Xia Kingdom, the imperial capital.

At less than four o'clock in the afternoon, Amgen Xia Guo representative Eric Watt took Edwin Black and Jonas Longman to the headquarters of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Edwin Blake and Jonas Longman are competing for the position of security director. This time they went to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to visit the demonstration of the security robot, which was one of the tests for them.

At the headquarters of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Hao Zhipeng, the chief scientist and person in charge of the Guardian Prosthetic Framework Project, received the three people.

Eric greeted enthusiastically,"Hao Gong, have you completed the security robot?"

Hao Zhipeng responded affirmatively,"Of course!"

After responding, Hao Zhipeng looked at Edwin and Jonas, and he asked casually,"They Are these two testers you brought?"

? ? ?

Eric said he had a lot of question marks.

What testers?

What is the other person saying?

Although Eric is confused, since Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is willing to let their people join the test, isn't that a better thing?

Besides, Edwin and Jonas will be in charge of Amgen's security department in the future, so what's the problem with letting them participate in the testing of security robots?

"Yes, Mr. Hao, they are testers arranged by our company. Eric responded affirmatively, and then introduced Edwin and Jonas.

Considering that Hao Zhipeng and Eric spoke Xia Mandarin, neither Edwin nor Jonas were very good at Xia Mandarin. , so they could only be confused. While waiting for Eric's introduction, the two parties greeted each other.

"follow me!"Hao Zhipeng said in greeting.

Eric asked Edwin and Jonas to follow Hao Zhipeng.

Hao Zhipeng walked in front and led the way. He led the three people to the venue of the Guardian Prosthetic Framework Project Team. In the middle of the venue stood ten people. A security robot, one of which is a test prototype.

The test prototype has removed a full set of combat uniforms, and the silver metallic primary color has a shiny feel under the light.

Ten brand-new security robots are wearing full combat uniforms, including tactical gloves and Tactical boots, just from the appearance, it is no longer possible to tell that they are robots, but more like fully armed and strong humans.

Eric and the other three carefully observed the test prototype and then observed the ten security robots.

Hao Zhipeng introduced the three to them He said,"This is a security robot produced by our company. We named it the Guardian robot. The Guardian robots we provide you are all prototypes. As for the full combat uniform currently worn by the Guardian robot, it does not include in the accessories list.

Eric responded without caring at all,"It's okay, we will equip ourselves with combat uniforms.""

In fact, Eric doesn't want to dream about the combat uniforms equipped by the Graphene Technology Group in the future. Their Amgen company can customize the combat uniforms themselves and print the Amgen company's logo on the combat uniforms.

Edwin is using the bumper on the side. Xia Guoyu asked,"Excuse me...their clothes...How to replace?"

Hao Zhipeng struggled to understand Edwin's question. He switched directly to English and responded,"The guardian robot can change its equipment by itself. Let me demonstrate it to you."

"Guardian activated!"Hao Zhipeng raised the volume.

The ten guardian robots that were originally on standby were activated immediately. Each guardian robot was seen in a 'resting' posture, indicating that these guardian robots were officially activated.

"Replace with spare equipment! Hao Zhipeng ordered.

The cross-guard robots immediately obeyed the order. They went to the prepared wardrobe on the left in an orderly manner, and then took out the spare combat uniforms from the wardrobe one by one, and quickly changed and put them on.

The whole process No accident occurred to any of the Guardian robots. They completed the instructions to change combat uniforms as quickly as humans.

When the Guardian robots changed into a full set of combat uniforms, Hao Zhipeng explained to Eric and the others,"These Guardian robots can all Recognize commands via voice and also send commands remotely"

"If you want to use voice commands, you need to bind administrator rights in advance. I have already bind administrator rights in advance. They can recognize my voice and only follow my commands. Your commands will be ignored."Hao Zhipeng added.

When the cross guardian robot stood in front of Hao Zhipeng in the 'rest' posture again, Eric and the other three were already looking at these guardian robots with bright eyes.

"Hao Gong, can we further test their comprehensive capabilities? Eric asked.

Hao Zhipeng replied with a smile,"Even if you don't tell us, we will demonstrate their comprehensive capabilities for you one by one.""

"we design..."Hao Zhipeng paused for a moment. Although it was copied from the military intact, the military gave it full authorization, so there should be no problem saying it was designed by them, right?

"The guardian robot we designed has very powerful functions that will definitely surprise you!"Hao Zhipeng explained in advance.

Eric responded with a smile,"We'll see!"

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