The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 860 - The Invasion

The big day finally arrived, as promised Bei Li Yan made a grandiose event, with the direct permission of Ming Yue Yin half of Sun Jan city was decorated with red ribbons and lanterns inscribed with luck and prosper to wish for the bride and groom.

In addition, Bei Li Yan also made many donations to orphanages and the poor, and the streets were showered with coins, and children were running around fetching money happily.

People were even more amazed when they saw many people deliver wedding gifts for Lory and Zhao Li Xin, dozens of slowly moving carriages decorated with red ribbons lining on the street, that group were sent by Ming Yue Yin.

Even though people knew Ming Yue Yin was close to the Hei Shen sect but they didn't think that Empress Ming would be so generous, People haven't stopped their shock when the group from the Jiu Yun Sect also arrived and they are no less grandeur than Ming Yue Yin group, after that the entourage from the Yunmo Kingdom also come which stunned everyone because they don't know how Hei Shen sect got close with Kbig kingdom from other continent and made them more and more surprised that Jiang Wei kingdom also came to give many gifts for Zhao Li Xin, they don't know since when the Jiang Wei Kingdom and Hei Shen sect had a good relationship, don't they hated each other before?

Due to the large number of train groups delivering gifts, the streets of Sun Jan city become crowded, perhaps this was the first time people in the world saw what a traffic jam looks like.

However, Bei Li Yan hasn't finished yet, to greet the entourage who came delivering gifts, he lit many firecrackers throughout the city and showered the streets with red flower petals.

People especially women raise their hands to reach for falling flowers in awed, the scene was too beautiful it's almost surreal.

Once they were all convinced how much Long Ming loved his wife, just look at all these celebrations? Long Ming used to avoid commotion and was very low-key but he took the most conspicuous way to express his feelings in public.

Who said Long Ming's feelings for his wife were only temporary, who said he was only entertaining himself, who said Long Ming didn't give his wife a proper marriage because he didn't think she was worth it? With this, Long Ming slapped all the people who gossiped about Lory tight slapped on their faces. Even noble daughters and Princess will never enjoy this such level of grandeur.

The ladies present couldn't help but envy Lory's luck, they thought Lory must have saved the world in her past to be this lucky...if only they knew how right they were.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Zhao Li Xin and Bei Li Yan watched from the highest roof hidden from everyone's curious view.

"My Lord, what do you think about my work, festive isn't it?" Bei Li Yan opened her arms proudly.

Zhao Li Xin frowned and said, "Noisy"

Bei Li Yan smiled widely without a slight disappointment on his face, he was already expecting Zhao Li Xin's answer, "My Lord, what do you think Madam thinks about this?" Bei Li Yan's eyebrows rose expectantly.

"she won't like it" Zhao Li Xin replied curtly.

Bei Li Yan chuckled as he nodded "I think so too..."

Both Lory and Zhao Li Xin didn't like parties like this especially when they had to host them, Lory said it always exhausted her both physically and spiritually and the best thing after she wasn't a princess anymore was that she didn't have to host parties like this anymore.

While Zhao Li Xin's reasons were shorter and simpler, he didn't like noise and hanging out with people especially when he didn't know them very well. According to Zhao Li Xin, this kind of thing was a waste of time, energy, and money.

"We've already set the stage, he won't be able to hold it in because he likes grand spectacles and grand entrances" Bei Li Yan smirked from ear to ear.

"Not with a character like him" Zhao Li Xin sneered.

Zhao Li Xin cast her gaze towards his Manor "What about all the preparations?"

Bei Li Yan's face turned serious "We have prepared for various possibilities that could happen, if there are no mishaps everything will go as planned"

Meanwhile, Lory was in the bridal chamber with Ling Zi, Ming Yue Yin, and Yang Xi Ying. The girls had fun treating Lory like a living doll. Ling Zi excitedly put on her makeup while Yang Xi Yin went all out for Lory's hair and Ming Yue Yin? like a true Monarch, she was just there drinking wine and making sarcastic jokes.

The atmosphere was light and cozy. Lory was relaxed snd couldn't stop laughing, it didn't look like a normal wedding where the elder would preach to the bride to do her duty and do not embarrassed their family name while the bride will show her anxiety for worrying make a mistake. The atmosphere in Lory's bridal chamber is far from that, Ming Yue Yin thought if she had a wedding she want a wedding like this while Ming Yue Ying hope she can redo her wedding.

Suddenly Grisha flew into the room and landed on the dressing table.

[How is the situation outside?" Lory used telepathic to talk with Girsha.

[Like a circus, what a big circus!] Grisha expressed his astonishment, he was always amazed how humans would invest all their wealth just for one event like this.

[That's lively, huh?] Lory's tone remains relaxed, unlike this is her first time attending a big celebration. Compared to the King's Trial ceremony where the entire kingdom celebrated the new King's journey to his ascension, this situation was nothing so Lory remained as calm as the lake surface.

"It's really loud outside even though we've put up a barrier to drown out the noise" Ling Zi expresses her annoyance.

"But that's the whole point, right?!" Ming Yue Yin grinned mischievously.

Yang Xi Ying sighed before she placed the silver flower hairpin in her elaborate bun. Shee looked at Lory reflection in the mirror and felt a little disappointed "This hair clip would look better with your bluish hair Lory"

Lory who was still wearing his disguise appreciated Yang Xi Ying's sentiment with a smile, "Thank you, but I think this looks fine too."

Yang Xi Ying finds it hard to give in, she clicked her tongue in utter disappointment. Yang Xi Ying really wanted to see Lory's real appearance in her wedding dress, she had to be so stunning and unique.

"Don't worry Xi Ying, see auntie doesn't look bad, well she's cannot be said breathtaking beauty but….it's decent" Ming Yue Yin gave a half-hearted compliment that made Lory toss an apple at her from the fruit bowl on the table.

Ming Yue Yin caught the apple and took a bite of it and laughed, while Yang Xi Ying just shook her head at their childish behavior.

in contrast with the excitement in Sun Jan city outside the city gate a dense of smoke rose like a pillar into the sky, the gatekeeper tower immediately become alert as he saw something unusual appear in the distance, he immediately took his binoculars and fixed his gaze on the puff of smoke.

Gradually the smoke was getting wider and thicker then followed by a thunderous roar and the ground shook violently.

The guard widened his eyes he can't believe what he had seen, he shouted very loudly "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!"

The alarm drum was sounded and other guards immediately ran towards the city walls and some ran into the city to call for reinforcements, the gate guards shouted loudly for newcomers to enter the gate because they had to close the gate before it was too late.

The newcomers who had lined up immediately ran in panic, they collided with each other and many fell and were crushed, the city was filled with panic. Soon the soldiers wearing bronze armor came with rhythmic footsteps, their leader standing at the forefront carrying a sword, the atmosphere become tense.

The army captain climbed the wall of words, he leaked the city guard with "Who is the fool who dares to attack Sun Jan city?"

hearing the captain's strong aura, the guard gulped nervously "Don't know captain, they don't carry a flag" he replied anxiously.

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