The official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has a lot of fans. When Anliang released the latest news, a large number of people immediately gathered around to watch.


The Night Goes Deeper:

Dreaming of a Future Graphene Technology Group Protects the Bald Eagle?

Could it be that the previously announced security robot has been successfully developed?

Is the research and development speed so fast?


Misaka Mikoto’s boyfriend:

One person wrote in blood to plead with @DreamFutureGraphene Technology Group to provide two-dimensional in-depth customization services!

I have money!

[Screenshot of the balance of 30 million Xia Guoyuan]


Gundam Driver:

A security robot based on the Guardian prosthetic frame?

Is it possible to customize a manned exoskeleton armor based on the Guardian prosthetic frame?

I'm rich too!

[Screenshot of 210 million Xia Guoyuan balance]



Are all netizens so rich?

Am I really the only poor person?

[Screenshot of the balance of 481.23 yuan]


It was obviously a discussion about Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's protection of the bald eagle, but in the blink of an eye, it was led astray by troll netizens. One after another, people started to post screenshots of their bank account balances.

An Liang took a look at the screenshots of bank account balances of netizens, and found that many netizens' bank account balances actually exceeded 10 million Xia Guoyuan.

So are there so many rich netizens?

An Liang wondered if he really wanted to provide sand sculpture netizens with in-depth customization services based on the Guardian prosthetic framework?

For example, how about customizing a robot in the image of Misaka Mikoto?

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can provide the core framework, and as for the silicone simulation shape, it can be completely outsourced.

After all, there are a large number of companies that can provide such services, and the prices are quite cheap. Even if they use the best materials and provide some popular special customizations, the final price will not exceed six figures.

An Liang thought about it for a while and then posted another message on Weibo using the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.


Dreaming of Future Graphene:

If our group opens in-depth customization services based on the Guardian prosthetic framework for individuals, what kind of robot would you like to customize?

Friendly reminder: The price of in-depth customized services may reach 8 figures.


After An Liang sent out the new message, he started a new demon-subduing battle with the little vixen. The final result was naturally the defeat of the little vixen.

It was close to one o'clock late at night.

Yang Maoyi yawned. She snuggled into An Liang's arms and whispered,"Your Majesty, I'm so sleepy.""

"Then go to sleep."An Liang patted the little vixen's arm, and he put down his phone.

When An Liang and Yang Maoyi fell asleep, there was a heated discussion on the Internet. Netizens expressed their thoughts and expressed what kind of robot they wanted to customize. What is it like?

But the vast majority of sand sculpture netizens are just talking about it. After all, An Liang has stated in advance that the cost of customizing a robot is as high as eight figures. How can ordinary sand sculpture netizens have this financial strength?

Even if they have this financial strength, How many sand sculpture netizens are willing to spend eight figures to customize a robot?

The next day, at nearly nine o'clock in the morning, the little vixen's morning sneak attack ended in failure.

After the two of them washed up, Yang Maoyi said reluctantly,"Your Majesty, I I'm going back to my mother's hometown this afternoon and won't be back until the next year."

Yang Maoyi's mother is from Anguang, Xichuan. Last year, Yang Maoyi also returned there.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Be careful on the road."

Yang Maoyi took the initiative to throw herself into An Liang's arms. She said softly,"Your Majesty, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."An Liang hugged Yang Maoyi tightly.

The two quietly enjoyed the silent understanding.

After leaving Linshanju, An Liang went to Ansheng Construction Headquarters.

In Ansheng Construction Headquarters, An Shengyu's office, Anliang first dealt with the year-end bonus plan of Anxin Investment.

This year, Anxin Investment has transformed into a global financial giant. Even in the face of Wall Street financial institutions, Anliang Investment can compete with it.

In addition, in the new energy war, Anxin Investment earns A lot of profits have been made, so the year-end bonus of Anxin Investment this year is also very generous.

According to Anliang’s plan, the year-end bonus of Fan Ping and Li Gang is 5 million. Risk control director Lin Bin joined Anxin Investment at a later stage, although in terms of positions, he is not the same as Fan Ping and Li Gang. Almost the same, but the year-end bonus is reduced by 1 million.

The team leaders of the investment department and risk control department are all calculated based on the 1 million year-end bonus. There is no department head position in the investment department and risk control department of Anxin Investment Company.

Taking the investment department as an example, The investment department has a total of 260 people. However, the investment department does not have an investment director. Instead, it is divided into a team of five people with a team leader, who is then directly responsible for the investment director Li Gang.

Every ordinary employee in the investment department and risk control department Everyone also has a year-end bonus of 200,000.

The reception manager, logistics manager, and ordinary employees in the legal department also receive a year-end bonus of 200,000. The head of the legal department has the same treatment as the team leader of the investment department.

Finally, there are the front desk receptionists and ordinary employees in the logistics department. Employees, including receptionists and aunts who clean in the back-office department, are all settled with a year-end bonus of 100,000.

Although this wave of year-end bonuses will cost more than 600 million Xia Guoyuan, Anliang is not stingy at all.

Because Anliang does not rely on squeezing employees Get profits!

Besides, An Liang thinks that since he has eaten meat, it is good to let the people who follow him take a sip of soup. At least it can win people's hearts!

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