The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 856 - The Warm Night

Today is another cold night the same coldness that pierces through the bones. She gazes from the window to the cloudy sky with dulled eyes as the cold win graze her skin but she remains indifferent, Her lips slightly turn blue and the white smoke came from her breath she does not even shudder even though her hanfu was too thin to wear at night yet she didn't care since her feeling has become numb for a long time.

Guan Men Niang was startled by the thick clothes slung over her shoulders, her body jerked she jumped from her chair like a cat splashed with cold water, her eyes widened in shock and her chest heaved up and down irregularly as she was completely scared.

Wu San Bo reflexively raised his hands "Sorry Miss Guan, I didn't mean to shock you" Wu San Bo apologized, he felt guilty for scaring her

The worry in Wu san Bo's eyes was so obvious that it immediately calmed Guan Men Niang's nerves "Master… master Wu" she was surprised and pleased to meet Wu San Bo again.

Wu San Bo wasn't the type of man to easily sympathize with women's weaknesses, but Guan Men Niang's fragility somehow moved him. Outwardly compared to other royal courts Wu San Bo was the most hospitable, he was warm, outgoing, and soft-spoken like an educated young master because his profession as a merchant expected him to be so, but as a member of Hei Shen how could he be different from other King Palace? few know that behind that Wu san Bo perfect smile lives a heartless man whose only interested in making a profit.

However, he felt uneasy when he realize how thin Guan Men Niang's wrist was, Guan Men Niang was once the most beautiful girl in the Jiang Xu city but Wei Zu Tian drained the life inside of her leaving only a fragile frame that contained a tired soul.

Wu San Bo closed all the windows then walked towards the small furnace in the corner of the room but when he wanted to light the small furnace he realized there was no firewood, and after he looked carefully he did not see any traces of firewood near or inside the furnace, meaning Guan Men Niang was bullied by the servants in this villa or maybe this was on Wei Zu Tian's orders.

Anger flared on his face for some reason he wanted to burn down this entire villa and take her away far from here, being a servant in the Hei Shen sect was much better than living in this wretched place.

Guan Men Niang didn't notice Wu San Bo's turmoil as he crouched down with his back to her, Guan Men Niang could only see his broad back as he calmly lit the furnace. After Wu San Bo managed to ignite the furnace, the temperature in his room instantly became warm only now did he realize that his body was cold. Guan Men Niang rubbed his arm then Wu San Bo took out a tea set and started brewing tea.

Guan Men Niang had a lot of questions for Wu San Bo but the rare tranquility around her kept her quiet, she hoped this moment would last a little longer. Guan Men Ning tightened his thick clothes as she slowly leaned her back on the chair comfortably, her eyes fixed on Wu San Bo's graceful figure as he brewed in a graceful manner. She forgot the last time she felt comfortable around men maybe never even with her good fiancé she still felt awkward being alone with him, maybe at that time she was still young and immature even so it didn't change the fact that she never felt this way before with anyone.

"Here, drink slowly." Wu San Bo handed her the warm porcelain teacup.

Guan Men Niang quickly straighten her posture then she received the teacup politely with both hands, accidentally their index fingers touch slightly, it felt like an electric current that run through her body, she took a harsh breath while keeping her head low as she retracted her hands calmly as if nothing happened.

Wu San Bo notice her reaction and see her red ears, could it be Guan men Niang hated his touch? well, that was plausible after what she had been through, Wu San Bo paused for a second before he retract his hand feeling very sorry and extremely angry for what this girl had been through.

"Thank you" Guan Men Niang weakly said.

"Don't mention it" Wu San Bo reply casually.

Guan Men Niang takes a sip and the warmth instantly spread inside her, a sense of nostalgia rush to her mind. She remembers she used to drink tea like this at night with her parents and grandparents, she thought she had forgotten about it turned out she's wrong.

"After drinking tea, you should eat this" Wu San Bo place a square wooden box on the table.

"She looks at the mysterious box with the confused expression "What is this" Guan Men Niang put down the teacup then open the box carefully, and what she see inside make her gasp.

"My lady said, this is a bento box," he said with a wide smile that could be seen on the merchant's face.

"Be..bento?"  Guan Men Niang tilted her head.

"It's a balanced meal for healthy eating when you're out of the house" she explains somewhat proudly as people advertise their wares, "This is our lady's invention, very comfortable, light and looks absolutely gorgeous!" Wu san Bo only needed to finish his words with '....only fifty cents buy now before they run out and it will become a perfect advertisement.

If Lory was here she would know why Wu san Bo despite his look and wealth he still single until now.

Luckily Guan men Niang didn't see anything off with Wu san Bo words, she turned his gaze back to the strange box, which contained rice, meat, vegetables, pickles, and fruits that were beautifully arranged in vibrant colors and cute shape, this just looking on the jewel box, it just too beautiful she feels bad to eat it, however, she smelled the nice fragrant from the food and suddenly his stomach growled.



Guan Men Niang's face was red as the tomato on the box, she wished she could dig a hole and bury herself for eternity, she want to die from the embarrassment!

"Good, your appetite seems to have awakened" Wu San Bo didn't laugh instead she looked  quite happy "You should eat quickly!"

Guan Men Niang nodded shyly, however when she lift their chopsticks he felt the intense gaze coming from Wu San Bo, Guan Men Niang gulped nervously, if Wu san Bo continued to stare at her like this she was sured she would have indigestion so she braced herself to asked: "Want… want to eat together with me?"

With his high cultivation, Wu San Bo rarely felt hungry anymore but seeing Guan Men Niang's expectant look he couldn't reject her so he resigned "Okay…." He took another box from his spatial ring for himself.

Guan men Niang smiled in relieved then she started her meal happily.

The night was cold but the room was very warm and peaceful, even the food tasted better. He never thought he would experience this warmth again. Guan Men Niang peeked at the man who has eating leisurely, she always heard rumors about Long Ming and his four legendary King palaces, she never expected the rumored King will be so kind and humble even in front of a lowly woman like her.

Guan men Niang suddenly remember Wei Zu Tian's obsession with Long Ming, the fool was sure that Long Ming will come voluntarily to cure his poison, Wei Zu Tian thought not only Zhao Li Xin but he would have the four King palaces and the Hei Shen sect as well, therefore, he let Hei Shen sect thrived for so long. Wei Zu Tian was so sure, so confident that no one wanted to die in such a miserable manner caused by the poison he thought Long Ming would never allow himself to die like that so one couldn't imagine how furious he was when he saw Long Ming live well and happy without him.

Guan Men Niang secretly rejoiced over Wei Zu Tian's failure, she hoped Long Ming would crush Wei Zu Tian until nothing was left of him just like he did to her.

See Guan men Niang smile, Wu San Bo asks curiously "Is the food really that good?" Wu San Bo had no idea he liked the food so much.

Guan Men Niang blushed a little, she immediately nodded her head "Yes, it's very delicious!" she answered readily.

"Good" Wu San Bo smiles happily as he can already see the profit when he sold this in the market, but then she gets worried about where to put all those money. Should he make more spatial rings? Wu san Bo was disheartened for the fact that other than him and Zhao Li Xin no one can't make a spatial ring therefore the job falls on him.

After this all over, Wu San Bo decides to take a long vacation.

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