An Liang understands the nature of money very well.

So after Anliang made huge profits through Anliang's investment, he began to put the money to work.

Whether it is the dream of a future graphene technology group, a safe life, a dark core technology company, or an overseas agricultural planting base project being planned, they are all practical plans for making money.

"I believe everyone knows the Superman family on Hongkang Island, right?"An Liang asked.

There was a lot of laughter in the venue. After all, who doesn't know about the Superman family on Hongkang Island?

"In 2018, Mr. Superman began to sell assets in the Xia Kingdom on a large scale and then purchased assets in the British Empire. What do you think about this?" An Liang asked casually.

Hu Xiaoyu spoke first,"I think this is not good. He is too pursuing interests and has forgotten his last name.

An Liang nodded in agreement,"Xiaoyu is right!""

"Some people may think that my views are a bit narrow. After all, capital has no national boundaries. What’s wrong with capital pursuing profits?"installSaid jokingly

"But I believe that the members of our club are all smart people, so everyone should seriously think about it, is there anything wrong with pursuing profits?" An Liang asked.

This time Li Cunyuan chose to speak. He turned on the microphone and responded,"I think the right and wrong of pursuing interests depends on the situation."

"Take the Superman family as an example. They are bearish on the economy of our Xia Kingdom, so they sell off the assets of the Xia Kingdom and then purchase assets in the British Empire. This is an inappropriate pursuit of profits."Li Cunyuan's qualitative explanation

"Taking Brother Liang as an example again, we can form a sharp contrast with the Superman family. Brother Liang has many opportunities to pursue profits, but Brother Liang is always willing to share the profits."Li Cunyuan raised his hand An Liang

"Some people may argue that Brother Liang shares benefits for certain purposes, but for people who think this way, why don't they think further about whether Brother Liang is still willing to share when he becomes a towering tree?"Li Cunyuan raised his hand again and said An Liang

"Let’s take this new energy war in the US stock market as an example. How much profit did Brother Liang share?"Li Cunyuan asked a question

"Everyone knows the interest rate Xiaoyu charges for borrowing money, right?"Li Cunyuan added.

Hu Xiaoyu answered,"My previous plan for borrowing money from abroad was for a maximum period of 100 days, with a profit rate of 3%. The bank's mortgage interest rate was 2.1%, and the period was also 100 days."

"Let's assume that if Brother Liang collects money within the club at an interest rate of 5% based on a cycle of 100 days, or 50 days, or even 30 days, will everyone be willing to lend money to Brother Liang?"Li Cunyuan put forward a hypothesis.

Lin Yili was the first to support it,"If Brother Liang borrows money according to these conditions, I will definitely lend it to Brother Liang. I can borrow as much as Brother Liang wants. After all, it is a matter of making a profit without losing money."

Ye Xiangyu seconded the words,"I will also support Brother Liang. After all, it is 5% of the profit, and the longest is only 100 days. This kind of financial management project can't be grabbed even if you take the lead! Hu

Xiaoyu seconded,"I will also support Brother Liang. I will still have to mortgage and borrow money to support Brother Liang as I do now. Anyway, I can make the difference!""

A large number of members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club are also asking themselves. The answer they got is the same as what Ye Xiangyu said. They will also support Anliang. The yield is 5%, and the longest period is 100 days. Such a financial management project is really hard to grab. Arrive!

Li Cunyuan spoke again,"If Brother Liang chooses to pursue interests, then Brother Liang can operate as assumed, but why didn't Brother Liang choose to pursue interests?"

"We have 5% interest and will also support Brother Liang. Don’t you deny this?"Li Cunyuan added.

This is also true!

Even if there is only 5% interest, the members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club will still support An Liang

"Ahem, Brother Yuan, stop bragging. I will be proud. I am even considering following the plan that Brother Yuan said next time. An Liang said jokingly.

Li Cunyuan praised him cooperatively,"No, no, no, no, brother Liang, I beg you!""

"Let's get back to the point."An Liang stopped joking, brought the topic back, and then took the initiative to say,"Although Brother Yuan's example is a little problematic, there is no problem in the general direction."

"There is nothing wrong with pursuing interests, but there must be a bottom line when pursuing interests. Capital does not have national boundaries. For example, we have reaped a lot of benefits in the US stock market this time, but we have national boundaries. We are Xia people, and we should support Xia instead. Lost in the ocean of capital!"An Liang raised his voice.

"I admire Mr. Superman’s capital acumen and investment vision. He predicted the risks in advance and avoided his own losses. This is indeed worthy of praise."An Liang praised him first.

"However, I object to the way Mr. Incredible pursues profits. Mr. Incredible is a typical example of someone who has lost his way in the ocean of capital."An Liang said with a sigh.

"If you analyze the risks and directly avoid them, you are not a businessman at all, but a speculator. A real businessman should not be a speculator!"An Liang said righteously.

Businessmen are businessmen, and speculators are speculators. The two cannot be confused!


Author Jun: Happy Labor Day!

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