The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 805 - Sneaking Into The Enemy's Den II

It wasn't difficult to sneak inside Wei Zu Tian's villa, it seems they are more focused on security outside but not inside, maybe they thought that no one could enter or leave their ranks. Obviously, they were not as thorough as their master.

As they searched Guan Men Niang's courtyard, they stumbled with two maids in the kitchen, the two maids seemed to be arguing about something, since they needed more information about the Heaven's Gate sect, they decided to eavesdrop for a moment.

"Why do I have to be the one serving food to that woman?!" the young maid slammed her tray on the table in annoyance.

"Stop complaining, it's your turn this time so you have to do it!" the second maid admonished her.

"Why are we still letting her alive, she clearly violated our master's rules, why is she still being allowed to live?!" the young maid vexed.

The second maid stare at her and sighed "What do you know, Master Wei still wants him alive so what can we do?"

"But I hate that woman, she has eyes that look like she's better than us when in fact she's nothing more than a toy for our master in fact she's no better than a dog!" the young maid snorted disdainfully

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, after what happened a few days ago, I don't think she has any dignity left in her, it's so embarrassing" the second servant laughed.

"You're right, let's see if she thinks she's still the esteemed Miss Gu" the maid laughed along.

Wu San Bo and Tang Huan exchanged glances then they followed the young maid carrying trays to an area behind the main building, they followed the maid to a secluded place where there was only one small building that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

Inside the building, a woman lay on the cold, dirty floor, she was curled up in a fetal position while her arms wrapped around her trembling shoulders and her teeth couldn't even stop chattering.

The room temperature was extremely cold and worst of all her cloth were soaking wet after she was thrown into the pool last night by the maids just for fun, because of that her wound got infected from the dirty water from the pool and caused her to have a high fever.

The door suddenly slammed open and a young maid entered, the light coming from the door made her shut her eyes in reflex. The young maid looked at her with utter disdain, Guan Men Niang was covered in blood and dirt, the smell of wet clothes, dirt, and blood mixed in the air creating an awful smell, the young woman cannot stand it she slam the tray on the floor then she quickly covers her nose.

"You are disgusting!" she shouted before he left in a hurry and slammed the door again.

Guan Men Niang's face remained the same, she agreed with the young servant though, she is disgusting. Guan Men Niang moved her head slightly to see where the tray is, unfortunately, the tray was quite far from her as the young maid didn't want to go any further because of the smell. Guan Men Niang swallowed her saliva, she felt so hungry but she couldn't move, she had no strength she couldn't even cry.

Even though he knew the food might be leftovers or it might be stale food but she didn't care, she needed to eat to survive Guan Men Niang didn't want to die because if she died there be no chance for his brother to come alive. Guan Men Niang knew she couldn't die yet, not when she finally see the hope at the end of the tunnel, just a little bit more, she had to hold on a little longer…

Once again the door opened, the bright light once again closing his eyes. Guan Men Nianf heard footsteps walking towards him, from a deep voice she knew the visitor was a man, Guan Men Niang only had bad experiences with men so of course, she was scared.

Her neck sank as her grip tightened. Guan Men Niang was afraid that they would come to whip her again or throw her to the pond and whatsoever just to have fun, she was so scared that she wouldn't make it facing another torture, petrified she started to make whining sounds like a wounded dog.

To her surprise, suddenly she was covered by a thick blanket, the warmth that enveloped her startled her immensely but she was still scared this is only the beginning of another endless torture.

"Eat this, it will make you feel better"

His voice was low and gentle, she forgot the last time someone spoke to her like that, she didn't know why she wanted to believe this voice so badly.

Guan Men Niang opened her mouth slightly then a hand pushed the pill gently into her mouth, the taste was a bit sweet which was odd because the pill she knew used to be bitter as soon as the pill entered her mouth it melted instantly and her body was engulfed with warmth and the pain that had tortured her for days gradually decrease.

Guan Men Niang felt strong arms lift her body off the floor then he make her body leaned against his strong chest, Guan Men Niang didn't know who this person was, she was only sure this person is a man but why is she hugging her, doesn't he realize how dirty her body is, the truth is she had never been clean since she lived with Wei Zu Tian.

"Don't...don't..." she said weakly, she wanted to say that she didn't want to dirty the guy.

"Hey, don't move, I won't hurt you!" Wu San Bo held Guan Men Niang's shoulder "I will transfer my Qi to you to make you feel better" the anxiety in his words warm her heart, she forgot the last time people took care of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks then she started to sob.

"Why are you crying, are you still hurt, old Tang is your medicine working, why is she still in pain?" Wu San Bo scolded Tang Huan, although he wasn't the most sympathetic person towards the fairer sex, but everyone would feel pity if they saw Guan Men Niang's condition.

"Master Wu, how can I give you a bad medicine, the pills are working, she might be crying because of something else?" Tang Huan felt a little offended, White Dragon Palace only used the best medicine for themselves okay. If they had low-grade pills, they would sell them in the market and no one knew better than Wu San Bo.

"Really, are you sure?" Wu San Bo looked at Tang Huan doubtfully then he turned his gaze back to Guan Men Niang, her condition was terrible that he wasn't sure that she would survive any longer.

"I'm sure - I'm sure, Just wait master...." Tang Huan reassured him.

Guan Men Niang heard their conversation she found it funny but at the same time, she felt sad because Guan Men Niang didn't think how much she missed a normal conversation like this, couldn't hold back anymore her tears pouring.

He was right, she wasn't crying because she was in pain, he was crying because it's been a while she felt other human kindness and was treated as a human being.

In the past, Guan Men Niang used to take kindness for granted as she was entitled to received love and care from other people but after she lived with Wei Zu Tian she understands how hard is to expect other people's sympathy.

The man looked so gentle, even though he made him lean against his chest, he didn't do anything else, he just patted her shoulder to calm her down then he felt the warm energy from his wrist fill her veins, slowly she finally regained some of her strength.

Knowing she was saved she slowly opened her eyes, she raised her gaze curiously to look at the good man who saved her.

"Are you okay?" Wu San Bo asked.

Their eyes lock at each other, the first thing Guan Men Niang notice is the pair of gentle eyes that are filled with worries. Then his straight nose then his alluring lips, she had seen many handsome and beautiful men in Heaven's Gate sect including Wei Zu Tian but in her eyes, their face only make her repulsive especially Wei Zu Tian, it was a struggle to hide her disgust in front of Wei Zu Tian day to day, she thought she was numbed by a handsome men perhaps she even develops some kind of allergy towards them, however, the man in front of her make her heart beating in the way she never felt before.

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