"Our first test was Crisis Rescue."Hao Zhipeng explained

"What is crisis relief?"Eric asked if he didn't understand.

"You will find out if you come with us! Hao Zhipeng greeted and led the way.

Hao Zhipeng took Eric and the others to the external parking lot of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and ten guardian robots in combat uniforms also followed.

In the external parking lot, Hao Zhipeng pointed out Introducing three hard-core off-road vehicles, he said,"The standard weight of each Guardian robot is 1200Kg. We have modified these off-road vehicles so that they can carry the Guardian robot."

Conventional off-road vehicles are indeed unable to carry the Guardian robot.

Of course, if someone says that the Unimog's maximum load is 9500Kg, then Hao Zhipeng has nothing to say.

After all, the price of an off-road vehicle like the Unimog is How expensive?

Hao Zhipeng took Eric and the others onto a BMW X5 and added,"If you are a bald eagle, I suggest you use a pickup truck as a vehicle for the guardian robot."

"why?"Eric immediately asked back

"You can also modify a vehicle-mounted weapon platform on the back of the pickup truck to facilitate the operation of the guardian robot from behind!"Hao Zhipeng said matter-of-factly.

Eric had a helpless look on his face, and he complained,"Hao Gong, our bald eagles are not Africa. It is Africa that needs such transformation."

"oh oh! Hao Zhipeng was slightly embarrassed,"I'm sorry, I have never been to Bald Eagle. I read the news about you in the past two days, and I thought the situation there was..."

At this point, Hao Zhipeng hesitated to speak. This hesitant attitude was not very harmful but extremely insulting.

Eric immediately changed the subject,"Hao Gong, can those security robots drive by themselves?"

"Legally it's not possible, but we applied in advance for this test, so there's no problem."Hao Zhipeng explained.

According to the status of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, coupled with the advanced technology of the Guardian robot, what is the problem with letting the Guardian robot drive?

Besides, who can see that the fully armed Guardian robot is Robot?

Hao Zhipeng drove the car in front himself, and three modified off-road vehicles followed. Eric, Edwin, and Jonas were all observing the situation of the three off-road vehicles behind them. They wanted to see the Guardians The situation of the robot driving autonomously.

However, the guardian robot drove the car very well. They followed Hao Zhipeng silently without any dangerous driving or causing any traffic accidents.

Almost an hour later, Hao Zhipeng drove to a It was an abandoned factory building.

When Eric got out of the car, the movie scene of the gray trading place involuntarily appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but ask,"Hao Hao, what are we testing here?"

Hao Zhipeng responded,"As I said at the beginning, we will test our crisis rescue capabilities.""

"Mr. Edwin, Mr. Jonas, come with me."Hao Zhipeng gave instructions in English.

Edwin and Jonas followed Hao Zhipeng to a bungalow without knowing why.

Hao Zhipeng introduced,"This used to be a grain storage warehouse. Because of its age, it has been eliminated and is waiting for demolition. reconstruction"

"Where we are now is the former management offices."Hao Zhipeng added the introduction, and then he ordered the guardian robot,"Bring the rope here."

A guardian robot brought a black nylon bag and handed it to Hao Zhipeng.

Hao Zhipeng opened the nylon bag, took out the nylon rope inside and handed it to Eric,"One of us will tie up Edwin and Jonas."




Whether it is Eric, Edwin, or Jonas, all three of them are full of doubts.

Hao Zhipeng explained,"Since we want to test crisis rescue, of course there must be a target to be rescued, Ed. Aren’t Mr. Wen and Mr. Jonas testers?"

"..."Eric couldn't complain, so this was the tester Hao Zhipeng asked about in the first place?

Why is this tester different from the tester he imagined?

Eric took a deep breath and said hello,"Edwin, Jonas, don't worry, I believe Hao Gong must be measured."

What else can Edwin and Jonas do?

Of course I have no choice but to accept it.

In less than two minutes, Hao Zhipeng and Eric used nylon ropes to tie Edwin and Jonas to chairs in the management office of the grain reserve warehouse.

Hao Zhipeng asked Eric to leave the management office. When the two walked out, Eric found something wrong outside the management office because there were piles of dry branches and a large number of old newspapers around the management office.

More importantly, Hao Zhipeng took a bottle of transparent liquid from a guardian robot, opened it and splashed the transparent liquid on the dry branches and newspapers.

"Hao Gong, what are you doing? Eric asked nervously.

Hao Zhipeng didn't answer at all. He just took out a box of matches, then lit a match and threw it into the dry branches.

As soon as the match touched the dry branches, it burned with a light blue flame.

"Faco! Eric raised his voice,"Hao Gong, what are you doing?""

"Of course it's on fire! Hao Zhipeng responded calmly,"We are testing the crisis rescue capabilities of the Guardian robot!""

Crisis rescue?

Eric couldn't complain. This is creating a crisis even if there is no crisis, right?

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