While Anliang was thinking about how to solve the matter in Guria, the masterminds behind Bald Eagle and Da'ao were also thinking about how to target Anliang. After careful thinking, the masterminds found an excellent way.

That is: only magic can defeat magic!

Since An Liang used a trumpet to respond to their public opinion, they can also open a trumpet to continue to target Anliang, and when using the trumpet, they can make some things more straightforward.

Just like An Liang used a trumpet to express that Da'ao was included in the no-sale area of ​​Miracle Salvia Pills, the official blog account of Anxin Life Sciences Group naturally cannot express such an attitude, but the trumpet doesn't matter, right?

Because they found a way to defeat the magic, the Bald Eagle and the mastermind behind the Great Australian Country immediately began to take action.

The man behind the scenes first established an account called"Confidential Perspective" and then used this account to publish new information on Weibo.


《The moth hiding in the darkness: the scourge of the country! 》

First of all, let’s introduce the relevant situation of the scourge of the country [Anliang]. He is the person behind Anxin Investment Company, the person behind the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the Dream Future Energy Group, the Crown Import and Export Trading Company, and Anxin Life. The actual controller of huge business groups such as Science Group.

This person is a notorious seedist, and his business group was influenced by this person to implement a series of seed discrimination and regional discrimination.

For example, this person's Crown Import and Export Trading Company promoted the blockade of the wine industry in Da'ao, directly cleared the share of Da'ao's wine exported to Xia, and finally transferred it to the Spanish market.

This person also promoted the blockade of Weiming Island, which made the people of Weiming Island miserable.

As for the price discrimination strategy implemented by Anxin Life Sciences Group under this person, it is already the most common thing and is completely the most basic operation of this person.

In addition, this person also planned a new energy war against the Bald Eagle US stock market, which led to the most chaotic situation in the history of the Bald Eagle US stock market.

At present, Bald Eagle and Da'ao Country have begun planning to target this person, and may even target Xia Country because of this person. It can only be said that this person is a disaster to the country and a disaster to the people!


The mastermind behind Bald Eagle and Da'ao used a trumpet plan to first expose An Liang's identity and reveal part of the operations of An Liang's business entities, thereby attracting public attention.

But can magic really defeat magic?

Normally, magic does defeat magic.

But An Liang possesses super magic at the level of forbidden spells. How could the bald eagle and the small fireball of Da'ao defeat An Liang?

When the man behind Bald Eagle and Da'ao tried to reveal An Liang's identity on Weibo, the Tianji artificial intelligence system immediately scanned the corresponding information and intercepted it directly.

《The moth hiding in the darkness: the scourge of the country! 》Although this news was released, under the operation of Tianji artificial intelligence system, this post was set up with a browsing plan visible only to the author, and this setting was a hidden setting, and the mastermind behind the scenes did not know at all.

So a fantastic scene occurred. Although the people behind Bald Eagle and Da'ao released public opinion information against An Liang, it could not be seen by the majority of netizens.

After almost half an hour, the masterminds behind the scenes found that there was no movement. They finally realized that there was a problem, and then prepared to promote it.

However, when they first started promoting it, this message was directly deleted by the Tianji artificial intelligence system.

Within Weibo’s network system security mechanism, the authority to delete posts increases as the popularity of the information increases.

To put it simply, if you want to delete a hot search-level message, it will definitely be noticed by Weibo officials. After all, that is the official Weibo purse.

But if you just delete a piece of unpopular information, there is no problem at all.

The information released by the mastermind behind Bald Eagle and the Great Australian Country has no popularity at all, so deleting it will naturally not be any difficult.

When the masterminds discovered that the information they posted had been deleted, they once again tried to release information against An Liang, but when they posted it, the Tianji artificial intelligence system directly deleted the other party's account.

Magic does defeat magic!

It's just that An Liang's magic defeated the magic of the mastermind behind the scenes.

The Xia Kingdom is An Liang's main battlefield. Whether it is the Tianji Artificial Intelligence System, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, or the Wanshi Shengyi Organization, they protect An Liang's private information anytime and anywhere.

On the Internet, there is no image information of Anliang so far.

How could the masterminds from Bald Eagle and Da'ao country target Anliang in his main battlefield?

That is definitely wishful thinking!

It can only be said that the masterminds behind the scenes were a little too naive. They naively thought that magic could defeat magic and used Anliang's methods to defeat Anliang.

However, Anliang had already made all preparations!

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