The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 817 - Madness II

Fighting with one Hybrid Beast is hard enough but dozens of them at the same time will not be easy even for Zhao Li Xin not to mention the Beast seems much stronger than the first one.

"Milord…" Mong Ki face stiffen.

Beasts of various sizes and types, roared and stomped their feet and the ground shook as a result, fear spread through the air as everyone was terrified as they were surrounded by dozens of beasts even though they knew that their master was able to control all the beast.

The muscular man laughed triumphantly, "Long Ming, you see this!" he open his arms and guffawed he was certain that even Long Ming would not be able to win against all these beasts, and even if he did, Long Ming would be seriously injured, and at that time, it would be easy for the muscular man to finish him off.

The muscular man's wife furrowed her brows, these were all beasts that they purchased using their sect's treasury. The sect master who was their father-in-law reminded them not to use beasts recklessly, not only because they were hard to come by but the beast cost almost drain their sect treasury.

If something happened to the beast, she couldn't imagine how angry her father-in-law would be, however, she can't stop her husband either, she could only pent her hope that her husband would succeed in defeating Long Ming.

Surrounded by the beast, Zhao Li Xin's expression remained calm, instead of being frightened, something else was built up within him. He knew all too well this feeling was, the familiar rush of adrenaline that soothed his heart that had been empty for a long time, the only ecstasy that kept him going before he met Lory.

Zhao Li Xin's corner slightly lifted, here it is… the excitement of having a brush with death, there was a time when this was the only proof that he is alive, how ironic.

Dozens of roaring beasts shook the ground beneath them, the beasts' gazes filled with murderous lust, they snorted and bared their sharp fangs with drool dripping from their tongues. Zhao Li Xin didn't look worried while the Mong brothers stood alert, their backs to Zhao Li Xin from both sides, they tightly gripped their black swords ready to kill anything that dared approach Zhao Li Xin.

"Ha, are you scared now" the muscular man sneered he couldn't believe Zhao Li Xin wasn't worried, he was sure the calmness on Zhao Li Xin's face was faked, thus he taunted "Why don't you beg me, kneel down and I might just let you go!" he raised his chin arrogantly, of course, he was lying, he was not so stupid as to let Zhao Li Xin live.

Zhao Li Xin fell silent no one could read his expression but the muscular man believed Zhao Li Xin was too scared to speak. Feeling like he was walking on air, the muscular man enjoyed the moment of victory.

Zhao Li Xin ignored him, he let the stupid man get drunk by his delusions. Zhao Li Xin spoke in a low voice, "Activate your fire protection talisman and try to distance yourself from me"

"Milord, we will not abandon you!" Mong Ki strongly rejects Zhao Li Xin order..

"Milord, we will stay with you no matter what!" Mong Yi also expressed his reluctance.

Zhao Li Xin sighed, "Don't worry about me, I still want to go home to my beautiful wife" he waved his hand casually.

The Mong brothers realized that Zhao Li Xin must have plans on his own, they were confident that their current master would not risk his life when Young madam was still around. The Mong brothers exchanged glances and give each other an affirmative nod "Please take care my lord" Mong kKi and Mong Yi cupped their fists at the same time the muscular man blew his whistle again then all of a sudden the hordes of beasts charged towards them.


"Gee, I have something nice for you?" Huo Long suddenly said.

Zhao Li Xin was meditating near the cliff and Huo Long's voice woke her up from her concentration, annoyed she glared at Huo Long "Not interested" she immediately refused.

Huo Long pouted his lips "Aww, don't say that" he crouched down in front of Zhao Li Xin, "You'll thank me later" Huo Long's eyes brought his face closer to Zhao Li Xin's, his eyes glittering with excitement.

Annoyed by Huo Long's face getting too close, Zhao Li Xin pushed her face away from him and grumbled, "What do you want" he sighed.

"Something that can make your Immortal flame much stronger than it is now" Huo Long smirked.

Zhao Li Xin narrowed her eyes showing her interest "What?"

"Something that can focus your flame, make it sharper and precise" Huo Long's smile wider as he grew more excited.

"What's that?" there's a glint in Zhao Li Xin eyes, even though the immortal flames were very formidable but the power was uncontrollable and too wild even though he had managed to control it, its power was still too lethal, and using it against a weak opponent was like killing a mosquito with an axe, excessive and not worth the effort expended.

"…." Huo Long pursed his lips, this kid doesn't know how to be grateful, Huo Long feels guilty. Suddenly a futile idea popped into his head, Huo Long smiled widely and he clasped his hands in front of his chest and playfully pleaded, "Say, please tell me dady~"

"..." Zhao Li Xin's face darkened.

"Come ooon..." Huo Long puffed puff his cheeks making himself look cute.

"…." Zhao Li Xin's killing intent increased.

"…." Huo Long's brows twitched 'Does he want to kill me?'

"…." Killing intent increased greatly.

"Fiine!" Huo Long resigned dejectedly, he should have known Zhao Li Xin didn't know how to joke.

If only he knew Zhao Li Xin was quite cute when he was with Lory.

Huo Long put on a serious face then he raised his index finger and said: "Then I will teach you the secret art of sharpening your immortal flames, this art is called firestorm and has five moves, the first stage is called….Entrapment"


Thunderous sound beast roaring raised to the air, their giant's claws ready to plunge deep into his skin, it's not impossible if he would die without leaving remains to bury. The muscular man is exhilarated as he can't wait to see Zhao Li Xin rip apart.

Zhao Li Xin raised his head, there was no horror in his onyx eyes as the beasts attacked him simultaneously, all of the sudden the sky was covered with their claws and fangs, yet, he feel not the slightest trepidation.

An evil smile spread across his handsome face.

Zhao Li Xin lower his palm to the ground, flames appeared on both sides of the stairs like a torch, and the flames dripped to the ground created a string of fire that spread on the ground at high speed, created intricate formations like red giant cobwebs.

The beasts couldn't stop their attacks and they were instantly trapped when their feet hit the ground, in an instant the beast caught in the ignited string, and wrapped their bodies, the beasts struggled to free themselves, hence the stronger they resisted the tighter the strings of fire bound them.

however there were some beasts that had wings to stop their attacks, of course, Zhao Li Xin wouldn't let them go, he jumped into the air on one of the beasts that were floating in the air with fire in both hands.

not to be outdone the beast charged at Zhao Li Xin, Zhao Li Xin swiftly slipped behind the animal and landed on its back, Zhao Li Xin almost landed a punch but then the beast flicked its long tail filled with sharp thorns at him.

Zhao Li Xin was forced to withdraw her punch to dodge the beast's tail attack.

Once again Zhao Li Xin jumped into the air and the other beasts had already tried to attack her again, three beasts attacking her simultaneously from various sides.

not to be outdone the beast charged at Zhao Li Xin, Zhao Li Xin swiftly slipped behind the animal and landed on its back, Zhao Li Xin almost landed a punch but then the beast flicked its long tail filled with sharp thorns at him.

Zhao Li Xin was forced to withdraw her punch to dodge the beast's tail attack.

Once again Zhao Li Xin jumped into the air and the other beasts had already tried to attack her again, three beasts attacking her simultaneously from various sides.

Zhao Li Xin snorts in annoyance.


"And the second move will be called wrath…ooh, you gonna love this~"

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