The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 806 - Hope

"Can you see me?" Wu San bo waved his hand in front of Guan Men Niang "Is there not enough light here? Old Tang brings more light, will you! he blamed the innocent Tang Huan.

"Master, if we are put more light than this we will stand out like a beacon in the sea" Tang Huan discourages Wu San Bo's ridiculous idea.

"But there's no one around, and our people will warn us if someone comes!" Wu San Bo rebuked him.

"It's okay… I can see you…" Guan Men Niang abruptly said with weakly voice then she pulled herself away from Wu San Bo shyly, actually, she didn't want the place to get any brighter because she doesn't want them to see her red face. Guan Men Nian then saw the dark stains on the man's expensive robe and her face turned even redder with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm sorry" her eyes welled up again from embarrassment, she felt ashamed of how undignified she is, she wished there was a hole that could swallow her now.

Wu San Bo didn't know why Guan Men Niang looked flustered until he saw the stain on his robe and he understood "It's okay, it's just a robe" he said lightly.

Meanwhile, Tang Huan gave Wu San Bo a deprecating look 'Didn't you say you liked this robe so much that you took it off so it wouldn't get wet'

Guan Men Niang realizes she was cover with a thick quilt, she feel very touch by Wu San Bo's kindness but is embarrassed because the quilt is now dirty by her.

"Miss Gu, my name is Wu San Bo, I'm Black Turtle king palace of Hei Shen, we come here to help you" Wu San Bo introduce himself.

"You Are?" Guan Men Niang stupefied her eyes rounded in shock, no wonder the man looks regal and charismatic he turns out to be the legendary figure from Hei Shen sect, Guan Men Niang straightens her posture, she pulls the quilt to cover her dirty dress as she becomes more embarrassed with her sorry figures, she didn't dare to raise her head.

"Miss Guan, I'm Tang Huan, you still remember me?" Tang Huan approach her.

Guan Men Niang glance at Tang Huan then nod her head, Tang Huan saw the bruised on Guan Men Niang's face and her torn lips his heart aching for her, "May I check your condition?" he opens his palm asking her to stretch her hand.

Guan Men Niang is only hesitant for a second before she stretches her hand. Wu san Bo inhaled a cold breath seeing her thin wrist, even though he already knows her body is unnaturally thin but seeing her thin wrist that looks like a stick he can't imagine what she's been through.

As soon as Tang Huan checked her wrist, he took a deep breath, "How could this be, not only is your body weak, you are also malnourished and you were just poisoned....recently?" Tang Huan was amazed that Guan Men Niang was still alive.

"What poison did Wei Zu Tian give you?" Wu san Bo's face turned gloomier, the woman in front of him was so thin and weak she looked so weak as if she would crumble at any moment, Wu San Bo could never comprehend the desire to hurt people who can't fight for themselves even Jin Hao wouldn't torture anyone to this extent especially innocent woman like Guan Men Niang, she was just a little girl who posed no threat to anyone so why did Wei Zu Tian have to torture her to this extent?

"I don't know, but my wound doesn't heal easily and it hurts more than usual…" Guan Men Niang explained in a flat tone as if she didn't talk about herself.

Wu San Bo frowned, Guan men Niang's calmness reminded him of Lory. The two of them talked about their pain casually like it was nothing for some reason Guan Men Niang's indifference to her own pained made him feel uncomfortable, he understood now why Zhao Li Xin rarely asked Lory about her past.

"Did you come here because of Wei Zu Tian's matter?" Guan Men Niang knew they had come for a reason.

"Yes…but with your condition…" Wu San Bo hesitantly put Guan Men Niang in a much more dangerous situation than now.

"It's okay, it's not the first time and it won't be the last time..." Guan Men Niang cut off Wu San Bo's words, she felt touched by her concern.

That alone gave Guan Men Niang more confidence that she made the right decision to seek Hei Shen's help.

Guan Men Niang's decision will not only save her brother but also avenge her family at the same time, it's like killing two birds with one stone, therefore she will not miss this opportunity at all cost.

She will do everything she can even it means she has to die, after all, she would not outlast the tyrannical Wei Zu Tian and that included his younger brother. Hei Shen is her only chance to change her fate and she would give anything… one last time.

"By the way what this punishment is about" Wu San Bo was suddenly curious as to what made Wei Zu Tian angry with Guan Men Niang.

"Oh, I was caught leaving the residence when I went to look for Master Jin that day, someone realizes I'm not in the residence and they report my disappearance to Wei Zu Tian but don't worry I told him I was just being muddlehead and realized I had nowhere to go so I came back" Guan Men Niang explained hastily, she worries Wu San Bo will not change his mind if he thinks she had been compromised.

"You're still being punished even though you came back?" Wu San Bo thinks Zhao Li Xin is quite an unreasonable master but even Zhao Li Xin will never give a punishment that exceeds their fault actually Zhao Li Xin is quite fair as long as you don't touch the point which is her personal life.

"I guess I agitated him too much this time, that's why he punished me so harshly like this, maybe he realized that I haven't completely lost hope, so he made sure that I remember that my life is his, that I am nothing without him. ...but he was wrong, and there's nothing he can do that makes me think otherwise"

Seeing the determination in Guan Men Niang's eyes, Wu San Bo was dumbfounded. Although she looks weak from the outside but on the inside she is very stubborn, this type of woman will not change her mind even if she is killed, Wu San Bo took a deep breath, something stirred in his heart, it was gentle but strong like the current under the calm sea.

He looked at the tiny figure of Guan Men Niang. Is hard to believe so much determination and courage was contained within her little body.

"Is Wei Zu Tian unsuspecting?" Tang Huan found this unbelievable.

Guan Men Niang stifled a laugh "Wei Zu Tian is smart but he is overconfident with himself, and he is prone to underestimate people like me Wei Zu Tian believes I am just a helpless little girl, he thought my temporary courage at that time only me being impulsive, he knew I have nowhere to go or people to helped, he was so sure that I'm still the foolish little girl I used to be when the truth is he change me so much"

Wu San Bo and Tang Huan exchanged glances, they could even agree more.

"If only he knew that a fire in a vast forest always starts with a small spark" Tang Huan chuckle.

"Alright, let's work together and knock that crazy narcissist off his throne, this time you won't fight alone" Wu San Bo pushed the smile that night would forever be etched in Guan Men Niang's heart until the day she closes her eyes.

Guan Men Niang's eyes glittered with hope and expectation "Yes!" she answered with a bright smile.

Wei Zu Tian would never understand that hope even though small was not easy to kill, no matter how much he had beaten Guan Men Niang to the ground as long as she still had hoped no matter how small it is she would find a way to back up and fight one more time. But a man like Wei Zu Tian would never understand until it was too late.

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