Xia country time, a quarter past ten in the morning.

Bald Eagle local time, late at night near midnight.

Williams, the boss of Amgen, personally went to the airport to pick up the goods and brought the Ten Guardian robot back to the warehouse prepared by Amgen in advance.

In the Amgen warehouse, two forklifts are unloading the two-meter-long cube wooden boxes from the van.

Williams wore a Bluetooth headset and maintained video communication with Eric.

When all ten wooden boxes were unloaded, Eric reminded,"BOSS, we only need to open one of the wooden boxes, and then let the first guardian robot open the other nine wooden boxes. This is just the way to test it. The guardian robot"

"good idea!"Williams praised, and then ordered his subordinates to open the first wooden box.

When the wooden box was opened, he saw the Guardian robot fixed in the box with a large amount of shock-absorbing foam, and the accompanying high-speed charging suit.

Every A Guardian robot comes with an extremely fast charging kit, which includes an extremely fast charging pile and a graphene lithium battery energy storage pack with a capacity of 45Kwh. The graphene lithium battery that comes with the Guardian robot has a capacity of 40Kwh, which can be used with the extremely fast charging kit. Complete charging within 70 seconds, thus reaching full power for two hours of operation.

As for how long it takes for the ultra-fast charging set to complete charging the 45Kwh graphene lithium battery energy storage package, it all depends on the power of the charging line connected to the ultra-fast charging set..

As long as the power is large enough, even if the power of the 45Kwh graphene lithium battery energy storage package is completely exhausted, it can be charged within 75 seconds.

Of course, according to the backward power grid configuration of Bald Eagle, that is probably impossible.

However, as long as the graphene lithium battery energy storage pack is charged within two hours, the extremely fast charging set can be used to perform extremely fast charging services on the Guardian robot.

All this information is in the manual of the Guardian robot, and the Guardian The robot's manual is provided in bilingual versions of Xia Mandarin and English.

"BOSS, please pay attention to the authentication card held in the left hand of the guardian robot. You first need to pull out the authentication card, and then stick it on the left chest of the guardian robot. Wait for the guardian robot to start and enter the authority authentication process."Eric reminded.

In fact, this information is also in the manual of the Guardian robot. Eric had read the manual in advance and naturally guided Williams to operate.

As expected, Williams was on the left hand of the Guardian robot. He found a card that looked like a bank card. He pulled out the card according to Eric's instructions, and then stuck it on the left chest of the Guardian robot.

When the authentication card was stuck on the left chest of the Guardian robot for about five seconds, The Guardian robot's eyes lit up, showing a light blue shimmer.

"The system is starting. The authentication card can be removed. Please wait...."The guardian robot first issued a prompt in Xia Mandarin, and then again in English.

Williams took the authentication card back and put it in his pocket.

In less than half a minute, the guardian robot prompted again,"The system is starting for the first time. Please select the language. Currently, you can choose Xia Mandarin or English. Please use voice commands to speak the result directly."

"English. Williams chose according to the prompts.

The guardian robot immediately continued to prompt in English,"It has been detected that the system permissions are blank. Please set up the highest authority administrator." Please note that there is only one highest authority administrator. Once set, if you need to change the highest authority administrator, you will need the current highest authority administrator, a physical authentication card, and contact Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for remote authentication. Make a replacement"

"Please note that the highest authority administrator can appoint multiple sub-administrators. The sub-administrators include first-level administrators, second-level administrators, and third-level administrators. The third-level administrator has the lowest authority and can appoint four third-level administrators. Administrators, second-level administrators can accept three orders, and first-level administrators can only accept two orders."The guardian robot added a prompt.

Williams took a deep breath and responded,"Can I be the highest authority administrator?"

"sure. If you want to become the highest authority administrator, please hold the physical authentication card and place it on the left side of your face. The system will recognize human facial features and record the corresponding information."The guardian robot issued a prompt.

Williams naturally obeyed. He raised the physical authentication card and placed it next to his left face, waiting for the guardian robot to perform human facial feature recognition authentication.

"Please wait, human facial feature recognition is being scanned."When prompted, the Guardian robot also moved a few steps left and right to fully recognize human facial features.

"Hello, highest authority administrator, the system has completed the human facial feature recognition of the highest authority administrator, and has recorded the voice characteristics of the highest authority administrator. In view of the fact that timbre characteristics are easily forged, when the highest authority administrator performs remote super authorization, the highest authority administrator will be required to perform video recognition authentication."Guardian robot reminds

"What is remote super authorization?"Williams asked doubtfully.

"When a guardian robot encounters special circumstances and needs to kill humans, remote super authorization from the highest authority administrator will be required unless the highest authority administrator has authorized it in advance."Guardian robot responded

"Administrators with the highest authority please note that according to the regulations of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the Guardian Robot’s behavior of killing humans has no direct or indirect responsibility on the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Any order to kill a human being can only be managed by the highest authority. It will take effect only if the administrator personally orders it. The consequences and legal responsibilities will be borne by the highest authority administrator. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does not assume any responsibility."The guardian robot routinely explains the issue of responsibility.

According to the plan of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the guardian robot is an ordinary security robot. But as for the bald eagle, what if Amgen equips the guardian robot with real firearms? ?

Well, that’s not just in case!

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