The next day.

Just after eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone. The caller displayed Li Xiyan's name. He swiped the screen to answer the call.

"good morning Baby."An Liang greeted.

Li Xiyan responded,"You haven't gotten up yet, have you?"

"Well, I was just woken up by you."An Liang answered affirmatively.

"Do you have time today?"Li Xiyan asked

"There is time. An Liang first replied that he had time, and then added,"What's wrong, honey?""

"Today is our last day of internship at the TV station, and we are going to return to school tomorrow to report. Qiqi and Yuqing both said they would treat you to dinner and thank you for arranging the winter vacation internship."Li Xiyan explained

"Originally we were going to school on the 1st, but there was a work handover at the TV station, and the school also allowed us to delay the report, so it was postponed until today. However, we can't delay it any longer. We must go back to report tomorrow."Li Xiyan added.

An Liang suddenly remembered that time has entered March, the Spring Festival has long passed, and the winter vacation has ended.

"Okay, where shall we eat?"An Liang asked

"At noon, the four of us ate out; in the evening, we went home together, and my mother also wanted to join the party."Li Xiyan explained.

An Liang immediately objected and said,"Let's eat out at night too! Invite Auntie together, and we will eat out in the evening so as not to trouble Auntie."

Hearing An Liang's cryptic explanation, Li Xiyan smiled happily,"Don't worry, although we eat at home in the evening, my mother doesn't cook. We all order takeout."

An Liang breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Liu Ling doesn't cook, everything will be fine.

"That's good!"An Liang responded.

Li Xiyan snorted,"You're just afraid that my mother will cook."

"It sounds like you are not afraid!"An Liang retorted

"I'm used to it."Li Xiyan replied calmly.

Li Xiyan has long been accustomed to Liu Ling's poor cooking skills, and is also used to boiled chicken breasts and vegetable salads without salad dressing. Although she doesn't like eating them, she can bite the bullet and eat them. Go down

"I'm not used to it yet. An Liang responded helplessly,"Baby, do you have anything you want to eat? I'll order it for you in advance.""

"I want to eat that baby fish from before."Li Xiyan quickly explained.

The salamander Li Xiyan mentioned is the salamander cultured from natural mountain spring water in Guizhou. The breeding cycle lasts for three years, almost completely imitating the wild environment, but it is still artificially cultured salamander and is an edible fish. , not to protect animals, so there is no risk of breaking the law

"Okay, I'll contact Heyuan Fish Village and ask them to prepare in advance."An Liang responded.

Heyuan Fish Village is Wu Zhengfeng's property. An Liang can solve the problem by simply swiping his face card.

"So where will we eat for lunch? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan responded,"It's not decided yet. What do you want to eat?""

"It's up to you to decide, I'm not picky about food. An Liang responded.

Li Xiyan hummed,"Aren't you picky about food?""

"Am I a picky eater?"An Liang retorted

"I have never met anyone pickier than you. Li Xiyan complained,"I'll ask Qiqi and Yuqing first to see what they want to eat, and then send you a message.""

"OK"An Liang responded.

An Liang and Li Xiyan ended the call. He checked the information sent by the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, mainly about the situation in Guria, the layout progress of the Neon unmanned delivery industry, and the plans for Weiming Island. Blockades and other things.

These things have made some progress, but they have not yet reached the critical point and need some time to brew.

An Liang looked at the financial report of Anxin Investment Company again. This is the core cornerstone of the Iceberg Empire, even if the Iceberg Empire gradually emerges However, the profitability of Anxin Investment Company is still hidden under the water.

After reading the relevant financial statements of Anxin Investment and Anxin Bank, An Liang sent a message to Li Cunyuan in a small group of four brothers in the Imperial Capital Circle

‘An Liang: @李cunyuan: Brother Yuan, how is the recent development of the overseas agricultural planting base plan?’

‘Li Cunyuan: A great trend!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Whether it is the country we occupy or the countries and regions occupied by other members of the club, they are all developing very well.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Although some minor problems occasionally occur, such problems are solved by our security team.’

‘Li Cunyuan: By the way, Brother Liang, there is one more thing. I don’t know how to say it.’

‘An Liang: Do we both still need to worry?’

‘Li Cunyuan: It’s mainly because some guys in the club have gone too far and I’m worried about an accident.’

‘An Liang: Crossing the line?’

‘An Liang: What did those guys do again?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Some club members use the local influence of overseas agricultural planting bases...’

‘Li Cunyuan: They tried to manipulate some local forces and interfered with local policies.’

‘An Liang: Is this called crossing the line?’

‘An Liang: Are you saying you didn’t do anything like this in Leah?’

‘An Liang: Are the special trade zones you have delineated based on overseas agricultural planting bases in Lia, and the special trade zone committee you established, not out of bounds? '

The interest group composed of Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, Qian Xiaogang, Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu has established a substantial concession in Lia based on overseas agricultural planting bases.

In the special trade zone they built, they even have law enforcement rights!

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