"Regarding the construction period, AXA’s reply was eighteen months."Queen Lydia added about the construction period.

"eighteen months..."Louis pondered for a few seconds before adding,"I doubt this construction time. According to our estimates, AXA is absolutely sure to complete the corresponding construction work within twelve months."

Queen Lydia Put forward different opinions,"You should make a simple calculation based on the working hours of the construction robot, right?"

Louis answered affirmatively,"Yes. According to the situation proposed by AXA, the construction robot can completely operate 24 hours a day. Work, in terms of time efficiency alone, by replacing human construction workers with construction robots, AXA can achieve an efficiency improvement of almost three times."

"If we take into account the improvement in work efficiency of construction robots, AXA can complete the construction of the Madri IV nuclear power plant within twelve months."Louis said analytically.

Like the cost accounting method, the Spanish court's think tank team also analyzed the efficiency of AXA Construction's use of architectural guardian robots.

Faced with Louis' remarks, Queen Lydia responded,"You Have you considered the issues AXA raised before?"

"question?"Louis wondered

"In the previous video conference, the other party said that once we announce our cooperation with AXA in the construction of the Madri IV nuclear power plant, AXA will inevitably be targeted by OMIE."Queen Lydia explained.

This issue is the biggest problem facing AXA.

Louis responded,"Aren't they planning to build their own power station?"

"Building a power station takes time. Queen Lydia replied.

Louis thought for a moment before responding,"We can rent an old granary nearby to them and let them transform it into a coal thermal power station, thus saving a lot of time.""

"We can also lease previously decommissioned coal-fired power plant units to them." Louis added.

Queen Lydia responded,"The specific situation needs to be decided after subsequent discussions with the other party. The biggest problem now is to meet the conditions proposed by AXA."

Louis responded affirmatively,"I understand, please rest assured, Her Majesty the Queen."

After Louis finished the exchange with Queen Lydia, he immediately reported the corresponding situation to Paul Peake, the chief minister of the Spanish court, and then added a question,"About AXA's conditions, Paul, how do you think it should be handled? Paul responded without hesitation,"I think there is no problem with the conditions proposed by AXA. Although the requirements for free import and export of coal and zero tariffs seem excessive on the surface, in fact AXA has made preconditions. They Priority will be given to purchasing coal from the Western Hemisphere."

Louis added,"The price is fair."

"Isn't that how it should be?" Paul responded,"Actually, AXA has so many conditions, which makes me feel more relieved, because it means that AXA sincerely wants to cooperate."

"Then we fully agree to their conditions?"Louis tried

"We can agree to all the conditions proposed by AXA, but we also need to negotiate conditions with AXA. For example, we must implement the eighteen-month construction period and write it into the contract, and we must also clarify the compensation for breach of contract." Paul explained

"The second is the payment stage of the advance payment, and what proportion of the payment we need to support during what period." Paul added

"Finally, there is the issue of after-sales guarantee. Although we are willing to believe in the reputation of AXA and the quality of AXA, in view of the particularity of nuclear power plants, we hope to introduce Xia Guo’s lifetime warranty system during the designed service life of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant. Inside, we hope AXA can provide complete after-sales warranty services. Paul added additional conditions.

In the Xia Guo construction field, the serious consequences of some project quality problems in the early years led to the improvement of quality assurance services.

For example, bridge construction requires a lifetime warranty within the design service life.

If the bridge If the design service life is fifty years, then the builder must provide a fifty-year lifetime warranty service; if the design service life is a hundred years, naturally it must provide a one-hundred-year lifetime warranty service. The

Spanish court passed the After a video conference with An Liang, he supplemented his knowledge of Xia Guo's construction industry and investigated the situation of Ansheng Construction.

So Paul proposed a lifetime warranty within the design service life.

Louis responded affirmatively,"Okay. , we will discuss these issues in the second video negotiation"

"If AXA does not have any new conditions or the new conditions are not excessive, you can directly agree to the corresponding conditions. I hope that our cooperation with AXA will begin as soon as possible." Paul explained

"Our electricity energy market is greatly restricted under the control of OMIE. This dilemma can only be broken after the fourth-generation nuclear power plants are put into commercial operation." Paul concluded.

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