The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 807 - Bad Reputation

Meanwhile, in the city square, two men had caught everyone's attention, Wei Zu Tian and Zhao Li Xin Qi erupted like wildfire as both of them were strong cultivators it was impossible for others not to feel the intense pressure coming from them.

"You're challenging me, Li Xin?" Wei Zu Tian smiled ambiguously as if they were close.

"Don't call me that, it's so disgusting" Zhao Li Xin hissed with great disdain.

Although the distance between them was quite far, but they could communicate easily by enhanced their hearing using their cultivation, and so did Ming Yue Yin and Li Mo Zhen's group, who also heard their conversation.

Lory didn't know what Wei Zu Tian was saying but he could guess and he didn't like it.

Meanwhile, the audience below was muttering to each other.

"Who are they? I have never felt such a strong aura like this in my life"

"Look at that man with the gold mask and black robe, I think he is Long Ming!"

"Oh my God, I think you're right!"

"But who is the other man in the luxurious blue robe, who is stupid enough to challenge Long Ming head-on?"

"I don't know, but he's also very strong!"

"Are we going to stay here while they fight?

"If they fight, we will all be involved!"


Lory looked down as people ran in a frenzy to save their own lives, including the actors and actresses on stage jumping off the stage and running in a hurry. At the same time, the wind began to howl and blew everything into the air, the atmosphere became more intense and the collision felt almost inevitable.

"LI Xin my offer is still valid, even though you are healed but I can make you the king of the world, I will make sure no one will stand in your way as long as you are by my side!" Wei Zu Tian opened his arms and laughed "Li Xin don't act like you don't care, you have to take Hei Shen this far if not for world domination what else are you aiming for? stay with me, and no one can' beat us, not even Gods! " he laughed haughtily like a madman.

However, Zhao Li Xin's lips slightly twitched in disgust then he replied incisively, "Eew…"

Everyone "..."

They all lament the same 'Well we can't beat that response'

Wei Zu Tian's face was ravaged by anger then he shouted loudly "YOU DARE TO MOCKED ME ZHAO LI XIN!" The Qi around Wei Zu Tian burst like a whirlwind it smashed the stage below into shards, luckily people had already run so no one was hurt.

Zhao Li Xin activated protective talismans around her and her people to block Wei Zu Tian's violent Qi.

"Ha, you think your cheap talisman can protect you?!" Wei Zu Tian mocked, he was too immersed in himself that he didn't notice how calm Zhao Li Xin's side was.

Wei Zu Tian Qi's explosion hit the protective talisman, an explosive sound resounded through the air as the talisman paper burned to ashes leaving Zhao Li Xin and her group unguarded.

Wei Zu Tian and Gao Mo's eyes flashed triumphantly.

Yet everyone on Zhao Li Xin's side remained calm, hence only one person Zhao Li Xin was worried about, no matter how safe they were.

Zhao Li Xin wrapped Lory into his arms with one hand while his other hand gathered Qi as he contemplated whether he should fight or not, just like Lory, he also thought showing his true strength at this time was too early.

Gao Mo misunderstood Zhao Li Xin and his group's quietness meant that they were either scared or surprised by Wei Zu Tian's strength actually Jin Hao and the others were thinking the same thing as Zhao Li Xin 'should they fight now or not?'

None of them want to alert their opponent about their real strength, no one knows that everyone in the Hei Shen palace especially the Mong's brothers and the four Kings palace cultivation has risen tremendously, this is the secret they keep not only from Wei Zu Tian but mostly from Lao Min Na and Lazarus.

[Girsha, have they left the Wei Zu Tian residence yet?]

On the top of the roof, Girsha's green eyes suddenly glow. A little grey swallow flew into the sky the little bird eyes glow the same way as Girsha, as the bird looks down it saw Tang Huan and some other shadow guards steal the identity plaque from the servants, the array was connected to the array, only people who got identification could pass through the array.

Unfortunately, Wei Zu Tian people rarely leave their place even if they do only powerful shadow guards that used to leave the place to carry out Wei Zu Tian orders, and it's not easy stealing their identification without killing or hurting them that in the end would alert Wei Zu Tian's side.

However, once they were inside the villa is easy for them to steal from the maid's servants who are much weaker than the guards and the shadow guards. With the identification in their hands, Wu san Bo and the others could easily sneak out from the villa without anyone noticing.

As soon as the little gray sparrow saw Wu San Bo and the others made it out safely, the light in the little bird's eyes disappeared and the little bird flapped its wings like it just woke up from a trance and then flew away.

[They have left enemy territory] Girsha announced her.

[No casualties?] Lory asked.

[No] answered Girsha curtly.

[Okay, my turn now!] Hiding within Zhao Li Xin's arms Lory's eyes shone in a faint purple light.

What Lory loves most about the city of Sun Jan is that it is surrounded by rivers and canals all over the place. In the midst of the intense Qi battle between Zhao Li Xin and Wei Zu Tian, no one noticed the slight ripple on the surface of the water as wisps of mist slowly floated in the air, little by little the mist curled and rose into the air and spread out in fast speed. Instantly the streets and buildings were covered in thick white smoke.

Suddenly the night became freezing cold, no one understood why the weather had suddenly changed which had never happened before, only those who knew about Lory knew what had triggered this sudden change. Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan exchanged glances and so did the Mong brothers, then they turned their awed gazes towards Lory.

Wei Zu Tian and Gao Mo were stunned by the changes around them, they felt this was not a natural occurrence but who could do something like this, Wei Zu Tian didn't want to think too much about the strange situation around him, he gathered his Qi inside his Dantians, with one loud cry the Qi within him exploded and a thick fog vanish in a second but Zhao Li Xin and his men had already left.

Enraged, Wei Zu Tian crashed into the fence in front of him with his palm, and half of the building was nearly destroyed, the beautiful maids who were still present screamed in fear but they quickly covered their mouths not wanting to make Wei Zu Tian angrier.

Gao Mo frowned, he stared at the lingering mist even though he was sure someone did this on purpose but who or how he had no idea, his best guessed Zhao Li Xin had a divine object or something  to create such phenomenon "Master, they are...."

"Looks like Zhao Li Xin still has a trick up his sleeves" Wei Zu Tian sneered "It doesn't matter once we have that kid, he will have no choice but to follow me, hump, let's see how long he can escape. from me?!" he snorted in contempt.

"Yes, master" Gao Mo nodded in agreement.

Zhao Li Xin was not someone who easily retreat in fact in his recent years just before he met Lory Zhao Li Xin action become more and more precipitous in his action either he grew impatient with his condition or he just got bored Zhao Li Xin become more ruthless and impulsive that's why he was got hurt in the first place, luckily he met Lory.

Now that he has Lory Zhao Li Xin found he values life more than before, he gradually has expectations in everyday life, therefore Zhao Li Xin becomes more cautious with his planning, he becomes more patient than before hence he becomes more cunning.

The next day, rumors spread throughout the land that Long Ming was defeated by Wei Zu Tian and he fled from the 'Sun Emperor' with tail between his legs.

People laughed at Zhao Li Xin, they said Zhao Li Xin was afraid of Wei Zu Tian, they gloat as they waiting for Hei Shen and Long Ming's end.

Some mocked Zhao Li Xin, most are laughed at Hei Shen and Zhao Li Xin's misfortune. They were all certain that Hei Shen had finally met an opponent they couldn't beat, they laughed at Zhao Li Xin's arrogance, they said Zhao Li Xin's recklessness ultimately ruined his own future.

Of course, the rumors were sparked by Wei Zu Tian's underlings, is easy to guess that Wei Zu Tian will use this momentum to enhance his reputation in Xin Fang continent, for a narcissist, nothing satisfied his ego more than listened other people singing his praise.

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