Sonoda Kono is the head of the Wind and Thunder Team under the Deserted Village Action Team. Just like Kishijima Maple's guess, this time is indeed not an escort operation for important personnel, but a secret transportation operation.

However, there was something obviously wrong with this secret transportation operation, which led to the leak of secrets.

"Sir Okamura, we are under attack!"After Sonoda Outline contacted Okamura Ueno, he immediately reported the attack.

"Who attacked you?"Okamura Ueno was surprised

"The identity of the attackers cannot be determined at the moment. All the attackers wore full-coverage motorcycle helmets, used high-powered motorcycles, were also equipped with pistols with silencers, and may have been wearing body armor."Detailed report on Sonoda's outline

"Please Okamura please investigate the situation based on this information, especially for high-horsepower motorcycles. Whether such things are sold through regular channels, second-hand market sales, or even smuggled sales through overseas channels, they will definitely leave traces, and some clues will definitely be found.."Sonoda Kobi analyzed calmly.

Okamura Ueno responded affirmatively,"Okay, I will arrange for someone to investigate right away. How is your situation?"

"We are speeding towards Winter Kyoto. Please ask Mr. Okamura to arrange personnel to meet us and prepare the Melon Plan in advance. If the attacker is too powerful, we can only execute the Melon Plan."Sonoda's outline explains the situation

"receive."Okamura Ueno responded.

On the reverse road about ten kilometers north of Kyoto in winter, five heavily modified black Lexus off-road vehicles were driving quickly, followed by seven or eight high-horsepower motorcycles. Facing the high-horsepower motorcycles Following the tracking, Sonoda Kono had never thought about fighting back, because the Lexus off-road vehicles they drove had been deeply modified. Whether it was the body, the windows, or even the tires, they were all treated with high-strength bulletproof treatment.

Those unidentified It is impossible for the silenced pistol used by the attacker to break through the bulletproof glass or bulletproof car body, so there is no need to risk a counterattack.

In the opposite lane, the flexibility of a high-horsepower motorcycle far exceeds that of an off-road vehicle, and the acceleration of a high-horsepower motorcycle is It also surpassed the off-road vehicle.

The two high-horsepower motorcycles easily caught up with the rear defense vehicle, but before they were about to attack, the driver of the rear defense vehicle directly turned the steering wheel and used the bulletproof body of the off-road vehicle to hit the vehicle. A high-horsepower motorcycle knocked the high-horsepower motorcycle to the ground and caused sparks to fly.

This situation made other high-horsepower motorcycles that were tracking have some scruples. After all, they could not break the bulletproof body, and those off-road vehicles found ways to deal with it. Their method.

In an unknown room in Corea, HRM received a report from GRM

"Our interception operation is in trouble!"GRM reported the specific situation.

"Didn't those idiots prepare more powerful weapons? HRM asked back.

GRM responded negatively,"Neon completely bans firearms. We only prepared pistols.""

"Let those idiots intercept the target at all costs!"HRM issued a death order.

But GRM responded with a wry smile,"I'm afraid it's unlikely. The other party just accepted our employment. Knowing that it means death, the other party will definitely not accept such an order."

"Assi! HRM angrily went out of the country to curse,"Notify those trash to temporarily cancel the operation and track and monitor the target. We let the Dragon Slayer Warrior guys fight against the target. We strive to reap the benefits of the fishermen.""

"OK"GRM responded, but in fact GRM did not believe that there was such an opportunity.

It is a pity that their Desperate Hell Organization does not have its own field operators, let alone allow field personnel to carry out a mission of nine deaths.

When GRM passed on the order , the group of people who were originally tracking Sonoda Tsune immediately left the main road.

Sonoda Tsune watched the high-powered motorcycles that were following behind leave the main road. He breathed a long sigh of relief, and then immediately contacted Okamura Ueno again.

"Mr. Okamura, the attackers have left, but we are worried that the other party has another conspiracy, so we still hope to get support and prepare the Melon Plan."Pastoral outline reports the situation

"In addition, I hope Mr. Okamura will contact the Metropolitan Police Department to handle the traffic accident on Beilin Road."The pastoral outline was added.

Okamura Ueno responded affirmatively,"Don't worry, I have contacted the Traffic Division of the Metropolitan Police Department to handle the matter on Beilin Road. I have also arranged an emergency support team. They will be responsible for supporting you and providing you with combat effectiveness. support"

"Thank you, Mr. Okamura."Pastoral Outline breathed a sigh of relief.

"For His Majesty the Emperor!"Okamura Ueno responded seriously

"For His Majesty the Emperor!" Tianyuan Outline also replied seriously.

However, just after Tianyuan Outline shouted the slogan, he encountered new troubles, because the Dragon Slaying Warriors organization was also ready to attack!

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