Chapter 136
Weng Zhaolin's troops were retreating steadily, and the morale of the Ming army was getting higher and higher.

The veteran Weng Zhaolin is really a clever woman who cannot make a meal without rice. He tried his best to direct his own bid, support left and right, and barely maintain the situation.

At the same time, the distance between the Guizhou Green Camp troops under Guizhou Governor Zhang Yong and Fang Yuan's troops was getting closer and closer.

"The enemy is close to 200 meters, change to shotgun shells!"

As the distance between them and the enemy became closer and closer, the Ming army began to switch to shotguns.

The sound of the artillery began to become noticeably deeper, and the hum of the shells breaking through the air became more and more obvious.

A dense barrage of shotguns was fired towards the Qing army's array.

Then in the blink of an eye, the Qing army's array was torn apart, and a gap was opened in the Qing army's array.

The soldiers of the Qing army fell immediately!
After the Ming army replaced shotgun shells, the killing effect of artillery became more obvious.

Looking at the gaps in his own array that were blasted by shotguns, Zhang Yong's face darkened.

What you need to know is that the Qing army will not equip the Green Camp with heavy artillery.

Some of the rare large-caliber artillery pieces of the Qing army in this battle were brought by Fulong'an when he went south from the capital as an imperial envoy.

Most of them were deployed on the two artillery positions on Lianhua Mountain and Furong Mountain.

After Lianhua Mountain changed hands, half of it was snatched away by the Ming army!
But even so, the Qing court would not equip the Green Camp with heavy artillery!

The green camp's firearms equipment only include forged iron cannons, shotguns and other types of muskets.

Here, the artillery with the longest range has an effective range of only 200 meters.

The effective range of the shotgun is a few tens of meters at most. Any further away and the iron sand will lose its effectiveness.

Although the range of the raised gun is longer, the reloading speed of this thing is slower than that of the artillery, and it cannot fire a few rounds.

Compared with the firearms of the Ming army, the gap between the firearms currently equipped by the Qing army is really not that big.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a generational difference.

"The enemy has advanced a hundred meters. Everyone is there. Stand still and prepare for a volley of muskets!"

Fang Yuan issued orders in an orderly manner, asking the Ming army to stand still and prepare to line up and shoot.

Seeing that the Ming army had stopped, Zhang Yong immediately stopped the Qing army that was still moving forward.

That's right, just move!
The forward speed is quite slow.

Under the bombardment of the Ming army, the Qing army inevitably showed fatigue and low morale. Most people did not dare to stride forward and face the Ming army's guns.

Therefore, we can only move!
Seeing the admiral's order to stop, everyone in the Qing army breathed a sigh of relief.

The relief was visible to the naked eye on many people's faces.

Seeing that the Ming army started loading their muskets, the Qing army also started loading.

Zhang Yong was obviously relieved.

What he feared most was that the Ming army would rush up and fight them hand to hand.

If this is the case, the Qing army, which is short of melee combat, is very likely to collapse directly.

Fortunately, it seemed that the Ming army was preparing to engage in gunfire with the Qing army.

If this is the case, this battle will still be fought!

Although the green battalion soldiers of the Qing army did not dare to fight the enemy in hand-to-hand combat with their bayonets red, they still had the courage to shoot at them from a distance.

The junior officers in the Ming army galloped in front of the army array, inspected their own array, and ordered the troops to adjust their formations.

Doing the final preparations before lining up to be shot!

The Ming army's artillery also continued to deliver firepower. The sound of shelling was rumbling, and dense projectiles rolled through the Qing army's array like a storm. Wherever it passed, large areas of the Qing army fell to the ground.

The scene is shocking!

Although Fang Yuan was preparing to line up with the Qing army to be shot.

However, queuing to kill and queuing to kill did not prevent the Ming army's artillery from continuing to deliver firepower.

Why do we have to take human lives to solve a problem that can be solved with artillery fire?

With the roar of cannons, the Ming army finally completed the preparations for lining up to be shot.

The muzzles of the black holes were lined up in a row, aiming straight ahead.

"Everyone has it, three salvos!"


With a piercing whistle, the Ming army received orders to fire.

Then, the musketeers in the first row pulled the triggers in unison.

bang bang!bang bang bang!

The sound produced by a thousand muskets firing in unison was like thunder, and it would not be an exaggeration to say it was deafening.

Even more terrifying than the sound of heavy artillery firing!

For a moment, the entire battlefield fell silent.

A row of gunpowder smoke suddenly rose in front of the Ming army's array, and projectiles flew towards the Qing army in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people defecating in front of the Qing army were covered in a ball of blood, and they fell to the ground clutching their wounds.

The effective range of the Ming army's flintlock muskets was generally not much different from the flintlock muskets equipped by the Western powers in this era.

Under the influence of various factors on the battlefield, there is basically no need to worry about shooting accuracy beyond a hundred meters.

The reason why the Ming army was able to hit one out of ten was because the Ming army used a large lead bullet to press several small projectiles when loading their muskets.

Otherwise, if the Ming army only loaded a single bullet when loading the musket, the shooting accuracy would be even worse.

Immediately afterwards, after firing the first round of volleys, the Ming soldiers stood on the spot and loaded their muskets, and the second row of musketeers took a few steps forward through the second row of arrays.

Then they all pulled the trigger!

Then, the second row stood there to reload, and the third row stepped forward to prepare to shoot.


As the Ming army used the stacking method to fire three rounds of volleys, people on the Qing army continued to fall to the ground.

Zhang Yong could even feel a projectile flying past his face, and the sound of the bullet breaking through the air was quite obvious.

Zhang Yong took a deep breath with fear, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said.

"Fire and hit me!"

As Zhang Yong's order was issued, the Qing army's bird gunners also pulled the trigger.

But it was obvious that the chaotic gunfire of the Qing army was in sharp contrast to the neat volleys of the Ming army.

Obviously, the Qing army's salvo can only be regarded as an obvious salvo.

When the Qing army opened fire, dozens of Ming army's front row soldiers also fell.

Although the Qing army's shotguns have a limited range, their lethality is even less effective if they are far away.

But after all, with so many shotguns firing at the same time, there will always be a few who can be fooled.

The Ming army saw someone in Paoze being shot and falling to the ground, but the formation was not disordered at all.

After the first row of musketeers finished loading, they quickly stepped forward and fired another round of volley.

At this time, the Ming army's array was only 90 meters away from the Qing army.

Soon, the Ming army completed three more rounds of stacked shooting.

There was a loud bang of musket shooting!
More and more soldiers fell to the ground on the side of the Qing army. At the beginning, the Ming army shot more than a hundred people to the ground in one volley, and now it has reached the point where the Ming army shot more than a hundred people in one volley.

The casualty rate has increased significantly!
A Qing soldier named Chen Si watched helplessly as several people around him were shot and fell to the ground. He tremblingly raised the shotgun in his hand, preparing to shoot.

But when he pulled the trigger, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten to load the shotgun in his nervousness.

He continued to tremble as he loaded the shotgun, scattering powdered black powder everywhere.

The gunpowder flew away in the wind and even obscured the face of a comrade next to him.

The man's face was hit by gunpowder, and he was about to turn around and yell.With a bang, the gun in the hand of the Qing soldier on the other side of him exploded.

A ball of fire exploded, and the Qing soldier's face was pockmarked. Two fingers were missing from his hand, and blood spurted everywhere.

The Qing soldier with his shotgun blast covered the bleeding wound on his face and let out a series of shrill screams.


Chen Si saw this scene with helpless eyes, and the speed of loading the shotgun in his hand dropped significantly.

More and more gunpowder is being sprinkled outside!
A buzzing sound broke through the air, and a cannonball flew towards it.

Chen Si was unable to dodge and was hit in the shoulder by the cannonball.

In an instant, blood spurted out, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. His shoulder was torn open, the shoulder blade was lifted, and the severed arm flew out.


Chen Si let out a shrill scream, let go of the musket in his hand, covered his wound and fell down.

Blood gushes out like a fountain!
"Help! Help me! My hand is gone, my hand is gone!"


The group of comrades beside him, Pao Ze, were not much better, and a large area was mowed down by the shotguns.

Wails and screams resounded all around!

The blood on the ground has already flowed into a river!
The Ming army kept moving forward, stacking up and shooting.

As the distance between the arrays on both sides increased, the Ming army's musket hit rate became higher and higher.

The Qing soldiers in the front row began to fall to the ground in batches like wheat.

The morale of the Qing army began to decline, and the counterattacks that could barely be considered salvos became sparse.

It even turned into an unorganized and undisciplined bad shot!
The threat to the Ming army was even smaller.

Although it is still inevitable that someone will be shot on the Ming army side, the soldiers of the Ming army wear single-sided breastplates and helmets, which can provide a certain degree of protection.

Therefore, the number of casualties is not very high.

Even if they were hit by the Qing army's shotguns, most of them were only injured, and the death rate was not high.

"Attack! Continue to attack!"

"Stack in and shoot, long live the Ming Dynasty! Long live the Governor!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


The Ming army shouted to kill and continued to advance.

Even if Zhang Yong's troops had a numerical advantage, they would inevitably fall into a disadvantage.


On the other side, Weng Zhaolin's troops had been completely defeated.

In order to preserve the main force of the army, Weng Zhaolin ordered to cut off his tail to survive, and abandoned some of his troops. Then he led the main force of the army to withdraw into his own camp.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an immediately dispatched the Ming Army cavalry to attack Zhang Yong's troops.

As the military order was issued, the Ming army's cavalry quickly broke away from contact with the Qing army led by Weng Zhaolin.

Completely hand over the battlefield here to the forward battalion!

And they each found their own horses, leapt their horses and whipped their whips, and headed towards Lotus Mountain.


"Long live Daming!"

At the same time, Zhu Jing'an also received the news that the artillery array on Lianhua Mountain was deployed and ready to fire at any time to deliver firepower.

Zhu Jing'an made a prompt decision and ordered the cannon on Lianhua Mountain to fire.

But instead of shelling the Qing army's camp, they aimed at Zhang Yong's troops and opened fire.

Now Zhu Jing'an's intention is very clear. He wants to concentrate the main force to deal with the Guizhou soldiers under Zhang Yong in a short period of time.

At the very least, we must defeat them!

The shelling started again, and the heavy artillery fire was quite terrifying.

One after another artillery shells were fired from the artillery array on Lianhua Mountain, and then drew a parabola in the air.

Then he fell towards the Qing army's array!
It caused great casualties to Zhang Yong's troops.

At the same time, the Ming army's dragoons roared into the battlefield.

He entered the battlefield on horseback, then dismounted and fought on foot, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and attacked Zhang Yong's troops.

Seeing that the battlefield situation was unfavorable, Fulong'an ordered Gao Sheng, the governor of Guangxi, to lead troops to support Zhang Yong's troops, hoping to save the war situation.

Zhu Jing'an also dispatched troops to block the attack.

Then, Guangxi Green Camp collapsed at the first touch!
How should I put it? Guangxi Green Camp fought against the Ming Army several times and was defeated several times.

After facing the Ming army, they were timid even before the battle started.

In addition, Gao Sheng intends to preserve his strength.

As a result, the Qing army in Guangxi was defeated as soon as the two sides came into contact.

Gao Sheng came to Fulongan to apologize.

"If the general is defeated, please ask the imperial envoy to punish you!"

Gao Sheng knelt on the ground, his forehead touching the ground and his butt raised high, looking quite frightened.

Fulongan looked sullen and whipped Gao Sheng with the riding crop in his hand.

"Fuck, fuck!"

"You Guangxi soldiers are all trash, complete trash, and you collapsed in front of the Ming thieves."

"If it weren't for the ominous omen of killing the general before the formation, I would have to kill your dog's head as a sacrificial flag today!"

Gao Sheng knew he was at fault, and was whipped by Fulongan, but he endured it silently without saying a word.

But he had already complained in his heart, saying that our Guangxi soldiers were not good, why didn't you say that the Ming thieves opposite were also Guangxi soldiers?

Don’t you know if they can do it?

Why are the Ming thieves on the opposite side so capable and daring to fight, but our Qing Dynasty's Jingzhi soldiers are so unbearable?
Look for the reasons from yourself!
Have you made efforts to win over the morale of the military? Have you replenished the army with arrears of pay and rations? Where did the Guangxi soldiers fail?Hasn't it always been like this?
Our Guangxi soldiers have a hard time, too!
Really down!

But Fulong'an's anger could not change the situation on the battlefield.

The Guizhou soldiers under Zhang Yong were in danger under the attack of the Ming army.

A big hole opened in the array, and the entire line began to collapse.

Seeing that the battle situation was ruined, Zhang Yong could only follow Weng Zhaolin's example and let his troops cut off their tails to survive and withdraw towards his own camp.

Seeing this, Fulong'an urgently named Weng Zhaolin and Gao Sheng to guard the camp, and sent troops to meet Zhang Yong's defeated troops...

On the huge battlefield, the Qing army was completely defeated.

If the Qing army had not had several large camps that were relatively stable, they would have been defeated by the Ming army and fled back to Shaoguan in one breath.

But even so, the morale of the Qing army was inevitably low after losing consecutive battles.

The faces of many Qing soldiers were full of fear, and they were even more frightened when they looked at the Ming army camp outside the camp.

Fulongan kept pacing in his big tent, the expression on his face was full of deep helplessness and sadness.

"Generals, please tell me how we, the Qing Dynasty, can save the situation in this battle!"

However, Fulongan's answer was only a moment of despairing silence.

 I’ll update one chapter first, and leave the remaining chapter at night.

(End of this chapter)

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