After Bald Eagle and the masterminds behind the Da'ao country tried several times to publish negative information against An Liang on the Xia Kingdom Internet and failed, they finally realized An Liang's strength on the main battlefield.

In view of this situation, the mastermind did not continue to target Anliang in Xiaguo Internet, because the mastermind behind the scenes has proven through practice that it is impossible to target Anliang in Xiaguo Internet.

So, the mastermind directly changed the battlefield!

The mastermind behind the scenes directly started to create public opinion information against Anliang and the Bingshan Empire on Face overseas, and then forwarded the relevant information to Xia domestically through 'enthusiastic netizens', and translated it into Xia Mandarin in a 'considerate' way.

However, the content about Anliang forwarded by these 'enthusiastic netizens' was quickly deleted again, but the information about Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Anxin Life Sciences Group, and Crown Import and Export Trading Company was not deleted.

This situation was also discovered by the mastermind behind the scenes, who quickly changed the target plan, directly deleted the information about Anliang, and only targeted Anliang's business groups.

In fact, this is a solution that is worse than blocking.

If An Liang completely denies the public opinion attack by the mastermind behind the scenes, then the mastermind behind the scenes will definitely target Anliang's private information overseas.

As long as the mastermind behind the scenes is given an attack point, the mastermind behind the scenes will let An Liang's private information go.

That's why An Liang allowed the other party to expose some corporate information.

Da'ao World News even released the big news on the front page of the official website.


《Internal news from Da'ao: Warning to Xia not to play with fire and burn yourself! 》

Recently, Da'ao has been repeatedly attacked and suppressed by the Xia Guo Business Group, causing some industries in Da'ao to be extremely seriously affected.

Take the wine industry as an example. In 2019, the total volume of wine exported from Da'ao to Xia Guo reached 121 million liters, and the total export volume exceeded US$800 million.

However, due to the malicious attack and suppression by Xia Crown Import and Export Trading Company, this part of the wine trade share has been transferred to the Spanish Peninsula, causing the wine industry in Australia to suffer losses of at least more than 1 billion US dollars.

Followed by the pig industry and seafood industry, these two industries were also maliciously attacked and suppressed by the Crown Import and Export Trading Company. The losses in the two industries exceeded at least 4 billion US dollars.

What is even worse is the news that the current price increase in shipping business faced by Australia is also driven by Crown Import and Export Trading Company behind the scenes.

In view of this situation, Da'ao State severely condemned the Xia Crown Import and Export Trading Company and hoped that the Xia Kingdom's court would conduct an anti-monopoly investigation against the Crown Import and Export Trading Company.

In addition to Crown Import and Export Trading Company, which is maliciously targeting the country of Australia, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Anxin Life Sciences Group are also maliciously targeting the country of Australia.

Taking Anxin Life Sciences Group as an example, our heart disease patients in Australia have applied for places in the second phase clinical trial of Anxin Life Sciences Group’s Miraculous Danshen Pills, but there has been no response so far.

The malicious targeting of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is even more obvious. We in Australia cannot purchase any core products from Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

We call on Crown Import and Export Trading Company, Anxin Life Sciences Group, and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to stop maliciously targeting Australia.

Otherwise, our country, Australia, may initiate countermeasures.

Corresponding countermeasures include but are not limited to increasing the prices of iron ore, copper ore, and coal.

We will continue to follow up on this matter


Da'ao World News is one of the mainstream news media in Da'ao. They not only published the above information on the front page of the official website, but also promoted this news on the Face social network.

In response to this piece of news, there were naturally"enthusiastic netizens" who forwarded it to Xia Guo's Internet and also"caringly" translated it.

The Tianji artificial intelligence system immediately reminded Anliang to check this piece of information.

After An Liang quickly read this message, he showed a sneer. This message finally exposed the true thoughts of the mastermind behind Bald Eagle and Da'ao.

It turns out that Da'ao wants to throw the blame away!

Although Da'ao has clearly informed Xia that it will raise the price of iron ore, Da'ao is not prepared to take the blame. Instead, it throws the blame on An Liang, saying that it is because of the pressure from Anliang that Da'ao has It caused heavy losses, so the price of iron ore was raised.

This black pot is huge!

Da'aoguo's idea is very simple. Even if the relationship between Anliang and Xia Guo cannot be separated through this act of throwing blame, it can at least confuse public opinion and establish the image of Da'aoguo as the victim.

An Liang also had to secretly praise Da'aoguo's tea art skills.

After all, after this blame-shifting operation, there are always some stupid or bad guys who believe in Da'ao's tricks and believe that the price increase of Da'ao's iron ore is due to Crown Import and Export Trading Company.

However, An Liang had no intention of responding.

Because An Liang knew very well that any response now would be ineffective.

The opponent has learned magic attacks, and ordinary responses have no effect.

We can’t let Crown Import and Export Trading Company resume trade exchanges with Australia, right?

It is also impossible for Renyi Security Company to sell its core products to Da'ao.

It is even more impossible for Anxin Life Sciences Group to treat Australian patients equally!

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