In the joint invasion confidential communication channel, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, 99Event, and Yuan Hao reached an agreement to temporarily stay out of the matter and observe what actions the Despair Hell and Dragon Slaying Warriors organizations are taking.

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan sent the relevant information to the No. 2 manager of Renyi Security Company.

The No. 2 manager is responsible for the management of large and small intelligence of Renyi Security Company, especially the intelligence in the real world, so the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan sent the information to ask for relevant information.

Less than five minutes later, Manager No. 2 responded to the message.

‘No. 2: We found no relevant information at Neon’s branch.’

‘No. 2: Our secret agent Kishijima Maple sent back information stating that the intelligence you discovered was not [VIP Escort Operation]】’

‘No. 2: According to the information provided by Kishijima Maple, the Neon Royal Family’s VIP escort operation will be more open, safer, and more grand.’

‘No. 2: Kishijima Maplewood guessed that this operation should be the secret operation team of the deserted village operation group, and it was most likely to escort important items.’

‘Number 4: Okay, we will continue to pay attention’

‘No. 2: We have begun to mobilize field personnel from the Neon Branch and are ready to provide you with field support at any time.’

‘No. 4: Received’

‘No. 4: Try to carry out the field work according to the highest level. I'm worried that those two organizations will cause big trouble!’

‘Number 2: If they do something big, BOSS will be happy’

‘No. 2: It’s a pity that we are not escorting VIPs, otherwise...’

‘No. 4: What a pity indeed! '

It is impossible for Anliang to personally plan the assassination, because after Anliang breaks the rules of the game, others will break the rules of the game, and that is a very bad thing.

So if the Hell of Despair or the Dragon Slaying Warrior did something that broke the rules of the game, it would have nothing to do with An Liang, and it would naturally make An Liang happy.

Unfortunately, according to the judgment of Kishijima Maple, a former member of the Deserted Village Action Team, the convoy formation found in the security monitoring system was not a VIP escort operation.



HRM monitored Sonoda Yusui and his group in the security surveillance system. He asked through a wireless headset,"Have you not found out the arrangements for the dragon-slaying warrior yet?"

"Under investigation..."GRM responded,"Our field personnel have not found the Dragon Slayer Warriors' field personnel. We suspect that the Dragon Slayer Warriors are preparing to attack inside Winter Kyoto.""

"These lunatics! HRM frowned,"Ignore them and others, let's take action first and intercept the target outside Winter Capital.""

"You are responsible for handling the security monitoring system. Handle it during the next road safety monitoring system so that the target disappears from the security monitoring system. I will instruct the field personnel to solve the problem before the target enters the road safety monitoring system again."HRM describes the plan

"receive."GRM responded.

In the north of Winter Kyoto, about 13 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Winter Kyoto, a large trailer truck suddenly lost control and stopped sideways in the middle of the road, stopping the vehicle behind it.

Sonoda Outline Team The five black Lexus modified bulletproof vehicles were naturally stopped.

"What's going on ahead?"Sonoda Outline immediately asked the leading vehicle at the front.

The driver of the leading vehicle immediately reported,"There was a car accident with a large trailer. It should be due to ice accumulation on the surface. All vehicles have been intercepted so far."

"Everyone be alert!"Sonoda Outline reminded.

When Sonoda Outline reminded, the last anti-tail truck issued a reminder,"There are multiple suspicious targets in the rear. The suspicious targets are high-horsepower motorcycles. The drivers wear full-coverage motorcycle helmets. , suspected to be wearing a body armor, please be careful."

However, just after the anti-tail truck issued a warning, two motorcycles had already arrived next to the anti-tail truck. On the motorcycle on the side of the driver's seat, the person sitting behind the driver took out a pistol with a silencer and aimed at it. Lexus fired directly from the driver's seat

""Puff, puff, puff~"

The sound of the pistol with a silencer was very low, and it was well hidden in the stopped and congested traffic.

However, the person responsible for driving the Lexus was safe, because these Lexus have been modified with advanced bulletproof, and the bulletproof glass offset it. pistol attack

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Attention everyone! The anti-tail truck was attacked!"The driver of the anti-tail truck issued a reminder.

Sonoda Kono quickly reminded,"Everyone, pay attention! Try to keep yourself safe! Immediately force a breakout and implement backup plan"



The people in the other four vehicles responded in the affirmative, and then drove the highly modified Lexus to drive away the vehicle next to them, and went directly into the opposite lane to escape.

Those high-horsepower motorcycles naturally followed them. They were hired Of course, the field staff in the hell of despair could not easily let go of the target. So the two sides launched a pursuit on the reverse lane. Chaos suddenly appeared on the reverse lane, causing car accidents from time to time.

Even if it had caused continuous There were many car accidents, but Sonoda Kono had no intention of stopping. While leading his team members to force a breakout, he contacted Okamura Ueno, and he was ready to seek reinforcements. After the originally low-key secret operation was exposed, Sonoda Kono did not fight alone at all. Meaning, he just wants to wait for reinforcements while ensuring safety!

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