The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 816 - Madness

The muscular man gathered the qi in his sword and with all his might he aimed his sword at Zhao Li Xin's head. Seeing Zhao Li Xin's face he was boiling with anger, he hates handsome men the most because he thinks handsome men can get everything easily like his half brother for example, because of his stepbrother appearance he was a shower with love from everyone in his family and sects members without even trying, what make thing even worst that his wife also admires his half brother once if it wasn't for his brother -already has an amazing fiancé she might ask her parents to match her with his half-brother instead, unfortunately, because she is inferior compared to her half-brother's fiancé she can only become his concubine if she is persistent to marry him that's why she decided to marry him as an optional second-best option.

Knowing this as a man how can he accept it, it's a shame he can't reject marriage offers since he needs his wife's family influence to strengthen his position in his family so he takes out his pent-up anger on all the handsome men he sees, yes, the muscular man turn out to be small and pathetic.

"DIE!" he shouted furiously.

saw him attack head-on without any tactics. Zhao Li Xin clicked her tongue not knowing whether to admire or laugh at the muscular man's stupidity.

Zhao Li Xin opened her arms wide as if she received her opponent's sword strike without giving resistance, the muscular man thought Zhao Li Xin had given up after he show off his strength, the muscular man wild imagination was run wild as he imagining his father proud face when he found out he had killed Long Ming with his own hands, he exuberant how famous he would become when everyone knows his accomplishment, he imagined his father would make him the next sect master successor replacing his half brother, he was overjoyed to see his brother's defeated expression.

But all of a sudden, flames burst from Zhao Li Xin's hands and grew rapidly like a sea of ​​fire. The excited muscular quickly awoke from his daydream as red-gold flames rolled in front of him like golden waves.

The flames danced in front of his eyes, looking extremely beautiful and terrifying at the same time, and his skin felt an intense heat as he tasted that death come nearer.

In his helplessness suddenly something pulled him from the sea of ​​fire and once again he fell to the ground with a loud thud.

It took him a while to recover from his fear when he finally realized that he was safe, he looked at his ankles and saw that his legs were wrapped around his wife's long silk cloth, he breathed a sigh of relief, he thanked his wife but at the same time, he felt embarrassed.

He glared at Zhao Li Xin sharply, he didn't expect Zhao Li Xin to be as strong as the rumored said was, his heart sank in his stomach knowing he couldn't win against Zhao Li Xin directly, he felt cheated because Zhao Li Xin didn't show his true strength when he kills his previous underlings, therefore, he thought he might still have a chance.

The muscular man's wife helped her to stand up like her, she was also scared by Zhao Li Xin's display of strength, she realized that she and her husband were no match for Zhao Li Xin.

Suddenly a long wailing sound resounded and they saw the hybrid beast beheaded by Long Ming's two underlings.

One of Lao Min Na's people assured them that the beast is stronger than any normal beast, more ferocious, and had no fear whatsoever but how can Long Ming's subordinates kill the beast so easily, the only conclusion either Lao Min Na lied to them or Zhao Li Xin's people are much stronger than they had expected. Clearly, they're hoping for the former.

Mong Ki and Mong Yi sheathed their swords then approached Zhao Li Xin and cupped their fists respectfully, "It's done my lord" Mong Ki reported.

"And the parasites inside…." What Zhao Li Xin was most worried about was the demon parasite that controlling the beasts and the demon parasite that being controlled by Lao Min Na.

The muscular man and his wife frowned they didn't know what Zhao Li Xin was talking about with her men.

"With Master Wu's special weapon killing the creature is not a difficult matter not to mention we are also protected with the talismans given by the young madam so that there is no big problem" explained Mong Yi.

"Hm, good." Zhao Li Xin nodded.

It's actually not that hard to kill a hybrid beast once your cultivation reaches the sovereign level, the problem is that the demon parasite that controls the mind of a beast can only be killed with two things one is a special weapon made of spirit stones and the second is the protective amulet made by Lory the problem was that both resources were so limited that if one day a beast wave happened like in Lory's world, he wondered if the people of this world were capable of dealing with it, Zhao Li Xin might not care but he knew that Lory does.

The only way to stop this from happening is by killing Lao Min Na and Lazarus beforehand, unfortunately, their plan didn't work out because Lao Min Na never lived in the same place for a long time moreover she was very good at hiding herself and working covertly

"What are you talking about, Long Ming?" the muscular man shouted, he found Long Ming and his subordinate's conversation was strange, didn't they kill beasts so what is this parasite conversation mean?

Zhao Li Xin stared at them blankly while the Mong brothers looked at them pitifully. This bunch of idiots didn't know they had invited a wolf to their house, actually, Lao Min Na is much worst than a wolf.

"Other than those beasts, what else did the Iron Horse sect receive from that 'Lao' woman?" Zhao Li Xin narrowed her eyes as she investigated their reactions.

The muscular man exchanged confused looks with his wife even his subordinates suspicious of what Zhao Li Xin purposed to ask all of this, even so, the muscular man was too stubborn to believe there was anything wrong with Lao Min Na's intention.

"Long Ming don't you dare to sow discord between us and Miss Lao, do you think I will believe your words? Miss Lao has helped our sect members become stronger, hump, I guessed you were jealous that our sect got Miss Lao's help and became stronger" he said confidently, however, his wife thought differently, he felt Long Ming wasn't a liar, on the contrary, he was known to be very frank without caring about other people's opinion and also she felt that there was something odd about Lao Min Na.

"Wait husband, master Long Ming might know something..."

His wife tried to stay rational but instead, the muscular man thought his wife was infatuated with Long Ming, therefore, she trusted whatever Long Ming said, overwhelmed with jealousy he shouted rudely at his wife "SHUT UP!" he scolded his wife in front of his subordinates which was a disgrace for her.

"All women are the same, when they see a handsome man they will lose their minds like a headless chicken" The man quipped.

"Husband, why are you talking to me like that?!" his wife rebuked him with disappointment.

The muscular man scoffed sarcastically "Do you think I don't know what you're thinking, you think I didn't notice since earlier you weren't able to take your eyes from him"

"HUSBAND!" her bloodshot eyes widened as she was angry being humiliated in front of their own people. If they talked to the people back home, their reputation and position in the Iron Horse sect and society would be ruined.

Zhao Li Xin wasn't interested in seeing them fight, in a lazy tone he asked casually, "Do you guys still want to fight? I want to hurry home to see my wife..." Seeing them fighting made Zhao Li Xin miss Lory.

Zhao Li Xin couldn't help but wonder what his princess was doing right now, Zhao Li Xin's expression softened a little as Lory's pretty smiling face appeared in his mind.

"Ha, you want to go back to your wife" scolded the muscular man "Unfortunately she might become a widow instead!" he sneered.

Brother Mong thought this man's brain might be pinched by his big muscles, hence he couldn't think straight, while Zhao Li Xin was tired of this meaningless banter if he wanted to fight, let's fight to the death, why the need to talk this much? 'what waste of time' Zhao Li Xin sighed inwardly.

"Husband, don't!" the muscular man's wife tugged on the man's arm anxiously, "Father-in-law will blame us!" she reminded him.

"Enough, I'm not a child!" he became impatient by his wife nagging, "I do what I want!" again with his tenacity he silenced his wife.

The muscular man raised his right hand, dark green jade glistening on his middle finger, he smirked triumphantly, "Long Ming, I will make sure you die today!" suddenly the ring shone, and then from the light slowly emerged a large silhouette that became clearer and clearer.

Mong Ki and Mong Yi drew their swords and stood with their backs to Zhao Li Xin. They could sense something bad was about to happen and when they thought they were suddenly surrounded by dozens of hybrid beasts.

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