The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 857 - Warm Night II

When Guan men, Niang saw Wu San Bo's troubled face, she thought Wu San Bo didn't believe it so she said again with more enthusiasm, "This is so delicious, I've never eaten something this delicious and beautiful, Madam you must be very talented!"

"Well, that's right... by the way, I've prepared quite a number of bento boxes for you amongst other things..." Wu San Bo calmly placed the dark green jade on the table.

Guan Men Niang wiped her mouth with a handkerchief then she put down the box then took the ring from the table, she checked the ring and didn't see anything special, it was just a simple jade ring "This...." he looked at Wu san Bo confusedly,

"It's a spatial ring," Wu san Bo said indifferently like he was given a toy.

"What!" Guan men Niang was so shocked that he almost dropped his ring, "Why…why did you give me something so precious?!" Guan Men Niang asked frantically, she subconsciously clenched the ring with both hands as if she was afraid that someone would steal the ring from her.

In fact, Guan men Niang's reaction was understandable, spatial rings it's not a common item, spatial rings were only given to elites such as Heaven's knights, this was not something to be given to a lowly person like her.

"Relax it's just a spatial ring with a small storage, it's not like I gave you a mystic realm spatial ring" Wu San Bo waved his hand nonchalantly.

"But...but still" Guan Men Niang was shaken by the small ring in his palm, he was suddenly afraid to move her hand, what if she dropped the ring?

"After all it's essential for you in a way to help me" Wu San Bo calm her down.

"Oh?" Guan Men Niang was dumbfounded but then he understood that the ring was not a gift but a loan to help the Hei Shen sect defeat Wei Zu Tian, ​​Guan Men Niang took a deep breath as she felt better after she realized Wu san Bo's reasoning.

"What...what should I do?" Guan Men Niang clenched the ring inside her palm as she become determined to do anything to help the Hei Shen sect to bring down that Physco.

"Well, this is what I want you to do…." Wu San Bo put the empty bento box back in his ring then his upper body leaned forward.

It took him two hours to explain the plan to Guan Men Niang when she heard the plan from Wu San Bo Guan Men Niang's expression changed from bewilderment, a surprise to admiration, her eyes gleaming with a spirit that was rarely seen in her. The more Guan Men Niang heard the more she felt sure that this time Wei Zu Tian would get what he deserved and then she and her younger brothers could finally be free from this nightmare.

"You understand now?" Wu San Bo noticed his reaction.

"Yes, Master Wu!" he nodded without any hesitation "Don't worry, I will give my life to make sure this plan works," she said with a determined look.

Wu San Bo clicked his tongue slightly annoyed "You don't have to… what's the point of sacrificing your life just to get rid of a bastard like Wei Zu Tian besides are you willing to leave your brother alone in this world? "

When Guan Men Niang heard about his brother, her face turned somber "I…."

"I'm not denying that the risks are high but that doesn't mean you can't be careful and alert if it gets too dangerous then take your time and step back, be patient and find the right time to move again. Don't push it too much." Wu San Bo warned her seriously, somehow he got worried she would do something reckless.

Guan Men Niang was moved by Wu San Bo's words, it had been a long time since anyone had worried for her. Wu San Bo is the fourth king Palace of the Hei Shen sect, his position is like the star in the sky while she is just a waste woman who can't be better than dirt, actually, Guan Men Niang is resigned to her fate if Wu San Bo treats her like a mere pawn as long as she can help her brother and avenge her family she didn't care, however, Wu San Bo treat her nicely, she was kind and generous to her, she didn't even see the contempt in Wu san Bo's eyes whenever she looked at her even though Wu san Bo know what Wei Zu tian did to her.

Tears welled up in her eyes but she held them back, she didn't want to show her pitiful state.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wu San Bo handed him his clean handkerchief, "Are you afraid?" Wu San Bo feels uneasy seeing Guan Men Niang cry, Wu san Bo didn't know how to comfort a young girl.

Wu San Bo's kindness only made his tears more uncontrollable, as she cried harder Wu san Bo become panicked. What should he do now? What should he say? Should he hug her like Milord hugs the young madam… nope, he might scare her instead.

Guan Men Niang saw Wu San Bo's anxious face, she found it very funny and she can't help but chuckle softly while wiping her tears with the handkerchief Wu San Bo gave her. Guan men Niang didn't know why Wu san Bo needed to take care of a trash woman like her, she was so unworthy nonetheless she feel grateful.

When Guan Men Niang suddenly laughed with tears running down his cheeks, Wu san Bo was more and more confused, he didn't know if this was normal, why he was even more worried, Wu san Bo made a note for himself to consult. about this with Jin Hao.

"Thank you for your concern Master Wu" Guan Men Niang sobbed, after she calmed down she realized something is missed so she asked Wu San Bo "Master Wu how did you enter this place?" she finally realize the important matter as far as she knew the entire residence was protected with a protective array so how could Wu San Bo dare to enter this place so easily.

"With this" Wu San Bo showed the Heaven gate member identity plaque.

"Where did you get that?" Guan men Niang gasped.

"I got it when I left this place the last time, one of the shadow guards stole this plaque from Heaven's Gate members, therefore we could leave unnoticed. I'm just betting that whoever lost this plaque won't report this, but if he does, I have other ways though..." Wu San Bo shrugged as if it was nothing.

"So the array is connected to the member identity plaque?" Guan Men Niang was oblivious, she never knew about this despite how long she had lived there, it was because she never gave out an identity plaque.

Guan Men Niang let out a deprecating smile knowing how little she was worth in Wei Zu Tian's eyes but she should have expected this considering how she was treated.

"Yes, many places use this technique to distinguish between outsiders and sect members, but it is too risky because the plaque could fall or be stolen by the wrong hands so the Hei Shen sect never uses this method." Wu San Bo didn't mind explaining,

Wu san Bo took a sip of his tea then tilted his head asking "Actually this is a long shot, I thought they would already report about their missing identity plaque, who would have thought the security in this villa was this bad, didn't they realize they were in other people's territory, how can they be this stupid not to report something this important" Wu San Bo was bewildered by the fact of how reckless Wei Zu Tian's subordinates were, this was in stark contrast to Wei Zu Tian's paranoid nature.

"It's not that they don't want to report it," Guan Men Niang weakly sighed "They're just afraid… if they dare to lose something important like this they will face severe punishment so they'd better keep quiet about this, My guess is they might bribe someone to give them a new identity plaque"

Wu San Bo frowned in confusion, "But either way they should report this to the person in charge of security around the villa right, so they will change the array matrix  to secure the area around the villa"

Guan Men Niang shook her head "If they did that then it would be impossible to cover this up from Wei Zu Tian by changing the array matrix Wi Zu Tian would definitely notice the energy changes around the array, naturally he would know what was happening, and when that happened more people would be punished, therefore everyone prefers to be silent collectively"

Wu San Bo rubbed his jaw as he calculated the situation, it never occurred to him that Heaven's gate members will put their own safety above their own sect, this is great news!

"Is this also happened at the Heaven's Gate headquarters?" He asked Guan men Niang.

"Yes, that's why bribery is going rampage in that place not only do they bribe each other to curry favor, they also did it to hide their fault since the punishment in Heaven's Gate sect is inhumane, but I heard the protection array matrix in Heaven's gate headquarters changes every week so they never facing the problem that someone entered the headquarters using someone else's identity plaque," Guan Men Niang thinks Wu San wants to use the same method to enter the Heaven's Gate Headquarters, unfortunately, the people there are more vigilant, Guan Men Niang looks down sadly.

But Wu san Bo's reaction was unexpected, "Good!" he smirked from ear to ear "This might be useful, dammit why didn't anyone tell me about this" Wu San Bo rubbed his hands together while muttered to himself, then he looked at Guan Men Niang again "Can you find out their schedule when they're changing the array matrix?"

Guan Men Niang hesitated for a moment, although she knew the person responsible for it, however, she didn't know how to approach that person, Guan men Niang shook her head, this is not the time to be coward, this is her only chance to save himself and his brother she couldn't miss this opportunity.

"I... I can try" she clenched her fist to braced himself.

"Good, don't worry we have some people at Heaven's gate, unfortunately, they are still unable to become inner members and they don't have high positions so you have to reach out to them first, can you do it?" he stares at her deeply.

Guan Men Niang nodded firmly, "I'll try with everything I have!" she was determined to help not only for herself but to repay Wu San Bo's kindness as well.

Wu San Bo was satisfied with her determination, however, he still worried about her, "Remember to be extra careful, I got everything in the spatial ring from medicines, poisons, weapons, protective talismans even money, use everything to help you and don't try to be cheap our sect is very rich so losing this much won't even make our Lord raised his brow, and remember to be extra careful, make sure no one knows about this ring okay"

Wu San Bo's nagging touched the bottom of her heart that's been cold for the longest time if one day she has to die for someone then Wu San Bo would not be the bad option,

"Don't worry master Wu, I know how to take care of myself" he smiled confidently, whatever happens, she will not let him down.

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