An Liang's office is very regular. There is no secretary's office, no hidden door in the closet, no hidden lounge and bathroom.

For those who say,"Secretary has something to do, nothing to do haha", An Liang just wants to say that times have changed!

It’s 2020 now, do you still want to dream about thirty years ago?

In this new era, the bosses' routines have long since changed. Real secretaries are basically elites who are truly talented, practical, hard-working and hard-working.

As for the kind of secretary that I used to be, I have now transformed into a 'life assistant'.

After all, the secretary has access to too much confidential information of the company. If the relationship with the secretary is not handled well, wouldn't it be asking for trouble?

So Anliang's office really doesn't have any fancy design, it's just a simple office.

In the reception area of ​​An Liang's office, An Liang dropped his Louis Vuitton shopping bag and took out two Patek Philippe 4948R-001 watches from the Louis Vuitton messenger bag he carried with him.

"Here, the gift I brought back from the Imperial Capital."An Liang took out Patek Philippe 4948R-001, put it on Xia Hexin first, and then put it on Xia Ruyi as well.

"Oh, and there are two pens."An Liang also took out the pen.

"Thanks. Xia He thanked her heartily.

Xia Ruyi said coquettishly,"Thank you, brother-in-law.""

"Yo ho?"An Liang raised his eyebrows, is this little goblin starting again?

On the sofa in the reception area, An Liang is sitting in the middle, Xia Hexin is on the left, Xia Ruyi is on the right, there are only three of them in the office, Xia Ruyi still dares to provoke?

An Liang He hugged Xia Ruyi unceremoniously and kissed her.

Xia Ruyi panicked for a moment, but the next moment she was kissed by An Liang, she completely relaxed and even took the initiative to hug An Liang in response.

Xia Hexin looked at her face from the side Blushing, she didn't know what to do for a moment.


She was unwilling to do so.

If she left, wouldn't it have made An Liang and Xia Ruyi happy?

Besides, An Liang's left hand was still holding her, so she didn't want to leave. There was no way to escape.

In addition, Xia Hexin also knew that Anliang would not let her go.

And that was indeed the case!

Anliang first taught Xia Ruyi a lesson, and then Xia Hexin also taught him a lesson, before leaning back on the sofa with satisfaction , he still hugged Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin

"Ruyi, do you want more skin in the future? An Liang asked with a hum.

Xia Ruyi hummed,"I want more!""

"you still want?"An Liang smirked.

Xia Ruyi immediately understood the ambiguity in her words, but she didn't show any weakness,"I still want it. Have you seen this joke?"

"Duanzi and I are different!"An Liang said confidently.


Want more?

Want more!

The situation of this joke is invalid for dual-talented warriors. The combat effectiveness of dual-talented warriors is very strong.

"Blow whatever you want!"Xia Ruyi hummed.

Xia Hexin's true character was more docile. She leaned on An Liang's shoulder and listened to the bickering between An Liang and Xia Ruyi.

"You will know. An Liang hinted wildly.

Xia Ruyi leaned into An Liang's ear and said,"Come on!""

This little goblin!

An Liang said that his aunt could bear it, but his uncle couldn't!

But looking at Xia Hexin next to him, An Liang said he could bear it.

An Liang and the Xia sisters rested for a while, and he patted them,"You guys Let's take a rest in my office for a while. I'll go deal with the company's affairs."

"good."Xia Ruyi agreed.

Xia He nodded heartily.

An Liang kissed each other again, then stood up and left the office, heading to Fan Ping's office.

The three talents previously prompted by the Life Winner system were Bao Youzhong, the former executive director of HSBC Hongkangdao Branch. , Hao Chongming, the former actuary of Citibank Hongkangdao Branch, and Louis Simon, the former financial director of JPMorgan Chase on Wall Street, all came to the headquarters of Anxin Investment Company.

Fan Ping had already had preliminary exchanges with them, and the results were very satisfactory.

All three of them It's the talent reward provided by the Winner of Life System. Can you still be dissatisfied?

An Liang walked into Fan Ping's office. Fan Ping immediately introduced the three people to An Liang, and the two parties began to communicate around the establishment of a bank on Maicon Island.

In An Liang In the office, Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi were looking at the Patek Philippe 4948R-001 watch on their wrists.

"Sister, this watch is very beautiful!"Xia Ruyi praised.

Xia Hexin nodded, and she sighed softly,"So what should we do now?"

"What do you mean?"Xia Ruyi asked in confusion.

"What on earth are we to do about him?"Xia Hexin thought further.

"ah? Xia Ruyi was confused,"What else can we do? We can just share it!"

Xia Hexin looked at Xia Ruyi,"Are you willing?""

"Could it be that my sister doesn’t want to? Xia Ruyi asked back.

Xia Hexin shook his head,"You understand what I mean.""



"Not just Baiyue. Xia Hexin said calmly.

Xia Ruyi responded with a smile,"It's not just the white moon, it's not just the white moon. Anyway, we don't know. According to the rounding calculation method in mathematics, it's equivalent to nothing!"

Xia Hexin was amused by Xia Ruyi,"You really don't care?""

"Does sister care?"Xia Ruyi asked back.

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