic energy run out and fall to the ground.

For a moment, the civilians who were forced to go to the battlefield could not help but be terrified!
The Qing army's array was visibly shaken.

Fulongan looked at the scene in front of him, frowned, and ordered.

"The Ming thief's artillery is limited and reloads very slowly, so he can't fire a few rounds in total."

"Send the order to the whole army and supervise the troops to press on the civilians and continue to advance. Don't be afraid of the enemy's artillery!"

(End of this chapter)

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