The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 818 - Potential Snitch

The immortal flame was not the first martial art he had learned actually Zhao Li Xin had studied many secret arts left in the underground palace, but the immortal flame was the only art that matched his character.

The art is dangerous, risky, ruthless, and deadly, once released it is difficult to control, the flame will swallow everything, and everyone nearby including himself if he failed to control it.

However, With Huo Long's help, Zhao Li Xin was able to control the immortal flames to a certain degree but the firepower was still too excessive to fight against trivial enemies, so Zhao Li Xin knew he needed to find another martial art to filled the immortal flame flaws sadly, there's nothing could synch with immortal flame destructive power until Huo Long teach him about Firestorm.

Zhao Li Xin pressed her palms together as soon as she spread out her palms, a flash of red light exploded and sliced the surrounding beasts into pieces.

The excited smile on the muscular man disappeared, his eyes bulged wide and his face was white as rags he couldn't believe the beast he was proud of dying mercilessly in Zhao Li Xin's hands.

Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin land on the ground smoothly follow by pieces of the beast carcass that also fell to the ground like chunks of meat, suddenly he felt something wet on his cheeks and he wiped his cheeks, it was bloodstained from the beast, Zhao Li Xin scrunches his nose and grumbles in disdained, "Disgusting"

There were still many beasts flying in the sky and the rest were trapped half-dead in their traps, the beasts were still trying to escape from their traps even though half of their bodies were scorched. Zhao Li Xin scoffed she didn't want to waste any more time. Zhao Li Xin swung his hand and a sharp thin light with a swoosh the thin light cut the beast in half then Zhao Li Xin swung his hand again and again and the beasts cut like grass.

the other beasts could sense the threat they all pounced on Zhao Li Xin at the same time, Zhao Li Xin nimbly dodged and shift swiftly while continuously slicing through them, the beast roared furiously as blood spilled profusely in the air like a red painting.

It was a magnificent sight to see Zhao Li Xin fighting alone with hordes of beasts, he looked just like the god of war in the stories people used to read when they were children, meanwhile, the Mong brother watch their lord with awed and excitement.

"Brother looks like we need more practice," Mong Yi grinned excitedly.

"Obviously" Mong Ki agreed readily.

Mong Yi suddenly notice something and he nudged Mong Ki "Brother, look"

Mong Ki follows Mong Yi's gaze then he sees Muscular Man and his group wanting to sneak away, it seems they realized they can't win against their master so they tried to run, could it be that easy? Of course not.

"Someone wants to leave before the show is over, how rude" Mong Ki's face hardened.

"Especially when they the one who starts it," Mong Yi said peevishly.

The muscular man was frightened, many things were running through his mind at the moment, what should he do? The beasts they had worked so hard for died miserably, then how could he explain this to his father and his sect elders.

The glorious future he dreamed of before has dissipated like smoke left him only with regret, if only he did not challenge Long Ming unfortunately he couldn't turn back time, the muscular man knew he was done now.

His wife doesn't look good either, her future is tight with her husband if he becomes a dragon then she will become a dragon too but if he becomes a dog and so will she.

However, despite all of that she realizes that they had to leave first even though they would be severely punished in their sect but at least they could still maintain their lives but if they fell into Long Ming's hands then it would be the end of them.

"Husband we have to go now, hurry!" She grabbed her husband's arm promptly.

The muscular man didn't want to leave like a loser but he knew his wife was right, Long Ming wouldn't spare their lives. In the end, life is more important than dignity so why force it.

"Let's go!" The muscular man ordered his men to leave.

The muscular man's subordinates breathed a sigh of relief, neither of them wanted to fight Long Ming after witnessing how strong he was..

But just before they took another step all of his subordinates were suddenly killed, the muscular man and his wife froze and a black sword pointed at his face followed by a cold voice, "Where do you think you are going?"

"I…." the muscular man swallowed his words in nervousness.

"How can you leave when our master gives you one of his best performances" Mong Yi sounded offended.

"Ple...please let us go" pleaded the muscular man's wife with eyes full of despair, "I promise you, we will never show ourselves in front of you again!"

Mong Yi sneers, they are asking for mercy now but if things turn the other way, will they give them mercy, never!

Tears fell down her cheeks as she pleaded profusely, she wished they would be lenient towards the fairer sex so she acted pitifully, sadly this Mong brother's face acts way too much time, and just like their lord they treat everyone equally, male or female.

"Please…mister" she woefully pleads.

Mong Ki draws back his sword, the woman's face glows thinking Mong Ki will let them go but Mong Yi cupped his fists and lowered his head "What should we do my lord?"

The face of the muscular man and his wife stiffened before they could overcome their shock suddenly the neck was strangled from behind, it was happening too fast he didn't have time to fight back and his wife screamed in horror, her feet tripped over the gravel and she fell to the ground.

"Long Ming, let me go, you don't know who I am!" he's still trying to threaten.

Zhao Li Xin tilted his head and smirked, "Oh enlighten me then"

"I...I Feng Lao from the Feng clan, my father Feng Ru Han the iron sect master..if...if you kill me, he will...he will never forgive you!" he shouted and threatened Zhao Li Xin using his father's name.

"Oh my, what should we do Mong Ki?" Zhao Li Xin stifles a chuckle as he tightens his grip on the man's neck.

"Kill them all, my lord" Mong Ki answer firmly.

The muscular man shouted in disbelive "Long Ming, don't be crazy, let me tell you all the big sect in Hwang wu continent and the Xin Fang continent work together to destroy you, if you dare to killed me you only infuriated them more!"

Zhao Li Xin narrow his eyes "Hm, is that true?"

The man laughed in relief and he immediately replied, "Ye…yes. I'll tell you everything if you let me go!" Although he sounds sincere, however deep down the muscular man already make a plan for himself,  perhaps if he could make a good connection with Long Ming maybe Long Ming's will help him to become the iron sect master and killed his younger brother, and after all set and done he will find a way to get close to poison Long Ming, therefore no one stands on his way again.

The muscular man immersed in his imagination again, and rambling excitedly, "Long Ming, I will tell you, everyone, whoever wants to kill you so you can make the first move, why don't we work together, I could kill them for you, you can help kill my enemy too, therefore, we together can....AAAHHHK!!" the muscular man's body engulfed in flames, his wife watching her husband's skin melt as the hot flames touched his skin while his eyes open widely filled with horror.

panic surged inside her and she screamed with all her might as she watch her husband slowly turned to dust.

"Noisy" Zhao Li Xin clapped his hands from the remaining dist in his hands, Mong Yi then politely handed over a clean towel to wipe his hands.

"You take care of him, I want to know everything she knows" Zhao Li Xin said to the Mong brothers.

"As you wish, my lord!" Mong Ki and Mong Yi answered simultaneously.

The woman fell into a panicked state, her body shook and tears rolled down her cheeks, she didn't even have the strength to raise her head but then Zhao Li Xin next words surprised her.

"After she confesses everything he knows, let her go" Zhao Li Xin oddly granted the woman leniency.

The woman reflexively raised her head, she couldn't believe Long Ming would let her go, why was Long Ming so kind to her, is it maybe he with her… the woman looked at Zhao Li Xin with expectant looks and she forgot that Zhao Li Xin just killed her husband in front of her face so kindness should not be the words to describe Zhao Li Xin.

"Is that okay my lord, will he talk to the Iron sect people?" Mong Yi was shocked.

"He wouldn't dare" Zhao Li Xin was sure that the woman wouldn't dare to complain to the iron horse sect people, not only had she lost precious beasts she had also let her husband the child of Feng Ru Han die and if they found out that she exchanging information with the Hei Shen sect in exchange for her life, they would not forgive her even her family might be implicated by her, therefore, Zhao Li Xin didn't feel worried.

"Beside I don't want my wife hate me because I killed a woman who didn't do anything to me, yet" Zhao Li Xin heavily sighed, this wasn't his style but he didn't want to disappointLory.

But then again, Zhao Li Xin saw the woman's gives him strange look it make him annoyed so Zhao Li Xin added, "But if she tries to lie or refuses to cooperate, kill her at once," he said firmly.

Zhao Li Xin's words were like a bucket of cold water spilled over her head, whatever wild imagination she had previously disappeared in an instant.

Zhao Li Xin didn't give her another glance, he turned around then jump at high speed, immediately his figures disappear leaving the Mong brothers and the potential snitch.

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