The only problem with the cold chain transportation project is the biggest problem, because the initial investment is too huge!

At first glance, the cold chain transportation project seems simple. However, after thinking about it carefully, you will understand how huge the cold chain transportation project is and how huge the corresponding investment will be.

In An Liang and Zhao Wanxi's plan, the cold chain transportation project is actually very large. After all, it involves the rational distribution of materials across the country, balancing prices, and reducing residents' living costs.

The entire cold chain transportation project can be dismantled into the following branch projects:

First: Starting end cold chain warehouse

Second: Cold chain transportation vehicles

Third: Sales end cold chain warehouse

It seems very simple, but the branch projects still need to be Continue to refine.

The work of the cold chain warehouse at the beginning seems to be simply collecting local materials, but in fact there is a lot of work.

For example, local specialties include spinach, lettuce, and tomatoes, and the pig breeding industry is very developed.

The local products for external sale are spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, and pork.

Then here comes the problem!

Is the initial cold chain warehouse simply a middleman service provider, only helping local stores store materials and providing transportation services, or does it directly act as a local wholesaler to purchase these materials?

No matter which option is chosen, the initial cold chain warehouse still needs to store the corresponding materials.

‘The word"storage" is simple to say, but not so simple to do.

Taking spinach as an example, how should these spinach be stored?

Before storage, quality testing is also required, including pesticide residues, heavy metal residues, toxic substances testing, etc.

After the inspection is completed, it needs to be stacked and sorted, such as packing into boxes to facilitate subsequent transportation.

In the transportation link, materials also need to be transferred from the initial cold chain warehouse to cold chain transportation vehicles. Whether to use automated machinery or human resources in this link requires careful consideration.

In fact, the matter of the initial cold chain warehouse is still very simple. How to arrange the cold chain transportation network covering the entire Xia Kingdom is the big problem.

Because how many cold chain transport vehicles are needed to cover the entire Xia Kingdom's cold chain transport network?

After these cold chain transport vehicles are put into use, what should be done with the former transport vehicles?

Are there enough freight drivers to operate so many cold chain transport vehicles?

Or by dreaming about the future of Graphene Technology Group developing autonomous driving systems?

Coupled with the coordination of cold chain transport vehicles covering the country, as well as material allocation and other issues, the complexity of this link has skyrocketed.

As for the work of the cold chain warehouse on the sales side, it is the simplest, at least among the three branch projects.

However, whether it is the starting-end cold chain warehouse or the sales-end cold chain warehouse, they still have an important job, which is to reserve a certain amount of materials to cooperate with Xia Guo in adjusting prices.

For example, we reserve pork to effectively control the price of pork, so that the price of pork is neither too high nor too low, and remains within a reasonable range.

These tasks can be very complex.

If the work is just complicated, it can be solved. After all, hard work pays off.

No matter how complex the task is, it can be slowly broken down into simple tasks to effectively solve the problem.

The really difficult problem to solve is the funding problem!

Think about the cold chain storage warehouses all over the country, and then think about the cold chain transportation vehicles covering the entire Xia Kingdom. How much capital is needed?

There are currently 661 city-level regions, more than 1,600 county-level regions, and more than 37,000 townships in the country.

Even if township areas are ignored and cold chain warehouses are built targeting municipal and county-level areas, more than 2,200 cold chain warehouses are needed nationwide.

If large rural areas are included, the number of cold chain warehouses is expected to be around 2,300 to 2,400.

Shengqing has a cold storage with a capacity of 235,000 tons, plus a cold storage with a capacity of 50,000 tons under construction. The comprehensive investment has reached 2.8 billion Xia Guoyuan.

Although this cold storage has a supporting commercial area, it can also be seen that the construction cost of the cold storage is very high.

If the cost of the commercial area is excluded, the construction cost of each 10,000 tons of cold storage capacity can be reduced to approximately 80 million yuan.

However, when the cold chain transportation project is implemented, this cost should be further reduced due to the advantages of large-scale.

But even so, based on the scale of 500,000 tons in municipal areas and 200,000 tons in county-level areas, the total scale of cold chain warehouses in municipal areas reaches 330.5 million tons, and the scale of cold chain warehouses in county-level areas also exceeds 320 million tons. Ton.

If the construction cost of each 10,000-ton cold storage is calculated as 80 million Xia Guoyuan, then the total cost of the cold chain warehouse alone exceeds 5 trillion Xia Guoyuan.

Feel sorry!

No matter Anliang, Tiantian Baiyujing Club, or the four first-tier companies in the Imperial City Circle, none of them can afford it, and the combined profit of the three is less than half.

However, this is only a preliminary estimate. After the cold chain transportation project is actually implemented, every city-level and county-level area, including township-level areas, will have personnel conduct surveys to collect statistics on the local material situation and then plan the scale of cold storage construction.

For example, some county-level areas are poor in materials and basically do not need to sell materials to the outside world, so there is no need for a 200,000-ton cold storage.

For another example, the demand for materials in some municipal areas is huge, and the scale of cold storage will exceed 500,000 tons.

The specific scale of the cold chain warehouse still needs to be investigated before a detailed result can be given. The current data is only a preliminary estimate.

In addition, the construction cost of the cold chain warehouse is only a small part of the cold chain transportation project. What really consumes the funds is the cold chain transportation vehicles covering the entire Xia Kingdom.

The investment in these cold chain transport vehicles is the truly terrifying thing!

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