The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 862 - The False Bride

In the main hall, the room was already decorated with red ribbons and plenty of beautiful lanterns hang on the ceiling Illuminated the room with brilliant light, the table full with various dishes and wine was served nonstop while all the guests had gathered and sat at their respective tables including Tian Meng Ji who was sitting next to Mu Jan Ge, and Zhang Yu Hong they were sitting on the exclusive seat for the elder who will act as the guardian for the bride and groom, this was a joyful surprise to Tian Meng Ji not only was he allowed to come but he was also given the honor of being one of the guardians of the bride and groom, this was a sign that Zhao Li Xin had forgiven him.

Tian Meng Ji was so happy that his eyes filled with tears, he knew this must be Lory's request because he knew very well how Zhao Li Xin's character even though Zhao Li Xin forgave him, Zhao Li Xin would not be given this kind of honor to him but is not because he was vindictive but Zhao Li Xin was too indifferent and insensitive about this kind of matter and no one dared to remind him except that woman.

Tian Meng Ji's opinion of Lory was getting better, he even cursed himself why he had to be so harsh with Lory when she didn't do anything wrong, Lory even healed Zhao Li Xin and never asked for anything in return, Lory could only meet with Zhao Li Xin because Zhao Li Xin relentlessly searched for her so there was no question with Lory's sincerity.

Compared to Tang Mei Yi's character who liked to take advantage of him so that she could use Zhao Li Xin to expand her influence and authority, Lory's character had won with flying colors.

Although Lory was given so much authority by Zhao Li Xin she never used the Hei Shen sect or Long Ming name carelessly, when she used their name most likely it was because of the good of the Hei Shen sect and also Zhao Li Xin.

Tian Meng Ji took a deep breath, he had to admit that Mu Jan Ge was right he was too narrow-minded to see the good of other people.

Tian Meng Ji then turned his gaze towards Zhao Li Xin, his pupil was wearing a luxurious bright red robe with a dark sash, his loose hair was neatly tied with a jade hairpin, normally he was already very handsome but today he looked extremely charming and alluring like something that had just popped out of the dream, Tian Meng Ji secretly relieved that all the guests were close friends and married if not engage, everyone was somehow already immune with Zhao Li Xin's charm but if there was an ordinary person presence here than Zhao Li Xin's bewitching appearance would definitely create an uproar.

Zhao Li Xin's seat was surrounded by the four Royal Palaces, they were all engaged in a heated conversation. It was amazing how they still had friendly quarrels in their own Lord's wedding meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin remained indifferent as if he didn't notice the situation around him, perhaps he just don't care.

On this pleasant day how could he still look cold and distant, Tian Meng Ji shook his head while taking a deep breath after a few seconds of contemplating Tian Meng Ji approach his disciple.

"Why do you look so tense, if you make that face during you're wedding ceremony, you're bride will run away" Tian Meng Ji jokingly said.

Jin Hao saw Tian Meng Ji then he knowingly rise from his chair and let Tian Meng Ji take his seat then he kicked Bei Li Yan to move after that another pointless fight start again.

Not bothered by the commotion Zhao Li Xin said to Tian Meng Ji "If she runs away, I will chase her wherever she goes" he replied nonchalantly.

If it was other people Tian Meng Ji will think it was a joke, however, when it comes to his disciple Tian Meng Ji was sured Zhao Li Xin would definitely do it.

Tian Meng Ji was secretly glad that Lory reciprocated Zhao Li Xin's feelings otherwise, who knows what Zhao Li Xin would do.

Zhao Li Xin is very extreme whether when he hates someone or loves someone, this child's character has always been unstable since he was little luckily Lory can handle Zhao Li Xin better than anyone, she gives her comfort, love, and understanding that Zhao Li Xin desperately need, therefore, Zhao Li Xin rarely lash out his anger like he used to.

"Milord it's time to start the ceremony" one of the male servants whispered to Zhao Li Xin

Zhao Li Xin gave a nod of approval and the male servant shouted that the ceremony was starting, immediately everyone stood up from their seats. Soon after the matchmaker and maids ushered the bride into the main hall.

The bride's face was covered with a thick veil and the matchmaker held her hand to help her walk, everyone rejoiced when they saw the bride, Yang Xi Ying's face shone like a light bulb as she looked even more excited than her own wedding which made Li Mo Zhen sigh next to her.

According to tradition, Zhao Li Xin had to greet the bride before she entered the main hall, everyone looked expectantly at Zhao Li Xin who walked slowly to the bride.

Meanwhile, Yang Qiou Xi who was behind the veil became so excited, she couldn't wait to hold Zhao Li Xin's hand. Yang Qiou Xi couldn't help but feel his heart flutter knowing a few minutes later she would become Zhao Li Xin's legal wife.

Zi Quan Mei told her after the ceremony she had to pretend to drop her veil so people could see that she was the bride even though later Zhao Li Xin was shocked and angry but he couldn't help but accept her because everyone already witnessed their marriage if Zhao Li Xin didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the guests he had np choice but accept her as his wife and then it was up to her to soften Zhao Li Xin's heart.

Yang Qiou Xi was sure that Zhao Li Xin would not kill her because of his friendship with Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying, and she believed that she could melt Zhao Li Xin's cold heart as long she stay by his side, she was sure that time and his sincerity will eventually move Zhao Li Xin heart.

If only other people heard Yang Qiou Xi's thoughts they would say Yang Qiou Xi is absolutely crazy, who doesn't know Zhao Li Xin's character, he was a merciless tyrant, normal rules didn't apply to him nor common sense, he does everything he wants for he had no consideration of people think about him and what he hated the most is a liar and being schemed.

And Yang Qiou Xi is both.

As Yang Qiou Xi waited impatiently for Zhao Li Xin's hand alas what she got is not a hand but a violent kick right in her stomach instantly she flew to the sky and rolled on the ground just like a ball.

Everyone overwhelm with shock, for a moment no one said anything and the room fell silent. Zhao Li Xin's eyes flashed fiercely as if he were ready to kill someone.

It was Tian Meng Ji who broke the silence "Li...Li Xin, what are you doing!" he felt his sanity was thrown out the window, he didn't understand what Zhao Li Xin was doing, didn't he love Lory to her bone?

"Wait..." Jin Hao pressed Tian Meng Ji's shoulder "Look.." he turned his gaze to the fallen bride who fell on the cold ground, her veil fell and everyone could see the bride's face clearly.

Tian Meng Ji's eyes widened in shock, "Who... who is that?" she got more confused.

"YANG QIOU XI!" Yang Xi Ying screamed in disbelief, she can't believe her eyes how could her sister become the bride? where's Lory?

"Where's my wife?" Zhao Li Xin stepped out of the main hall with every step he took brought a shiver to everyone's heart, he glared at Yang Qiou Xi with blood lust etched into her words.

Yang Qiou Xi's stomach churned then she vomited a mouthful of fresh blood and it stain her beautiful dress, she found it hard to breathe, even though she was not a cultivator but she knew all her internal organs were injured, cold sweat dripped down her forehead as she looked at Zhao Li Xin in terror.

"I...I..." fear clawed at her throat, and the color drain from her face.

"Yang Qiou Xi where is Lory?" Yang Xi Ying's anger flared as she demand an answer.

Yang Qiou Xi was too scared to realize Yang Xi Ying said Lory's real name after all Lory and Luo Ri Yi sounded almost the same, Yang Qiou Xi gave Yang Xi Ying a pleading look "I...I don't know" she still believe Yang Xi Ying would help her considering they were half-sister.

"Miss Yang, you are Lory's best friend and she loves you very much, even so, I can't forgive your sister's mistakes" Zhao Li Xin looked at Yang Xi Ying with a meaningful look.

Yang Xi Ying knew what Zhao Li Xin meant, Li Mo Zhen held her shoulder to comfort her. Yang Xi Ying took a deep breath, she dart her gaze to Yang Qiou Xi's annoying face, then Lory's calm smile flashed in her mind and their memories together follow, guilt and sadness gripped her heart if something happened with Lory she will never forgive herself.

Yang Xi Ying turns her eyes to Zhao Li Xin "Do what you need to do, Master Zhao..." determination clearly shows in her face, compared to Lory Yang Qiou Xi's position in her heart was nothing.

"XI YING, I'm your sister!" Yang Qiou Xi shouted her voice mixed with panic and shock.

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