On the 88th floor of Building 1, China International Financial Center, Anxin Investment Company.

In An Liang's office, the two sisters from the Xia family were discussing shared issues.

Facing Xia Ruyi's question, Xia Hexin fell into confusion for a while,"I don't know the answer.""

"Sister, I have read a very interesting statement."Xia Ruyi said

"What remarks?"Xia Hexin asked

"Something about the average man being thankful for the institution of monogamy."Xia Ruyi explained,"If it weren't for the monogamy system, if it weren't for this prosperous age, I'm afraid many ordinary men would be single!"

Xia Ruyi continued,"In fact, in this prosperous era, due to the highly developed information caused by the Internet, sharing is not an uncommon thing."

"Aren’t there many similar situations in Douyin and Kuai Dao videos? Xia Ruyi explained.

Xia Hexin frowned,"Most of them are fake, right?""

"If we engage in Douyin and Kuai Dao with him, will it also be regarded as fake and just a script? Xia Ruyi asked back.

Xia Hexin thought about it for a while, and based on An Liang's energy, I'm afraid it should be directed in the direction of the script.

In fact, Xia Hexin had discovered the problem before. They and An Liang were together in a high-profile manner at school. But apart from the campus walls of both parties, there is no information about them in the public Internet?

This is actually the silent contribution of Renyi Security Company No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

Tianji Shensuan controls regional Internet information and generates network artificial intelligence through GAN-AI confrontation. The intelligent system retrieves information related to An Liang, and once it is relevant, it will be controlled.

Regarding Xia Ruyi's shared remarks, if An Liang knew about it, he would even have a whole set of fallacies.

As Xia Ruyi said, in this era, information Information is highly developed, which has made many people's horizons higher. Even ordinary people have become wild!

It's about 5 points, 1 point for makeup, 1 point for beauty, and 1 point for filters. , and finally believed that only men with 10 points are worthy of her.

This situation has caused a sharp decline in the competitiveness of ordinary men.

Because these existences who are poisoned by Internet messages would rather share than find an ordinary man.

For ordinary men , even saying"I love you" at a wedding is actually not confident.

What kind of love do ordinary men have?

Only rich and handsome people like An Liang have love!

Otherwise, Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and scumbags like Qian Xiaogang also have love.

But their unified symbol is money and leisure.

Otherwise, why should they have love?

Take the profession of online novel writers as an example. Most of the practitioners in this profession do not have holidays and have to work very long hours every day. I don’t even dare to get sick.

The conversations among professionals who wrote online novels that were revealed on the Internet are very sad.

One of the conversations is:

‘Blue: Writing novels is really not something people do. I even thought about hurrying up and hurrying up. After all, I haven’t finished typing the words yet.’

‘Shehai: My girlfriend told me that I learned to code in one day. She went out with other people to play while I was still coding. '

There are many situations like this!

For example, programmers are also the hardest hit areas.

Love essentially requires care.

Why should we hope for love when we have no money and no time?

It's just that some people don't understand this.

Once you understand this truth, you will know why some girls would rather share love than be with ordinary people.

Especially those very pretty girls.

Are they really stupid?

This is the cake and shit theory.

Would you rather share the cake with a few people, or have the shit all to yourself?

Need more to say about the answer?

The problem that Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin encountered was also the same problem. Xia Ruyi understood it earlier, and Xia Hexin also understood it, but she was still hesitating.

"Sister, you think so much! Xia Ruyi gave an example,"Have you heard about Zheng Fang in Class 4?"

Xia He sighed,"I know.""

Zheng Fang from Class 4 of the Education Department of Tianfu Normal University was the class beauty. She refused Gao Fushuai to fall in love with her classmate, but she ended up not cherishing him.

"Her boyfriend doesn't study, plays games every day, doesn't accompany her, and doesn't have any ambition, right? Xia Hexin said. Some people work hard all their lives but can't compare to others' starting line or something."

Xia Hexin frowned

"So what’s the point of such exclusivity?"Xia Ruyi sighed.

Xia Hexin also sighed.

Such exclusivity is really meaningless!

Xia Ruyi continued,"I don't care if he has other girlfriends, as long as he treats me well."

Speaking of this, Xia Ruyi looked at Xia Hexin,"Sister, is he not good enough for us?

Xia Hexin recalled what An Liang had done for them, and she nodded lightly,"I understand!""

"What if my sister lets me go first? Xia Ruyi said boldly.

After thinking about it, Xia Hexin refused directly,"Sister first!""

"snort! Xia Ruyi snorted,"I won't let you!""

"But my chances are better."Xia Hexin chuckled. She was about to go out to practice as a substitute teacher. The school also arranged a single apartment. She felt that it was the right time and the right place!

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