The question of whether the Guardian robot should be equipped with firearms when used in the Bald Eagle area does not seem to be a problem?

After all, Bald Eagle’s firearms management bill is really hard to describe!

In the Amgen company's warehouse, the guardian robot broadcast the disclaimer according to the settings.

Such a disclaimer is also found on the Guardian Robot sub-page of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and is also clearly marked on the physical manual of the Guardian Robot.

Faced with the Guardian robot’s disclaimer, Williams asked cautiously,"If I authorize you in advance to kill humans, how will you make logical judgments?"

"For example, what happens and you execute the order to kill humans?"Williams added the query to prevent the guardian robot from not understanding it.

Although the guardian robot can understand natural language, the guardian robot does not have real artificial intelligence and can only respond according to the preset plan.

"Will be enforced in accordance with the terms of the Bald Eagle Law and the orders of the Supreme Administrator."The guardian robot responded.

Williams immediately discovered the blind spot,"If the order of the highest authority administrator conflicts with the law, how to execute the order?"

"Will be implemented in accordance with legal provisions."The guardian robot responded truthfully.

Williams frowned and said with an example,"Suppose two criminals are robbing a convenience store, how would you handle this?"

"The system will first determine the threat level of the robbery. If the criminal who carries out the robbery does not hold a firearm, the system will use conventional means to stop it."Guardian robot responded

"If a criminal possesses a firearm and threatens the victim's life, the system will select an execution plan based on the degree of threat."The guardian robot added in the answer.

Williams asked further,"If illegal people attack you, what will you choose?"

"When the system is attacked, the system will counterattack the non-lethal parts of the criminal and notify the police to deal with it."The guardian robot responded.

Williams asked again,"What if the robbers want to attack convenience store employees?"

"If a criminal attempts to attack the victim, the system will analyze the current status of the criminal and the system status. If the system can prevent the criminal from committing an illegal act, such as shooting the criminal's arm holding a gun, the system will stop the criminal."Guardian Robot Description

"If the system determines that there is no other way to stop the illegal person except killing the illegal person, the system will make the killing choice based on the order of the highest authority administrator."The guardian robot added.

Williams spoke of a more extreme situation,"If the highest authority administrator does not authorize the kill order, and you encounter the most critical situation, what should you choose?"

"The rescue will be carried out in accordance with the"Good Samaritan Act" of the Bald Eagle Federal Court, and the criminals will be killed and the police will be called to wait for the police to handle the follow-up matters."Guardian robot responded

"Friendly reminder, the Guardian robot has built-in legal provisions of the Bald Eagle federal court, as well as the legal provisions of the Bald Eagle state courts. When the highest authority administrator's orders conflict with legal orders, legal provisions will take priority."Guardian robot prompts

"When the highest authority administrator does not set specific commands and the system encounters a crisis situation, it will still be executed in accordance with the relevant provisions of Bald Eagle federal law and state law."The Guardian Robot added.

After the Guardian Robot explained the situation, Williams lamented that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group was too meticulous in the logical safety of the Guardian Robot. The first execution rule of the Guardian Robot was actually completely Refer to Bald Eagle federal laws and state laws, rather than the orders of the highest authority administrator.

In this way, the Bald Eagle Court's restrictions on Guardian robots can be avoided to the greatest extent, and companies that use Guardian robots can also feel at ease. Williams ordered,"Can you take out the other nine guardian robots?"

"Please wait."The guardian robot responded, and then without using any tools, the first guardian robot easily took out the other nine guardian robots.

Williams authenticated the highest authority administrator one by one. He asked inquiringly,"How should I set up administrators with other levels of authority?"

The first guardian robot responded,"The administrator with the highest authority only needs direct commands to set up administrators with other authority."

"What are the differences between administrators with three permissions?"Williams asked again

"The highest authority administrator can set the kill order, the other three levels of administrators cannot set the kill order, and the senior administrator can deny the order of the low-level administrator."The first Guardian robot explained.

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