The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 861 - The Abduction

Lory was already in her luxurious red wedding dress when she was left alone in her bridal suite waiting for someone to play as the matchmaker to pick her up. Lory sat in a single chair with her face covered with a red veil.

Suddenly the door opened and Lory raised her head, she thought it was supposed to be the matchmaker telling him the ceremony has started, however, Lory didn't hear a word from the person who had just entered her room Lory got curious then she lifted her veil and what she saw was neither the matchmaker nor Ling Zi but… Yang Qiou Xi?

"What are you doing here?" Lory frowned in surprise, she didn't know how Yang Qiou Xi could enter the Manor protective array and pass through the shadow guards.

Yang Qiou Xi glared at Lory with eyes filled with jealousy, the wedding dress Lory was wearing was the most beautiful wedding dress she had ever seen, as well as the jewelry Lory was wearing, how could someone can be so lucky even though she was just a commoner with no family or status how could that woman be luckier than her, this is so unfair!

"Miss Yang, I don't think anyone invited you to my wedding right?" Lory said calmly yet she remained alert.

"SHUT UP!" Yang Qiou Xi cursed "You are not worthy of Master Long Ming! Why does a lowly woman like you feel worthy to marry Master Long Ming, are you not ashamed!" Yang Qiou Xi spits out all her anger like a madwoman.

Lory remained calm, her gaze did not change in the slightest she s at Yantareg Qiou Xi with a mocking look, "I guess I should return those words to you" Lory tilted her head and smile "Miss Yang, I think you are used to coming to my place house without being invited, huh... I wonder how an ill manner woman like you can become Yang Xi Ying's sister?" Lory suddenly covered her mouth and giggles softly "Oh sorry, it's no surprised right considering you are only half-sister s it's normal you only half of Yang Xi Ying could be" Lory scoffed.

Yang Qiou Xi's face turned bright red, with blazing eyes he lunged at Lory while raising his hand to slap Lory's mouth.

Of course, a little girl who wasn't even fifteen years old wouldn't be able to hurt a professional hunter like her. When she got close Lory casually shifted her body to the side, then raised her feet and tripped Yang Qiou Xi's leg, she immediately lost her balance and fall miserably to the floor.

"You... you tripped me!" Yang Qiou Xi shouted angrily.

"Well, I am..." Lory looked down at Yang Qiou Xi, with a teasing look.

The door suddenly flung, Lory turned her gaze to another uninvited guest, the woman who came is very beautiful and alluring despite she got very young appearance but she engulfs with mature aura, Lory grimaced inwardly she feel concerned by the ability of all these cultivators to maintain their youth is almost like a cheat.

However, when Lory took a close look at the familiar-looking woman then Lory suddenly remembered who is that woman is, "Miss Zi Quan Mei, it's been a long time" Lory smiled sweetly as if they were close friends.

Zi Quan Mei didn't know Lory as the same woman she saw in the bamboo forest because at that time Lory appeared with her appearance, unlike today that's why she remain indifferent.

"Sigh, what are you doing Yang Qiou Xi, can't you do something right!" Zi Quan Mei glared at the useless Yang Qiou Xi, she only had one job and she couldn't do it properly either.

Yang Qiou Xi gritted her teeth as he got up from the floor suddenly he put a knife on Lory's neck.

"Miss Yang, what are you doing?" Lory's voice was etched with anxiety.

Yang Qiou Xi was satisfied when she saw Lory's frightened look "You dare to mock me, huh? I will make you pay for it!"

"Enough!" Zi Quan Mei became impatient with Yang Qiou Xi's childish anger, she turned her gaze to Lory then she looked at her with a condescending look, according to Zi Quan Mei Lory is just a woman who uses her bed skills to raise her position, she had no respect whatsoever to a woman like Lory.

Besides that, Zi Quan Mei also still dejected For Bai Xue's disciple's death due to her clash with Zhao Li Xin not to mention fighting with Zhao Li Xin Zi Quan Mei was seriously injured and lost part of her cultivation luckily she had Lao Min Na's help, therefore, seeing Lory's face only reminded her of Zhao Li Xin and everything he put her through thus putting her in a terrible mood.

"Take off your clothes" Zi Quan Mei ordered.

Lory didn't immediately obey, he looked at Zi Quan Mei defiantly "Why should I listen to your orders?"

Yang Qiou Xi, who was getting angrier at Lory's arrogance, pressed his sharp knife into Lory's neck causing her to bleed a little, "Do it, or you will die!"

"Miss Yang, do you understand what you are doing?" Lory warned her in a low voice.

"Shut up! I will Marry Long Ming, not you!" Yang Qiou Xi was so adamant.

"What are you talking about?" Lory was confused, he thought Yang Qiou Xi had lost his mind.

"Even by accident, once Long Ming marries me, he won't be able to back down anymore, he can't help but have to keep me by his side to safe his face therefore I will become Long Ming's wife - I will be the mistress of Hei Shen!" Yang Qiou Xi's voice trembles in excitement, as if she doesn't realize how ridiculous her statement was, it's almost like she was possessed.

"Yang Qiou Xi, are you crazy? Don't you know what kind of man my husband is!" Lory tried to reason with her once again.

suddenly a palm flew and landed on Lory's cheek, It was a very hard slap that made Lory's ears ring.

"Shut up!" Zi Quan Mei ordered while leaking Lory sharply "You have no right to talk here!"

Yang Qiou Xi was exhilarated seeing Lory's pitiful state, she almost want to clap her hands, and to add wound only Lory's wound she said: "Long Ming is my husband now, not you" she jeered with an evil grin plastered on her face.

"You'd better listen to us if you still want to see your disciple again, what, are you confused? don't you wonder why you haven't heard from him all this time?" Zi Quan smirked viciously.

"He's on a mission" Lory answered calmly but Zi Quan Mei could see fear flashing across her face.

"Ha, looks like Long Ming didn't tell you" Zi Quan Mei sneered, "Your disciple is in the hands of the Heaven gate sect. And if you don't follow our wishes, I will make sure to send your head disciple as

a wedding gift!" Zi Quan Mei burst out laughing.

"You're lying!" Lory screamed in disbelief but her hands subconsciously clenched tightly.

"Suit yourself!" Zi Quan Mei threw a jade pendant that was usually hung on Shin Jiu's sash to the floor.

Lory's eyes went wide, she took the jade slowly, Lory's faces turn pale as she gripped the jade pendant tightly while Zi Quan Mei and Yang Qiou Xi gloat over Lory's inner turmoil.

"You understand now" Zi Quan Mei smirked triumphantly, this was only the first step soon she would kill this woman and send her corpses to that mighty Long Ming and see how hurt he would be, blood lust gushing from Zi Quan Mei's eyes one could feel her evil intentions as clear as day.

Knowing she had no choice Lory took her dress and changed into normal clothes then suddenly Zi Quan Mei saw Lory's necklace then she grabbed Lory's shoulder "Wait!" she says.

Zi Quan Mei took a close look at the necklace, she could feel this wasn't an ordinary necklace, it was a protective talisman. Zi Quan Mei was happy she found a rare item, she roughly pulled the necklace from Lory's neck, "It doesn't suit you!" she said with a condescending look.

Lory's neck was slightly red from Zi Quan Mei's crude action, then to make sure Lory didn't bring any more suspicious items Zi Quan Mei told Lory to take off all her jewelry, but after careful inspection, Zi Qua Mei was disappointed she didn't find any other valuables item, all just ordinary jewelry.

Meanwhile, Yang Qiou Xi had already changed into Lory's wedding attire, she look at herself in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction at her appearance, she thought she was much prettier than Lory so why shouldn't she be Long Ming's bride.

Lory sees Yang Qiou Xi with incredulous looks, 'this woman court her own death!' Even though Lory doesn't care about Yang Qiou Xi but she was afraid it will involve the whole Yang family and Yang Xi Ying will be implicated too and what makes things worst is that Yang Xi Ying is pregnant now! Lory hopes nothing bad will happen to Yang Xi Ying.

"Yang Qiou Xi, think again about what you are doing!" Lory gave Yang Qiou Xi her last warning.

Zi Quan Mei got irritated with Lory's incessant persuasion thus she slapped Lory once again and this time even harder than before and Lory's lips bled and blood trickled on the corner of her lips. Lory spit the blood to the floor then she glared at Zi Quan Mei "This two hits and the necklace I will make you pay"

Zi Quan Mei chuckle in ridicule "It's not used to make an empty threat, no one will believe you"

Lory grin with her bleeding lips "Oh is not a threat, is a promise"

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