The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 858 - Ready!

"Are you sure about this?" Bei Li Yan leaned against the door frame lazily while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Yes!" Jin Hua had already changed into a robe, she checked the new sword Jin Hao had given her and smiled with satisfaction.

"Misty Lake might not be the same place you knew before, after what Lao Min Na did, who knows how many sane people remain in that place" Bei Li Yan reminded her in a casual tone, it's not like he's trying to stop her.

Jin Hua glanced at Bei Li Yan and giggled softly, "You sound like my brother."

Bei Li Yan thought he didn't take her seriously, then sighed tiredly, "That's because we know what Lao Min Na can do, if you underestimate that woman, then you are making a big mistake"

"It's not that I underestimated Lao Min Na's ability, but... I still consider Misty Lake as my home. Jin Hua smiled bitterly as she felt quite ironic. You might think I'm crazy, right? After everything they did to my brother's mother and my mother, I should hate them to the bones, but... not all of them are bad people, some of them help me, maybe not because of their good heart, nonetheless, I owe them, that's why I can't let them be hurt by Lao Min Na and Jin Kai without trying to do anything"

Bei Li Yan scratched his head, even though Jin Hao agree with this and Zhao Li Xin also gives his order to persuade anyone in the Misty lake, but somehow he finds it hard to accept this situation, therefore, Bei Li Yan warned Jin Hua sternly"It's not gonna be easy to persuade them there a high possibility they will not trust you, they might report you to Jin Kai instead so you must expect betrayal from them, don't let your guard down" Bei Li Yan want Jin Hua to understand what she gets herself into.

Jin Hua was surprised by Bei Li Yan's concern since he has always been aloof and carefree, she never thought he would care for her. Jin Hua didn't want to get her to hope too high and remind herself Bei Li yYan do this because of Jin Hao, however, she can't deny she feel a little bit happy "I know, it won't be my first time they try to backstabbing me, Don't worry I know how to take care of myself" She smiles sweetly.

Bei Li Yan rolls his eyes "Fine, whatever…by the way di Jin hao sends his people to take care of you?" Bei Li Yan knows Jin Hua lost almost her subordinates so her position is quite risky so Jin hao must send someone to make sure of Jin Hua's safety.

"Yes, he did!" Jin Hua nodded excitedly as she eagerly told Bei Li Yan about the two people Jin Hao had sent to protect her with a big smile but Bei Li Yan scrunched up his face then he grumbled quietly to himself, "Two people are quite good, one doctor is proficient while the other is others have known about poison but the problem is both of them are too stiff and tense just like their master, that's not good! There has to be someone who is quick-witted and can get along with anyone so it will be easier to get information, there has to be someone like…Lan Hua!" Bei Li Yan snapped his fingers, then he cast her gaze on Jin Hua, "I will send Lan Hua to follow you!"

Jin Hua's eyes widened as she gasped, "W...what?"

"Yeah, just take her with you, I need her to gather information for me anyway" Bei Li Yan waved his hands nonchalantly without waiting for Jin Hua's approval.

"W..wait. Is that okay? Miss Lan Hua is your right-hand woman, is it okay to give someone important like her to me?" Jin Hua feels flustered, she knew very well that Lan Hua, Mei Gui, and the other two girls were Bei Li Yan's close subordinates, everyone said they were cultivated by Bei Li Yan himself to be his sharpen sword.

In the Red vermilion palace the four girls were only second to Bei Li Yan so how could she be protected by someone that important.

"Why not? They have been idle this past few days, so why not give them something to do? Bei Li Yan answer lightly obviously he didn't feel there was anything wrong with that.

Lan Hua suddenly barged into the room, she puffed out her chest and hit her chest confidently, "Don't worry Master, Lan Hua will follow your orders!"

Jin Hua was taken aback while Bei Li Yan looked at Lan Hua with a confused look, "How long you've been here?" amazingly Bei Li Yan didn't feel Lan Hua's presence.

Ignoring Bei Li Yan's question, Lan Hua said with utmost confidence, "Don't worry Master, Lan Hua will make sure your bride is safe and sound!"

"Okay... wait, what?"

Jin Hua blushed like a boiling crab.


"Lory, are you hurt?" Zhao Li Xin sounded somewhat regretful, as she massaged Lory's waist.

Lory who was lying on his stomach answered weakly "It hurts… my whole body hurts from the waist down" Lory whined while blaming him again.

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't seduce me" Zhao Li Xin defended herself.

Lory turned his head and looked at Zhao Li Xin, "So, it's my fault now?"

Zhao Li Xin raised her eyebrows, "No?"

Lory's mouth twitched, he swallowed his next words knowing they were clearly his fault. Lory buried her face in the pillow and groaned.

Zhao Li Xin smiled seeing Lory whining cutely, Zhao Li Xin then got out of bed and put on a clean robe then walked to the drawer to look for Lory's robes, after she found the inner robes were quiet thick Zhao Li Xin sitting on the bed. next to Lory.

"You have to put on your clothes before going to bed otherwise you will be sick tomorrow morning"

Lory looked at Zhao Li Xin with a strange look, "Did you forget, I won't get sick" he reminded her, Lory didn't know how many times she reminded Zhao Li Xin with her gift, she wouldn't get sick. unless someone locks it. power.

"But you can still feel cold" Zhao Li Xin helped her put on the robe.

"How can I feel cold when you're around me" Lory winked coquettishly.

Zhao Li Xin's face instantly darkened, "What did I say about not seducing me...?" Zhao Li Xin warned her.

Lory pursed her lips and lowered her head "Sorry..." she silently apologized then obediently put on her robe.

Zhao Li Xin chuckled, how can someone go from angry to obedient in seconds like Lory, Zhao Li Xin never ceases to be amused by his antics.

"The day after tomorrow is our wedding time, Are you ready?" Zhao Li Xin suddenly asked.

Lory nodded calmly, "Well, I'm very ready, how about you?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried." Zhao Li Xin said as he leaned against the head of the bed.

"Everything will be fine...." Lory rested her head on his shoulder.

"I hope so..." Zhao Li Xin mumbled, "I hope the information is legit" he held Lory's hand.

"Based on Wei Zu Tian's character, he won't let him out of sight knowing how important he is" Lory felt a little conflicted between wishing it was right and hoping he was wrong.

Still, you make a big bet" Zhao Li Xin sounds a bit annoyed.

Lory laughed and said: "Well, you have to dare to make high stakes to win big, right"

"That's true, but I hope it doesn't become a burden on you." Zhao Li Xin said in a deep voice.

Lory gripped Zhao Li Xin's hand tightly, "I guarantee it won't happen"

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