The current household guardian robot is indeed developed based on the security guardian robot.

To be precise, there is no essential difference between all current models of Guardian robots. They just have a layer of vests.

Whether it is a home-type guardian robot, a security-type guardian robot, or a construction-type guardian robot, they are essentially the same robot. They only differ at the software level, and all hardware equipment is the same.

In view of this situation, the weight of the household guardian robot is also as high as 1258Kg. This weight seriously limits the application scope of the household guardian robot.

For example, it is very inconvenient to take the elevator!

The load-bearing weight of most elevators is only about 1,400Kg, which means that after taking a home-type Guardian robot, at most one or two people can ride.

Also due to weight issues, most household vehicles cannot carry household Guardian robots. Only a small number of similar pickup trucks and large off-road vehicles can carry them, otherwise the vehicles will need to be specially modified.

If the weight is reduced, the practicality of the household guardian robot will be greatly improved.

‘Zhao Wanxi: If it is a design plan to reduce weight, then the design team of the Guardian project can be lazy again!’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Have they already designed the second generation of home-use guardian robots in advance?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Yes,’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I have seen the corresponding design plan before. They removed all the defensive armor of the security guardian robot and lowered the material strength coefficient of the core frame.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Your family is in the construction industry. You should understand that some companies in the construction industry like to pass off inferior products. For example, the design plan requires the use of φ12mm rebar, but only φ10mm or even φ8mm rebar is used.’

‘An Liang: So the design team of the Guardian project also adopted similar ideas?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Not entirely. They also changed the material of the core frame. For example, the core frame was originally composed of high-strength hot-formed steel. Now it has been replaced by a lighter aluminum alloy, and the strength will not be reduced. Especially much, but the weight is reduced a lot’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The actual weight of the household guardian robot designed based on the aluminum alloy core frame has been reduced to 312kg, which greatly improves its practicality. '

With the weight of the second-generation home guardian robot reduced from the original 1258Kg to 312Kg, the practicality has indeed been greatly improved.

With this weight, most family cars can easily handle it, and various elevators can also easily handle it.

‘Anliang: What about changes in costs?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Because a large amount of defensive armor was removed and expensive high-strength hot-formed steel was replaced by aluminum alloy, plus the material size of the core frame was shrunk and the battery pack capacity was halved, the overall cost dropped by almost a hundred. Twenty-fifths of it, it only costs 570,000 yuan. '

High-strength hot-formed steel is indeed more expensive than aluminum alloys, which is somewhat counterintuitive.

Take the automobile industry as an example. Everyone thinks that an all-aluminum body is more advanced, and the replacement of aluminum with steel is regarded as a cost-saving performance.

But in fact, cars use very little high-strength hot-formed steel. Some low-end models only use high-strength hot-formed steel in the A-pillar, and some even cut corners in life-saving areas such as the A-pillar.

However, the entire core frame of the first-generation Guardian series robots is made of high-strength hot-formed steel, so it is cheaper to replace the core frame with aluminum alloy.

‘An Liang: After such replacement, what is the combat effectiveness of the household guardian robot?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: According to the data submitted by Hao Zhipeng, the leader of the Guardian project, there is no comparability between the second-generation home-use Guardian robot and the first-generation home-use Guardian robot in terms of combat effectiveness, especially in terms of resistance to thermal weapons.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The essence of the first-generation household guardian robot is still a security guardian robot. When faced with a small-caliber pistol, both the core frame and the important areas protected by defensive armor can resist without injury. small caliber pistol’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Even if the same position is hit by a small-caliber pistol ten or eight times in a row, there will be no problem. It can even withstand close range shooting from an assault rifle.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: But the second-generation home-type guardian robot is completely unacceptable. The second-generation home-type guardian robot is a real home-type robot because all defensive armor has been cancelled, and it only has a silicone surface layer. If it is close to If an important internal component is hit by a pistol, it will immediately shut down.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Coupled with the softer characteristics of aluminum alloy, even a pistol can destroy the core frame at close range. '

The performance of aluminum alloys in terms of hardness is indeed relatively average. If you think about a car with an all-aluminum body, you can understand the hardness problem of aluminum alloys.

If you still don’t understand, then think about an Apple laptop. It is made of aluminum alloy casing. Will it show traces of impact and deformation if you touch it casually?


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