Facing An Liang's inquiry, Bian Xiaogang immediately responded,"I want three research subjects, including the previous research subject with particularly good results."

Bian Xiaogang added,"The previous research subject with particularly good results was Huang The boss's paralyzed employee is named Shan Xiaoli. Through our experiments, this person has got rid of his paralysis and his physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people."

"OK! An Liang said in agreement,"Let me tell Boss Huang"

"Thank you, Mr. An! Bian Xiaogang said quickly with thanks.

An Liang responded with a knock,"There are some things that you should pay attention to. Human life is at stake, do you understand?""

"clear! Bian Xiaogang answered affirmatively,"Mr. An, don't worry. For any experiment we do that involves dangerous projects, we will first conduct animal experiments, starting with white mice. After the white mice pass, we will also conduct experiments on experimental monkeys." Do experiments, and then do human experiments"

"Just be aware of it!"An Liang sighed.

This Bian Xiaogang always likes to cross boundaries and always likes to do things secretly, and An Liang doesn't have a good way to deal with it.

In addition, those experimental subjects have problems, such as Shan Xiaoli, Before he participated in Bian Xiaogang's experiment, he suffered a spinal fracture and total paralysis. He was completely in a state of being a disabled person.

If he did not participate in Bian Xiaogang's experiment, Shan Xiaoli would only be a disabled person for the rest of his life.

So for Shan Xiaoli , Bian Xiaogang's experiment not only has no problems, but is his hope.

In addition, with Golden Tai Sui as the final backup, although Bian Xiaogang's approach has some problems, the final result will definitely not be too bad.

An Liang and Bian Xiaogang hung up the voice communication, and Zhao Wanxi asked with concern,"Who made you angry again?"

"An expert from Anxin Life Sciences Group, that Shabu always likes to cross the border and cause trouble! An Liang complained.

Zhao Wanxi replied with a smile,"Is it Professor Bian Xiaogang?""

"Um?"An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi in confusion. How did she know about Bian Xiaogang?

Zhao Wanxi said without hiding anything,"Uncle Huang told me. Professor Bian is very famous in the National Security Investigation Bureau. Many people call Professor Bian a miracle doctor."

Is the miracle doctor okay?

"..."An Liang is speechless

"You go on, I have something to do with Lao Huang."An Liang was not going to say more about Bian Xiaogang, because it was not suitable to talk too much about Bian Xiaogang.

Zhao Wanxi was sensible and did not ask any more questions. She continued to communicate with Ning Ruoshuang about yoga.

An Liang sent Huang Guoxiang a message information

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, how do you arrange Shan Xiaoli now?’

‘Huang Guoxiang:? ? ?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What happened to Shan Xiaoli?’

‘An Liang: He has been bribed by us!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I believe you!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Do you want to poach someone?’

‘An Liang: Forget it!’

‘An Liang: I'm afraid you'll take the opportunity to plant nails in’

‘An Liang: We still need Shan Xiaoli to cooperate in research’

‘Huang Guoxiang: No problem!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: But I have a condition’

‘An Liang: You said’

‘Huang Guoxiang: This time I want ten places’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I will arrange ten people for you to help solve the problem.’

‘An Liang: That’s impossible!’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, you think so well!’

‘Anliang: Up to three places’

‘An Liang: In addition to Shan Xiaoli, I will give you three more places.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Add some points?’

‘An Liang: No more!’

‘An Liang: Either there are only three places, or we go to Tyrande and capture three people.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you talking about criminal behavior so openly?’

‘An Liang: So you agree?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: In order to prevent you from embarking on a criminal path, I can only agree.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: When do you want these people?’

‘An Liang: You inform them today and I will arrange for someone to come and take them to Shengqing tomorrow.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: No problem!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: One more question, what are you planning to do?’

‘An Liang: Don't ask me, ask that bitch Bian Xiaogang, he does trouble every day!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Since it’s a matter of Dr. Bian, I’m relieved’

‘An Liang:...’

What does it mean?

For everything Bian Xiaogang did, it was An Liang who took the blame, right?

After An Liang and Huang Guoxiang finished talking, he continued to check the relevant information about Guiya. The next most important thing was to fight for control of Guiya.

As long as we gain control of Guria, we can solve the iron ore crisis.

However, the situation in Guria is indeed a bit too corrupt, and the Bald Eagle has an absolute advantage in Guria. No matter from any aspect, Anliang seems to be defeated, and there is not even any chance to break the situation.

But An Liang knows one truth very well. If you don't do some things, the success rate is zero. As long as you work hard for it, you will have a slight success rate.

Even if the success rate is only one in a thousand, one in ten thousand, or even one in one hundred thousand, isn't it still higher than zero?

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