Facing An Liang's inquiry, Eric hesitantly asked,"Isn't it a problem of the proliferation of guns?"

"How long have you been in Xia Country? An Liang did not answer Enric's question.

Eric answered truthfully,"I came here in 2008, and this year is already the thirteenth year.""

"How is the public security environment in our Xia Kingdom?"An Liang asked again

"very good! Eric answered affirmatively,"I think the public security environment in Xia Country is the best in the world, so I immigrated my family here. I am also planning to marry my girlfriend in Xia Country. I will stay in Xia Country in the future." country. Eric continued to explain,"If Bald Eagle can implement a complete gun ban like Xia Country, I think the security environment of Bald Eagle can be greatly improved."

However, Anliang responded negatively,"It's impossible!" Let’s not talk about the difficulty of banning guns. Even if you Bald Eagle bans guns, criminals can still easily obtain guns through various channels."

Eric didn't refute

"Northern Bear Country doesn't ban guns just like you Bald Eagles, but why are there so few shootings in Northern Bear Country?"An Liang asked back.

Eric couldn't understand this question either.

"Mr. An thinks why there are so few shooting incidents in the North Bear Country?"Eric asked back

"On the face of it, the gun control laws in polar bear country are very different from those of you bald eagles."An Liang first analyzed the surface

"You Bald Eagles do not ban handguns, only automatic weapons, such as automatic rifles and so on." An Liang explained.

In fact, Bald Eagle did not even ban automatic weapons at first. It was not until 1986 that the bill was updated to ban automatic weapons.

However, if it is an automatic weapon registered before 1986, it is not restricted.

Bald Eagle Automatic rifles before 1986 and even automatic heavy machine guns often appear at gun auctions.

"The Bear Country's Firearms Control Act prohibits handguns but not rifles."An Liang added

"If we explain from the superficial reasons, there are fewer shooting incidents in the Northern Bear Country, that is because the ban on handguns has made it more difficult to conceal guns and avoid sudden attacks using small handguns. An Liang said jokingly.

Eric was a smart man, so he asked,"Mr. An doesn't agree with this analysis?""

"Of course I don’t agree! An Liang responded,"This kind of analysis is okay to deceive laymen, but if you think deeply, you will understand that there are problems with this logic.""

"Still using your Bald Eagle example, whether it was the Niguel Community Club shooting case or the Yonkers Elementary School shooting case, the perpetrators used illegal automatic rifles, not handguns that were good at concealment."An Liang explained.

Eric seconded,"That's true."

"The ultimate reason for the frequent shooting incidents of your bald eagles is because you are bald eagles!"An Liang said the answer.

Eric hesitated,"I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Your Bald Eagle society is full of segregation and not really integrated."An Liang added

"Take New Yao Ke as an example. New Yao Ke has the Onsass community, the Niguel community, the Neon community, Chinatown, Nanyue Street, and all kinds of messy communities."An Liang explained

"This segregated society naturally creates seed discrimination and breeds seedists."An Liang added

"In the live video of the shooting at the Nigel Community Club, the murderer killed 19 Nigels. This is typical seed discrimination!"Anliang analysis

"Look at the shooting at Yonkers Elementary School. All 49 people killed were Onsace. Who can believe it if you say this is not retaliation for racial discrimination?"An Liang asked back.

Eric had no intention of refuting, because there was no way to refute An Liang's words.

"Look at the messy churches, gangs, and mentally ill guys in Bald Eagle. All of these people have access to guns. Isn’t it true that no one is aware of the problem?"An Liang teased

"Looking at the various serious shooting incidents in your Bald Eagle, it is either a problem of seed discrimination, a problem of church beliefs, a problem of gang outlaws, or a problem of mental illness."An Liang listed the problems

"When these problems are combined, they form a shooting problem that you cannot solve. In addition, you cannot solve the problem of banning guns, so this is an endless cycle."An Liang concluded.

The Bald Eagle shooting incident is indeed an endless cycle.

To solve shooting cases, we must first solve the proliferation of guns; to solve the proliferation of guns, we must ban guns nationwide; if we want to ban guns nationwide, we must pass the review of the House of Representatives. The gun ban bill.

However, it is impossible for the legislators supported by the gun trafficking arms group to pass the gun ban bill through the House of Representatives.

So this is an endless cycle.

Even if there is a serious shooting incident, the bald eagle cannot solve the problem of gun proliferation. It is even more impossible to simply implement a nationwide gun ban.

After all, it is a free bald eagle!

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