When the high-powered motorcycles they were following disappeared, Pastoral Outline took the convoy out of the opposite lane to avoid causing more traffic accidents.

However, just when Tianyuan Outline led the convoy to leave the opposite lane and enter the branch road, it was locked by the drone of the Dragon Slayer Warriors organization.

The drones of the Dragon-Slaying Warriors organization locked onto the convoy of Tianyuan Outline. By predicting the route in advance and adding a little bit of road blocking, the Dragon-Slaying Warriors organization successfully intercepted a secret transport convoy composed of five black Lexus off-road vehicles.

"Pastoral team leader, our retreat is blocked by a large truck behind us."The anti-tail truck issued a prompt.

The pilot vehicle also issued a prompt,"The situation ahead is the same, we are blocked by a large truck."

"Be careful!" Pastoral Outline reminded,"This is definitely an attack on us!"

In fact, this is true!

When two large trucks intercepted the secret transport convoy one after another, a dozen strong men wearing black balaclavas filed out of the two large trucks.

Pastoral Outline observed those people from a distance The strong men wearing black hoods, what made him slightly relieved was that these people seemed to have no firearms.

But the next moment Tianyuan Outline knew that he had thought too well!

Because those strong men wearing black hoods took out Chainsaw, they obviously knew these Lexus SUVs were bulletproof, so they chose to use a chainsaw to cut

"Everyone is ready to break out!"The Pastoral Outline issued orders through the radio.

If it is an attack with firearms, you can also rely on the bulletproof body to delay the time, but when faced with things like chainsaws, the bulletproof body is not particularly safe.

However, when the members of the secret transportation operation When he was about to fight, the roar of high-powered motorcycles came, and the attackers who had just left turned back again.

When Tianyuan Outline found out that the attacker had returned, his face was very ugly. This was considered a leak in the house overnight. Rain?

But the next moment the pastoral outline found new hope!

Because the attackers who returned did not attack them this time, but attacked the strong men holding chainsaws. The pistols equipped with silencers made a dull gunfire It may not be able to deal with the bullet-proof body and bullet-proof glass, but when faced with the human body, it is still a murderous weapon. In just ten seconds, more than ten strong men were killed on the spot, and the two trucks blocking the road had already seen The attackers, who were wearing full-coverage motorcycle helmets, quickly left after dealing with the strong men.

The driver of the anti-tail truck issued a prompt,"Team leader Tianyuan, the obstacle vehicles behind have left."

The pilot car also sent out the same prompt.

Faced with this dramatic and lucky situation, Tianyuan outline had some ideas in his mind. He first ordered the pilot car to remove the obstacles, and then concealed all the operators and implemented a covert plan..

In fact, Tianyuan Outline has always suspected that there is a spy. Why were they targeted? That’s why Tianyuan Outline implemented a hidden plan that only he knew.

After the hidden plan was executed, Tianyuan Outline issued an order,"Everyone remains alert. Continue towards the target location."

Then Tianyuan Outline contacted Okamura Ueno again and quickly reported the situation just now, but Tianyuan Outline concealed the secret plan.

"Mr. Okamura, I suspect that we are being targeted by multiple forces!"A very rational analysis by Tian Yuan.

Okamura Ueno seconded the affirmation,"The first batch of attackers should be worried that the second batch of attackers will break through your defenses, so the first batch of attackers helped you deal with the second batch of attackers."

"That's what I guessed too!" Tianyuan Outline was a little tired. He hesitated for a moment before tentatively asking,"Our actions...It seems that many people know about it?"

Okamura Ueno knew the subtext of the pastoral outline, and he responded negatively,"Our headquarters has not leaked any information."

"Our action team did not leak any intelligence!"Tian Yuanzhi answered in the affirmative.

Okamura Ueno sighed,"As for the leak, we will investigate it carefully later. The first priority now is that you arrive safely."

"I recommend starting Project Melon straight away."Pastoral Outline Makes Suggestions

"Two groups of attackers have appeared so far. I am worried that there will be other attackers. I am even more worried that the second group of attackers will directly reveal our intelligence after being defeated by the first group of attackers." Pastoral Outline added.

"Mr. Okamura, I believe you should know which organization has infiltrated our Neon. If that organization knows the information and gets involved, I believe it will be very troublesome."Tianyuan Outline reminded.

Okamura Ueno hesitated for a while before responding,"I can't make a decision whether to start the Melon Project. I need to contact His Excellency Prince Hongyue."

"please hurry! Tian Yuan outline urged,"I have a very bad premonition in my heart.""

"No problem, I will contact His Excellency Prince Hongyue immediately."Okamura Ueno replied.

Tian Yuanzhi hung up the phone with anxiety. After experiencing the first group of attackers 'helping' to deal with the second group of attackers, Tian Yuan Yunzhong was indeed filled with an uneasy feeling.

Especially the first group of attacks. After dealing with the second group of attackers, the attackers left in a hurry, without even trying to inherit the second group of attackers' plan to use chainsaws to destroy the bulletproof vehicle.

After all, according to the previous situation, if the first group of attackers chose to inherit The plan of the second group of attackers is actually very likely to succeed!

So why don't the first group of attackers inherit the plan of the second group of attackers?


Author: I wish you all a happy New Year, all the best in the Year of the Tiger, happiness to your family, and success in your career!

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